A minimalist Typescript library for interacting with the Open Libra blockchain.
npm install open-libra-sdk
// Uses LibraWallet for common account operations
import { LibraWallet, Network, addressFromString } from 'open-libra-sdk'
const MNEM = "your mnemonic..."
// For mainnet, just initialize with your mnemonic
const wallet = new LibraWallet(MNEM);
// optionally, connect to a local testnet, by adding vars
// const wallet = new LibraWallet(MNEM, Network.TESTNET, 'http://localhost:8280/v1');
// check your connection to the fullnode
const ledgerInfo = await wallet.client?.getLedgerInfo();
console.log("block height:", ledgerInfo?.block_height);
// get the account's state from chain
await wallet.syncOnchain();
// parse an address which you'd like to send a tx to
const addressObj = addressFromString(
// use the transfer helper function
const tx = await wallet.buildTransferTx(addressObj, 100);
// wait for the result
const res = await wallet.signSubmitWait(tx);
if (res.success == false) {
throw "Tx fails"
You may not need to instantiate a wallet to check the chain status. Below you can check you can connect to a fullnode, and get the API index with latest block info
import { Libra, Network } from 'open-libra-sdk'
// for mainnet
const libra = new Libra();
// local testnet
const libra = new Libra(Network.TESTNET, 'http://localhost:8480/v1');
const ledgerInfo = await libra.getLedgerInfo();
You can define a Type, and the Libra.getResource will coerce the type in typescript
// import { Libra } from 'open-libra-sdk'
const libra = new Libra(Network.TESTNET, 'http://localhost:8280/v1');
interface Coin {
coin: {
value: number;
const res = await libra.getResource<Coin>(
// alice
if (res.coin.value == 0) {
throw "no coin found"
// You can construct the wallet object for offline (cold wallet)
// cases as well as online wallets to update state and submit transactions
// simple case: cold wallet, where no key rotation happened
const coldWalletFromMnem = new LibraWallet(MNEM);
console.log("address:", coldWalletFromMnem.getAddress().toStringLong());
// set specific private key and address: in case of key rotation
const addressObj = addressFromString("0xDECAFC0FFEE");
const pkey = new Ed25519PrivateKey(
const coldWalletWithKey = new LibraWallet(
console.log("other address:", coldWalletWithKey.getAddress().toStringLong());
const mainnetHotWallet = new LibraWallet(
console.log("fullnode url:", mainnetHotWallet.client?.config.fullnode);
// Online wallet, using testnet
const testnetHotWallet = new LibraWallet(
// Get the latest account state.
// Checks if key is rotated and update the LibraWallet.onchainAddress
// will also update to the most recent sequence number found on chain
// plus if the authentication key was changed
await testnetHotWallet.syncOnchain()
.then(() => {
console.log("sequence number:", testnetHotWallet.txOptions.accountSequenceNumber);
Using the same wallet function above you can build arbitrary "entry functions" which call onchain smart contracts.
// ... continued from above
const tx = await testnetHotWallet.buildTransaction("0x1::ol_account::transfer", [
// address string (here's a good practice to check address parsing)
// number of coins
const t = await testnetHotWallet.signSubmitWait(tx);
if (t.success == false ) {
throw "Tx failed"
Or use the transfer
helper for simple account transfers.
// ... continued from above
// remember to update the account sequence number like so:
await testnetHotWallet.syncOnchain();
// send another transaction
const tx2 = await testnetHotWallet.buildTransferTx(
const res2 = await testnetHotWallet.signSubmitWait(tx2);
if (res2.success == false) {
throw "Tx failed";
There's a known issue when executing using bun
. Calling a fullnode with an https
url API will fail. Since http/2 is not fully developed in bun
as of 1.2.2.
NodeJS (with npm, yarn, pnpm) does not appear to produce this error. Deno is untested.
Look in the ./examples
folder for commonjs, Node, and typescript imports of the module.
In a common JS file you can import the sdk to manage wallets and query the chain. See the minimal example:
const libraSDK = require('open-libra-sdk');
const main = async () => {
const mnem = libraSDK.generateMnemonic();
console.log("Generate a mnemonic:\n");
console.log(mnem, "\n");
let coldWallet = new libraSDK.LibraWallet(mnem);
const mainnetWallet = new libraSDK.LibraWallet(mnem, "mainnet", libraSDK.MAINNET_URL);
const ledgerInfo = await mainnetWallet.client.getLedgerInfo();
Start a containerized testnet with docker etc.
This repo contains a tests/support/container/compose.yml
which will create a three node testnet with production binaries.
# with npm/yarn/bun:
bun run testnet
bun run testnet-down
## call docker directly with:
cd tests/support/container
docker compose up --detach --timeout 600
docker compose down
is the default Node/JS/TS runtime for OL development.
bun install
bun test
End to end tests will start a local testnet before each test, and requires docker
be installed.
The examples references in README.md must all be tested at: ./tests/e2e_tests/docs.tests.ts