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base repository: 10REM/php-garmin-connect
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: v1.0.4
Choose a base ref
head repository: 10REM/php-garmin-connect
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: master
Choose a head ref
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
language: php
sudo: false

- 5.5
- 5.6
- 7.0
- 7.2
- 7.3
- 7.4
- nightly

- php: hhvm
dist: trusty
- php: nightly
fast_finish: true

- composer self-update
- composer install --no-interaction

- ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=phpcs.xml -s src
98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]

## [v1.7.0] - 2021-05-19

### Changed

- Documentation updated thanks to @AnneWielis
- Better authentication failure message thanks to @AnneWielis
- Travis PHP compatibility additions thanks again to @AnneWielis (should have had your own release really!)

### Fixed

- Connector has additional gzip encoding and useragent options set via CURLOPT to resolve #51

## [v1.6.0] - 2021-03-02

### Added

- New "mystery" header added to each curl request, required to prevent HTTP 402 responses. Thanks to @pygoubet for this addition, and thanks to @e7andy for identifying the new header

## [v1.5.0] - 2020-09-02

### Added

- Ability to download .fit files in ZIP format (thanks @evanbarter)

## [v1.4.0] - 2020-08-14

### Added

New methods:

- getWorkoutList()
- createWorkout()
- deleteWorkout()
- createStepNote()
- scheduleWorkout()
- getSleepData()

## [v1.3.1] - 2020-02-19

### Fixed

- Compatibilty fixes for PHP 7.2 (thanks @amyboyd)

## [v1.3.0] - 2019-10-23

### Added

- getWellnessData() method now provides the ability to ... get ... wellness ... data :D

## [v1.2.0] - 2019-04-29

### Fixed

- `getActivityTypes()` had it's endpoint URL fixed, so is now working again.

### Added

- Can now call `getActivityList()` with an optional third parameter, which is a string representation of the activity type
that is returned in the `getActivityTypes()` method. README and example updated, please check for instructions.

## [v1.1.2] - 2019-04-29

### Added

- Changelog!

### Fixed

- Some of the endpoint URLs have changed, so have updated them wherever possible.

## [v1.1.1] - 2019-04-27

### Added

- Snooping of _csrf value from login form, and now passing it to login POST
- Additional optional parameter to Connector::post() method, allowing you to pass the referer (required as part of the authentication)

### Changed

- Some general tidy up of coding standards
- Composer refresh

196 changes: 175 additions & 21 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ $arrCredentials = array(
try {
$objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);

$objResults = $objGarminConnect->getActivityList(0, 1);
$objResults = $objGarminConnect->getActivityList(0, 1, 'cycling');
foreach($objResults->results->activities as $objActivity) {
@@ -49,12 +49,21 @@ The library implements a few basic API functions that you can use to retrieve us

| Method | Parameters | Returns |
| ----------------------- | -------------------- | --------------------------- |
| getActivityTypes() | - | stdClass |
| getActivityList() | integer $intStart, integer $intLimit | stdClass |
| getActivityTypes() | - | Array |
| getActivityList() | integer $intStart, integer $intLimit, string $strActivityType | stdClass |
| getActivitySummary() | integer $intActivityID | stdClass |
| getActivityDetails() | integer $intActivityID | stdClass |
| getDataFile | string $strType, integer $intActivityID | string |
| getUsername | - | string |
| getUser | - | string |
| getWellnessData | string $strFrom, string $strTo | string |
| getWeightData | string $strFrom, string $strTo | string |
| getSleepData | | string |
| getWorkoutList | integer $intStart, integer $intLimit, bool $myWorkoutsOnly, bool $sharedWorkoutsOnly | string |
| createWorkout | string $data | string |
| deleteWorkout | integer $id | string |
| createStepNote | integer $stepID, string $note, integer $workoutID | string |
| scheduleWorkout | integer $id, string $payload | string |

### getActivityTypes()

@@ -77,27 +86,28 @@ try {

#### Response

stdClass Object
[key] => road_biking
[display] => Road Cycling
[parent] => stdClass Object
[key] => cycling
[display] => Cycling
[0] => stdClass Object
[typeId] => 1
[typeKey] => running
[parentTypeId] => 17
[sortOrder] => 3

[1] => stdClass Object
[typeId] => 2
[typeKey] => cycling
[parentTypeId] => 17
[sortOrder] => 8

[type] => stdClass Object
[key] => cycling
[display] => Cycling


### getActivityList(integer $intStart, integer $intLimit)
### getActivityList(integer $intStart, integer $intLimit, string $strActivityType)

Returns a stdClass object, which contains an array called results, that contains stdClass objects that represents an activity. It accepts two parameters - start and limit; start is the record that you wish to start from, and limit is the number of records that you would like returned.
Returns a stdClass object, which contains an array called results, that contains stdClass objects that represents an activity. It accepts three parameters - start, limit and activity type; start is the record that you wish to start from, limit is the number of records that you would like returned, and activity type is the (optional) string representation of the activity type returned from `getActivityTypes()`

#### Example

@@ -223,6 +233,7 @@ Returns a string representation of requested data type, for the given activity I

|Type | Returns |
|---- | ------- |
|\dawguk\GarminConnect::DATA_TYPE_FIT | Original .fit file, zipped |
|\dawguk\GarminConnect::DATA_TYPE_GPX | GPX as XML string |
|\dawguk\GarminConnect::DATA_TYPE_TCX | TCX as XML string |
|\dawguk\GarminConnect::DATA_TYPE_GOOGLE_EARTH | Google Earth as XML string |
@@ -262,3 +273,146 @@ Returns a string representation of requested data type, for the given activity I

### getWorkoutList(integer $intStart, integer $intLimit, bool $myWorkoutsOnly, bool $sharedWorkoutsOnly)

Returns an array of stdClass objects.

#### Example

try {
$objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);
$obj_results = $objGarminConnect->getWorkoutList(0, 10);
} catch (Exception $objException) {
echo "Oops: " . $objException->getMessage();

#### Response


"workoutId": 12345678,
"ownerId": 12345678,
"workoutName": "1.5h run",
"description": null,
"updateDate": "2020-04-20T15:26:05.0",
"createdDate": "2020-04-20T15:26:05.0",
"sportType": {
"sportTypeId": 1,
"sportTypeKey": "running",
"displayOrder": 1
"trainingPlanId": null,
"author": {
"userProfilePk": null,
"displayName": null,
"fullName": null,
"profileImgNameLarge": null,
"profileImgNameMedium": null,
"profileImgNameSmall": null,
"userPro": false,
"vivokidUser": false
"estimatedDurationInSecs": null,
"estimatedDistanceInMeters": null,
"poolLength": 0.0,
"poolLengthUnit": {
"unitId": null,
"unitKey": null,
"factor": null
"workoutProvider": null,
"workoutSourceId": null,
"consumer": null,
"atpPlanId": null,
"workoutNameI18nKey": null,
"descriptionI18nKey": null,
"exerciseCriteria": null,
"shared": false,
"estimated": true

### createWorkout(string $data)

Returns a JSON object of the created workout.

#### Example

try {
$data = '';
$objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);
$obj_results = $objGarminConnect->createWorkout($data);
} catch (Exception $objException) {
echo "Oops: " . $objException->getMessage();

#### Response

{"workoutId":204516560,"ownerId":80242598,"workoutName":"Testing 1, 2, 3...","description":null,"updatedDate":"2020-04-20T16:06:19.0","createdDate":"2020-04-20T16:06:19.0",...}

### deleteWorkout(integer $id)

Deletes a workout from the Garmin website and returns no content.

#### Example

try {
$objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);
$obj_results = $objGarminConnect->deleteWorkout(593520370);
} catch (Exception $objException) {
echo "Oops: " . $objException->getMessage();

### createStepNote(integer $stepID, string $note, integer $workoutID)

Creates a new note and attaches it to a step. No content is returned from Garmin - 204.

#### Example

try {
$data = '';
$objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);
$obj_results = $objGarminConnect->createStepNote(593520370, 'Hello World', 123456789);
} catch (Exception $objException) {
echo "Oops: " . $objException->getMessage();

### scheduleWorkout(integer $id, string $data)

Creates a new event on your calendar and returns a JSON object as the response.

#### Example

try {
$data = '';
$objGarminConnect = new \dawguk\GarminConnect($arrCredentials);
$obj_results = $objGarminConnect->scheduleWorkout(593520370, $data);
} catch (Exception $objException) {
echo "Oops: " . $objException->getMessage();

#### Response

{"workoutScheduleId":305583643,"workout":{"workoutId":204503966,"ownerId":80242598,"workoutName":"3h run","description":null,"updatedDate":"2020-04-20T15:26:06.0","createdDate":"2020-04-20T15:26:06.0","sportType":{"sportTypeId":1,"sportTypeKey":"running", ...}
33 changes: 19 additions & 14 deletions composer.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
"name": "dawguk/php-garmin-connect",
"description": "A PHP adapter for interrogating the Garmin Connect \"API\"",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.0"
"license": "MIT",
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"include-path": ["src/"]
"name": "dawguk/php-garmin-connect",
"description": "A PHP adapter for interrogating the Garmin Connect \"API\"",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.0",
"ext-curl": "*",
"ext-json": "*"
"license": "MIT",
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"include-path": ["src/"],
"require-dev": {
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "2.8.*"