整个框架由内置命令和platform组成, 自带的指令集合用于快速生成常规代码。
Code generation tool for golang
dolphin [command]
Available Commands:
assert Generate Go code that statically implements input filesystem
build Build from the configuration file
clean Remove temp file, such as *.go.new
help Help about any command
more Add controller and table
new New a empty project
reverse Inversion of the data model
serve Serve api document
-h, --help help for dolphin
Use "dolphin [command] --help" for more information about a command.
$ dolphin new hello
$ tree hello
├── app.properties
├── Dockerfile
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── README.md
└── xml
├── application.xml
├── bean
│ └── article_info.xml
├── controller
│ └── article.xml
├── rpc
│ └── article.xml
└── table
└── article.xml
$ dolphin build
$ tree hello
├── api
│ ├── app.auto.go
│ ├── app.go
│ └── article.go
├── app.properties
├── Dockerfile
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── k8s
│ ├── configmap.yaml
│ ├── destinationrule.yaml
│ ├── gateway.yaml
│ ├── ingress.yaml
│ ├── pvc.yaml
│ ├── service.yaml
│ ├── statefulset.yaml
│ ├── tls.yaml
│ └── virtualservice.yaml
├── main.go
├── README.md
├── rpc
│ ├── article.cli.go
│ ├── article.go
│ └── proto
│ ├── article.pb.go
│ └── article.proto
├── script
│ ├── apis
│ │ ├── article.js
│ │ └── index.js
│ └── request.js
├── sql
│ ├── article
│ │ ├── article_page_count.tpl
│ │ └── article_page_select.tpl
│ └── sqlmap
│ └── article.xml
├── srv
│ └── article.go
├── static
│ └── web
│ ├── affirm.html
│ └── login.html
├── svc
│ ├── svc.go
│ └── svc.helper.go
├── swagger.json
├── types
│ ├── article.auto.go
│ └── article_info.auto.go
├── util
│ └── common.go
├── x_hello_test.go
├── xml
│ ├── application.xml
│ ├── bean
│ │ └── article_info.xml
│ ├── controller
│ │ └── article.xml
│ ├── rpc
│ │ └── article.xml
│ └── table
│ └── article.xml
└── x_test.go
$ dolphin more idx_blog
INFO[2021/07/20 14:08:42] /home/double/Work/i2/repo/dolphin/examples/hello/main.go skip generate
INFO[2021/07/20 14:08:42] /home/double/Work/i2/repo/dolphin/examples/hello/api/app.go skip generate
WARN[2021/07/20 14:08:42] /home/double/Work/i2/repo/dolphin/examples/hello/api/app.auto.go over generate
INFO[2021/07/20 14:08:42] /home/double/Work/i2/repo/dolphin/examples/hello/Dockerfile skip generate
INFO[2021/07/20 14:08:42] /home/double/Work/i2/repo/dolphin/examples/hello/static/web/affirm.html skip generate
INFO[2021/07/20 14:08:42] /home/double/Work/i2/repo/dolphin/examples/hello/static/web/login.html skip generate
INFO[2021/07/20 14:08:42] /home/double/Work/i2/repo/dolphin/examples/hello/util/common.go skip generate
INFO[2021/07/20 14:08:42] /home/double/Work/i2/repo/dolphin/examples/hello/svc/svc.go skip generate
INFO[2021/07/20 14:08:42] /home/double/Work/i2/repo/dolphin/examples/hello/svc/svc.helper.go skip generate
WARN[2021/07/20 14:08:42] /home/double/Work/i2/repo/dolphin/examples/hello/x_test.go over generate
INFO[2021/07/20 14:08:42] /home/double/Work/i2/repo/dolphin/examples/hello/x_hello_test.go.new inc generate
WARN[2021/07/20 14:08:42] script/request.js over generate
WARN[2021/07/20 14:08:42] script/apis/index.js over generate
$ dolphin clean
$ dolphin serve
$ dolphin reverse