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Hello, fellow human!

You seem to be interested in the inner workings of Cosmos. Good news, we've been expecting you. Before continuing, we kindly ask you to respect the terms of the Contributor Code of Conduct. Thanks!

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To preserve harmony in UI projects by making component reusability simple & fun.

Cosmos is built on the assumption that complexity in large apps stems from hidden links between parts. Tedious as it can be to uncover each and every component dependency, committing to it promises predictability and long term sanity.


Roadmap are high-level planning is found inside

Issues cover specific threads.

Issue labels

  • hmm Questions and support
  • oops Bugs
  • i have a dream Feature proposals

Drafts progress through the following phases:

  • needs love Require feedback and a sound plan
  • free for all Ready to be picked up by anyone
  • Assigned


The Best Code is No Code At All. Start with this in mind before writing code.


React Cosmos is a monorepo powered by Yarn Workspaces and Lerna. The monorepo structure makes it possible to publish independent packages while being able to have end-to-end tests for the whole project, and to easily link examples to unpublished packages.

Important to note:

  • Test and build tools are installed globally in the root node_modules. This includes Jest, Babel, webpack, and their corresponding plugins and loaders. ESLint is also applied globally. Creating a new package has less overhead because of this.

  • React and webpack deps are installed globally in the root node_modules. The linked packages and examples are sibling directories, so they each have a separate node_modules dir. But, when Cosmos packages are installed in a user codebase, they all share a common node_modules. We simulate the real life scenario by deduplicate these dependencies.

Because of the latter, integration tests or examples for older React or webpack version are not possible inside the monorepo. We should create external repos for testing React 0.14.x or webpack 1.x.

Compiled vs source code

Monorepo packages have source code under packages/PACKAGE/src and compiled code under packages/PACKAGE/dist. Each package has one or more entry points (or zero in rare cases, like react-cosmos-scripts which exposes only binaries).

Entry points are ES5 modules that are published to npm as-in, and they only forward exports from package modules. package.json#main usually points the index.js entry point. But some packages have multiple entry points. Because they are placed at the package root level, secondary entry points can be imported like this:

import { moduleExists } from 'react-cosmos-shared/server';

The main benefit of this structure is that we can at any time choose to link package entry points to either source or compiled modules. This is powerful. Before we publish to npm, we make sure the entry points link to compiled output (the dist dir). When we develop, however, the entry points link to src, which enables the following:

  • Flow types are carried over between packages. So if package B calls an API from package A with incorrect arguments, Flow lets us know right away.
  • Tests always run against latest source. In the past each package pointed to the compiled output of its monorepo dependencies. This made it easy to mistakenly run integration (cross-package) tests on part source code, part outdated compiled output.
  • In watch-mode, one change triggers tests across multiple packages. Change something in react-cosmos-shared and a dozen packages are influenced. Because monorepo dependencies link to src, and because Jest is awesome, tests from all related packages are ran.
  • Test coverage is calculated correctly. Cross-package integration tests count coverage in all the packages they touch, not just in the package the tests start from.
# Link entry points to compiled output
# Make sure to run `yarn build` beforehand
yarn link-entries dist

# Link entry points to source code
# Always do this before committing!
yarn link-entries src

Note: The versioned packages point to src, because it's default mode for Cosmos development. The release script takes care of pointing packages to dist and then back to src again once released to npm. Make sure to never commit entry points linked to dist!


The Cosmos monorepo is typed using Flow. Most types, especially ones reused, are found in the react-cosmos-flow package. This package is useful in two ways:

  • Cosmos packages can easily share types and import them using convenient react-cosmos-flow/* paths

    import type { Config } from 'react-cosmos-flow/config';
  • 3rd party projects can also benefit from Cosmos types by adding react-cosmos-flow to their dev dependencies. Useful when writing a custom proxy.

Cosmos packages mustn't add react-cosmos-flow to their dependencies, because Flow annotations shouldn't be published along with the compiled output. Let us know if you ever find unwanted Flow types in your node_modules because of Cosmos deps!

Playground ⇆ Loader communication

The Cosmos UI is made out of two frames. Components are loaded inside an iframe for full encapsulation. Because the Playground and the Loader aren't part of the same frame, we use postMessage to communicate back and forth.

Read about all event payloads and their order here.


The react-cosmos CLI extends the user's webpack config or fallbacks to a default config, which automatically detects and includes the user's Babel and CSS loaders.

The entry file of the resulting webpack config mounts Loader via loaderConnect, together with all the user components, fixtures and proxies. The component and fixture paths are injected statically in the Loader bundle via embed-modules-webpack-loader.js.

Using webpack-dev-middleware, the webpack config is attached to an Express server, which serves the Playground bundle at /index.html and the Loader bundle at /_loader.html. The server will also serve a static directory when the publicPath option is used.

Static exporting is almost identical to development mode, except that it saves the webpack build to disk instead of attaching it to a running Express server.

Proxy boilerplate

Start from this when creating a new proxy.

import React from 'react';

import type { ProxyProps } from 'react-cosmos-flow/proxy';

const defaults = {
  // Add option defaults here...

export default () => {
  const {
    /* Expand options here... */
  } = { ...defaults, ...options };

  const NoopProxy = (props: ProxyProps) => {
    const { nextProxy, } = props;
    const { value: NextProxy, next } = nextProxy;

    return <NextProxy {} nextProxy={next()} />;

  return NoopProxy;

Notice the core requirements of a proxy:

  • Renders next proxy with same props
  • Advances the proxy chain – sends to next proxy
  • Implements or extends default proxy PropTypes

This is a very basic example. Here's what proxies might also do:

  • Implement lifecycle methods (mock stuff in constructor, revert it in componentWillUnmount)
  • Add extra DOM markup around NextProxy
  • Transform props of props.fixture (careful, tho.)

Testing proxies

Writing tests for a new proxy often takes more than its implementation. Extend this proxy test boilerplate and most of the pain will go away.

How to contribute

A great way to start is by picking up a free for all issue.

Be kind and thoughtful

We are doing this for free, so be realistic and don't expect special treatment. The better we communicate the more likely we'll end up collaborating.

Ask for review

Code review aside, also ask for review before implementing solution. Saves everybody time and effort.

Get familiar with codebase

Developing on Cosmos requires Node v6 or newer

Make sure you have Yarn installed. We use it to install dependencies faster and more reliably.

git clone [email protected]:react-cosmos/react-cosmos.git
cd react-cosmos

# Install deps and link child packages (using Lerna)

# Build monorepo packages
yarn build

# Build example from source and test React Cosmos end to end
cd examples/context
yarn start

# Load Playground source inside compiled Playground #inception
yarn start:playground

# Watch & build single package (running example will live reload)
yarn build react-cosmos-playground --watch

# Watch & run unit tests as you code
yarn test:watch

Write tests, preferably before implementation

Use Jest for unit testing. Look inside __tests__ folders for examples.

Keep coding style consistent

Make sure yarn run lint passes and add xo to your editor if possible.

When naming a file:

  • Use CamelCase for components: DragHandle.js or DragHandle/index.js
  • Use kebab-case for any other path: packages/react-cosmos-shared/src/resolve-user-path.js

When creating a module:

  • Named exports are preferred over default exports
  • Function declarations are preferred over arrow functions at the module level (one reason is that the order doesn't matter when using the former)

Please follow these rules or challenge them if you think it's worth it.

Use Git conscientiously

Have a question or idea to share? See you on Slack.