All notable changes to the 3DTuneIn Toolkit will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- CSingleSourceDSP: The new CWaveguide class has been incorporated, adding a new simulator for: propagation delay between source and listener and doppler effect in case of source or listener movement.
- New public methods in CSingleSourceDSP:
- void EnablePropagationDelay();
- void DisablePropagationDelay();
- bool IsPropagationDelayEnabled();
- float GetCurrentEarAzimuth(Common::T_ear ear) const;
- float GetEffectiveEarAzimuth(Common::T_ear ear) const;
- float GetCurrentEarElevation(Common::T_ear ear) const;
- float GetEffectiveEarElevation(Common::T_ear ear) const;
- const Common::CTransform & GetCurrentSourceTransform() const;
- const Common::CTransform & GetEffectiveSourceTransform() const;
- feat: Makes a waveguide reset when a SingleSourceDSP buffers are reseted.
- void CWaveguide::Reset()
- void CWaveguide::Reset()
- Convolutional reverb can now skip a number of initial frames for future hybrid reverb (ISM+Convolution)
- old: void CEnvironment::ProcessVirtualAmbisonicReverbAdimensional(CMonoBuffer & outBufferLeft, CMonoBuffer & outBufferRight);
void CEnvironment::ProcessVirtualAmbisonicReverbBidimensional(CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferLeft, CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferRight);
void CEnvironment::ProcessVirtualAmbisonicReverbThreedimensional(CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferLeft, CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferRight);
void CEnvironment::ProcessVirtualAmbisonicReverb(CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferLeft, CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferRight);
void CEnvironment::ProcessVirtualAmbisonicReverb(CStereoBuffer<float> & outBuffer)
- new: void CEnvironment::ProcessVirtualAmbisonicReverbAdimensional(CMonoBuffer & outBufferLeft, CMonoBuffer & outBufferRight, int numberOfSilencedFrames)
void CEnvironment::ProcessVirtualAmbisonicReverbBidimensional(CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferLeft, CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferRight, int numberOfSilencedFrames)
void CEnvironment::ProcessVirtualAmbisonicReverbThreedimensional(CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferLeft, CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferRight, int numberOfSilencedFrames)
void CEnvironment::ProcessVirtualAmbisonicReverb(CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferLeft, CMonoBuffer<float> & outBufferRight, int numberOfSilencedFrames)
void CEnvironment::ProcessVirtualAmbisonicReverb(CStereoBuffer<float> & outBuffer, int numberOfSilencedFrames)
- Now smoothing in attenuation by distance can be disabled or enabled (enabled by default)
- Public methods removed from CSingleSourceDSP:
- void ProcessAnechoic(const CMonoBuffer & inBuffer, CMonoBuffer &outLeftBuffer, CMonoBuffer &outRightBuffer);
- void ProcessAnechoic(const CMonoBuffer & inBuffer, CStereoBuffer & outBuffer);
- float GetEarAzimuth( Common::T_ear ear ) const;
- const Common::CTransform & GetSourceTransform() const;
- New classes added to simulate Image Source Method.
- class ISM //interface to access all the features of the ISM simulator
- CISM(Binaural::CCore* _ownerCore);
- void SetupShoeBoxRoom(float length, float width, float height);
- void setupArbitraryRoom(RoomGeometry roomGeometry);
- void setAbsortion(std::vector _absortionPerWall);
- void setAbsortion(std::vector<std::vector> _absortionPerBandPerWall);
- Room getRoom();
- void enableWall(int wallIndex);
- void disableWall(int wallIndex);
- void setReflectionOrder(int reflectionOrder);
- int getReflectionOrder();
- void setMaxDistanceImageSources(float maxDistanceSourcesToListener);
- float getMaxDistanceImageSources();
- int calculateNumOfSilencedFrames (float maxDistanceSourcesToListener);
- void setSourceLocation(Common::CVector3 location);
- Common::CVector3 getSourceLocation();
- std::vectorCommon::CVector3 getImageSourceLocations();
- std::vectorISM::ImageSourceData getImageSourceData();
- void proccess(CMonoBuffer inBuffer, std::vector<CMonoBuffer> &imageBuffers, Common::CVector3 listenerLocation);
- class Room
- void setupShoeBox(float length, float width, float height);
- void setupRoomGeometry(RoomGeometry roomGeometry);
- void insertWall(Wall newWall);
- void enableWall(int wallIndex);
- void disableWall(int wallIndex);
- void setWallAbsortion(int wallIndex, float absortion);
- void setWallAbsortion(int wallIndex, std::vector absortionPerBand);
- std::vector getWalls();
- std::vector getImageRooms();
- bool checkPointInsideRoom(Common::CVector3 point, float &distanceNearestWall);
- Common::CVector3 getCenter();
- class SourceImages
- SourceImages(ISM::CISM* _ownerISM);
- void setLocation(Common::CVector3 _location);
- Common::CVector3 getLocation();
- std::vector<weak_ptr > getImages();
- void getImageLocations(std::vectorCommon::CVector3 &imageSourceList);
- void getImageData(std::vector &imageSourceDataList);
- Wall getReflectionWall();
- void createImages(Room _room, int reflectionOrder);
- void updateImages ();
- void processAbsortion(CMonoBuffer inBuffer, std::vector<CMonoBuffer> &imageBuffers, Common::CVector3 listenerLocation);
- class Wall
- Wall();
- int insertCorner(float x, float y, float z);
- int insertCorner(Common::CVector3 _corner);
- std::vectorCommon::CVector3 getCorners();
- void setAbsortion(float _absortion);
- void setAbsortion(std::vector _absortionPerBand);
- std::vector getAbsortionB();
- Common::CVector3 getNormal();
- Common::CVector3 getCenter();
- float getDistanceFromPoint(Common::CVector3 point);
- float getMinimumDistanceFromWall(ISM::Wall wall);
- Common::CVector3 getImagePoint(Common::CVector3 point);
- Wall getImageWall(Wall _wall);
- Common::CVector3 getPointProjection(float x, float y, float z);
- Common::CVector3 getPointProjection(Common::CVector3 point);
- Common::CVector3 getIntersectionPointWithLine(Common::CVector3 point1, Common::CVector3 point2);
- int checkPointInsideWall(Common::CVector3 point, float &distanceNearestEdge, float &sharpness);
- float calculateDistanceNearestEdge(Common::CVector3 point);
- float distancePointToLine(Common::CVector3 point, Common::CVector3 pointLine1, Common::CVector3 pointLine2);
- void enable() { active = true; }
- void disable() { active = false; }
- bool isActive() { return active; }
- class ISM //interface to access all the features of the ISM simulator
- Bug fixed in the computation of cross product in CVector3 CVector3::CrossProduct(CVector3 _rightHand).
- New class in CWaveguide. It provides a waveguide simulation, to simulate the distance and doppler effect betwenn a source and the listener
- Convolution can now skip a number of initial frames for future hybrid reverb (ISM+Convolution)
- old: void CUPCEnvironment::ProcessUPConvolution_withoutIFFT(const CMonoBuffer& inBuffer_Time, const TImpulseResponse_Partitioned & IR, CMonoBuffer& outBuffer)
- new: void CUPCEnvironment::ProcessUPConvolution_withoutIFFT(const CMonoBuffer& inBuffer_Time, const TImpulseResponse_Partitioned & IR, CMonoBuffer& outBuffer, int numberOfSilencedFrames)
A new frequency smearing algorithm is implemented, based on Moore's algorithm. The developer can choose between this new algorithm or the old one and configure them independently for each ear.
- New enum type SmearingAlgorithm. Contains:
- CLASSIC, that represents the old algorithm
- SUBFRAME, that represents the new algorithm
- New function GetSmearingAlgorithm, returns the smearing algorithm configured
- SmearingAlgorithm CFrequencySmearing::GetSmearingAlgorithm();
- New method SetSmearingAlgorithm lets the developer toggle between frequency smearing algorithms
- void CFrequencySmearing::SetSmearingAlgorithm(SmearingAlgorithm _smearingAlgorithm);
- New methods SetDownwardBroadeningFactor and SetUpwardBroadeningFactor let the developer configure Moore's frequency smearing algorithm
- void CFrequencySmearing::SetDownwardBroadeningFactor(float _downwardBroadeningFactor);
- void CFrequencySmearing::SetUpwardBroadeningFactor(float _upwardBroadeningFactor);
Hearing Loss Sim Setup function now has smearing algorithm enum as an input
- old: void CHearingLossSim::Setup(int samplingRate, float Calibration_dBs_SPL_for_0_dBs_fs, float iniFreq_Hz, int bandsNumber, int filtersPerBand, int bufferSize);
- new: void CHearingLossSim::Setup(int samplingRate, float Calibration_dBs_SPL_for_0_dBs_fs, float iniFreq_Hz, int bandsNumber, int filtersPerBand, int bufferSize, CFrequencySmearing::SmearingAlgorithm _smearingAlgorithm);
Frequency Smearing Setup function now has smearing algorithm enum as an input
- old: void CFrequencySmearing::Setup(int _bufferSize, float _samplingRate);
- new: void CFrequencySmearing::Setup(int _bufferSize, float _samplingRate**, SmearingAlgorithm _smearingAlgorithm**);
- New method in CFProcessor, ProcessToPowerPhase. It provides power and phase from a FFT:
- void CFProcessor::ProcessToPowerPhase(const std::vector& inputBuffer, std::vector& powerBuffer, std::vector& phaseBuffer)
- Eigen added to third party libraries. It is used in Moore's frequency smearing algorithm.
- Solved a bug with computation of azimuth and elevation when axis conventions were different from that of the Binaural Test_App.
- Solved a crash with reverb when elevation is +90deg or -90deg.
- Now it is checked if the source is inside the head for adimensional and three-dimensional reverb. (It was only in the bi-dimensional mode).
- HRTF files in 3dti-hrtf format were updated (they were outdated and incompatible with the current version of the toolkit)
- Bug fixed in IIR filters for the high performance mode.
- BRIR files in the resource folder are updated to adjust levels with provided HRTF.
- Reverberation order's default value is now BIDIMENSIONAL
Modified CalculateDirectionalityAttenuation function name:
- old: float CalculateDirectionalityAttenuation(float directionalityExtend, float angleToForwardAxis_rad);
- new: float CalculateDirectionalityAttenuation**_dB**(float directionalityExtend, float angleToForwardAxis_rad);
Modified reverb attenuation calculation, now the integral over the directionality pattern is performed on the squared linear directionality, as it represents the addition of numerous incoherent power contributions.
All Get/Set directionality public functions now use decibels and the Toolkit internally works in linear units to avoid conversion from decibels to linear units every audio frame.
- Removed function CListener::GetMinimumDistanceToSource
- old: float CListener::GetMinimumDistanceToSource()
- Modified CBRIR::AddBRIR to be a method that returns a boolean value indicating if the BRIR has been added correctly
- old:
voidCBRIR::AddBRIR(VirtualSpeakerPosition vsPosition, Common::T_ear vsChannel, TImpulseResponse && newBRIR) - new: bool CBRIR::AddBRIR(VirtualSpeakerPosition vsPosition, Common::T_ear vsChannel, TImpulseResponse && newBRIR)
- old:
- Modified CBRIR::EndSetup to be a method that returns a boolean value indicating if setup has been successful
- old:
voidCBRIR::AddBRIR() - new: bool CBRIR::AddBRIR()
- old:
- Modified CEnvironment::CalculateABIRPartitioned to be a method that returns a boolean value indicating if ABIR has been calculated correctly
- old:
voidCEnvironment::CalculateABIRPartitioned() - new: bool CEnvironment::CalculateABIRPartitioned()
- old:
- Modified far distance effect, now uses a different cutoff frequency calculation and low-pass filtering
- Modified directionality attenuation calculation
- New enumeration type TReverberationOrder in CEnvironment
- enumerators: ADIMENSIONAL (to only process W channel), BIDIMENSIONAL (to only process X, Y and W channels), TRIDIMENSIONAL (to process X, Y, Z and W channels)
- New method to set the reverberation order in CEnvironment
- new: CEnvironment::SetReverberationOrder(TReverberationOrder order)
- New boolean function to know if a partitioned impulse response is empty
- new: bool CBRIR::IsIREmpty(const TImpulseResponse_Partitioned& in)
- New function to get the reverberation order in CEnvironment
- new: TReverberationOrder CEnvironment::GetReverberationOrder()
- New static boolean function CMagnitudes::AreSame to know if two float values (a and b) have same value within a margin specified by epsilon
- new: static bool CMagnitudes::AreSame(float a, float b, float epsilon)
- Modified Audiometry maximum attenuation to 120 dB
In the BeginSetup method is necessary to indicate the radious of the sphere where the HRTF has been measured.
- old: void HRTF::BeginSetup(int32_t _HRIRLength);
- new: void HRTF::BeginSetup(int32_t _HRIRLength, float distance);
Calculate the azimuth and elevation to get the HRIR in a more precise way (calcutating the intersection between the sphere where the HRTF have been measured and the line that connects the listener's ear to the source). Implemented in the CSingleSourceDSP.
Modified ProcessHRTF to calculate a more precise ITD
Modified the return value of the following methods:
- change: const std::vector<CMonoBuffer> CalculateHRIR_partitioned_FromBarycentricCoordinates(Common::T_ear ear, TBarycentricCoordinatesStruct barycentricCoordinates, orientation orientation_pto1, orientation orientation_pto2, orientation orientation_pto3)const;
- change: const std::vector<CMonoBuffer> GetHRIR_partitioned_InterpolationMethod(Common::T_ear ear, float _azimuth, float _elevation) const;
Removed an unnecessary result_warning in CalculateHRIR_InPoles
Editorial changes in the following methods
- old: CBRIR::GetBRIROneSubfilterLeng
ht, CILD::AddILDSpatialziationTable, CListener::GetMinimunDistanceToSource - new: CBRIR::GetBRIROneSubfilterLength, CILD::AddILDSpatializationTable, CListener::GetMinimumDistanceToSource
- old: CBRIR::GetBRIROneSubfilterLeng
New interface to know the listener ear local position in CListener
- new: Common::CVector3 GetListenerEarLocalPosition(Common::T_ear ear) const;
New method in the CHRTF to know the Distance where the HRTF has been measured, set in the BeginSetup method
- new: float GetHRTFDistanceOfMeasurement();
New mechanism to get the interpolated ITD, based on getting the delay of the HRIR from the azimuth and elevation of the listener head center.
- new: const float GetHRIRDelayInterpolationMethod(Common::T_ear ear, float _azimuth, float _elevation) const;
- new: const float CalculateHRIRDelayFromBarycentricCoordinates(Common::T_ear ear, TBarycentricCoordinatesStruct barycentricCoordinates, orientation orientation_pto1, orientation orientation_pto2, orientation orientation_pto3)const;
Minor changes for MacOS compilation of Error Handler
Error handler is now enabled
Editorial changes in method
- old: CBiquadFilter::UpdateAttributesAfterCross
Fading - new: CBiquadFilter::UpdateAttributesAfterCrossfading
- old: CBiquadFilter::UpdateAttributesAfterCross
- New define in the conventions of _3DTI_AXIS_CONVENTION_BINAURAL_TEST_APP: define LEFT_AXIS AXIS_Y
- Fixed ratio calculation in Hearing Loss Simulation function CalculateRatioFromDBHL