In the BeginSetup method is necessary to indicate the radious of the sphere where the HRTF has been measured.
- old: void HRTF::BeginSetup(int32_t _HRIRLength);
- new: void HRTF::BeginSetup(int32_t _HRIRLength, float distance);
Calculate the azimuth and elevation to get the HRIR in a more precise way (calcutating the intersection between the sphere where the HRTF have been measured and the line that connects the listener's ear to the source). Implemented in the CSingleSourceDSP.
Modified ProcessHRTF to calculate a more precise ITD
Modied the return value of the following methods:
- change: const std::vector<CMonoBuffer> CalculateHRIR_partitioned_FromBarycentricCoordinates(Common::T_ear ear, TBarycentricCoordinatesStruct barycentricCoordinates, orientation orientation_pto1, orientation orientation_pto2, orientation orientation_pto3)const;
- change: const std::vector<CMonoBuffer> GetHRIR_partitioned_InterpolationMethod(Common::T_ear ear, float _azimuth, float _elevation) const;
Removed an unnecessary result_warning in CalculateHRIR_InPoles
Editorial changes in the following methods
- old: CBRIR::GetBRIROneSubfilterLeng
ht, CILD::AddILDSpatialziationTable, CListener::GetMinimunDistanceToSource - new: CBRIR::GetBRIROneSubfilterLength, CILD::AddILDSpatializationTable, CListener::GetMinimumDistanceToSource
- old: CBRIR::GetBRIROneSubfilterLeng
New interface to know the listener ear local position in CListener
- new: Common::CVector3 GetListenerEarLocalPosition(Common::T_ear ear) const;
New method in the CHRTF to know the Distance where the HRTF has been measured, set in the BeginSetup method
- new: float GetHRTFDistanceOfMeasurement();
New mechanism to get the interpolated ITD, based on getting the delay of the HRIR from the azimuth and elevation of the listener head center.
- new: const float GetHRIRDelayInterpolationMethod(Common::T_ear ear, float _azimuth, float _elevation) const;
- new: const float CalculateHRIRDelayFromBarycentricCoordinates(Common::T_ear ear, TBarycentricCoordinatesStruct barycentricCoordinates, orientation orientation_pto1, orientation orientation_pto2, orientation orientation_pto3)const;
Minor changes for MacOS compilation of Error Handler
Error handler is now enabled
Editorial changes in method
- old: CBiquadFilter::UpdateAttributesAfterCross
Fading - new: CBiquadFilter::UpdateAttributesAfterCrossfading
- old: CBiquadFilter::UpdateAttributesAfterCross
- New define in the conventions of _3DTI_AXIS_CONVENTION_BINAURAL_TEST_APP: define LEFT_AXIS AXIS_Y
- Fixed ratio calculation in Hearing Loss Simulation function CalculateRatioFromDBHL