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This system provides a framework for building parsers in a functional way.

Smug parsers are lisp functions which can be combined together to process complex grammar. Actually, it can process anything, not only the text - any data source which can be read token by token is suitable.

Documentation on smug is extremely good! I’ll how only the basics. Good job, @drewcrampsie. Read the official tutorial to learn in deep how this sytem works!

Today we’ll create a parser which will be able to transform texts like “3 days ago” into the local-time-duration:duration objects.

To start, let’s create a simple parser which will match a digit character:

POFTHEDAY> (defun .digit ()
             ( #'digit-char-p))

POFTHEDAY> (smug:run (.digit)
                     "17 hours ago")
((#\1 . "7 hours ago"))

We can use .map to capture a sequence of digits matched to the parser:

POFTHEDAY> (smug:run ( 'list (.digit))
                     "17 hours ago")
(((#\1 #\7) . " hours ago")
 ((#\1)     . "7 hours ago"))

;; We also might produce strings:
POFTHEDAY> (smug:run ( 'string (.digit))
                     "17 hours ago")
(("17" . " hours ago")
 ("1"  . "7 hours ago"))

Now it is time to transform it into the number. I’ll wrap all code into the parser function and use smug:.bind to process the captured values:

POFTHEDAY> (defun .integer ()
             (smug:.bind ( 'string (.digit))
                         (lambda (text)
                           (smug:.identity (read-from-string text)))))

POFTHEDAY> (smug:run (.integer)
                     "17 hours ago ")
((17 . " hours ago ")
 (1 . "7 hours ago "))

It is time to parse time units:

POFTHEDAY> (smug:run (smug:.prog1 (smug:.string-equal "hour")
                                  ;; This will "eat" the "s" letter
                                  ;; on the end of the plural form
                                  ;; if it is used:
                                  (smug:.string-equal "s"))
                    "hours ago")
(("hour" . " ago"))

;; Again, we'll want to convert the string into the keyword and to wrap
;; the parser into a function:

POFTHEDAY> (defun .unit ()
             (smug:.bind (smug:.prog1 (smug:.or (smug:.string-equal "hour")
                                                (smug:.string-equal "minute")
                                                (smug:.string-equal "second"))
                                      ;; This will "eat" the "s" letter
                                      ;; on the end of the plural form
                                      ;; if it is used:
                                      (smug:.or (smug:.string-equal "s")
                                                (smug:.identity nil)))
                         (lambda (text)
                           (smug:.identity (alexandria:make-keyword
                                            (string-upcase text))))))

POFTHEDAY> (smug:run (.unit)
                     "hours ago")
((:HOUR . " ago"))

And finally, we need a parser to process optional suffix pointing to the time in past:

POFTHEDAY> (defun .in-past-p ()
             (smug:.or (smug:.string-equal "ago")
                       (smug:.identity nil)))

POFTHEDAY> (smug:run (.in-past-p)
(("ago" . ""))

POFTHEDAY> (smug:run (.in-past-p)
((NIL . "some"))

It is time to combine our parsers into a more complex one which will return a local-time-duration:

POFTHEDAY> (defun .whitespace ()
             ( #'member
                       '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline)))

POFTHEDAY> (defun .duration ()
             (smug:.let* ((value (.integer))
                          (_ (.whitespace))
                          (unit (.unit))
                          (_ (.whitespace))
                          (in-past (.in-past-p)))
               (let* ((seconds
                        (* value
                           (ecase unit
                             (:hour (* 60 60))
                             (:minute 60)
                             (:second 1))
                           (if in-past
                        (make-instance 'local-time-duration:duration
                                       :sec seconds)))
                 (smug:.identity duration))))

;; A few checks if everything is OK:

POFTHEDAY> (smug:parse (.duration)
                       "17 hours ago")
#<LOCAL-TIME-DURATION:DURATION [0/-61200/0]  -17 hours>

POFTHEDAY> (smug:parse (.duration)
                       "5 minute ")
#<LOCAL-TIME-DURATION:DURATION [0/300/0]  5 minutes>

That is it for today. And again, to learn more, read SMUG’s documentation. It is one of the best-documented Lisp systems I’ve ever seen:

Thank you, @drewcrampsie!