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Peter Arien edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 14 revisions

Test the maximum printing speed of your extrusion system. The model can be scaled in X and Y to fit your buildplate. There is a small notch every 2 mm to indicate a speed change.

MaxFlow Test

SCAD MaxFlow Test Model

Flow Test

Associated Postprocessing Script

Settings in the script for a Layer Height : 0.25

Settings Script MaxFlow Test

Printing Conditions

 - Nozzle Size          : 0.4
 - Line Width           : 0.4
 - Layer Height         : 0.25
 - Minimum Layer Time   : 10 s
 - Build Plate Adhesion : Brim
 - Print Speed          : 100 mm/s

Printing Time = 20 minutes


  • Enable brim
  • Set the layer height to 0.25 mm
  • Set the extrusion width to 0.4 mm
  • Set the speed for external perimeters to 100 mm/s (These settings should normaly produce a Flow of 10 mm³/s, which is nice to factorize)

Print the test part. After the print is finished, check the quality of your wall. when they are under-extruded you have reach the maximum Flow Rate.

In the example below you can see that the surface quality starts degrading at level 9.


On this ender 3 machine the first level where we see the under-extrusion is at level 9 -> with a start at 50% this gives a limit flow on this machine at 130% -> 13 mm3/s :

Result Detail

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