diff --git a/cmd/txt-suite/TESTPLAN.md b/cmd/txt-suite/TESTPLAN.md
index 50ea9765..2dab7d48 100644
--- a/cmd/txt-suite/TESTPLAN.md
+++ b/cmd/txt-suite/TESTPLAN.md
@@ -13,69 +13,65 @@ Id | Test | Implemented | Document | Chapter
 10 | TXT registers are locked                         | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
 11 | IA32 debug interface is disabled                 | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
 12 | TPM connection                                   | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
-13 | TPM 1.2 present                                  | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
-14 | TPM 2.0 is present                               | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
-15 | TPM is present                                   | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
-16 | TPM NVRAM is locked                              | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | Failsafe Hash                                   
-17 | PS Index has correct config                      | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | I TPM NV                                                
-18 | AUX Index has correct config                     | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | I TPM NV                                                
-19 | AUX Index has the correct hash                   | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | I TPM NV                                                
-20 | PO Index has correct config                      | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | I TPM NV                                                
-21 | PS index has valid LCP Policy                    | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | D.3 LCP_POLICY_LIST                                     
-22 | PO index has valid LCP Policy                    | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | D.3 LCP_POLICY_LIST                                     
-23 | PCR 0 is set correctly                           | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | BIOS Startup Module (Type 0x07) Entry                   
-24 | NPW mode is deactivated in PS policy             | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 4.1.4 Supported Platform Configurations                 
-25 | Auto-promotion mode is active                    | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 5.6.2 Autopromotion Hash and Signed BIOS Policy         
-26 | Signed policy mode is active                     | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 5.6.2 Autopromotion Hash and Signed BIOS Policy         
-27 | Valid FIT vector                                 | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 3.0 FIT Pointer                                         
-28 | Valid FIT                                        | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.0 Firmware Interface Table                            
-29 | Microcode update entry in FIT                    | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.4 Startup ACM (Type 2) Rules                          
-30 | BIOS ACM entry in FIT                            | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.4 Startup ACM (Type 2) Rules                          
-31 | IBB entry in FIT                                 | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.6 BIOS Startup Module (Type 7) Rules                  
-32 | BIOS Policy entry in FIT                         | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
-33 | IBB covers reset vector                          | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.6 BIOS Startup Module (Type 7) Rules                  
-34 | IBB covers FIT vector                            | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.6 BIOS Startup Module (Type 7) Rules                  
-35 | IBB covers FIT                                   | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
-36 | IBBs doesn't overlap each other                  | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.6 BIOS Startup Module (Type 7) Rules                  
-37 | BIOS ACM does not overlap IBBs                   | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.6 BIOS Startup Module (Type 7) Rules                  
-38 | IBB and BIOS ACM below 4GiB                      | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 2.2 FIT Pointer Rules                                   
-39 | TXT not disabled by LCP Policy                   | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | B.1.6 TXT.SPAD – BOOTSTATUS                             
-40 | BIOSACM header valid                             | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | A.1 Authenticated Code Module Format                    
-41 | BIOSACM size check                               | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | A.1 Authenticated Code Module Format                    
-42 | BIOSACM alignment check                          | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | A.1.1 Memory Type Cacheability Restrictions             
-43 | BIOSACM matches chipset                          | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | Matching an AC Module to the Platform           
-44 | BIOSACM matches processor                        | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | Matching an AC Module to the Platform           
-45 | SINIT/BIOS ACM has no NPW flag set               | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 4.1.4 Supported Platform Configurations                 
-46 | SINIT ACM supports used TPM                      | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | 4.1.4 Supported Platform Configurations                 
-47 | TXT memory ranges valid                          | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | B.1                                                     
-48 | TXT public area reserved in e820                 | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 5.5.3 Intel TXT Public Space                            
-49 | TXT private area reserved in e820                | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 5.5.2 Intel TXT Private Space                           
-50 | TXT memory reserved in e820                      | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 5.5.4 Intel TPM Decode Area                             
-51 | MMIO TPMDecode space reserved in e820            | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 5.5.4 TPM Decode Area                                   
-52 | TXT memory in a DMA protected range              | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | 1.11.1 DMA Protected Range (DPR)                        
-53 | TXT DPR register locked                          | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | 1.11.1 DMA Protected Range (DPR)                        
-54 | CPU DPR equals hostbridge DPR                    | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | B 1.15 TXT.DPR – DMA Protected Range                    
-55 | CPU hostbridge DPR register locked               | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | B 1.15 TXT.DPR – DMA Protected Range                    
-56 | TXT region contains SINIT ACM                    | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | B 1.10 TXT.SINIT.BASE – SINIT Base Address              
-57 | SINIT ACM matches chipset                        | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | Matching an AC Module to the Platform           
-58 | SINIT ACM matches CPU                            | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | Matching an AC Module to the Platform           
-59 | SINIT ACM startup successful                     | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
-60 | BIOS DATA REGION present                         | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | C.2 BIOS Data Format                                    
-61 | BIOS DATA REGION valid                           | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | C.2 BIOS Data Format                                    
-62 | CPU supports MTRRs                               | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | MTRR Setup Prior to GETSEC[SENTER] Execution    
-63 | CPU supports SMRRs                               | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
-64 | SMRR covers SMM memory                           | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
-65 | SMRR protection active                           | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
-66 | IOMMU/VT-d active                                | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | 1.11.2 Protected Memory Regions (PMRs)                  
-67 | TXT server mode enabled                          | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
-68 | ACPI RSDP exists and has valid checksum          | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 1                                 
-69 | ACPI MCFG is present                             | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 0xa                               
-70 | ACPI DMAR is present                             | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 4                                 
-71 | ACPI DMAR is valid                               | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 5                                 
-72 | ACPI MADT is present                             | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 16                                
-73 | ACPI MADT is valid                               | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 7                                 
-74 | ACPI RSDT present                                | :x:                    |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 2                                 
-75 | ACPI RSDT is valid                               | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 3                                 
-76 | ACPI XSDT present                                | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 9                                 
-77 | ACPI XSDT is valid                               | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 9                                 
-78 | ACPI RSDT or XSDT is valid                       | :white_check_mark:     |                              | 5.2.8 Extended System Description Table (XSDT)          
+13 | TPM is present                                   | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
+14 | TPM NVRAM is locked                              | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | Failsafe Hash                                   
+15 | PS Index has correct config                      | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | I TPM NV                                                
+16 | AUX Index has correct config                     | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | I TPM NV                                                
+17 | AUX Index has the correct hash                   | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | I TPM NV                                                
+18 | PO Index has correct config                      | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | I TPM NV                                                
+19 | PS index has valid LCP Policy                    | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | D.3 LCP_POLICY_LIST                                     
+20 | PO index has valid LCP Policy                    | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | D.3 LCP_POLICY_LIST                                     
+21 | PCR 0 is set correctly                           | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | BIOS Startup Module (Type 0x07) Entry                   
+22 | NPW mode is deactivated in PS policy             | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 4.1.4 Supported Platform Configurations                 
+23 | TXT Mode is set                                  | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 5.6.2 Autopromotion Hash and Signed BIOS Policy         
+24 | Valid FIT vector                                 | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 3.0 FIT Pointer                                         
+25 | Valid FIT                                        | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.0 Firmware Interface Table                            
+26 | Microcode update entry in FIT                    | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.4 Startup ACM (Type 2) Rules                          
+27 | BIOS ACM entry in FIT                            | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.4 Startup ACM (Type 2) Rules                          
+28 | IBB entry in FIT                                 | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.6 BIOS Startup Module (Type 7) Rules                  
+29 | BIOS Policy entry in FIT                         | :x:                    |                              |                                                         
+30 | IBB covers reset vector                          | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.6 BIOS Startup Module (Type 7) Rules                  
+31 | IBB covers FIT vector                            | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.6 BIOS Startup Module (Type 7) Rules                  
+32 | IBB covers FIT                                   | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
+33 | IBBs doesn't overlap each other                  | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.6 BIOS Startup Module (Type 7) Rules                  
+34 | BIOS ACM does not overlap IBBs                   | :white_check_mark:     | Document 599500 Revision 1.2 | 4.6 BIOS Startup Module (Type 7) Rules                  
+35 | IBB and BIOS ACM below 4GiB                      | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 2.2 FIT Pointer Rules                                   
+36 | TXT not disabled by LCP Policy                   | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | B.1.6 TXT.SPAD – BOOTSTATUS                             
+37 | BIOSACM header valid                             | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | A.1 Authenticated Code Module Format                    
+38 | BIOSACM size check                               | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | A.1 Authenticated Code Module Format                    
+39 | BIOSACM alignment check                          | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | A.1.1 Memory Type Cacheability Restrictions             
+40 | BIOSACM matches chipset                          | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | Matching an AC Module to the Platform           
+41 | BIOSACM matches processor                        | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | Matching an AC Module to the Platform           
+42 | SINIT/BIOS ACM has no NPW flag set               | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 4.1.4 Supported Platform Configurations                 
+43 | SINIT ACM supports used TPM                      | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | 4.1.4 Supported Platform Configurations                 
+44 | TXT memory ranges valid                          | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | B.1                                                     
+45 | TXT public area reserved in e820                 | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 5.5.3 Intel TXT Public Space                            
+46 | TXT private area reserved in e820                | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 5.5.2 Intel TXT Private Space                           
+47 | TXT memory reserved in e820                      | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 5.5.4 Intel TPM Decode Area                             
+48 | MMIO TPMDecode space reserved in e820            | :white_check_mark:     | Document 558294 Revision 2.0 | 5.5.4 TPM Decode Area                                   
+49 | TXT memory in a DMA protected range              | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | 1.11.1 DMA Protected Range (DPR)                        
+50 | TXT DPR register locked                          | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | 1.11.1 DMA Protected Range (DPR)                        
+51 | CPU DPR equals hostbridge DPR                    | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | B 1.15 TXT.DPR – DMA Protected Range                    
+52 | CPU hostbridge DPR register locked               | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | B 1.15 TXT.DPR – DMA Protected Range                    
+53 | TXT region contains SINIT ACM                    | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | B 1.10 TXT.SINIT.BASE – SINIT Base Address              
+54 | SINIT ACM matches chipset                        | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | Matching an AC Module to the Platform           
+55 | SINIT ACM matches CPU                            | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | Matching an AC Module to the Platform           
+56 | BIOS DATA REGION present                         | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | C.2 BIOS Data Format                                    
+57 | BIOS DATA REGION valid                           | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | C.2 BIOS Data Format                                    
+58 | CPU supports MTRRs                               | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | MTRR Setup Prior to GETSEC[SENTER] Execution    
+59 | CPU supports SMRRs                               | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
+60 | SMRR covers SMM memory                           | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
+61 | SMRR protection active                           | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
+62 | IOMMU/VT-d active                                | :white_check_mark:     | Document 315168-016          | 1.11.2 Protected Memory Regions (PMRs)                  
+63 | TXT server mode enabled                          | :white_check_mark:     |                              |                                                         
+64 | ACPI RSDP exists and has valid checksum          | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 1                                 
+65 | ACPI MCFG is present                             | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 0xa                               
+66 | ACPI DMAR is present                             | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 4                                 
+67 | ACPI DMAR is valid                               | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 5                                 
+68 | ACPI MADT is present                             | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 16                                
+69 | ACPI MADT is valid                               | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 7                                 
+70 | ACPI RSDT present                                | :x:                    |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 2                                 
+71 | ACPI RSDT is valid                               | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 3                                 
+72 | ACPI XSDT present                                | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 9                                 
+73 | ACPI XSDT is valid                               | :white_check_mark:     |                              | SINIT Class 0xC Major 9                                 
+74 | ACPI RSDT or XSDT is valid                       | :white_check_mark:     |                              | 5.2.8 Extended System Description Table (XSDT)          
diff --git a/cmd/txt-suite/cmd.go b/cmd/txt-suite/cmd.go
index 1fd85f77..d64f2c2a 100644
--- a/cmd/txt-suite/cmd.go
+++ b/cmd/txt-suite/cmd.go
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
+	"github.com/9elements/converged-security-suite/pkg/tools"
 var testno = flag.String("t", "", "Select test number 1 - 50. e.g.: -t=1,2,3,4,...")
@@ -49,21 +50,48 @@ func showHelp() {
 	fmt.Println("\t-legacyboot : Test if platform is TXT Legacy boot enabled")
+func systemRunsCoreboot() (bool, error) {
+	firmware, err := tools.SMBIOSGetVendor()
+	if err != nil {
+		return false, err
+	}
+	if strings.Contains(*firmware, string(test.FWCoreboot)) {
+		return true, nil
+	}
+	return false, nil
 func getTests() []*test.Test {
 	var tests []*test.Test
+	coreboot, _ := systemRunsCoreboot()
 	for i := range test.TestsCPU {
+		if test.TestsCPU[i].Firmware == test.FWNoCoreboot && coreboot {
+			continue
+		}
 		tests = append(tests, test.TestsCPU[i])
 	for i := range test.TestsTPM {
+		if test.TestsTPM[i].Firmware == test.FWNoCoreboot && coreboot {
+			continue
+		}
 		tests = append(tests, test.TestsTPM[i])
 	for i := range test.TestsFIT {
+		if test.TestsFIT[i].Firmware == test.FWNoCoreboot && coreboot {
+			continue
+		}
 		tests = append(tests, test.TestsFIT[i])
 	for i := range test.TestsMemory {
+		if test.TestsMemory[i].Firmware == test.FWNoCoreboot && coreboot {
+			continue
+		}
 		tests = append(tests, test.TestsMemory[i])
 	for i := range test.TestsACPI {
+		if test.TestsACPI[i].Firmware == test.FWNoCoreboot && coreboot {
+			continue
+		}
 		tests = append(tests, test.TestsACPI[i])
 	return tests
@@ -108,8 +136,8 @@ func deconstructFlag() ([]int, error) {
 	var err error
 	tmpstrings = strings.Split(*testno, ",")
 	for _, item := range tmpstrings {
-		if strings.Contains(*testno, "-") {
-			testrange = strings.Split(*testno, "-")
+		if strings.Contains(item, "-") {
+			testrange = strings.Split(item, "-")
 			testmin, err = strconv.Atoi(testrange[0])
 			if err != nil {
 				return nil, err
@@ -119,7 +147,7 @@ func deconstructFlag() ([]int, error) {
 				return nil, err
-			for i := testmin; i < testmax; i++ {
+			for i := testmin; i <= testmax; i++ {
 				testnos = append(testnos, i)
diff --git a/cmd/txt-suite/main.go b/cmd/txt-suite/main.go
index 687c669d..30bb426e 100644
--- a/cmd/txt-suite/main.go
+++ b/cmd/txt-suite/main.go
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ func run(tests []*test.Test) bool {
 		ioutil.WriteFile(logfile, data, 0664)
+	fmt.Printf("For more information about the documents and chapters, run: txt-suite -m\n\n")
 	for index := range tests {
 		if tests[index].Status == test.NotImplemented {
@@ -73,21 +74,17 @@ func run(tests []*test.Test) bool {
 		if tests[index].Result == test.ResultNotRun {
+		fmt.Printf("%02d - ", index)
 		fmt.Printf("%-40s: ", a.Bold(tests[index].Name))
 		if tests[index].Result == test.ResultPass {
-			fmt.Printf("%-20s\n", a.Bold(a.Green(tests[index].Result)))
-		} else if tests[index].Result == test.ResultWarn {
-			fmt.Printf("%-20s\n", a.Bold(a.Yellow(tests[index].Result)))
+			fmt.Printf("%-20s", a.Bold(a.Green(tests[index].Result)))
 		} else {
-			fmt.Printf("%-20s\n", a.Bold(a.Red(tests[index].Result)))
+			fmt.Printf("%-20s", a.Bold(a.Red(tests[index].Result)))
 		if tests[index].ErrorText != "" {
-			fmt.Printf(" %s\n", tests[index].ErrorText)
-		}
-		if tests[index].ErrorTextSpec != "" {
-			fmt.Printf(" %s\n", tests[index].ErrorTextSpec)
+			fmt.Printf(" (%s)", tests[index].ErrorText)
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 36adafca..317be73a 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -4,9 +4,20 @@ go 1.11
 require (
 	github.com/9elements/go-tss v0.0.0-20200703054618-83e8814aec2a
+	github.com/digitalocean/go-smbios v0.0.0-20180907143718-390a4f403a8e
+	github.com/dsnet/compress v0.0.1 // indirect
 	github.com/fearful-symmetry/gomsr v0.0.1
+	github.com/golang/protobuf v1.4.2 // indirect
+	github.com/golang/snappy v0.0.1 // indirect
 	github.com/google/go-tpm v0.3.1-0.20200725052042-df638858bece
 	github.com/intel-go/cpuid v0.0.0-20181003105527-1a4a6f06a1c6
-	github.com/logrusorgru/aurora v0.0.0-20200102142835-e9ef32dff381
-	golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20190215142949-d0b11bdaac8a // indirect
+	github.com/logrusorgru/aurora v2.0.3+incompatible
+	github.com/mholt/archiver v3.1.1+incompatible
+	github.com/nwaples/rardecode v1.1.0 // indirect
+	github.com/pierrec/lz4 v2.5.2+incompatible // indirect
+	github.com/spf13/pflag v1.0.5
+	github.com/ulikunitz/xz v0.5.7 // indirect
+	github.com/xi2/xz v0.0.0-20171230120015-48954b6210f8 // indirect
+	golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20200728102440-3e129f6d46b1 // indirect
+	google.golang.org/protobuf v1.25.0 // indirect
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
index a3bdbd8f..e5aa4af3 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+cloud.google.com/go v0.26.0/go.mod h1:aQUYkXzVsufM+DwF1aE+0xfcU+56JwCaLick0ClmMTw=
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@@ -8,54 +9,147 @@ github.com/9elements/go-tss v0.0.0-20200703054618-83e8814aec2a h1:QXvqjNu+/IxP9k
 github.com/9elements/go-tss v0.0.0-20200703054618-83e8814aec2a/go.mod h1:pEyHqkvznGT1Zk1zYr1p96m5sCkru89gdh8XuyddP4U=
 github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1/go.mod h1:xHWCNGjB5oqiDr8zfno3MHue2Ht5sIBksp03qcyfWMU=
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+github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-proto v0.2.1/go.mod h1:f6KPmirojxKA12rnyqOA5BBL4O983OfeGPqjHWSTneU=
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+honnef.co/go/tools v0.0.0-20190523083050-ea95bdfd59fc/go.mod h1:rf3lG4BRIbNafJWhAfAdb/ePZxsR/4RtNHQocxwk9r4=
diff --git a/pkg/test/acpi.go b/pkg/test/acpi.go
index a4d2102c..27a82875 100644
--- a/pkg/test/acpi.go
+++ b/pkg/test/acpi.go
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ var (
 		Required:                true,
 		function:                CheckRSDPValid,
 		Status:                  Implemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "SINIT Class 0xC Major 1",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     ServerGrantleyPlatformSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: ServerGrantleyPlatformDocumentID,
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ var (
 		Required:                true,
 		function:                CheckRSDTPresent,
 		Status:                  NotImplemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "SINIT Class 0xC Major 2",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     ServerGrantleyPlatformSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: ServerGrantleyPlatformDocumentID,
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ var (
 		Required:                false,
 		function:                CheckRSDTValid,
 		Status:                  Implemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "SINIT Class 0xC Major 3",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     ServerGrantleyPlatformSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: ServerGrantleyPlatformDocumentID,
@@ -48,6 +51,7 @@ var (
 		Required:                true,
 		function:                CheckXSDTPresent,
 		Status:                  Implemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "SINIT Class 0xC Major 9",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     ServerGrantleyPlatformSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: ServerGrantleyPlatformDocumentID,
@@ -58,6 +62,7 @@ var (
 		Required:                false,
 		function:                CheckXSDTValid,
 		Status:                  Implemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "SINIT Class 0xC Major 9",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     ServerGrantleyPlatformSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: ServerGrantleyPlatformDocumentID,
@@ -68,6 +73,7 @@ var (
 		Required:                true,
 		function:                CheckRSDTorXSDTValid,
 		Status:                  Implemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "5.2.8 Extended System Description Table (XSDT)",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     ACPISpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: ACPISpecificationDocumentID,
@@ -78,6 +84,7 @@ var (
 		Required:                true,
 		function:                CheckDMARPresence,
 		Status:                  Implemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "SINIT Class 0xC Major 4",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     ServerGrantleyPlatformSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: ServerGrantleyPlatformDocumentID,
@@ -88,6 +95,7 @@ var (
 		Required:                true,
 		function:                CheckDMARValid,
 		Status:                  Implemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "SINIT Class 0xC Major 5",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     ServerGrantleyPlatformSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: ServerGrantleyPlatformDocumentID,
@@ -98,6 +106,7 @@ var (
 		Required:                true,
 		function:                CheckMADTPresence,
 		Status:                  Implemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "SINIT Class 0xC Major 16",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     ServerGrantleyPlatformSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: ServerGrantleyPlatformDocumentID,
@@ -108,6 +117,7 @@ var (
 		Required:                true,
 		function:                CheckMADTValid,
 		Status:                  Implemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "SINIT Class 0xC Major 7",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     ServerGrantleyPlatformSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: ServerGrantleyPlatformDocumentID,
@@ -297,6 +307,7 @@ var (
 		Required:                true,
 		function:                CheckMCFGPresence,
 		Status:                  Implemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "SINIT Class 0xC Major 0xa",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     CBtGTXTPlatformSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: CBtGTXTPlatformDocumentID,
diff --git a/pkg/test/cpu.go b/pkg/test/cpu.go
index 6932c8ab..0f2a1a4b 100644
--- a/pkg/test/cpu.go
+++ b/pkg/test/cpu.go
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ var (
 		Name:                    "IBB is trusted",
 		function:                IBBIsTrusted,
 		Required:                false,
-		NonCritical:             true,
 		dependencies:            []*Test{&testtxtregisterspaceaccessible},
 		Status:                  Implemented,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "B.1.6 TXT.SPAD – BOOTSTATUS",
@@ -287,7 +286,7 @@ func IBBIsTrusted(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
 	if regs.BootStatus&(1<<59) != 0 && regs.BootStatus&(1<<63) != 0 {
 		return true, nil, nil
-	return false, fmt.Errorf("IBB not trusted"), err
+	return true, fmt.Errorf("IBB not trusted, MLE not running"), err
 // TXTRegistersLocked Verify that the TXT register space is locked
diff --git a/pkg/test/fit.go b/pkg/test/fit.go
index 5ea272a3..ec27edb5 100644
--- a/pkg/test/fit.go
+++ b/pkg/test/fit.go
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
+	tss "github.com/9elements/go-tss"
 // FITSize 16MiB
@@ -54,7 +55,6 @@ var (
 	testhasmcupdate = Test{
 		Name:                    "Microcode update entry in FIT",
 		Required:                true,
-		NonCritical:             true,
 		function:                HasMicroCode,
 		dependencies:            []*Test{&testhasfit},
 		Status:                  Implemented,
@@ -83,11 +83,10 @@ var (
 		SpecificationDocumentID: IntelFITSpecificationDocumentID,
 	testhaslcpTest = Test{
-		Name:         "BIOS Policy entry in FIT",
-		Required:     false,
-		function:     HasBIOSPolicy,
-		dependencies: []*Test{&testhasfit, &testtxtmodesignedpolicy},
-		Status:       Implemented,
+		Name:     "BIOS Policy entry in FIT",
+		Required: false,
+		function: HasBIOSPolicy,
+		Status:   NotImplemented,
 	testibbcoversresetvector = Test{
 		Name:                    "IBB covers reset vector",
@@ -700,13 +699,17 @@ func SINITACMcomplyTPMSpec(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
 	if err != nil {
 		return false, err, nil
-	res := (1 >> tpms.Capabilities & (uint32(tools.TPMFamilyDTPM12) | uint32(tools.TPMFamilyDTPMBoth)))
-	if res == 0 && testtpm12present.Result == ResultPass {
-		return true, nil, nil
-	}
-	res = (1 >> tpms.Capabilities & (uint32(tools.TPMFamilyDTPM20) | uint32(tools.TPMFamilyDTPMBoth)))
-	if res == 0 && testtpm2present.Result == ResultPass {
-		return true, nil, nil
+	switch tpmCon.Version {
+	case tss.TPMVersion12:
+		res := (1 >> tpms.Capabilities & (uint32(tools.TPMFamilyDTPM12) | uint32(tools.TPMFamilyDTPMBoth)))
+		if res == 0 {
+			return true, nil, nil
+		}
+	case tss.TPMVersion20:
+		res := (1 >> tpms.Capabilities & (uint32(tools.TPMFamilyDTPM20) | uint32(tools.TPMFamilyDTPMBoth)))
+		if res == 0 {
+			return true, nil, nil
+		}
 	return false, fmt.Errorf("SINIT ACM does not support used TPM"), nil
diff --git a/pkg/test/memory.go b/pkg/test/memory.go
index 94c0c109..5b2ab639 100644
--- a/pkg/test/memory.go
+++ b/pkg/test/memory.go
@@ -124,13 +124,6 @@ var (
 		SpecificiationTitle:     IntelTXTSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: IntelTXTSpecificationDocumentID,
-	testnosiniterrors = Test{
-		Name:        "SINIT ACM startup successful",
-		Required:    false,
-		NonCritical: true,
-		function:    NoSINITErrors,
-		Status:      Implemented,
-	}
 	testbiosdataregionpresent = Test{
 		Name:                    "BIOS DATA REGION present",
 		Required:                true,
@@ -185,7 +178,6 @@ var (
 		Required:                false,
 		function:                ActiveIOMMU,
 		Status:                  Implemented,
-		NonCritical:             true,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "1.11.2 Protected Memory Regions (PMRs)",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     IntelTXTSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: IntelTXTSpecificationDocumentID,
@@ -211,7 +203,6 @@ var (
-		&testnosiniterrors,
@@ -564,23 +555,6 @@ func SINITMatchesCPU(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
 	return false, fmt.Errorf("CPU signature not found in SINIT processor ID list"), nil
-// NoSINITErrors checks if the SINITACM was executed without any errors
-func NoSINITErrors(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
-	buf, err := tools.FetchTXTRegs(txtAPI)
-	if err != nil {
-		return false, nil, err
-	}
-	regs, err := tools.ParseTXTRegs(buf)
-	if err != nil {
-		return false, nil, err
-	}
-	if regs.ErrorCodeRaw != 0xc0000001 {
-		return false, fmt.Errorf("SINIT Error detected"), nil
-	}
-	return true, nil, nil
 // BIOSDATAREGIONPresent checks is the BIOSDATA Region is present in TXT Register Space
 func BIOSDATAREGIONPresent(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
 	buf, err := tools.FetchTXTRegs(txtAPI)
diff --git a/pkg/test/test.go b/pkg/test/test.go
index f812a325..50ac7e12 100644
--- a/pkg/test/test.go
+++ b/pkg/test/test.go
@@ -54,15 +54,23 @@ const (
 	// ResultFail indicates that the test failed
-	// ResultWarn indicates that the test failed for the standard configuration but can still be valid in a different configuration of TXT
-	ResultWarn
 	// ResultPass indicates that the test succeeded.
+// FirmwareType exposes the type of firmware
+type FirmwareType string
+const (
+	// FWCoreboot indicates test does run on coreboot firmware
+	FWCoreboot FirmwareType = "coreboot"
+	// FWNoCoreboot indicates test doesn't run on coreboot firmware
+	FWNoCoreboot FirmwareType = "UEFI"
 func (t Result) String() string {
 // Status exposes the type for test status
@@ -117,7 +125,7 @@ type Test struct {
 	ErrorTextSpec string
 	Status        Status
 	Spec          TXTSpec
-	NonCritical   bool
+	Firmware      FirmwareType
 	// The chapter inside the spec used for this test
 	SpecificationChapter string
 	// The specification used in this test
@@ -160,8 +168,6 @@ var TestsTXTReady = []*Test{
 	// TPM tests
-	&testtpm12present,
-	&testtpm2present,
@@ -224,8 +230,6 @@ var TestsTXTLegacyBoot = []*Test{
 	// TPM tests
-	&testtpm12present,
-	&testtpm2present,
@@ -275,12 +279,7 @@ func (t *Test) Run(TxtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) bool {
 				t.ErrorTextSpec += "for implementation details."
-			if t.NonCritical {
-				t.Result = ResultWarn
-			} else {
-				t.Result = ResultFail
-			}
+			t.Result = ResultFail
 		} else if rc {
 			t.Result = ResultPass
 		} else {
diff --git a/pkg/test/test_test.go b/pkg/test/test_test.go
index 47c06b69..048cb5af 100644
--- a/pkg/test/test_test.go
+++ b/pkg/test/test_test.go
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ func TestTest_Run(t *testing.T) {
 		ErrorText    string
 		Status       Status
 		Spec         TXTSpec
-		NonCritical  bool
+		Firmware     FirmwareType
 	BNotImplemented := Test{
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func TestTest_Run(t *testing.T) {
-		true,
+		FWCoreboot,
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ func TestTest_Run(t *testing.T) {
-		true,
+		FWCoreboot,
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ func TestTest_Run(t *testing.T) {
-		true,
+		FWCoreboot,
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ func TestTest_Run(t *testing.T) {
-				true,
+				FWCoreboot,
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ func TestTest_Run(t *testing.T) {
-				true,
+				FWCoreboot,
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ func TestTest_Run(t *testing.T) {
-				true,
+				FWCoreboot,
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ func TestTest_Run(t *testing.T) {
-				true,
+				FWCoreboot,
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ func TestTest_Run(t *testing.T) {
-				true,
+				FWCoreboot,
@@ -158,29 +158,13 @@ func TestTest_Run(t *testing.T) {
 				"Test A, returns error",
-				func(a hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) { return true, fmt.Errorf("error 1"), nil },
-				ResultNotRun,
-				[]*Test{},
-				"",
-				Implemented,
-				Common,
-				true,
-			},
-			false,
-			ResultWarn,
-		},
-		{
-			"Regular test error critical",
-			fields{
-				"Test A, returns error, but is critical",
-				true,
 				func(a hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) { return false, fmt.Errorf("error 1"), nil },
-				false,
+				FWCoreboot,
@@ -199,7 +183,7 @@ func TestTest_Run(t *testing.T) {
 				ErrorText:    tt.fields.ErrorText,
 				Status:       tt.fields.Status,
 				Spec:         tt.fields.Spec,
-				NonCritical:  tt.fields.NonCritical,
+				Firmware:     tt.fields.Firmware,
 			if got := tr.Run(txtAPI); got != tt.wantReturn {
 				t.Errorf("Test.Run() = %v, want %v", got, tt.wantReturn)
diff --git a/pkg/test/tpm.go b/pkg/test/tpm.go
index b0443fff..037077a4 100644
--- a/pkg/test/tpm.go
+++ b/pkg/test/tpm.go
@@ -72,22 +72,6 @@ var (
 		function: TPMConnect,
 		Status:   Implemented,
-	testtpm12present = Test{
-		Name:         "TPM 1.2 present",
-		Required:     false,
-		NonCritical:  true,
-		function:     TPM12Present,
-		dependencies: []*Test{&testtpmconnection},
-		Status:       Implemented,
-	}
-	testtpm2present = Test{
-		Name:         "TPM 2.0 is present",
-		Required:     false,
-		NonCritical:  true,
-		function:     TPM20Present,
-		dependencies: []*Test{&testtpmconnection},
-		Status:       Implemented,
-	}
 	testtpmispresent = Test{
 		Name:         "TPM is present",
 		Required:     true,
@@ -99,9 +83,9 @@ var (
 		Name:                    "TPM NVRAM is locked",
 		function:                TPMNVRAMIsLocked,
 		Required:                true,
-		NonCritical:             true,
 		dependencies:            []*Test{&testtpmispresent},
 		Status:                  Implemented,
+		Firmware:                FWNoCoreboot,
 		SpecificationChapter:    " Failsafe Hash",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     IntelTXTBGSBIOSSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: IntelTXTBGSBIOSSpecificationDocumentID,
@@ -130,7 +114,6 @@ var (
 		Name:                    "AUX Index has the correct hash",
 		function:                AUXTPM2IndexCheckHash,
 		Required:                true,
-		NonCritical:             false,
 		dependencies:            []*Test{&testtpmispresent},
 		Status:                  Implemented,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "I TPM NV",
@@ -141,7 +124,6 @@ var (
 		Name:                    "PO Index has correct config",
 		function:                POIndexConfig,
 		Required:                false,
-		NonCritical:             true,
 		dependencies:            []*Test{&testtpmispresent},
 		Status:                  Implemented,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "I TPM NV",
@@ -162,7 +144,6 @@ var (
 		Name:                    "PO index has valid LCP Policy",
 		function:                POIndexHasValidLCP,
 		Required:                true,
-		NonCritical:             true,
 		dependencies:            []*Test{&testtpmispresent},
 		Status:                  Implemented,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "D.3 LCP_POLICY_LIST",
@@ -189,24 +170,13 @@ var (
 		SpecificiationTitle:     IntelTXTBGSBIOSSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: IntelTXTBGSBIOSSpecificationDocumentID,
-	testtxtmodeauto = Test{
-		Name:                    "Auto-promotion mode is active",
-		function:                AutoPromotionModeIsActive,
+	// TODO TXT Mode is Set
+	testtxtmodeisset = Test{
+		Name:                    "TXT Mode is set",
+		function:                TXTModeIsSet,
 		Required:                true,
 		dependencies:            []*Test{&testpsindexissvalid},
 		Status:                  Implemented,
-		NonCritical:             true,
-		SpecificationChapter:    "5.6.2 Autopromotion Hash and Signed BIOS Policy",
-		SpecificiationTitle:     IntelTXTBGSBIOSSpecificationTitle,
-		SpecificationDocumentID: IntelTXTBGSBIOSSpecificationDocumentID,
-	}
-	testtxtmodesignedpolicy = Test{
-		Name:                    "Signed policy mode is active",
-		function:                SignedPolicyModeIsActive,
-		Required:                true,
-		dependencies:            []*Test{&testpsindexissvalid},
-		Status:                  Implemented,
-		NonCritical:             true,
 		SpecificationChapter:    "5.6.2 Autopromotion Hash and Signed BIOS Policy",
 		SpecificiationTitle:     IntelTXTBGSBIOSSpecificationTitle,
 		SpecificationDocumentID: IntelTXTBGSBIOSSpecificationDocumentID,
@@ -215,8 +185,6 @@ var (
 	// TestsTPM exposes the slice of pointers to tests regarding tpm functionality for txt
 	TestsTPM = [...]*Test{
-		&testtpm12present,
-		&testtpm2present,
@@ -227,8 +195,7 @@ var (
-		&testtxtmodeauto,
-		&testtxtmodesignedpolicy,
+		&testtxtmodeisset,
@@ -242,30 +209,14 @@ func TPMConnect(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
 	return true, nil, nil
-// TPM12Present Checks if TPM 1.2 is present and answers to GetCapability
-func TPM12Present(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
+// TPMIsPresent validates if one of the two previous tests succeeded
+func TPMIsPresent(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
 	switch tpmCon.Version {
 	case tss.TPMVersion12:
 		return true, nil, nil
-	}
-	return false, fmt.Errorf("No TPM1.2 device detected"), nil
-// TPM20Present Checks if TPM 2.0 is present and answers to GetCapability
-func TPM20Present(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
-	switch tpmCon.Version {
 	case tss.TPMVersion20:
 		return true, nil, nil
-	return false, fmt.Errorf("No TPM2.0 device detected"), nil
-// TPMIsPresent validates if one of the two previous tests succeeded
-func TPMIsPresent(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
-	if (testtpm12present.Result == ResultPass) || (testtpm2present.Result == ResultPass) {
-		return true, nil, nil
-	}
 	return false, fmt.Errorf("No TPM present"), nil
@@ -895,39 +846,26 @@ func NPWModeIsNotSetInPS(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
 	return true, nil, nil
-// AutoPromotionModeIsActive checks if TXT is in auto-promotion mode
-func AutoPromotionModeIsActive(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
+// TXTModeIsSet checks if a TXT mode is set
+func TXTModeIsSet(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
 	pol1, pol2, err := readPSLCPPolicy(txtAPI)
 	if err != nil {
 		return false, nil, err
 	if pol1 != nil {
 		if pol1.PolicyType != tools.LCPPolicyTypeAny {
-			return false, fmt.Errorf("Signed Policy mode active"), nil
+			return true, fmt.Errorf("Signed Policy mode active"), nil
-	}
-	if pol2 != nil {
-		if pol2.PolicyType != tools.LCPPolicyTypeAny {
-			return false, fmt.Errorf("Signed Policy mode active"), nil
-		}
-	}
-	return true, nil, nil
-// SignedPolicyModeIsActive checks if TXT is in signed policy mode
-func SignedPolicyModeIsActive(txtAPI hwapi.APIInterfaces) (bool, error, error) {
-	pol1, pol2, err := readPSLCPPolicy(txtAPI)
-	if err != nil {
-		return false, nil, err
-	}
-	if pol1 != nil {
 		if pol1.PolicyType != tools.LCPPolicyTypeList {
-			return false, fmt.Errorf("Auto-promotion mode active"), nil
+			return true, fmt.Errorf("Auto-promotion mode active"), nil
 	if pol2 != nil {
+		if pol2.PolicyType != tools.LCPPolicyTypeAny {
+			return true, fmt.Errorf("Signed Policy mode active"), nil
+		}
 		if pol2.PolicyType != tools.LCPPolicyTypeList {
-			return false, fmt.Errorf("Auto-promotion mode active"), nil
+			return true, fmt.Errorf("Auto-promotion mode active"), nil
 	return true, nil, nil
diff --git a/pkg/tools/smbios.go b/pkg/tools/smbios.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf8b2522
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/tools/smbios.go
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package tools
+import (
+	"errors"
+	"github.com/digitalocean/go-smbios/smbios"
+// SMBIOSGetVendor gets the vendor name from table 0
+func SMBIOSGetVendor() (*string, error) {
+	rc, _, err := smbios.Stream()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	defer rc.Close()
+	d := smbios.NewDecoder(rc)
+	ss, err := d.Decode()
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	for _, s := range ss {
+		if s.Header.Type == 0 {
+			return &s.Strings[0], nil
+		}
+	}
+	return nil, errors.New("Firmware vendor string in SMBIOS not found")