diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 33328b9..5af71f7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -44,75 +44,17 @@ For browser usage, download the library from the `dist` directory and import in
-## Modules
-Modules are used to generate assets like marker files.
-### Marker
-This module can generate both barcode and pattern markers.
-**MarkerModule.getBarcodeMarkerSVGDataURI(matrixTypeId, value)**
-This method is used to create a barcode image from a value.
-Accepts a matrix type (see exported `MATRIX_*` constants) and a value and returns a data URI string,
-representing an SVG of the barcode marker.
-Supported matrix types (values start from 0):
-| Matrix type | Max value |
-| ----------------- | ----------- |
-| `3x3_hamming_6_3` | 7 |
-| `3x3_parity_6_5` | 31 |
-| `4x4_bch_13_5_5` | 31 |
-| `4x4_bch_13_9_3` | 511 |
-| `5x5_bch_22_7_7` | 128 |
-| `5x5_bch_22_12_5` | 4095 |
-This method is used to create a `.patt` file from an image.
-Accepts an image as a data URI string and returns a string for the `.patt` file.
-**MarkerModule.getFullMarkerImage(dataURI, ratio, size, color)**
-This method is used to create the marker image with border from an image.
-Accepts an image as a data URI string, size, ratio and border color for the marker and returns
-a data URI string representing the final marker image.
+Alternatively, you can use a CDN service like GitHack (replace `vX.Y.Z` with an actual version):
-const { MarkerModule, MATRIX_3X3_HAMMING_63 } = ARjsStudioBackend;
-// generate an SVG data URI for the value '8'
-const barcodeMarkerSVG = MarkerModule.getBarcodeMarkerSVGDataURI(MATRIX_3X3_HAMMING_63, 7);
-const barcodeImage = new Image();
-barcodeImage.src = barcodeMarkerSVG; // use the image 'load' event to know when image is ready
-// ----
-// draw the image on an off-screen canvas and use `.toDataURL()` to get a data URI
-const fullMarker = await MarkerModule.getFullMarkerImage(imageDataURI, 1.0, 100, 'black');
-const pattFile = await MarkerModule.getMarkerPattern(imageDataURI);
-const patternImage = new Image();
-patternImage.src = fullMarker;
-// use the image 'load' event to know when image is ready
-patternImage.addEventListener('load', () => {
- document.body.appendChild(patternImage);
-const pattFileDownload = document.createElement('a');
-pattFileDownload.href = `data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,${pattFile}`;
-pattFileDownload.download = 'marker.patt'; // filename
-pattFileDownload.click(); // trigger download
-### Location (TBI)
+## Modules
+Modules are used to generate assets like marker and `.patt` files.
-### NFT (TBI)
+See [modules docs](docs/modules.md) for detailed documentation and examples.
## Providers
@@ -120,103 +62,13 @@ Providers are used to gather together the project assets and serve them in diffe
A base `Provider` class can be found in `src/providers/Provider.js`, you can extend directly from it or use
others this library provides.
-### GitHub Pages
-**new GithubProvider(config)**
+See [providers docs](docs/providers.md) for detailed documentation and examples.
-Accepts the following configuration:
+## HTML generation
-new GithubProvider({
- token: 'authorization token', // required, can be a PAT or OAuth token
- owner: 'username', // automatically retrieved by default
- repo: 'name of the repository', // defaults to 'arjs-studio-NUMBERS'
- branch: 'gh-pages' // automatically deploy to Pages by default
+Modules also provide static functions to generate the content of `index.html` files for all kinds of AR.js applications.
-**addFile(path, content, encoding)**
-To add a file you need to provide its path in the repository, content and encoding.
-Accepted encodings are `utf-8` for textual files and `base64` for encoded images (see exported `ENC_*` constants).
-Commits files to the user's repository and returns a `Promise` that resolves to the URL
-of the deployed Pages.
- message: 'custom commit message',
- owner: 'custom owner',
- repo: 'custom repo',
- branch: 'custom branch'
-First, create a Personal Access Token from [GitHub Developer Settings](https://github.com/settings/tokens)
-with scope `repo:publis_repo`.
-Then use it to serve the project:
-const { GithubProvider, ENC_BASE64 } = ARjsStudioBackend;
-const github = new GithubProvider({
- token: 'YOUR-TOKEN'
-github.addFile('index.html', 'Hello World!');
-github.addFile('img/example.jpg', 'base64 encoded image ...', ENC_BASE64);
-const pagesUrl = await github.serveFiles({
- message: 'my awesome AR experience'
-const branchName = github.branch; // store this
-The provider will use the PAT to create repo, branch, set up Pages, commit all the files and trigger
-a Pages build.
-### Zip file
-**new ZipProvider()**
-The constructor.
-**addFile(path, content, encoding)**
-To add a file you need to provider its path in the ZIP, content and encoding.
-Accepted encodings are `utf-8` for textual files, `base64` for encoded images and `binary` if data
-should be treated as raw content (see exported `ENC_*` constants).
-Generates the ZIP file returning a `Promise` that resolves to the requested format.
- type: 'output format', // see ZIP_* constants, defaults to base64
- compress: 6 // set to 0 to disable compression, defaults to 0
-const image = 'base64 encoded image';
-const {
- ZipProvider,
-} = ARjsStudioBackend;
-const zip = new ZipProvider();
-zip.addFile('readme.txt', 'Hello world!');
-zip.addFile('images/img.jpg', image, ENC_BASE64);
-const base64 = await zip.serveFiles({ compress: 9 });
-// trigger download
-window.location = `data:application/zip;base64,${base64}`
+See [templates docs](docs/templates.md) for detailed documentation and examples.
diff --git a/docs/modules.md b/docs/modules.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..280919a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/modules.md
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+## Marker
+This module can generate both barcode and pattern markers.
+**MarkerModule.getBarcodeMarkerSVGDataURI(matrixTypeId, value)**
+This method is used to create a barcode image from a value.
+Accepts a matrix type (see exported `MATRIX_*` constants) and a value and returns a data URI string,
+representing an SVG of the barcode marker.
+Supported matrix types (values start from 0):
+| Matrix type | Max value |
+| ----------------- | ----------- |
+| `3x3_hamming_6_3` | 7 |
+| `3x3_parity_6_5` | 31 |
+| `4x4_bch_13_5_5` | 31 |
+| `4x4_bch_13_9_3` | 511 |
+| `5x5_bch_22_7_7` | 128 |
+| `5x5_bch_22_12_5` | 4095 |
+This method is used to create a `.patt` file from an image.
+Accepts an image as a data URI string and returns a string for the `.patt` file.
+**MarkerModule.getFullMarkerImage(dataURI, ratio, size, color)**
+This method is used to create the marker image with border from an image.
+Accepts an image as a data URI string, size, ratio and border color for the marker and returns
+a data URI string representing the final marker image.
+const { MarkerModule, MATRIX_3X3_HAMMING_63 } = ARjsStudioBackend;
+// generate an SVG data URI for the value '8'
+const barcodeMarkerSVG = MarkerModule.getBarcodeMarkerSVGDataURI(MATRIX_3X3_HAMMING_63, 7);
+const barcodeImage = new Image();
+barcodeImage.src = barcodeMarkerSVG; // use the image 'load' event to know when image is ready
+// ----
+// draw the image on an off-screen canvas and use `.toDataURL()` to get a data URI
+const fullMarker = await MarkerModule.getFullMarkerImage(imageDataURI, 1.0, 100, 'black');
+const pattFile = await MarkerModule.getMarkerPattern(imageDataURI);
+const patternImage = new Image();
+patternImage.src = fullMarker;
+// use the image 'load' event to know when image is ready
+patternImage.addEventListener('load', () => {
+ document.body.appendChild(patternImage);
+const pattFileDownload = document.createElement('a');
+pattFileDownload.href = `data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,${pattFile}`;
+pattFileDownload.download = 'marker.patt'; // filename
+pattFileDownload.click(); // trigger download
+## Location (TBI)
+## NFT (TBI)
diff --git a/docs/providers.md b/docs/providers.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2573eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/providers.md
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+## GitHub Pages
+**new GithubProvider(config)**
+Accepts the following configuration:
+new GithubProvider({
+ token: 'authorization token', // required, can be a PAT or OAuth token
+ owner: 'username', // automatically retrieved by default
+ repo: 'name of the repository', // defaults to 'arjs-studio-NUMBERS'
+ branch: 'gh-pages' // automatically deploy to Pages by default
+**addFile(path, content, encoding)**
+To add a file you need to provide its path in the repository, content and encoding.
+Accepted encodings are `utf-8` for textual files and `base64` for encoded images (see exported `ENC_*` constants).
+Commits files to the user's repository and returns a `Promise` that resolves to the URL
+of the deployed Pages.
+ message: 'custom commit message',
+ owner: 'custom owner',
+ repo: 'custom repo',
+ branch: 'custom branch'
+First, create a Personal Access Token from [GitHub Developer Settings](https://github.com/settings/tokens)
+with scope `repo:publis_repo`.
+Then use it to serve the project:
+const { GithubProvider, ENC_BASE64 } = ARjsStudioBackend;
+const github = new GithubProvider({
+ token: 'YOUR-TOKEN'
+github.addFile('index.html', 'Hello World!');
+github.addFile('img/example.jpg', 'base64 encoded image ...', ENC_BASE64);
+const pagesUrl = await github.serveFiles({
+ message: 'my awesome AR experience'
+const branchName = github.branch; // store this
+The provider will use the PAT to create repo, branch, set up Pages, commit all the files and trigger
+a Pages build.
+## Zip file
+**new ZipProvider()**
+The constructor, no configuration is needed.
+**addFile(path, content, encoding)**
+To add a file you need to provider its path in the ZIP, content and encoding.
+Accepted encodings are `utf-8` for textual files, `base64` for encoded images and `binary` if data
+should be treated as raw content (see exported `ENC_*` constants).
+Generates the ZIP file returning a `Promise` that resolves to the requested format.
+ type: 'output format', // see ZIP_* constants, defaults to base64
+ compress: 6 // set to 0 to disable compression, defaults to 0
+const image = 'base64 encoded image';
+const {
+ ZipProvider,
+} = ARjsStudioBackend;
+const zip = new ZipProvider();
+zip.addFile('readme.txt', 'Hello world!');
+zip.addFile('images/img.jpg', image, ENC_BASE64);
+const base64 = await zip.serveFiles({ compress: 9 });
+// trigger download
+window.location = `data:application/zip;base64,${base64}`
diff --git a/docs/templates.md b/docs/templates.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e000952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/templates.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+## Marker applications
+**MarkerModule.generatePattern3dHtml(pattSrc, modelSrc)**
+Generates the `index.html` contents for an AR.js application using a marker pattern and 3d model as AR asset.
+Parameters are the relative paths for `.patt` and `.gltf` files.
+**MarkerModule.generatePatternImageHtml(pattSrc, imageSrc)**
+Generates the `index.html` contents for an AR.js application using a marker pattern and an image as AR asset.
+Parameters are the relative paths for `.patt` file and the image.
+**MarkerModule.generatePatternAudioHtml(pattSrc, audioSrc)**
+Generates the `index.html` contents for an AR.js application using a marker pattern and an audio file as AR asset.
+Parameters are the relative paths for `.patt` file and the audio.
+**MarkerModule.generatePatternVideoHtml(pattSrc, videoSrc)**
+Generates the `index.html` contents for an AR.js application using a marker pattern and a video file as AR asset.
+Parameters are the relative paths for `.patt` file and the video.
+const { MarkerModule } = ARjsStudioBackend;
+// generate the index.html for an AR application that uses marker pattern and an audio file as AR asset
+const content = MarkerModule.generatePatternAudioTemplate('/marker.patt', '/assets/audio.mp3');