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Static code analysis Deploy to AWS Run tests


A processing environment for HyP3 Plugins in AWS.

Table of contents

Developer Setup

  1. Clone the repository
    git clone [email protected]:ASFHyP3/hyp3.git
    cd hyp3
  2. Create and activate a conda environment
    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate hyp3
  3. Run the tests
    make tests


The deployment steps below describe how to deploy to a general AWS account you own/administer. HyP3 does support deploying to more secure environments which may require additional steps and are described in docs/deployments.


These resources are required for a successful deployment, but managed separately:

  • HyP3 plugin container images and tags. Current plugins are defined in job_spec.
  • S3 bucket for CloudFormation deployment artifacts
  • EarthData Login account authorized to download data from ASF
  • IAM role configured for REST API access logging
  • default VPC
  • IAM user and roles for automated CloudFormation deployments (if desired)
  • For Earthdata Cloud deployments:
    • An IAM permissions boundary policy ARN
  • For non-Earthdata Cloud deployments:
    • DNS record for custom API domain name
    • SSL certificate in AWS Certificate Manager for custom API domain name

Stack Parameters

Review the parameters in cloudformation.yml for deploy time configuration options.

Deploy with CloudFormation

To deploy HyP3 with reasonable defaults, follow the steps below. For more advanced deployment configuration, see the deployment GitHub Action.

From the repository root,

  • Install dependencies for build and run
make install
  • Install Python dependencies for AWS Lambda functions (requires pip for python 3.9)
make build
  • Package the CloudFormation template
aws cloudformation package \
            --template-file apps/main-cf.yml \
            --s3-bucket <CloudFormation artifact bucket> \
            --output-template-file packaged.yml
  • Deploy to AWS with CloudFormation
aws cloudformation deploy \
            --stack-name <name of your HyP3 Stack> \
            --template-file packaged.yml \
            --role-arn <arn for your deployment user/role> \
            --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
            --parameter-overrides \
                "VpcId=<default vpc>" \
                "SubnetIds=<comma separated list of subnet ids>" \
                "EDLUsername=<EDL Username to download products>" \
                "EDLPassword=<EDL Password to download products>" \
                "DomainName=<Domain Name>" \
                "CertificateArn=<arn for ssl certificate>"
  • Check API at https://<Domain Name>/ui

  • (Optional) clean render and build artifacts

make clean

Note: this will remove any untracked files in the apps/ or lib/dynamo/ directory.

Running the API Locally

The API can be run locally to verify changes, but must be connected to an existing DynamoDB jobs table.

  • Setup aws credentials in your environment Documentation by AWS

  • Setup environment variables in test/cfg.env to desired values (you must change the names of any DynamoDB table to one that exists)

  • run API

make run
  • In order to use you will need to include the following cookie