From d9954d8391481d12f5ea4013f5663a3153c18663 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mohamed Gaber <>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2024 17:14:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] use apple swift-format

 Package.swift                            |   80 +-
 Sources/Fault/BoundaryScanRegister.swift |  294 ++--
 Sources/Fault/Compaction.swift           |  338 ++---
 Sources/Fault/Entries/asm.swift          |  308 ++--
 Sources/Fault/Entries/chain.swift        | 1434 +++++++++---------
 Sources/Fault/Entries/common.swift       |   82 +-
 Sources/Fault/Entries/cut.swift          |  342 ++---
 Sources/Fault/Entries/main.swift         |   82 +-
 Sources/Fault/Entries/synth.swift        |  126 +-
 Sources/Fault/Entries/tap.swift          |  916 +++++------
 Sources/Fault/Errors.swift               |   14 +-
 Sources/Fault/Future.swift               |   62 +-
 Sources/Fault/JTAG.swift                 |  280 ++--
 Sources/Fault/JTAGStrings.swift          |    6 +-
 Sources/Fault/Metadata.swift             |  192 +--
 Sources/Fault/Module.swift               |  366 ++---
 Sources/Fault/Mux.swift                  |  112 +-
 Sources/Fault/RNG.swift                  |   98 +-
 Sources/Fault/SCLConfiguration.swift     |   83 +-
 Sources/Fault/SerialVectorFormat.swift   |  106 +-
 Sources/Fault/Simulation.swift           | 1756 +++++++++++-----------
 Sources/Fault/String.swift               |  136 +-
 Sources/Fault/Synthesis.swift            |  128 +-
 Sources/Fault/TVGenerator.swift          |  514 +++----
 Sources/Fault/TestVector.swift           |  248 +--
 25 files changed, 4052 insertions(+), 4051 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Package.swift b/Package.swift
index f0b8da9..f821ea3 100644
--- a/Package.swift
+++ b/Package.swift
@@ -4,44 +4,44 @@
 import PackageDescription
 let package = Package(
-    name: "Fault",
-    platforms: [
-        .macOS(.v13), // Regex features only available in Ventura+
-    ],
-    dependencies: [
-        // Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
-        .package(
-            url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")
-        ),
-        .package(url: "", from: "0.5.0"),
-        .package(url: "", from: "5.2.1"),
-        .package(url: "", from: "5.2.1"),
-        .package(url: "", from: "5.0.6"),
-        .package(url: "", from: "1.3.0"),
-    ],
-    targets: [
-        // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite.
-        // Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages which this package depends on.
-        .executableTarget(
-            name: "fault",
-            dependencies: [
-                "PythonKit", .product(name: "ArgumentParser", package: "swift-argument-parser"),
-                "Defile", .product(name: "Collections", package: "swift-collections"), "BigInt",
-                "Yams",
-                "CThreadPool",
-            ],
-            path: "Sources/Fault"
-        ),
-        .target(
-            name: "CThreadPool",
-            dependencies: [],
-            path: "Sources/CThreadPool",
-            sources: [
-                "thpool.c",
-            ],
-            cSettings: [
-                .headerSearchPath("Sources/CThreadPool/include"),
-            ]
-        ),
-    ]
+  name: "Fault",
+  platforms: [
+    .macOS(.v13)  // Regex features only available in Ventura+
+  ],
+  dependencies: [
+    // Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
+    .package(
+      url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0")
+    ),
+    .package(url: "", from: "0.5.0"),
+    .package(url: "", from: "5.2.1"),
+    .package(url: "", from: "5.2.1"),
+    .package(url: "", from: "5.0.6"),
+    .package(url: "", from: "1.3.0"),
+  ],
+  targets: [
+    // Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite.
+    // Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages which this package depends on.
+    .executableTarget(
+      name: "fault",
+      dependencies: [
+        "PythonKit", .product(name: "ArgumentParser", package: "swift-argument-parser"),
+        "Defile", .product(name: "Collections", package: "swift-collections"), "BigInt",
+        "Yams",
+        "CThreadPool",
+      ],
+      path: "Sources/Fault"
+    ),
+    .target(
+      name: "CThreadPool",
+      dependencies: [],
+      path: "Sources/CThreadPool",
+      sources: [
+        "thpool.c"
+      ],
+      cSettings: [
+        .headerSearchPath("Sources/CThreadPool/include")
+      ]
+    ),
+  ]
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/BoundaryScanRegister.swift b/Sources/Fault/BoundaryScanRegister.swift
index ced3f81..52130dd 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/BoundaryScanRegister.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/BoundaryScanRegister.swift
@@ -16,154 +16,154 @@ import Foundation
 import PythonKit
 class BoundaryScanRegisterCreator {
-    var name: String
-    private var inputName: String
-    private var outputName: String
-    var counter: Int = 0
-    var clock: String
-    var reset: String
-    var resetActive: Simulator.Active
-    var testing: String
-    var shift: String
-    private var clockIdentifier: PythonObject
-    private var resetIdentifier: PythonObject
-    private var testingIdentifier: PythonObject
-    private var shiftIdentifier: PythonObject
-    private var Node: PythonObject
-    init(
-        name: String,
-        clock: String,
-        reset: String,
-        resetActive: Simulator.Active,
-        testing: String,
-        shift: String,
-        using Node: PythonObject
-    ) {
- = name
-        inputName = "\(name)_input"
-        outputName = "\(name)_output"
-        self.clock = clock
-        clockIdentifier = Node.Identifier(clock)
-        self.reset = reset
-        resetIdentifier = Node.Identifier(reset)
-        self.resetActive = resetActive
-        self.testing = testing
-        testingIdentifier = Node.Identifier(testing)
-        self.shift = shift
-        shiftIdentifier = Node.Identifier(shift)
-        self.Node = Node
-    }
-    func create(
-        group: String,
-        din: PythonObject,
-        dout: PythonObject,
-        sin: String,
-        sout: String,
-        input: Bool
-    ) -> PythonObject {
-        let sinIdentifier = Node.Identifier(sin)
-        let soutIdentifier = Node.Identifier(sout)
-        let name = input ? inputName : outputName
-        let portArguments = [
-            Node.PortArg("din", din),
-            Node.PortArg("dout", dout),
-            Node.PortArg("sin", sinIdentifier),
-            Node.PortArg("sout", soutIdentifier),
-            Node.PortArg("clock", clockIdentifier),
-            Node.PortArg("reset", resetIdentifier),
-            Node.PortArg("testing", testingIdentifier),
-            Node.PortArg("shift", shiftIdentifier),
-        ]
-        let instanceName = "__\(name)_\(group)_\(counter)__"
-        let submoduleInstance = Node.Instance(
-            name,
-            instanceName,
-            Python.tuple(portArguments),
-            Python.tuple()
-        )
-        counter += 1
-        return Node.InstanceList(
-            name,
-            Python.tuple(),
-            Python.tuple([submoduleInstance])
-        )
-    }
-    var inputDefinition: String {
-        """
-        module \(inputName) (
-            din,
-            dout,
-            sin,
-            sout,
-            clock,
-            reset,
-            testing,
-            shift
-        );
-            input din; output dout;
-            input sin; output sout;
-            input clock, reset, testing, shift;
-            reg store;
-            always @ (posedge clock or \(resetActive == .high ? "posedge" : "negedge") reset) begin
-                if (\(resetActive == .high ? "" : "~") reset) begin
-                    store <= 1'b0;
-                end else begin
-                    store <= shift ? sin: dout;
-                end
+  var name: String
+  private var inputName: String
+  private var outputName: String
+  var counter: Int = 0
+  var clock: String
+  var reset: String
+  var resetActive: Simulator.Active
+  var testing: String
+  var shift: String
+  private var clockIdentifier: PythonObject
+  private var resetIdentifier: PythonObject
+  private var testingIdentifier: PythonObject
+  private var shiftIdentifier: PythonObject
+  private var Node: PythonObject
+  init(
+    name: String,
+    clock: String,
+    reset: String,
+    resetActive: Simulator.Active,
+    testing: String,
+    shift: String,
+    using Node: PythonObject
+  ) {
+ = name
+    inputName = "\(name)_input"
+    outputName = "\(name)_output"
+    self.clock = clock
+    clockIdentifier = Node.Identifier(clock)
+    self.reset = reset
+    resetIdentifier = Node.Identifier(reset)
+    self.resetActive = resetActive
+    self.testing = testing
+    testingIdentifier = Node.Identifier(testing)
+    self.shift = shift
+    shiftIdentifier = Node.Identifier(shift)
+    self.Node = Node
+  }
+  func create(
+    group: String,
+    din: PythonObject,
+    dout: PythonObject,
+    sin: String,
+    sout: String,
+    input: Bool
+  ) -> PythonObject {
+    let sinIdentifier = Node.Identifier(sin)
+    let soutIdentifier = Node.Identifier(sout)
+    let name = input ? inputName : outputName
+    let portArguments = [
+      Node.PortArg("din", din),
+      Node.PortArg("dout", dout),
+      Node.PortArg("sin", sinIdentifier),
+      Node.PortArg("sout", soutIdentifier),
+      Node.PortArg("clock", clockIdentifier),
+      Node.PortArg("reset", resetIdentifier),
+      Node.PortArg("testing", testingIdentifier),
+      Node.PortArg("shift", shiftIdentifier),
+    ]
+    let instanceName = "__\(name)_\(group)_\(counter)__"
+    let submoduleInstance = Node.Instance(
+      name,
+      instanceName,
+      Python.tuple(portArguments),
+      Python.tuple()
+    )
+    counter += 1
+    return Node.InstanceList(
+      name,
+      Python.tuple(),
+      Python.tuple([submoduleInstance])
+    )
+  }
+  var inputDefinition: String {
+    """
+    module \(inputName) (
+        din,
+        dout,
+        sin,
+        sout,
+        clock,
+        reset,
+        testing,
+        shift
+    );
+        input din; output dout;
+        input sin; output sout;
+        input clock, reset, testing, shift;
+        reg store;
+        always @ (posedge clock or \(resetActive == .high ? "posedge" : "negedge") reset) begin
+            if (\(resetActive == .high ? "" : "~") reset) begin
+                store <= 1'b0;
+            end else begin
+                store <= shift ? sin: dout;
-            assign sout = store;
-            assign dout = testing ? store : din;
-        endmodule
-        """
-    }
-    var outputDefinition: String {
-        """
-        module \(outputName) (
-            din,
-            dout,
-            sin,
-            sout,
-            clock,
-            reset,
-            testing,
-            shift
-        );
-            input din; output dout;
-            input sin; output sout;
-            input clock, reset, testing, shift;
-            reg store;
-            always @ (posedge clock or \(resetActive == .high ? "posedge" : "negedge") reset) begin
-                if (\(resetActive == .high ? "" : "~") reset) begin
-                    store <= 1'b0;
-                end else begin
-                    store <= shift ? sin: dout;
-                end
+        end
+        assign sout = store;
+        assign dout = testing ? store : din;
+    endmodule
+    """
+  }
+  var outputDefinition: String {
+    """
+    module \(outputName) (
+        din,
+        dout,
+        sin,
+        sout,
+        clock,
+        reset,
+        testing,
+        shift
+    );
+        input din; output dout;
+        input sin; output sout;
+        input clock, reset, testing, shift;
+        reg store;
+        always @ (posedge clock or \(resetActive == .high ? "posedge" : "negedge") reset) begin
+            if (\(resetActive == .high ? "" : "~") reset) begin
+                store <= 1'b0;
+            end else begin
+                store <= shift ? sin: dout;
-            assign sout = store;
-            assign dout = din;
-        endmodule
+        end
+        assign sout = store;
+        assign dout = din;
+    endmodule
-        """
-    }
+    """
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Compaction.swift b/Sources/Fault/Compaction.swift
index 33621fc..b58018e 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Compaction.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Compaction.swift
@@ -13,198 +13,198 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 enum Compactor {
-    static func compact(
-        coverageList: [TVCPair]
-    ) -> [TVCPair] {
-        var sa0 = Set<String>()
-        var sa1 = Set<String>()
+  static func compact(
+    coverageList: [TVCPair]
+  ) -> [TVCPair] {
+    var sa0 = Set<String>()
+    var sa1 = Set<String>()
-        var sa0Covered = Set<String>()
-        var sa1Covered = Set<String>()
+    var sa0Covered = Set<String>()
+    var sa1Covered = Set<String>()
-        let tvCount = coverageList.count
+    let tvCount = coverageList.count
-        // Construct Set of all Faults
-        for tvPair in coverageList {
-            sa0.formUnion(tvPair.coverage.sa0)
-            sa1.formUnion(tvPair.coverage.sa1)
-        }
+    // Construct Set of all Faults
+    for tvPair in coverageList {
+      sa0.formUnion(tvPair.coverage.sa0)
+      sa1.formUnion(tvPair.coverage.sa1)
+    }
-        // Find Essential TVs
-        print("Finding essential test vectors…")
-        let result =
-            Compactor.findEssentials(coverageList: coverageList, sa0: sa0, sa1: sa1)
+    // Find Essential TVs
+    print("Finding essential test vectors…")
+    let result =
+      Compactor.findEssentials(coverageList: coverageList, sa0: sa0, sa1: sa1)
-        print("Found \(result.vectors.count) essential test vectors.")
+    print("Found \(result.vectors.count) essential test vectors.")
-        // Essential TV columns
-        for fault in result.faultSA0 {
-            sa0Covered.insert(fault)
-        }
+    // Essential TV columns
+    for fault in result.faultSA0 {
+      sa0Covered.insert(fault)
+    }
-        for fault in result.faultSA1 {
-            sa1Covered.insert(fault)
-        }
+    for fault in result.faultSA1 {
+      sa1Covered.insert(fault)
+    }
-        var rowCount = [TestVector: UInt]()
+    var rowCount = [TestVector: UInt]()
-        for tvPair in coverageList {
-            rowCount[tvPair.vector] =
-                UInt(tvPair.coverage.sa0.count + tvPair.coverage.sa1.count)
-        }
+    for tvPair in coverageList {
+      rowCount[tvPair.vector] =
+        UInt(tvPair.coverage.sa0.count + tvPair.coverage.sa1.count)
+    }
-        var vectors = result.vectors
-        func exec(
-            tvPair: TVCPair,
-            sa0Covered: Set<String>,
-            sa1Covered: Set<String>
-        ) -> (Int, TestVector) {
-            var sa0: [String] = []
-            var sa1: [String] = []
-            if tvPair.coverage.sa0.count != 0 {
-                sa0 = tvPair.coverage.sa0.filter {
-                    !sa0Covered.contains($0)
-                }
-            }
-            if tvPair.coverage.sa1.count != 0 {
-                sa1 = tvPair.coverage.sa1.filter {
-                    !sa1Covered.contains($0)
-                }
-            }
-            return (covered: sa0.count + sa1.count, vector: tvPair.vector)
-        }
+    var vectors = result.vectors
+    func exec(
+      tvPair: TVCPair,
+      sa0Covered: Set<String>,
+      sa1Covered: Set<String>
+    ) -> (Int, TestVector) {
+      var sa0: [String] = []
+      var sa1: [String] = []
-        print("Performing compaction…")
-        repeat {
-            let sortedCount = rowCount.sorted { $0.1 > $1.1 }
-            let tvPairDominant = coverageList.filter { $0.vector == sortedCount[0].key }[0]
-            for fault in tvPairDominant.coverage.sa0 {
-                sa0Covered.insert(fault)
-            }
-            for fault in tvPairDominant.coverage.sa1 {
-                sa1Covered.insert(fault)
-            }
-            var FutureList: [Future] = []
-            // Update  Row Count
-            for tvPair in coverageList {
-                let future = Future {
-                    exec(
-                        tvPair: tvPair,
-                        sa0Covered: sa0Covered,
-                        sa1Covered: sa1Covered
-                    )
-                }
-                FutureList.append(future)
-            }
-            for future in FutureList {
-                let (count, vector) = future.value as! (Int, TestVector)
-                rowCount[vector] = UInt(count)
-            }
-            vectors.insert(sortedCount[0].key)
-        } while (sa0Covered.count != sa0.count) || (sa1Covered.count != sa1.count)
-        let filtered = coverageList.filter { vectors.contains($0.vector) }
-        // Verify that Compaction didn't reduce the coverage
-        var sa0Final = Set<String>()
-        var sa1Final = Set<String>()
-        for tvPair in filtered {
-            sa0Final.formUnion(tvPair.coverage.sa0)
-            sa1Final.formUnion(tvPair.coverage.sa1)
+      if tvPair.coverage.sa0.count != 0 {
+        sa0 = tvPair.coverage.sa0.filter {
+          !sa0Covered.contains($0)
-        if sa0 == sa0Final, sa1 == sa1Final {
-            let ratio = (1 - (Float(filtered.count) / Float(tvCount))) * 100
-            print("Initial TV Count: \(tvCount). Compacted TV Count: \(filtered.count). ")
-            print("Successfully compacted test vectors by a ratio of \(String(format: "%.2f", ratio))%.")
-        } else {
-            print("Error: All faults aren't covered after compaction .\n")
+      }
+      if tvPair.coverage.sa1.count != 0 {
+        sa1 = tvPair.coverage.sa1.filter {
+          !sa1Covered.contains($0)
-        return filtered
+      }
+      return (covered: sa0.count + sa1.count, vector: tvPair.vector)
-    private static func findEssentials(
-        coverageList: [TVCPair],
-        sa0: Set<String>,
-        sa1: Set<String>
-    ) -> (vectors: Set<TestVector>, faultSA0: [String], faultSA1: [String]) {
-        var vectors = Set<TestVector>()
-        var faultSA0: [String] = []
-        var faultSA1: [String] = []
-        func sa0Exec(
-            fault: String,
-            coverageList: [TVCPair]
-        ) -> (fault: String, count: Int, tvRow: TestVector) {
-            var count = 0
-            var tvRow: TestVector = []
-            for tvPair in coverageList {
-                if tvPair.coverage.sa0.contains(fault) {
-                    count = count + 1
-                    tvRow = tvPair.vector
-                }
-            }
-            return (fault: fault, count: count, tvRow: tvRow)
+    print("Performing compaction…")
+    repeat {
+      let sortedCount = rowCount.sorted { $0.1 > $1.1 }
+      let tvPairDominant = coverageList.filter { $0.vector == sortedCount[0].key }[0]
+      for fault in tvPairDominant.coverage.sa0 {
+        sa0Covered.insert(fault)
+      }
+      for fault in tvPairDominant.coverage.sa1 {
+        sa1Covered.insert(fault)
+      }
+      var FutureList: [Future] = []
+      // Update  Row Count
+      for tvPair in coverageList {
+        let future = Future {
+          exec(
+            tvPair: tvPair,
+            sa0Covered: sa0Covered,
+            sa1Covered: sa1Covered
+          )
+        FutureList.append(future)
+      }
-        func sa1Exec(
-            fault: String,
-            coverageList: [TVCPair]
-        ) -> (fault: String, count: Int, tvRow: TestVector) {
-            var count = 0
-            var tvRow: TestVector = []
-            for tvPair in coverageList {
-                if tvPair.coverage.sa1.contains(fault) {
-                    count = count + 1
-                    tvRow = tvPair.vector
-                }
-            }
-            return (fault: fault, count: count, tvRow: tvRow)
-        }
+      for future in FutureList {
+        let (count, vector) = future.value as! (Int, TestVector)
+        rowCount[vector] = UInt(count)
+      }
-        var sa0Futures: [Future] = []
-        for fault in sa0 {
-            let future = Future {
-                sa0Exec(fault: fault, coverageList: coverageList)
-            }
-            sa0Futures.append(future)
-        }
+      vectors.insert(sortedCount[0].key)
+    } while (sa0Covered.count != sa0.count) || (sa1Covered.count != sa1.count)
-        var sa1Futures: [Future] = []
-        for fault in sa1 {
-            let future = Future {
-                sa1Exec(fault: fault, coverageList: coverageList)
-            }
-            sa1Futures.append(future)
-        }
+    let filtered = coverageList.filter { vectors.contains($0.vector) }
-        for future in sa0Futures {
-            let (fault, count, tvRow) = future.value as! (String, Int, TestVector)
-            if count == 1 {
-                faultSA0.append(fault)
-                vectors.insert(tvRow)
-            }
+    // Verify that Compaction didn't reduce the coverage
+    var sa0Final = Set<String>()
+    var sa1Final = Set<String>()
+    for tvPair in filtered {
+      sa0Final.formUnion(tvPair.coverage.sa0)
+      sa1Final.formUnion(tvPair.coverage.sa1)
+    }
+    if sa0 == sa0Final, sa1 == sa1Final {
+      let ratio = (1 - (Float(filtered.count) / Float(tvCount))) * 100
+      print("Initial TV Count: \(tvCount). Compacted TV Count: \(filtered.count). ")
+      print("Successfully compacted test vectors by a ratio of \(String(format: "%.2f", ratio))%.")
+    } else {
+      print("Error: All faults aren't covered after compaction .\n")
+    }
+    return filtered
+  }
+  private static func findEssentials(
+    coverageList: [TVCPair],
+    sa0: Set<String>,
+    sa1: Set<String>
+  ) -> (vectors: Set<TestVector>, faultSA0: [String], faultSA1: [String]) {
+    var vectors = Set<TestVector>()
+    var faultSA0: [String] = []
+    var faultSA1: [String] = []
+    func sa0Exec(
+      fault: String,
+      coverageList: [TVCPair]
+    ) -> (fault: String, count: Int, tvRow: TestVector) {
+      var count = 0
+      var tvRow: TestVector = []
+      for tvPair in coverageList {
+        if tvPair.coverage.sa0.contains(fault) {
+          count = count + 1
+          tvRow = tvPair.vector
+      }
+      return (fault: fault, count: count, tvRow: tvRow)
+    }
-        for future in sa1Futures {
-            let (fault, count, tvRow) = future.value as! (String, Int, TestVector)
-            if count == 1 {
-                faultSA1.append(fault)
-                vectors.insert(tvRow)
-            }
+    func sa1Exec(
+      fault: String,
+      coverageList: [TVCPair]
+    ) -> (fault: String, count: Int, tvRow: TestVector) {
+      var count = 0
+      var tvRow: TestVector = []
+      for tvPair in coverageList {
+        if tvPair.coverage.sa1.contains(fault) {
+          count = count + 1
+          tvRow = tvPair.vector
+      }
+      return (fault: fault, count: count, tvRow: tvRow)
+    }
+    var sa0Futures: [Future] = []
+    for fault in sa0 {
+      let future = Future {
+        sa0Exec(fault: fault, coverageList: coverageList)
+      }
+      sa0Futures.append(future)
+    }
+    var sa1Futures: [Future] = []
+    for fault in sa1 {
+      let future = Future {
+        sa1Exec(fault: fault, coverageList: coverageList)
+      }
+      sa1Futures.append(future)
+    }
-        return (
-            vectors: vectors,
-            faultSA0: faultSA0,
-            faultSA1: faultSA1
-        )
+    for future in sa0Futures {
+      let (fault, count, tvRow) = future.value as! (String, Int, TestVector)
+      if count == 1 {
+        faultSA0.append(fault)
+        vectors.insert(tvRow)
+      }
+    for future in sa1Futures {
+      let (fault, count, tvRow) = future.value as! (String, Int, TestVector)
+      if count == 1 {
+        faultSA1.append(fault)
+        vectors.insert(tvRow)
+      }
+    }
+    return (
+      vectors: vectors,
+      faultSA0: faultSA0,
+      faultSA1: faultSA1
+    )
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Entries/asm.swift b/Sources/Fault/Entries/asm.swift
index e187bca..c650cad 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Entries/asm.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Entries/asm.swift
@@ -20,161 +20,161 @@ import Foundation
 import PythonKit
 extension Fault {
-    struct Assemble: ParsableCommand {
-        static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
-            commandName: "asm",
-            abstract: "Assemble test vectors and golden outputs from JSON and Verilog files."
+  struct Assemble: ParsableCommand {
+    static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
+      commandName: "asm",
+      abstract: "Assemble test vectors and golden outputs from JSON and Verilog files."
+    )
+    @Option(name: [.customShort("o"), .long], help: "Path to the output vector file.")
+    var output: String?
+    @Option(name: [.customShort("O"), .long], help: "Path to the golden output file.")
+    var goldenOutput: String?
+    @Argument(help: "JSON file (.json).")
+    var json: String
+    @Argument(help: "Verilog file (.v)")
+    var verilog: String
+    mutating func run() throws {
+      // Validate input files
+      guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: verilog) else {
+        throw ValidationError("Verilog file '\(verilog)' not found.")
+      }
+      guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: json) else {
+        throw ValidationError("JSON file '\(json)' not found.")
+      }
+      let vectorOutput = output ?? json.replacingExtension(".json", with: ".bin")
+      let goldenOutput = goldenOutput ?? json.replacingExtension(".tv.json", with: ".au.bin")
+      print("Loading JSON data…")
+      guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: json)) else {
+        throw ValidationError("Failed to open test vector JSON file.")
+      }
+      let decoder = JSONDecoder()
+      guard let tvinfo = try? decoder.decode(TVInfo.self, from: data) else {
+        throw ValidationError("Test vector JSON file is invalid.")
+      }
+      // Extract chain metadata
+      let (chain, _, _) = ChainMetadata.extract(file: verilog)
+      let order = chain.filter { $0.kind != .output }.sorted { $0.ordinal < $1.ordinal }
+      let outputOrder = chain.filter { $0.kind != .input }.sorted { $0.ordinal < $1.ordinal }
+      let jsInputOrder = tvinfo.inputs
+      let jsOutputOrder = tvinfo.outputs
+      var inputMap: [String: Int] = [:]
+      var outputMap: [String: Int] = [:]
+      // Check input order
+      let chainOrder = order.filter { $0.kind != .bypassInput }
+      guard chainOrder.count == jsInputOrder.count else {
+        throw ValidationError(
+          "Number of inputs in the test-vector JSON file (\(jsInputOrder.count)) does not match scan-chain registers (\(chainOrder.count)): Found \(Set(\.name)).symmetricDifference(\.name)))."
-        @Option(name: [.customShort("o"), .long], help: "Path to the output vector file.")
-        var output: String?
-        @Option(name: [.customShort("O"), .long], help: "Path to the golden output file.")
-        var goldenOutput: String?
-        @Argument(help: "JSON file (.json).")
-        var json: String
-        @Argument(help: "Verilog file (.v)")
-        var verilog: String
-        mutating func run() throws {
-            // Validate input files
-            guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: verilog) else {
-                throw ValidationError("Verilog file '\(verilog)' not found.")
-            }
-            guard FileManager.default.fileExists(atPath: json) else {
-                throw ValidationError("JSON file '\(json)' not found.")
-            }
-            let vectorOutput = output ?? json.replacingExtension(".json", with: ".bin")
-            let goldenOutput = goldenOutput ?? json.replacingExtension(".tv.json", with: ".au.bin")
-            print("Loading JSON data…")
-            guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: json)) else {
-                throw ValidationError("Failed to open test vector JSON file.")
-            }
-            let decoder = JSONDecoder()
-            guard let tvinfo = try? decoder.decode(TVInfo.self, from: data) else {
-                throw ValidationError("Test vector JSON file is invalid.")
-            }
-            // Extract chain metadata
-            let (chain, _, _) = ChainMetadata.extract(file: verilog)
-            let order = chain.filter { $0.kind != .output }.sorted { $0.ordinal < $1.ordinal }
-            let outputOrder = chain.filter { $0.kind != .input }.sorted { $0.ordinal < $1.ordinal }
-            let jsInputOrder = tvinfo.inputs
-            let jsOutputOrder = tvinfo.outputs
-            var inputMap: [String: Int] = [:]
-            var outputMap: [String: Int] = [:]
-            // Check input order
-            let chainOrder = order.filter { $0.kind != .bypassInput }
-            guard chainOrder.count == jsInputOrder.count else {
-                throw ValidationError(
-                    "Number of inputs in the test-vector JSON file (\(jsInputOrder.count)) does not match scan-chain registers (\(chainOrder.count)): Found \(Set(\.name)).symmetricDifference(\.name)))."
-                )
-            }
-            for (i, input) in jsInputOrder.enumerated() {
-                let name ="\\") ? String( :
-                inputMap[name] = i
-                guard chainOrder[i].name == name else {
-                    throw ValidationError(
-                        "Ordinal mismatch between TV input \(name) and scan-chain register \(chainOrder[i].name)."
-                    )
-                }
-            }
-            for (i, output) in jsOutputOrder.enumerated() {
-                var name ="\\") ? String( :
-                name = name.hasSuffix(".d") ? String(name.dropLast(2)) : name
-                outputMap[name] = i
-            }
-            var outputDecimal: [[BigUInt]] = []
-            for tvcPair in tvinfo.coverageList {
-                guard let hex = BigUInt(tvcPair.goldenOutput, radix: 16) else {
-                    throw ValidationError("Invalid JSON. Golden output must be in hex format.")
-                }
-                var pointer = 0
-                var list: [BigUInt] = []
-                let binFromHex = String(hex, radix: 2)
-                let padLength = jsOutputOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width } - binFromHex.count
-                let outputBinary = (String(repeating: "0", count: padLength) + binFromHex).reversed()
-                for output in jsOutputOrder {
-                    let start = outputBinary.index(outputBinary.startIndex, offsetBy: pointer)
-                    let end = outputBinary.index(start, offsetBy: output.width)
-                    let value = String(outputBinary[start ..< end])
-                    list.append(BigUInt(value, radix: 2)!)
-                    pointer += output.width
-                }
-                outputDecimal.append(list)
-            }
-            var binFileVec = "// test-vector \n"
-            var binFileOut = "// fault-free-response \n"
-            for (i, tvcPair) in tvinfo.coverageList.enumerated() {
-                var binaryString = ""
-                for element in order {
-                    var value: BigUInt = 0
-                    if let locus = inputMap[] {
-                        value = tvcPair.vector[locus]
-                    } else if element.kind == .bypassInput {
-                        value = 0
-                    } else {
-                        throw ValidationError("Chain register \( not found in the TVs.")
-                    }
-                    binaryString += value.pad(digits: element.width, radix: 2).reversed()
-                }
-                var outputBinary = ""
-                for element in outputOrder {
-                    var value: BigUInt = 0
-                    if let locus = outputMap[] {
-                        value = outputDecimal[i][locus]
-                        outputBinary += value.pad(digits: element.width, radix: 2)
-                    } else if element.kind == .bypassOutput {
-                        outputBinary += String(repeating: "x", count: element.width)
-                    } else {
-                        throw ValidationError(
-                            "Mismatch between output port \( and chained netlist.")
-                    }
-                }
-                binFileVec += binaryString + "\n"
-                binFileOut += outputBinary + " \n"
-            }
-            let vectorCount = tvinfo.coverageList.count
-            let vectorLength = order.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
-            let vecMetadata = binMetadata(count: vectorCount, length: vectorLength)
-            let outMetadata = binMetadata(
-                count: vectorCount, length: outputOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
-            )
-            guard let vecMetadataString = vecMetadata.toJSON() else {
-                throw ValidationError("Could not generate metadata string.")
-            }
-            guard let outMetadataString = outMetadata.toJSON() else {
-                throw ValidationError("Could not generate metadata string.")
-            }
-            try, mode: .write) {
-                try $0.print(String.boilerplate)
-                try $0.print("/* FAULT METADATA: '\(vecMetadataString)' END FAULT METADATA */")
-                try $0.print(binFileVec, terminator: "")
-            }
-            try, mode: .write) {
-                try $0.print(String.boilerplate)
-                try $0.print("/* FAULT METADATA: '\(outMetadataString)' END FAULT METADATA */")
-                try $0.print(binFileOut, terminator: "")
-            }
-            print("Test vectors and golden outputs assembled successfully.")
+      }
+      for (i, input) in jsInputOrder.enumerated() {
+        let name ="\\") ? String( :
+        inputMap[name] = i
+        guard chainOrder[i].name == name else {
+          throw ValidationError(
+            "Ordinal mismatch between TV input \(name) and scan-chain register \(chainOrder[i].name)."
+          )
+        }
+      }
+      for (i, output) in jsOutputOrder.enumerated() {
+        var name ="\\") ? String( :
+        name = name.hasSuffix(".d") ? String(name.dropLast(2)) : name
+        outputMap[name] = i
+      }
+      var outputDecimal: [[BigUInt]] = []
+      for tvcPair in tvinfo.coverageList {
+        guard let hex = BigUInt(tvcPair.goldenOutput, radix: 16) else {
+          throw ValidationError("Invalid JSON. Golden output must be in hex format.")
+        }
+        var pointer = 0
+        var list: [BigUInt] = []
+        let binFromHex = String(hex, radix: 2)
+        let padLength = jsOutputOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width } - binFromHex.count
+        let outputBinary = (String(repeating: "0", count: padLength) + binFromHex).reversed()
+        for output in jsOutputOrder {
+          let start = outputBinary.index(outputBinary.startIndex, offsetBy: pointer)
+          let end = outputBinary.index(start, offsetBy: output.width)
+          let value = String(outputBinary[start..<end])
+          list.append(BigUInt(value, radix: 2)!)
+          pointer += output.width
+        }
+        outputDecimal.append(list)
+      }
+      var binFileVec = "// test-vector \n"
+      var binFileOut = "// fault-free-response \n"
+      for (i, tvcPair) in tvinfo.coverageList.enumerated() {
+        var binaryString = ""
+        for element in order {
+          var value: BigUInt = 0
+          if let locus = inputMap[] {
+            value = tvcPair.vector[locus]
+          } else if element.kind == .bypassInput {
+            value = 0
+          } else {
+            throw ValidationError("Chain register \( not found in the TVs.")
+          }
+          binaryString += value.pad(digits: element.width, radix: 2).reversed()
+        }
+        var outputBinary = ""
+        for element in outputOrder {
+          var value: BigUInt = 0
+          if let locus = outputMap[] {
+            value = outputDecimal[i][locus]
+            outputBinary += value.pad(digits: element.width, radix: 2)
+          } else if element.kind == .bypassOutput {
+            outputBinary += String(repeating: "x", count: element.width)
+          } else {
+            throw ValidationError(
+              "Mismatch between output port \( and chained netlist.")
+          }
+        binFileVec += binaryString + "\n"
+        binFileOut += outputBinary + " \n"
+      }
+      let vectorCount = tvinfo.coverageList.count
+      let vectorLength = order.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
+      let vecMetadata = binMetadata(count: vectorCount, length: vectorLength)
+      let outMetadata = binMetadata(
+        count: vectorCount, length: outputOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
+      )
+      guard let vecMetadataString = vecMetadata.toJSON() else {
+        throw ValidationError("Could not generate metadata string.")
+      }
+      guard let outMetadataString = outMetadata.toJSON() else {
+        throw ValidationError("Could not generate metadata string.")
+      }
+      try, mode: .write) {
+        try $0.print(String.boilerplate)
+        try $0.print("/* FAULT METADATA: '\(vecMetadataString)' END FAULT METADATA */")
+        try $0.print(binFileVec, terminator: "")
+      }
+      try, mode: .write) {
+        try $0.print(String.boilerplate)
+        try $0.print("/* FAULT METADATA: '\(outMetadataString)' END FAULT METADATA */")
+        try $0.print(binFileOut, terminator: "")
+      }
+      print("Test vectors and golden outputs assembled successfully.")
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Entries/chain.swift b/Sources/Fault/Entries/chain.swift
index d0b8a79..12de048 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Entries/chain.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Entries/chain.swift
@@ -20,782 +20,782 @@ import PythonKit
 import Yams
 func chainInternal(
-    Node: PythonObject,
-    sclConfig: SCLConfiguration,
-    module: Module,
-    blackboxModules: OrderedDictionary<String, Module>,
-    bsrCreator: BoundaryScanRegisterCreator,
-    bypass: inout BypassOptions,
-    shiftName: String,
-    inputName: String,
-    outputName: String,
-    testName: String,
-    tckName: String,
-    invClockName: String?
+  Node: PythonObject,
+  sclConfig: SCLConfiguration,
+  module: Module,
+  blackboxModules: OrderedDictionary<String, Module>,
+  bsrCreator: BoundaryScanRegisterCreator,
+  bypass: inout BypassOptions,
+  shiftName: String,
+  inputName: String,
+  outputName: String,
+  testName: String,
+  tckName: String,
+  invClockName: String?
 ) throws -> [ChainRegister] {
-    // Modifies module definition in-place to create scan-chain.
-    // Changes name to .original to differentate from new top level.
-    print("Chaining internal flip-flops…")
-    let alteredName = "\\\("
-    var internalOrder: [ChainRegister] = []
-    let shiftIdentifier = Node.Identifier(shiftName)
-    let inputIdentifier = Node.Identifier(inputName)
-    let outputIdentifier = Node.Identifier(outputName)
-    let clkSourceName = "__clk_source__"
-    let clkSourceId = Node.Identifier(clkSourceName)
-    let invClkSourceName = "__clk_source_n__"
-    var invClkSourceId: PythonObject?
-    var statements: [PythonObject] = []
-    statements.append(Node.Input(inputName))
-    statements.append(Node.Output(outputName))
-    statements.append(Node.Input(shiftName))
-    statements.append(Node.Input(tckName))
-    statements.append(Node.Input(testName))
-    statements.append(Node.Wire(clkSourceName))
-    if invClockName != nil {
-        statements.append(Node.Wire(invClkSourceName))
-    }
-    var ports = [PythonObject](module.definition.portlist.ports)!
-    ports.append(Node.Port(inputName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
-    ports.append(Node.Port(shiftName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
-    ports.append(Node.Port(outputName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
-    ports.append(Node.Port(tckName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
-    ports.append(Node.Port(testName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
-    module.definition.portlist.ports = Python.tuple(ports)
-    var counter = 0
-    let newShiftWire: () -> PythonObject = { // Type annotation required in Swift 5.4
-        () in
-            let name = "__chain_\(counter)__"
-            counter += 1
-            statements.append(Node.Decl([Node.Wire(name)]))
-            return Node.Identifier(name)
-    }
-    var previousOutput = newShiftWire()
-    statements.append(Node.Assign(previousOutput, inputIdentifier))
-    let fnmatch = Python.import("fnmatch")
-    var muxCreator: MuxCreator?
-    if let muxInfo = sclConfig.muxInfo {
-        muxCreator = MuxCreator(using: Node, muxInfo: muxInfo)
-    }
-    var warn = false
-    for itemDeclaration in module.definition.items {
-        let type = Python.type(itemDeclaration).__name__
-        // Process gates
-        if type == "InstanceList" {
-            let instance = itemDeclaration.instances[0]
-            let moduleName = String(describing: instance.module)
-            let instanceName = String(describing:
-            if let dffinfo = getMatchingDFFInfo(
-                from: sclConfig.dffMatches, for: moduleName, fnmatch: fnmatch
-            ) {
-                for hook in instance.portlist {
-                    let portnameStr = String(describing: hook.portname)
-                    if portnameStr == dffinfo.clk {
-                        if String(describing: hook.argname) == bypass.clock {
-                            hook.argname = clkSourceId
-                        } else {
-                            warn = true
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if portnameStr == dffinfo.d {
-                        if let mc = muxCreator {
-                            let (muxCellDecls, muxWireDecls, muxOut) = mc.create(
-                                for: instanceName, selection: shiftIdentifier, a: previousOutput, b: hook.argname
-                            )
-                            hook.argname = muxOut
-                            statements += muxCellDecls
-                            statements += muxWireDecls
-                        } else {
-                            let ternary = Node.Cond(
-                                shiftIdentifier,
-                                previousOutput,
-                                hook.argname
-                            )
-                            hook.argname = ternary
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if portnameStr == dffinfo.q {
-                        previousOutput = hook.argname
-                    }
-                }
-                internalOrder.append(
-                    ChainRegister(
-                        name: String(describing:,
-                        kind: .dff
-                    )
-                )
-            } else if let blackboxModule = blackboxModules[moduleName] {
-                // MARK: Isolating hard blocks
-                print("Chaining blackbox module '\('…")
-                for hook in instance.portlist {
-                    // Note that `hook.argname` is actually an expression
-                    let portInfo = blackboxModule.portsByName["\(hook.portname)"]!
-                    if bypass.bypassedIOs.contains( {
-                        // Leave it alone
-                        continue
-                    }
-                    let wireNameOriginal = "\\\(instanceName).\("
-                    let wireNameMultiplexed = "\\\(instanceName).\("
-                    let width = Node.Width(Node.IntConst(portInfo.from), Node.IntConst(
-                    let wiresDecl = Node.Decl([
-                        Node.Wire(wireNameOriginal, width: width), Node.Wire(wireNameMultiplexed, width: width),
-                    ])
-                    statements.append(wiresDecl)
-                    var kind: ChainRegister.Kind
-                    if portInfo.polarity == .input {
-                        statements.append(Node.Assign(Node.Identifier(wireNameOriginal), hook.argname))
-                        kind = .bypassInput
-                    } else if portInfo.polarity == .output {
-                        statements.append(Node.Assign(hook.argname, Node.Identifier(wireNameMultiplexed)))
-                        hook.argname = Node.Identifier(wireNameOriginal)
-                        kind = .bypassOutput
-                    } else {
-                        throw RuntimeError("Unknown polarity for \(instanceName)'s \(")
-                    }
-                    for bit in portInfo.bits {
-                        let originalBit = Node.Pointer(Node.Identifier(wireNameOriginal), Node.IntConst(bit))
-                        let multiplexedBit = Node.Pointer(
-                            Node.Identifier(wireNameMultiplexed), Node.IntConst(bit)
-                        )
-                        let nextOutput = newShiftWire()
-                        let decl = bsrCreator.create(
-                            group: instanceName,
-                            din: originalBit,
-                            dout: multiplexedBit,
-                            sin: "\(previousOutput)",
-                            sout: "\(nextOutput)",
-                            input: portInfo.polarity != .input // If it's an input to the macro, it's an output of the circuit we're stitching a scan-chain for
-                        )
-                        previousOutput = nextOutput
-                        statements.append(decl)
-                    }
-                    internalOrder.append(
-                        ChainRegister(
-                            name: "\(instanceName).\(",
-                            kind: kind,
-                            width: portInfo.width
-                        )
-                    )
-                }
+  // Modifies module definition in-place to create scan-chain.
+  // Changes name to .original to differentate from new top level.
+  print("Chaining internal flip-flops…")
+  let alteredName = "\\\("
+  var internalOrder: [ChainRegister] = []
+  let shiftIdentifier = Node.Identifier(shiftName)
+  let inputIdentifier = Node.Identifier(inputName)
+  let outputIdentifier = Node.Identifier(outputName)
+  let clkSourceName = "__clk_source__"
+  let clkSourceId = Node.Identifier(clkSourceName)
+  let invClkSourceName = "__clk_source_n__"
+  var invClkSourceId: PythonObject?
+  var statements: [PythonObject] = []
+  statements.append(Node.Input(inputName))
+  statements.append(Node.Output(outputName))
+  statements.append(Node.Input(shiftName))
+  statements.append(Node.Input(tckName))
+  statements.append(Node.Input(testName))
+  statements.append(Node.Wire(clkSourceName))
+  if invClockName != nil {
+    statements.append(Node.Wire(invClkSourceName))
+  }
+  var ports = [PythonObject](module.definition.portlist.ports)!
+  ports.append(Node.Port(inputName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
+  ports.append(Node.Port(shiftName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
+  ports.append(Node.Port(outputName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
+  ports.append(Node.Port(tckName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
+  ports.append(Node.Port(testName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
+  module.definition.portlist.ports = Python.tuple(ports)
+  var counter = 0
+  let newShiftWire: () -> PythonObject = {  // Type annotation required in Swift 5.4
+    () in
+    let name = "__chain_\(counter)__"
+    counter += 1
+    statements.append(Node.Decl([Node.Wire(name)]))
+    return Node.Identifier(name)
+  }
+  var previousOutput = newShiftWire()
+  statements.append(Node.Assign(previousOutput, inputIdentifier))
+  let fnmatch = Python.import("fnmatch")
+  var muxCreator: MuxCreator?
+  if let muxInfo = sclConfig.muxInfo {
+    muxCreator = MuxCreator(using: Node, muxInfo: muxInfo)
+  }
+  var warn = false
+  for itemDeclaration in module.definition.items {
+    let type = Python.type(itemDeclaration).__name__
+    // Process gates
+    if type == "InstanceList" {
+      let instance = itemDeclaration.instances[0]
+      let moduleName = String(describing: instance.module)
+      let instanceName = String(describing:
+      if let dffinfo = getMatchingDFFInfo(
+        from: sclConfig.dffMatches, for: moduleName, fnmatch: fnmatch
+      ) {
+        for hook in instance.portlist {
+          let portnameStr = String(describing: hook.portname)
+          if portnameStr == dffinfo.clk {
+            if String(describing: hook.argname) == bypass.clock {
+              hook.argname = clkSourceId
+            } else {
+              warn = true
+          }
+          if portnameStr == dffinfo.d {
+            if let mc = muxCreator {
+              let (muxCellDecls, muxWireDecls, muxOut) = mc.create(
+                for: instanceName, selection: shiftIdentifier, a: previousOutput, b: hook.argname
+              )
+              hook.argname = muxOut
+              statements += muxCellDecls
+              statements += muxWireDecls
-            if let invClock = invClockName, moduleName == invClock {
-                for hook in instance.portlist {
-                    if String(describing: hook.argname) == bypass.clock {
-                        invClkSourceId = Node.Identifier(invClkSourceName)
-                        hook.argname = invClkSourceId!
-                    }
-                }
+            } else {
+              let ternary = Node.Cond(
+                shiftIdentifier,
+                previousOutput,
+                hook.argname
+              )
+              hook.argname = ternary
-        }
-        statements.append(itemDeclaration)
-    }
-    if warn {
-        print("[Warning]: Detected flip-flops with clock different from \(bypass.clock).")
-    }
-    let finalAssignment = Node.Assign(
-        Node.Lvalue(outputIdentifier),
-        Node.Rvalue(previousOutput)
-    )
-    statements.append(finalAssignment)
-    let clockCond = Node.Cond(
-        Node.Identifier(testName),
-        Node.Identifier(tckName),
-        Node.Identifier(bypass.clock)
-    )
-    let clkSourceAssignment = Node.Assign(
-        Node.Lvalue(clkSourceId),
-        Node.Rvalue(clockCond)
-    )
-    statements.append(clkSourceAssignment)
+          }
-    if let invClkId = invClkSourceId {
-        let invClockCond = Node.Cond(
-            Node.Identifier(testName),
-            Node.Unot(Node.Identifier(tckName)),
-            Node.Identifier(bypass.clock)
-        )
+          if portnameStr == dffinfo.q {
+            previousOutput = hook.argname
+          }
+        }
-        let invClockAssignment = Node.Assign(
-            Node.Lvalue(invClkId),
-            Node.Rvalue(invClockCond)
+        internalOrder.append(
+          ChainRegister(
+            name: String(describing:,
+            kind: .dff
+          )
-        statements.append(invClockAssignment)
-    }
-    module.definition.items = Python.tuple(statements)
- = Python.str(alteredName)
-    return internalOrder
-func chainTop(
-    Node: PythonObject,
-    sclConfig _: SCLConfiguration,
-    module: Module,
-    blackboxModules _: OrderedDictionary<String, Module>,
-    bsrCreator: BoundaryScanRegisterCreator,
-    bypass: inout BypassOptions,
-    shiftName: String,
-    inputName: String,
-    outputName: String,
-    testName: String,
-    tckName: String,
-    invClockName _: String?,
-    internalOrder: [ChainRegister]
-) throws -> (supermodel: PythonObject, order: [ChainRegister]) {
-    var order: [ChainRegister] = []
-    let ports = Python.list(module.definition.portlist.ports)
-    var statements: [PythonObject] = []
-    statements.append(Node.Input(inputName))
-    statements.append(Node.Output(outputName))
-    statements.append(Node.Input(
-    statements.append(Node.Input(shiftName))
-    statements.append(Node.Input(tckName))
-    statements.append(Node.Input(testName))
-    statements.append(Node.Input(bypass.clock))
-    let portArguments = Python.list()
-    var counter = 0
-    let newShiftWire: () -> PythonObject = { // Type annotation required in Swift 5.4
-        () in
-            let name = "__chain_\(counter)__"
-            counter += 1
-            statements.append(Node.Decl([Node.Wire(name)]))
-            return Node.Identifier(name)
-    }
-    var previousOutput = newShiftWire()
-    let initialAssignment = Node.Assign(
-        Node.Lvalue(previousOutput),
-        Node.Rvalue(Node.Identifier(inputName))
-    )
-    statements.append(initialAssignment)
+      } else if let blackboxModule = blackboxModules[moduleName] {
+        // MARK: Isolating hard blocks
-    for input in module.inputs {
-        let inputStatement = Node.Input(
+        print("Chaining blackbox module '\('…")
+        for hook in instance.portlist {
+          // Note that `hook.argname` is actually an expression
+          let portInfo = blackboxModule.portsByName["\(hook.portname)"]!
-        if != bypass.clock, != {
-            statements.append(inputStatement)
-        }
-        if bypass.bypassedIOs.contains( {
-            portArguments.append(
-                Node.PortArg(
-          ,
-                    Node.Identifier(
-                ))
+          if bypass.bypassedIOs.contains( {
+            // Leave it alone
-        }
-        let doutName = String(describing: + "__dout"
-        let doutStatement = Node.Wire(doutName)
-        if input.width > 1 {
-            let width = Node.Width(
-                Node.Constant(input.from),
-                Node.Constant(
+          }
+          let wireNameOriginal = "\\\(instanceName).\("
+          let wireNameMultiplexed = "\\\(instanceName).\("
+          let width = Node.Width(Node.IntConst(portInfo.from), Node.IntConst(
+          let wiresDecl = Node.Decl([
+            Node.Wire(wireNameOriginal, width: width), Node.Wire(wireNameMultiplexed, width: width),
+          ])
+          statements.append(wiresDecl)
+          var kind: ChainRegister.Kind
+          if portInfo.polarity == .input {
+            statements.append(Node.Assign(Node.Identifier(wireNameOriginal), hook.argname))
+            kind = .bypassInput
+          } else if portInfo.polarity == .output {
+            statements.append(Node.Assign(hook.argname, Node.Identifier(wireNameMultiplexed)))
+            hook.argname = Node.Identifier(wireNameOriginal)
+            kind = .bypassOutput
+          } else {
+            throw RuntimeError("Unknown polarity for \(instanceName)'s \(")
+          }
+          for bit in portInfo.bits {
+            let originalBit = Node.Pointer(Node.Identifier(wireNameOriginal), Node.IntConst(bit))
+            let multiplexedBit = Node.Pointer(
+              Node.Identifier(wireNameMultiplexed), Node.IntConst(bit)
-            inputStatement.width = width
-            doutStatement.width = width
-        }
-        statements.append(doutStatement)
-        portArguments.append(
-            Node.PortArg(
-      ,
-                Node.Identifier(doutName)
-            ))
-        if input.width == 1 {
             let nextOutput = newShiftWire()
             let decl = bsrCreator.create(
-                group: "",
-                din: Node.Identifier(,
-                dout: Node.Identifier(doutName),
-                sin: "\(previousOutput)",
-                sout: "\(nextOutput)",
-                input: true
+              group: instanceName,
+              din: originalBit,
+              dout: multiplexedBit,
+              sin: "\(previousOutput)",
+              sout: "\(nextOutput)",
+              input: portInfo.polarity != .input  // If it's an input to the macro, it's an output of the circuit we're stitching a scan-chain for
-            statements.append(decl)
             previousOutput = nextOutput
-        } else {
-            for bit in input.bits {
-                let nextOutput = newShiftWire()
-                let decl = bsrCreator.create(
-                    group: "",
-                    din: Node.Pointer(Node.Identifier(, Node.IntConst(bit)),
-                    dout: Node.Pointer(Node.Identifier(doutName), Node.IntConst(bit)),
-                    sin: "\(previousOutput)",
-                    sout: "\(nextOutput)",
-                    input: true
-                )
-                statements.append(decl)
-                previousOutput = nextOutput
-            }
-        }
-        order.append(
+            statements.append(decl)
+          }
+          internalOrder.append(
-                name: String(describing:,
-                kind: .input,
-                width: input.width
+              name: "\(instanceName).\(",
+              kind: kind,
+              width: portInfo.width
-        )
-    }
-    portArguments.append(
-        Node.PortArg(
-            shiftName,
-            Node.Identifier(shiftName)
-        ))
-    portArguments.append(
-        Node.PortArg(
-            tckName,
-            Node.Identifier(tckName)
-        ))
-    portArguments.append(
-        Node.PortArg(
-            testName,
-            Node.Identifier(testName)
-        ))
-    portArguments.append(
-        Node.PortArg(
-            inputName,
-            previousOutput
-        ))
-    let nextOutput = newShiftWire()
-    portArguments.append(
-        Node.PortArg(
-            outputName,
-            nextOutput
-        ))
-    order += internalOrder
-    previousOutput = nextOutput
-    for output in module.outputs {
-        let outputStatement = Node.Output(
-        let dinName = String(describing: + "_din"
-        let dinStatement = Node.Wire(dinName)
-        if output.width > 1 {
-            let width = Node.Width(
-                Node.Constant(output.from),
-                Node.Constant(
-            )
-            outputStatement.width = width
-            dinStatement.width = width
+          )
-        statements.append(outputStatement)
-        statements.append(dinStatement)
-        portArguments.append(
-            Node.PortArg(
-      ,
-                Node.Identifier(dinName)
-            ))
-        if output.width == 1 {
-            let nextOutput = newShiftWire()
-            let decl = bsrCreator.create(
-                group: "",
-                din: Node.Identifier(dinName),
-                dout: Node.Identifier(,
-                sin: "\(previousOutput)",
-                sout: "\(nextOutput)",
-                input: false
-            )
-            statements.append(decl)
-            previousOutput = nextOutput
-        } else {
-            for bit in output.bits {
-                let nextOutput = newShiftWire()
-                let decl = bsrCreator.create(
-                    group: "",
-                    din: Node.Pointer(Node.Identifier(dinName), Node.IntConst(bit)),
-                    dout: Node.Pointer(Node.Identifier(, Node.IntConst(bit)),
-                    sin: "\(previousOutput)",
-                    sout: "\(nextOutput)",
-                    input: false
-                )
-                statements.append(decl)
-                previousOutput = nextOutput
-            }
+      }
+      if let invClock = invClockName, moduleName == invClock {
+        for hook in instance.portlist {
+          if String(describing: hook.argname) == bypass.clock {
+            invClkSourceId = Node.Identifier(invClkSourceName)
+            hook.argname = invClkSourceId!
+          }
-        order.append(
-            ChainRegister(
-                name: String(describing:,
-                kind: .output,
-                width: output.width
-            )
-        )
+      }
-    let submoduleInstance = Node.Instance(
-        "__uuf__",
-        Python.tuple(portArguments),
-        Python.tuple()
+    statements.append(itemDeclaration)
+  }
+  if warn {
+    print("[Warning]: Detected flip-flops with clock different from \(bypass.clock).")
+  }
+  let finalAssignment = Node.Assign(
+    Node.Lvalue(outputIdentifier),
+    Node.Rvalue(previousOutput)
+  )
+  statements.append(finalAssignment)
+  let clockCond = Node.Cond(
+    Node.Identifier(testName),
+    Node.Identifier(tckName),
+    Node.Identifier(bypass.clock)
+  )
+  let clkSourceAssignment = Node.Assign(
+    Node.Lvalue(clkSourceId),
+    Node.Rvalue(clockCond)
+  )
+  statements.append(clkSourceAssignment)
+  if let invClkId = invClkSourceId {
+    let invClockCond = Node.Cond(
+      Node.Identifier(testName),
+      Node.Unot(Node.Identifier(tckName)),
+      Node.Identifier(bypass.clock)
-    statements.append(
-        Node.InstanceList(
-  ,
-            Python.tuple(),
-            Python.tuple([submoduleInstance])
-        ))
-    let boundaryAssignment = Node.Assign(
-        Node.Lvalue(Node.Identifier(outputName)),
-        Node.Rvalue(previousOutput)
+    let invClockAssignment = Node.Assign(
+      Node.Lvalue(invClkId),
+      Node.Rvalue(invClockCond)
-    statements.append(boundaryAssignment)
+    statements.append(invClockAssignment)
+  }
-    let supermodel = Node.ModuleDef(
-        Python.None,
-        Node.Portlist(Python.tuple(ports)),
-        Python.tuple(statements)
-    )
-    print(
-        "Boundary scan cells successfully chained. Length: ",
-        order.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width } - internalOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
-    )
+  module.definition.items = Python.tuple(statements)
+ = Python.str(alteredName)
-    return (supermodel, order)
+  return internalOrder
-extension Fault {
-    struct Chain: ParsableCommand {
-        static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
-            abstract: "Manipulate a netlist to create a scan chain, and resynthesize."
-        )
-        @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: "Path to the output file. (Default: input + .chained.v)")
-        var output: String?
-        @Option(
-            name: [.short, .long, .customLong("cellModel")],
-            help: "Verify scan chain using given cell model."
-        )
-        var cellModel: String?
-        @Option(name: [.long], help: "Inverted clk tree source cell name. (Default: none)")
-        var invClock: String?
-        @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: "Liberty file. (Required.)")
-        var liberty: String
-        @OptionGroup
-        var bypass: BypassOptions
-        @Option(
-            name: [.short, .long, .customLong("sclConfig")],
-            help: "Path for the YAML SCL config file. Recommended."
-        )
-        var sclConfig: String?
-        @Option(
-            name: [.short, .long],
-            help: "Optional override for the DFF names from the PDK config. Comma-delimited."
-        )
-        var dff: String?
+func chainTop(
+  Node: PythonObject,
+  sclConfig _: SCLConfiguration,
+  module: Module,
+  blackboxModules _: OrderedDictionary<String, Module>,
+  bsrCreator: BoundaryScanRegisterCreator,
+  bypass: inout BypassOptions,
+  shiftName: String,
+  inputName: String,
+  outputName: String,
+  testName: String,
+  tckName: String,
+  invClockName _: String?,
+  internalOrder: [ChainRegister]
+) throws -> (supermodel: PythonObject, order: [ChainRegister]) {
+  var order: [ChainRegister] = []
+  let ports = Python.list(module.definition.portlist.ports)
+  var statements: [PythonObject] = []
+  statements.append(Node.Input(inputName))
+  statements.append(Node.Output(outputName))
+  statements.append(Node.Input(
+  statements.append(Node.Input(shiftName))
+  statements.append(Node.Input(tckName))
+  statements.append(Node.Input(testName))
+  statements.append(Node.Input(bypass.clock))
+  let portArguments = Python.list()
+  var counter = 0
+  let newShiftWire: () -> PythonObject = {  // Type annotation required in Swift 5.4
+    () in
+    let name = "__chain_\(counter)__"
+    counter += 1
+    statements.append(Node.Decl([Node.Wire(name)]))
+    return Node.Identifier(name)
+  }
+  var previousOutput = newShiftWire()
+  let initialAssignment = Node.Assign(
+    Node.Lvalue(previousOutput),
+    Node.Rvalue(Node.Identifier(inputName))
+  )
+  statements.append(initialAssignment)
+  for input in module.inputs {
+    let inputStatement = Node.Input(
+    if != bypass.clock, != {
+      statements.append(inputStatement)
+    }
+    if bypass.bypassedIOs.contains( {
+      portArguments.append(
+        Node.PortArg(
+          Node.Identifier(
+        ))
+      continue
+    }
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("b"), .customLong("blackbox")],
-            help: "Blackbox module names. Specify multiple times to specify multiple modules."
-        )
-        var blackbox: [String] = []
+    let doutName = String(describing: + "__dout"
+    let doutStatement = Node.Wire(doutName)
+    if input.width > 1 {
+      let width = Node.Width(
+        Node.Constant(input.from),
+        Node.Constant(
+      )
+      inputStatement.width = width
+      doutStatement.width = width
+    }
+    statements.append(doutStatement)
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("B"), .long, .customLong("blackboxModel")],
-            help: "Blackbox model verilog files. Specify multiple times to specify multiple models."
+    portArguments.append(
+      Node.PortArg(
+        Node.Identifier(doutName)
+      ))
+    if input.width == 1 {
+      let nextOutput = newShiftWire()
+      let decl = bsrCreator.create(
+        group: "",
+        din: Node.Identifier(,
+        dout: Node.Identifier(doutName),
+        sin: "\(previousOutput)",
+        sout: "\(nextOutput)",
+        input: true
+      )
+      statements.append(decl)
+      previousOutput = nextOutput
+    } else {
+      for bit in input.bits {
+        let nextOutput = newShiftWire()
+        let decl = bsrCreator.create(
+          group: "",
+          din: Node.Pointer(Node.Identifier(, Node.IntConst(bit)),
+          dout: Node.Pointer(Node.Identifier(doutName), Node.IntConst(bit)),
+          sin: "\(previousOutput)",
+          sout: "\(nextOutput)",
+          input: true
-        var blackboxModels: [String] = []
+        statements.append(decl)
+        previousOutput = nextOutput
+      }
+    }
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("D"), .customLong("define")],
-            help:
-            "`define statements to include during simulations. Specify multiple times to specify multiple defines."
-        )
-        var defines: [String] = []
+    order.append(
+      ChainRegister(
+        name: String(describing:,
+        kind: .input,
+        width: input.width
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  portArguments.append(
+    Node.PortArg(
+      shiftName,
+      Node.Identifier(shiftName)
+    ))
+  portArguments.append(
+    Node.PortArg(
+      tckName,
+      Node.Identifier(tckName)
+    ))
+  portArguments.append(
+    Node.PortArg(
+      testName,
+      Node.Identifier(testName)
+    ))
+  portArguments.append(
+    Node.PortArg(
+      inputName,
+      previousOutput
+    ))
+  let nextOutput = newShiftWire()
+  portArguments.append(
+    Node.PortArg(
+      outputName,
+      nextOutput
+    ))
+  order += internalOrder
+  previousOutput = nextOutput
+  for output in module.outputs {
+    let outputStatement = Node.Output(
+    let dinName = String(describing: + "_din"
+    let dinStatement = Node.Wire(dinName)
+    if output.width > 1 {
+      let width = Node.Width(
+        Node.Constant(output.from),
+        Node.Constant(
+      )
+      outputStatement.width = width
+      dinStatement.width = width
+    }
+    statements.append(outputStatement)
+    statements.append(dinStatement)
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("I"), .customLong("inc"), .customLong("include")],
-            help: "Extra verilog models to include during simulations. (Default: none)"
+    portArguments.append(
+      Node.PortArg(
+        Node.Identifier(dinName)
+      ))
+    if output.width == 1 {
+      let nextOutput = newShiftWire()
+      let decl = bsrCreator.create(
+        group: "",
+        din: Node.Identifier(dinName),
+        dout: Node.Identifier(,
+        sin: "\(previousOutput)",
+        sout: "\(nextOutput)",
+        input: false
+      )
+      statements.append(decl)
+      previousOutput = nextOutput
+    } else {
+      for bit in output.bits {
+        let nextOutput = newShiftWire()
+        let decl = bsrCreator.create(
+          group: "",
+          din: Node.Pointer(Node.Identifier(dinName), Node.IntConst(bit)),
+          dout: Node.Pointer(Node.Identifier(, Node.IntConst(bit)),
+          sin: "\(previousOutput)",
+          sout: "\(nextOutput)",
+          input: false
-        var includes: [String] = []
-        @Flag(name: .long, help: "Skip Re-synthesizing the chained netlist. (Default: none)")
-        var skipSynth: Bool = false
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain serial data in signal.")
-        var sin: String = "sin"
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain serial data out signal.")
-        var sout: String = "sout"
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain shift enable signal.")
-        var shift: String = "shift"
+        statements.append(decl)
+        previousOutput = nextOutput
+      }
+    }
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain test enable signal.")
-        var test: String = "test"
+    order.append(
+      ChainRegister(
+        name: String(describing:,
+        kind: .output,
+        width: output.width
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  let submoduleInstance = Node.Instance(
+    "__uuf__",
+    Python.tuple(portArguments),
+    Python.tuple()
+  )
+  statements.append(
+    Node.InstanceList(
+      Python.tuple(),
+      Python.tuple([submoduleInstance])
+    ))
+  let boundaryAssignment = Node.Assign(
+    Node.Lvalue(Node.Identifier(outputName)),
+    Node.Rvalue(previousOutput)
+  )
+  statements.append(boundaryAssignment)
+  let supermodel = Node.ModuleDef(
+    Python.None,
+    Node.Portlist(Python.tuple(ports)),
+    Python.tuple(statements)
+  )
+  print(
+    "Boundary scan cells successfully chained. Length: ",
+    order.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width } - internalOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
+  )
+  return (supermodel, order)
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test clock signal.")
-        var tck: String = "tck"
+extension Fault {
+  struct Chain: ParsableCommand {
+    static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
+      abstract: "Manipulate a netlist to create a scan chain, and resynthesize."
+    )
-        @Argument
-        var file: String
+    @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: "Path to the output file. (Default: input + .chained.v)")
+    var output: String?
-        mutating func run() throws {
-            let fileManager = FileManager()
+    @Option(
+      name: [.short, .long, .customLong("cellModel")],
+      help: "Verify scan chain using given cell model."
+    )
+    var cellModel: String?
-            // Check if input file exists
-            guard fileManager.fileExists(atPath: file) else {
-                throw ValidationError("File '\(file)' not found.")
-            }
+    @Option(name: [.long], help: "Inverted clk tree source cell name. (Default: none)")
+    var invClock: String?
-            // Required options validation
-            var sclConfig = SCLConfiguration(dffMatches: [
-                DFFMatch(name: "DFFSR,DFFNEGX1,DFFPOSX1", clk: "CLK", d: "D", q: "Q"),
-            ])
-            if let sclConfigPath = self.sclConfig {
-                guard let sclConfigYML = else {
-                    throw ValidationError("File not found: \(sclConfigPath)")
-                }
-                let decoder = YAMLDecoder()
-                sclConfig = try decoder.decode(SCLConfiguration.self, from: sclConfigYML)
-            }
+    @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: "Liberty file. (Required.)")
+    var liberty: String
-            if let dffOverride = dff {
-                sclConfig.dffMatches.last!.name = dffOverride
-            }
+    @OptionGroup
+    var bypass: BypassOptions
-            if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: liberty) {
-                throw ValidationError("Liberty file '\(liberty)' not found.")
-            }
+    @Option(
+      name: [.short, .long, .customLong("sclConfig")],
+      help: "Path for the YAML SCL config file. Recommended."
+    )
+    var sclConfig: String?
-            if !liberty.hasSuffix(".lib") {
-                print("Warning: Liberty file provided does not end with .lib.")
-            }
+    @Option(
+      name: [.short, .long],
+      help: "Optional override for the DFF names from the PDK config. Comma-delimited."
+    )
+    var dff: String?
-            let output = output ?? file.replacingExtension(".nl.v", with: ".chained.v")
-            let intermediate = output.replacingExtension(".chained.v", with: ".chain-intermediate.v")
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("b"), .customLong("blackbox")],
+      help: "Blackbox module names. Specify multiple times to specify multiple modules."
+    )
+    var blackbox: [String] = []
-            // MARK: Importing Python and Pyverilog
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("B"), .long, .customLong("blackboxModel")],
+      help: "Blackbox model verilog files. Specify multiple times to specify multiple models."
+    )
+    var blackboxModels: [String] = []
-            let parse = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.parser").parse
-            let Node = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.ast")
-            let Generator = Python.import("pyverilog.ast_code_generator.codegen").ASTCodeGenerator()
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("D"), .customLong("define")],
+      help:
+        "`define statements to include during simulations. Specify multiple times to specify multiple defines."
+    )
+    var defines: [String] = []
-            // MARK: Parse
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("I"), .customLong("inc"), .customLong("include")],
+      help: "Extra verilog models to include during simulations. (Default: none)"
+    )
+    var includes: [String] = []
-            let modules = try! Module.getModules(in: [file])
-            guard let module = modules.values.first else {
-                throw ValidationError("No modules found in file.")
-            }
+    @Flag(name: .long, help: "Skip Re-synthesizing the chained netlist. (Default: none)")
+    var skipSynth: Bool = false
-            let blackboxModules = try! Module.getModules(in: blackboxModels, filter: Set(blackbox))
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain serial data in signal.")
+    var sin: String = "sin"
-            let bsrCreator = BoundaryScanRegisterCreator(
-                name: "BoundaryScanRegister",
-                clock: tck,
-                reset:,
-                resetActive:,
-                testing: test,
-                shift: shift,
-                using: Node
-            )
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain serial data out signal.")
+    var sout: String = "sout"
-            let internalOrder = try chainInternal(
-                Node: Node,
-                sclConfig: sclConfig,
-                module: module,
-                blackboxModules: blackboxModules,
-                bsrCreator: bsrCreator,
-                bypass: &bypass,
-                shiftName: shift,
-                inputName: sin,
-                outputName: sout,
-                testName: test,
-                tckName: tck,
-                invClockName: invClock
-            )
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain shift enable signal.")
+    var shift: String = "shift"
-            let internalCount = internalOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
-            if internalCount == 0 {
-                print("Warning: No internal scan elements found. Are your DFFs configured properly?")
-            } else {
-                print("Internal scan chain successfully constructed. Length: \(internalCount)")
-            }
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain test enable signal.")
+    var test: String = "test"
-            let (supermodel, finalOrder) = try chainTop(
-                Node: Node,
-                sclConfig: sclConfig,
-                module: module,
-                blackboxModules: blackboxModules,
-                bsrCreator: bsrCreator,
-                bypass: &bypass,
-                shiftName: shift,
-                inputName: sin,
-                outputName: sout,
-                testName: test,
-                tckName: tck,
-                invClockName: invClock,
-                internalOrder: internalOrder
-            )
-            let finalCount = finalOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test clock signal.")
+    var tck: String = "tck"
-            let finalAst = parse([bsrCreator.inputDefinition + bsrCreator.outputDefinition])[0]
-            let finalDefinitions =
-                [PythonObject](finalAst[dynamicMember: "description"].definitions)! + [
-                    module.definition, supermodel,
-                ]
-            finalAst[dynamicMember: "description"].definitions = Python.tuple(finalDefinitions)
+    @Argument
+    var file: String
-            try, mode: .write) {
-                try $0.print(Generator.visit(finalAst))
-            }
+    mutating func run() throws {
+      let fileManager = FileManager()
-            print("Total scan-chain length: ", finalCount)
+      // Check if input file exists
+      guard fileManager.fileExists(atPath: file) else {
+        throw ValidationError("File '\(file)' not found.")
+      }
-            let metadata = ChainMetadata(
-                boundaryCount: finalCount - internalCount,
-                internalCount: internalCount,
-                order: finalOrder,
-                shift: shift,
-                sin: sin,
-                sout: sout
+      // Required options validation
+      var sclConfig = SCLConfiguration(dffMatches: [
+        DFFMatch(name: "DFFSR,DFFNEGX1,DFFPOSX1", clk: "CLK", d: "D", q: "Q")
+      ])
+      if let sclConfigPath = self.sclConfig {
+        guard let sclConfigYML = else {
+          throw ValidationError("File not found: \(sclConfigPath)")
+        }
+        let decoder = YAMLDecoder()
+        sclConfig = try decoder.decode(SCLConfiguration.self, from: sclConfigYML)
+      }
+      if let dffOverride = dff {
+        sclConfig.dffMatches.last!.name = dffOverride
+      }
+      if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: liberty) {
+        throw ValidationError("Liberty file '\(liberty)' not found.")
+      }
+      if !liberty.hasSuffix(".lib") {
+        print("Warning: Liberty file provided does not end with .lib.")
+      }
+      let output = output ?? file.replacingExtension(".nl.v", with: ".chained.v")
+      let intermediate = output.replacingExtension(".chained.v", with: ".chain-intermediate.v")
+      // MARK: Importing Python and Pyverilog
+      let parse = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.parser").parse
+      let Node = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.ast")
+      let Generator = Python.import("pyverilog.ast_code_generator.codegen").ASTCodeGenerator()
+      // MARK: Parse
+      let modules = try! Module.getModules(in: [file])
+      guard let module = modules.values.first else {
+        throw ValidationError("No modules found in file.")
+      }
+      let blackboxModules = try! Module.getModules(in: blackboxModels, filter: Set(blackbox))
+      let bsrCreator = BoundaryScanRegisterCreator(
+        name: "BoundaryScanRegister",
+        clock: tck,
+        reset:,
+        resetActive:,
+        testing: test,
+        shift: shift,
+        using: Node
+      )
+      let internalOrder = try chainInternal(
+        Node: Node,
+        sclConfig: sclConfig,
+        module: module,
+        blackboxModules: blackboxModules,
+        bsrCreator: bsrCreator,
+        bypass: &bypass,
+        shiftName: shift,
+        inputName: sin,
+        outputName: sout,
+        testName: test,
+        tckName: tck,
+        invClockName: invClock
+      )
+      let internalCount = internalOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
+      if internalCount == 0 {
+        print("Warning: No internal scan elements found. Are your DFFs configured properly?")
+      } else {
+        print("Internal scan chain successfully constructed. Length: \(internalCount)")
+      }
+      let (supermodel, finalOrder) = try chainTop(
+        Node: Node,
+        sclConfig: sclConfig,
+        module: module,
+        blackboxModules: blackboxModules,
+        bsrCreator: bsrCreator,
+        bypass: &bypass,
+        shiftName: shift,
+        inputName: sin,
+        outputName: sout,
+        testName: test,
+        tckName: tck,
+        invClockName: invClock,
+        internalOrder: internalOrder
+      )
+      let finalCount = finalOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
+      let finalAst = parse([bsrCreator.inputDefinition + bsrCreator.outputDefinition])[0]
+      let finalDefinitions =
+        [PythonObject](finalAst[dynamicMember: "description"].definitions)! + [
+          module.definition, supermodel,
+        ]
+      finalAst[dynamicMember: "description"].definitions = Python.tuple(finalDefinitions)
+      try, mode: .write) {
+        try $0.print(Generator.visit(finalAst))
+      }
+      print("Total scan-chain length: ", finalCount)
+      let metadata = ChainMetadata(
+        boundaryCount: finalCount - internalCount,
+        internalCount: internalCount,
+        order: finalOrder,
+        shift: shift,
+        sin: sin,
+        sout: sout
+      )
+      guard let metadataString = metadata.toJSON() else {
+        Stderr.print("Could not generate metadata string.")
+        Foundation.exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
+      }
+      let netlist: String = {
+        if !skipSynth {
+          let script = Synthesis.script(
+            for:,
+            in: [intermediate],
+            liberty: liberty,
+            blackboxing: blackboxModels,
+            output: output
+          )
+          // MARK: Yosys
+          print("Resynthesizing with yosys…")
+          let result = "echo '\(script)' | '\(yosysExecutable)' > /dev/null".sh()
+          if result != EX_OK {
+            Stderr.print("A yosys error has occurred.")
+            Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
+          }
+          return output
+        } else {
+          return intermediate
+        }
+      }()
+      guard let content = else {
+        throw "Could not re-read created file."
+      }
+      try, mode: .write) {
+        try $0.print(String.boilerplate)
+        try $0.print("/* FAULT METADATA: '\(metadataString)' END FAULT METADATA */")
+        try $0.print(content)
+      }
+      // MARK: Verification
+      if let model = cellModel {
+        let models = [model] + Array(includes) + Array(blackboxModels)
+        print("Verifying scan chain integrity…")
+        let ast = parse([netlist])[0]
+        let description = ast[dynamicMember: "description"]
+        var definitionOptional: PythonObject?
+        for definition in description.definitions {
+          let type = Python.type(definition).__name__
+          if type == "ModuleDef" {
+            definitionOptional = definition
+            break
+          }
+        }
+        guard let definition = definitionOptional else {
+          Stderr.print("No module found.")
+          Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
+        }
+        let (ports, inputs, outputs) = try Port.extract(from: definition)
+        let verified = try Simulator.simulate(
+          verifying:,
+          in: netlist,
+          with: models,
+          ports: ports,
+          inputs: inputs,
+          outputs: outputs,
+          chainLength: finalOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width },
+          clock: bypass.clock,
+          tck: tck,
+          reset:,
+          sin: sin,
+          sout: sout,
+          resetActive:,
+          shift: shift,
+          test: test,
+          output: netlist + "",
+          defines: Set(defines),
+          using: iverilogExecutable,
+          with: vvpExecutable
+        )
+        if verified {
+          print("Scan chain verified successfully.")
+        } else {
+          print("Scan chain verification failed.")
+          print(
+            "・Ensure that clock and reset signals, if they exist are passed as such to the program."
+          )
+          if !bypass.resetActiveLow {
+            print("・Ensure that the reset is active high- pass --activeLow for activeLow.")
+          }
+          if internalOrder.count == 0 {
+            print(
+              "・Ensure that D flip-flop cell names match those either in the defaults, the PDK config, or the overrides."
-            guard let metadataString = metadata.toJSON() else {
-                Stderr.print("Could not generate metadata string.")
-                Foundation.exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
-            }
-            let netlist: String = {
-                if !skipSynth {
-                    let script = Synthesis.script(
-                        for:,
-                        in: [intermediate],
-                        liberty: liberty,
-                        blackboxing: blackboxModels,
-                        output: output
-                    )
-                    // MARK: Yosys
-                    print("Resynthesizing with yosys…")
-                    let result = "echo '\(script)' | '\(yosysExecutable)' > /dev/null".sh()
-                    if result != EX_OK {
-                        Stderr.print("A yosys error has occurred.")
-                        Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
-                    }
-                    return output
-                } else {
-                    return intermediate
-                }
-            }()
-            guard let content = else {
-                throw "Could not re-read created file."
-            }
-            try, mode: .write) {
-                try $0.print(String.boilerplate)
-                try $0.print("/* FAULT METADATA: '\(metadataString)' END FAULT METADATA */")
-                try $0.print(content)
-            }
-            // MARK: Verification
-            if let model = cellModel {
-                let models = [model] + Array(includes) + Array(blackboxModels)
-                print("Verifying scan chain integrity…")
-                let ast = parse([netlist])[0]
-                let description = ast[dynamicMember: "description"]
-                var definitionOptional: PythonObject?
-                for definition in description.definitions {
-                    let type = Python.type(definition).__name__
-                    if type == "ModuleDef" {
-                        definitionOptional = definition
-                        break
-                    }
-                }
-                guard let definition = definitionOptional else {
-                    Stderr.print("No module found.")
-                    Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
-                }
-                let (ports, inputs, outputs) = try Port.extract(from: definition)
-                let verified = try Simulator.simulate(
-                    verifying:,
-                    in: netlist,
-                    with: models,
-                    ports: ports,
-                    inputs: inputs,
-                    outputs: outputs,
-                    chainLength: finalOrder.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width },
-                    clock: bypass.clock,
-                    tck: tck,
-                    reset:,
-                    sin: sin,
-                    sout: sout,
-                    resetActive:,
-                    shift: shift,
-                    test: test,
-                    output: netlist + "",
-                    defines: Set(defines),
-                    using: iverilogExecutable,
-                    with: vvpExecutable
-                )
-                if verified {
-                    print("Scan chain verified successfully.")
-                } else {
-                    print("Scan chain verification failed.")
-                    print(
-                        "・Ensure that clock and reset signals, if they exist are passed as such to the program."
-                    )
-                    if !bypass.resetActiveLow {
-                        print("・Ensure that the reset is active high- pass --activeLow for activeLow.")
-                    }
-                    if internalOrder.count == 0 {
-                        print(
-                            "・Ensure that D flip-flop cell names match those either in the defaults, the PDK config, or the overrides."
-                        )
-                    }
-                    print("・Ensure that there are no other asynchronous resets anywhere in the circuit.")
-                    Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
-                }
-            }
-            print("Done.")
+          }
+          print("・Ensure that there are no other asynchronous resets anywhere in the circuit.")
+          Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
+      }
+      print("Done.")
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Entries/common.swift b/Sources/Fault/Entries/common.swift
index 89250d0..901301a 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Entries/common.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Entries/common.swift
@@ -15,54 +15,54 @@ import ArgumentParser
 import Collections
 struct Reset {
-    let name: String
-    let active: Simulator.Active
+  let name: String
+  let active: Simulator.Active
 struct BypassOptions: ParsableArguments {
-    @Option(
-        name: [.long],
-        help:
-        "I/Os to bypass when performing operations. May be specified multiple times to bypass multiple I/Os. Inputs will be held high during simulations by default, unless =0 is appended to the option."
-    )
-    var bypassing: [String] = []
+  @Option(
+    name: [.long],
+    help:
+      "I/Os to bypass when performing operations. May be specified multiple times to bypass multiple I/Os. Inputs will be held high during simulations by default, unless =0 is appended to the option."
+  )
+  var bypassing: [String] = []
-    @Option(
-        help:
-        "Clock name. In addition to being bypassed for certain manipulation operations, during simulations it will always be held high."
-    )
-    var clock: String
+  @Option(
+    help:
+      "Clock name. In addition to being bypassed for certain manipulation operations, during simulations it will always be held high."
+  )
+  var clock: String
-    @Option(
-        name: [.customLong("reset")],
-        help:
-        "Reset name. In addition to being bypassed for certain manipulation operations, during simulations it will always be held low."
-    )
-    var resetName: String = "rst"
+  @Option(
+    name: [.customLong("reset")],
+    help:
+      "Reset name. In addition to being bypassed for certain manipulation operations, during simulations it will always be held low."
+  )
+  var resetName: String = "rst"
-    @Flag(
-        name: [.long, .customLong("activeLow")],
-        help:
-        "The reset signal is considered active-low insted, and will be held high during simulations."
-    )
-    var resetActiveLow: Bool = false
+  @Flag(
+    name: [.long, .customLong("activeLow")],
+    help:
+      "The reset signal is considered active-low insted, and will be held high during simulations."
+  )
+  var resetActiveLow: Bool = false
-    lazy var reset: Reset = .init(name: resetName, active: resetActiveLow ? .low : .high)
+  lazy var reset: Reset = .init(name: resetName, active: resetActiveLow ? .low : .high)
-    lazy var simulationValues: OrderedDictionary<String, Simulator.Behavior> = {
-        var result: OrderedDictionary<String, Simulator.Behavior> = [:]
-        result[clock] = .holdHigh
-        result[] = == .low ? .holdHigh : .holdLow
-        for bypassed in bypassing {
-            let split = bypassed.components(separatedBy: "=")
-            if split.count == 1 {
-                result[split[0]] = .holdHigh
-            } else if split.count == 2 {
-                result[split[0]] = split[1] == "0" ? .holdLow : .holdHigh
-            }
-        }
-        return result
-    }()
+  lazy var simulationValues: OrderedDictionary<String, Simulator.Behavior> = {
+    var result: OrderedDictionary<String, Simulator.Behavior> = [:]
+    result[clock] = .holdHigh
+    result[] = == .low ? .holdHigh : .holdLow
+    for bypassed in bypassing {
+      let split = bypassed.components(separatedBy: "=")
+      if split.count == 1 {
+        result[split[0]] = .holdHigh
+      } else if split.count == 2 {
+        result[split[0]] = split[1] == "0" ? .holdLow : .holdHigh
+      }
+    }
+    return result
+  }()
-    lazy var bypassedIOs: Set<String> = .init(simulationValues.keys)
+  lazy var bypassedIOs: Set<String> = .init(simulationValues.keys)
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Entries/cut.swift b/Sources/Fault/Entries/cut.swift
index b24679e..dcf68c9 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Entries/cut.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Entries/cut.swift
@@ -15,201 +15,201 @@
 import ArgumentParser
 import BigInt
 import Collections
-import CoreFoundation // Not automatically imported on Linux
+import CoreFoundation  // Not automatically imported on Linux
 import Defile
 import Foundation
 import PythonKit
 import Yams
 extension Fault {
-    struct Cut: ParsableCommand {
-        static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
-            abstract:
-            "Cut away D-flipflops, converting them into inputs and outputs. This is a necessary precursor to the ATPG step."
-        )
-        @Option(
-            name: [.short, .long],
-            help: "Override for flip-flop cell names. Comma-delimited. (Default: DFF)."
-        )
-        var dff: String?
-        @Option(
-            name: [.short, .long, .customLong("sclConfig")],
-            help: "Path for the YAML SCL config file. Recommended."
-        )
-        var sclConfig: String?
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("b"), .customLong("blackbox")],
-            help: "Blackbox module names. Specify multiple times to specify multiple modules."
-        )
-        var blackbox: [String] = []
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("B"), .long, .customLong("blackboxModel")],
-            help: "Blackbox model verilog files. Specify multiple times to specify multiple models."
-        )
-        var blackboxModels: [String] = []
-        @OptionGroup
-        var bypass: BypassOptions
-        @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: "Path to the output file. (Default: input + .chained.v)")
-        var output: String?
-        @Argument(help: "The file to process.")
-        var file: String
-        mutating func run() throws {
-            let fileManager = FileManager()
-            guard fileManager.fileExists(atPath: file) else {
-                throw ValidationError("File '\(file)' not found.")
-            }
+  struct Cut: ParsableCommand {
+    static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
+      abstract:
+        "Cut away D-flipflops, converting them into inputs and outputs. This is a necessary precursor to the ATPG step."
+    )
-            let output = output ?? file.replacingExtension(".nl.v", with: ".cut.v")
+    @Option(
+      name: [.short, .long],
+      help: "Override for flip-flop cell names. Comma-delimited. (Default: DFF)."
+    )
+    var dff: String?
-            // MARK: Importing Python and Pyverilog
+    @Option(
+      name: [.short, .long, .customLong("sclConfig")],
+      help: "Path for the YAML SCL config file. Recommended."
+    )
+    var sclConfig: String?
-            let parse = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.parser").parse
-            let Node = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.ast")
-            let Generator = Python.import("pyverilog.ast_code_generator.codegen").ASTCodeGenerator()
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("b"), .customLong("blackbox")],
+      help: "Blackbox module names. Specify multiple times to specify multiple modules."
+    )
+    var blackbox: [String] = []
-            var blackboxModules: OrderedDictionary<String, Module> = [:]
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("B"), .long, .customLong("blackboxModel")],
+      help: "Blackbox model verilog files. Specify multiple times to specify multiple models."
+    )
+    var blackboxModels: [String] = []
-            if blackboxModels.count != 0 {
-                blackboxModules = try Module.getModules(in: blackboxModels, filter: Set(blackbox))
-            }
+    @OptionGroup
+    var bypass: BypassOptions
-            var sclConfig = SCLConfiguration(dffMatches: [
-                DFFMatch(name: "DFFSR,DFFNEGX1,DFFPOSX1", clk: "CLK", d: "D", q: "Q"),
-            ])
+    @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: "Path to the output file. (Default: input + .chained.v)")
+    var output: String?
-            if let sclConfigPath = self.sclConfig {
-                guard let sclConfigYML = try? String(contentsOfFile: sclConfigPath) else {
-                    throw ValidationError("File not found: \(sclConfigPath)")
-                }
-                let decoder = YAMLDecoder()
-                sclConfig = try decoder.decode(SCLConfiguration.self, from: sclConfigYML)
-            }
+    @Argument(help: "The file to process.")
+    var file: String
-            if let dffOverride = dff {
-                sclConfig.dffMatches.last!.name = dffOverride
-            }
+    mutating func run() throws {
+      let fileManager = FileManager()
-            let ast = parse([file])[0]
-            let description = ast[dynamicMember: "description"]
-            var definitionOptional: PythonObject?
+      guard fileManager.fileExists(atPath: file) else {
+        throw ValidationError("File '\(file)' not found.")
+      }
-            for definition in description.definitions {
-                let type = Python.type(definition).__name__
-                if type == "ModuleDef" {
-                    definitionOptional = definition
-                    break
-                }
-            }
+      let output = output ?? file.replacingExtension(".nl.v", with: ".cut.v")
-            guard let definition = definitionOptional else {
-                throw ValidationError("No module found.")
-            }
+      // MARK: Importing Python and Pyverilog
-            let ports = Python.list(definition.portlist.ports)
-            var declarations: [PythonObject] = []
-            var items: [PythonObject] = []
-            let fnmatch = Python.import("fnmatch")
-            for item in definition.items {
-                var yank = false
-                let type = Python.type(item).__name__
-                // Process gates
-                if type == "InstanceList" {
-                    let instance = item.instances[0]
-                    let moduleName = "\(instance.module)"
-                    let instanceName = "\("
-                    if let dffinfo = getMatchingDFFInfo(
-                        from: sclConfig.dffMatches, for: moduleName, fnmatch: fnmatch
-                    ) {
-                        yank = true
-                        let outputName = "\\" + instanceName + ".d"
-                        let inputIdentifier = Node.Identifier(instanceName)
-                        let outputIdentifier = Node.Identifier(outputName)
-                        var dArg: PythonObject?
-                        var qArg: PythonObject?
-                        for hook in instance.portlist {
-                            if String(describing: hook.portname) == dffinfo.d {
-                                dArg = hook.argname
-                            }
-                            if String(describing: hook.portname) == dffinfo.q {
-                                qArg = hook.argname
-                            }
-                        }
-                        guard let d = dArg, let q = qArg else {
-                            throw ValidationError("Cell \(instanceName) missing either a 'D' or 'Q' port.")
-                        }
-                        ports.append(Node.Port(instanceName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
-                        ports.append(Node.Port(outputName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
-                        declarations.append(Node.Input(instanceName))
-                        declarations.append(Node.Output(outputName))
-                        let inputAssignment = Node.Assign(Node.Lvalue(q), Node.Rvalue(inputIdentifier))
-                        let outputAssignment = Node.Assign(Node.Lvalue(outputIdentifier), Node.Rvalue(d))
-                        items.append(inputAssignment)
-                        items.append(outputAssignment)
-                    } else if let blackboxModule = blackboxModules[moduleName] {
-                        yank = true
-                        for hook in instance.portlist {
-                            let portName = String(describing: hook.portname)
-                            if bypass.simulationValues[portName] != nil {
-                                continue
-                            }
-                            let portInfo = blackboxModule.portsByName[portName]!
-                            let ioName =
-                                "\\\(instanceName).\(portName)" + (portInfo.polarity == .input ? ".d" : "")
-                            let width = Node.Width(Node.IntConst(portInfo.from), Node.IntConst(
-                            let ioDeclaration =
-                                portInfo.polarity == .input ? Node.Output(ioName, width) : Node.Input(ioName, width)
-                            let assignStatement =
-                                portInfo.polarity == .input
-                                    ? Node.Assign(Node.Lvalue(Node.Identifier(ioName)), Node.Rvalue(hook.argname))
-                                    : Node.Assign(Node.Rvalue(hook.argname), Node.Lvalue(Node.Identifier(ioName)))
-                            items.append(assignStatement)
-                            declarations.append(ioDeclaration)
-                            ports.append(Node.Port(ioName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                if !yank {
-                    items.append(item)
-                }
+      let parse = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.parser").parse
+      let Node = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.ast")
+      let Generator = Python.import("pyverilog.ast_code_generator.codegen").ASTCodeGenerator()
+      var blackboxModules: OrderedDictionary<String, Module> = [:]
+      if blackboxModels.count != 0 {
+        blackboxModules = try Module.getModules(in: blackboxModels, filter: Set(blackbox))
+      }
+      var sclConfig = SCLConfiguration(dffMatches: [
+        DFFMatch(name: "DFFSR,DFFNEGX1,DFFPOSX1", clk: "CLK", d: "D", q: "Q")
+      ])
+      if let sclConfigPath = self.sclConfig {
+        guard let sclConfigYML = try? String(contentsOfFile: sclConfigPath) else {
+          throw ValidationError("File not found: \(sclConfigPath)")
+        }
+        let decoder = YAMLDecoder()
+        sclConfig = try decoder.decode(SCLConfiguration.self, from: sclConfigYML)
+      }
+      if let dffOverride = dff {
+        sclConfig.dffMatches.last!.name = dffOverride
+      }
+      let ast = parse([file])[0]
+      let description = ast[dynamicMember: "description"]
+      var definitionOptional: PythonObject?
+      for definition in description.definitions {
+        let type = Python.type(definition).__name__
+        if type == "ModuleDef" {
+          definitionOptional = definition
+          break
+        }
+      }
+      guard let definition = definitionOptional else {
+        throw ValidationError("No module found.")
+      }
+      let ports = Python.list(definition.portlist.ports)
+      var declarations: [PythonObject] = []
+      var items: [PythonObject] = []
+      let fnmatch = Python.import("fnmatch")
+      for item in definition.items {
+        var yank = false
+        let type = Python.type(item).__name__
+        // Process gates
+        if type == "InstanceList" {
+          let instance = item.instances[0]
+          let moduleName = "\(instance.module)"
+          let instanceName = "\("
+          if let dffinfo = getMatchingDFFInfo(
+            from: sclConfig.dffMatches, for: moduleName, fnmatch: fnmatch
+          ) {
+            yank = true
+            let outputName = "\\" + instanceName + ".d"
+            let inputIdentifier = Node.Identifier(instanceName)
+            let outputIdentifier = Node.Identifier(outputName)
+            var dArg: PythonObject?
+            var qArg: PythonObject?
+            for hook in instance.portlist {
+              if String(describing: hook.portname) == dffinfo.d {
+                dArg = hook.argname
+              }
+              if String(describing: hook.portname) == dffinfo.q {
+                qArg = hook.argname
+              }
-            if declarations.isEmpty {
-                print("[Warning]: Failed to detect any flip-flop cells.")
+            guard let d = dArg, let q = qArg else {
+              throw ValidationError("Cell \(instanceName) missing either a 'D' or 'Q' port.")
-            definition.portlist.ports = ports
-            definition.items = Python.tuple(declarations + items)
+            ports.append(Node.Port(instanceName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
+            ports.append(Node.Port(outputName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
-            try, mode: .write) {
-                try $0.print(String.boilerplate)
-                try $0.print(Generator.visit(definition))
+            declarations.append(Node.Input(instanceName))
+            declarations.append(Node.Output(outputName))
+            let inputAssignment = Node.Assign(Node.Lvalue(q), Node.Rvalue(inputIdentifier))
+            let outputAssignment = Node.Assign(Node.Lvalue(outputIdentifier), Node.Rvalue(d))
+            items.append(inputAssignment)
+            items.append(outputAssignment)
+          } else if let blackboxModule = blackboxModules[moduleName] {
+            yank = true
+            for hook in instance.portlist {
+              let portName = String(describing: hook.portname)
+              if bypass.simulationValues[portName] != nil {
+                continue
+              }
+              let portInfo = blackboxModule.portsByName[portName]!
+              let ioName =
+                "\\\(instanceName).\(portName)" + (portInfo.polarity == .input ? ".d" : "")
+              let width = Node.Width(Node.IntConst(portInfo.from), Node.IntConst(
+              let ioDeclaration =
+                portInfo.polarity == .input ? Node.Output(ioName, width) : Node.Input(ioName, width)
+              let assignStatement =
+                portInfo.polarity == .input
+                ? Node.Assign(Node.Lvalue(Node.Identifier(ioName)), Node.Rvalue(hook.argname))
+                : Node.Assign(Node.Rvalue(hook.argname), Node.Lvalue(Node.Identifier(ioName)))
+              items.append(assignStatement)
+              declarations.append(ioDeclaration)
+              ports.append(Node.Port(ioName, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None))
+          }
+        }
+        if !yank {
+          items.append(item)
+      }
+      if declarations.isEmpty {
+        print("[Warning]: Failed to detect any flip-flop cells.")
+      }
+      definition.portlist.ports = ports
+      definition.items = Python.tuple(declarations + items)
+      try, mode: .write) {
+        try $0.print(String.boilerplate)
+        try $0.print(Generator.visit(definition))
+      }
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Entries/main.swift b/Sources/Fault/Entries/main.swift
index 92ae7f5..435d81d 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Entries/main.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Entries/main.swift
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 import ArgumentParser
 import BigInt
 import Collections
-import CoreFoundation // Not automatically imported on Linux
+import CoreFoundation  // Not automatically imported on Linux
 import Defile
 import Foundation
 import PythonKit
@@ -29,57 +29,57 @@ let iverilogExecutable = env["FAULT_IVERILOG"] ?? env["PYVERILOG_IVERILOG"] ?? "
 let vvpExecutable = env["FAULT_VVP"] ?? "vvp"
 let yosysExecutable = env["FAULT_YOSYS"] ?? "yosys"
-_ = [ // Register all RNGs
-    SwiftRNG.registered,
-    LFSR.registered,
-    PatternGenerator.registered,
+_ = [  // Register all RNGs
+  SwiftRNG.registered,
+  LFSR.registered,
+  PatternGenerator.registered,
-_ = [ // Register all TVGens
-    Atalanta.registered,
-    Quaigh.registered,
-    PODEM.registered,
-    PodemQuest.registered,
+_ = [  // Register all TVGens
+  Atalanta.registered,
+  Quaigh.registered,
+  PODEM.registered,
+  PodemQuest.registered,
 let yosysTest = "'\(yosysExecutable)' -V".sh(silent: true)
 if yosysTest != EX_OK {
-    Stderr.print(
-        "Yosys must be installed to PATH on your computer for Fault to work. Fault will now quit.")
+  Stderr.print(
+    "Yosys must be installed to PATH on your computer for Fault to work. Fault will now quit.")
 let pythonVersions = {
-    // Test Yosys, Python
-    () -> (python: String, pyverilog: String) in
-    do {
-        let pythonVersion = try Python.attemptImport("platform").python_version()
-        let sys = Python.import("sys")
-        if let pythonPath = env["PYTHONPATH"] {
-            sys.path.append(pythonPath)
-        } else {
-            let pythonPathProcess = "python3 -c \"import sys; print(':'.join(sys.path), end='')\""
-                .shOutput()
-            let pythonPath = pythonPathProcess.output
-            let pythonPathComponents = pythonPath.components(separatedBy: ":")
-            for component in pythonPathComponents {
-                sys.path.append(component)
-            }
-        }
-        let pyverilogVersion = try Python.attemptImport("pyverilog").__version__
-        return (python: "\(pythonVersion)", pyverilog: "\(pyverilogVersion)")
-    } catch {
-        Stderr.print("\(error)")
-        exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE)
+  // Test Yosys, Python
+  () -> (python: String, pyverilog: String) in
+  do {
+    let pythonVersion = try Python.attemptImport("platform").python_version()
+    let sys = Python.import("sys")
+    if let pythonPath = env["PYTHONPATH"] {
+      sys.path.append(pythonPath)
+    } else {
+      let pythonPathProcess = "python3 -c \"import sys; print(':'.join(sys.path), end='')\""
+        .shOutput()
+      let pythonPath = pythonPathProcess.output
+      let pythonPathComponents = pythonPath.components(separatedBy: ":")
+      for component in pythonPathComponents {
+        sys.path.append(component)
+      }
-}() // Just to check
+    let pyverilogVersion = try Python.attemptImport("pyverilog").__version__
+    return (python: "\(pythonVersion)", pyverilog: "\(pyverilogVersion)")
+  } catch {
+    Stderr.print("\(error)")
+  }
+}()  // Just to check
 struct Fault: ParsableCommand {
-    static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
-        abstract: "Open-source EDA's missing DFT Toolchain",
-        subcommands: [ATPG.self, Cut.self, Synth.self, Assemble.self, Tap.self, Chain.self],
-        defaultSubcommand: ATPG.self
-    )
+  static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
+    abstract: "Open-source EDA's missing DFT Toolchain",
+    subcommands: [ATPG.self, Cut.self, Synth.self, Assemble.self, Tap.self, Chain.self],
+    defaultSubcommand: ATPG.self
+  )
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Entries/synth.swift b/Sources/Fault/Entries/synth.swift
index 12ae9d5..722307f 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Entries/synth.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Entries/synth.swift
@@ -15,75 +15,75 @@
 import ArgumentParser
 import BigInt
 import Collections
-import CoreFoundation // Not automatically imported on Linux
+import CoreFoundation  // Not automatically imported on Linux
 import Defile
 import Foundation
 import PythonKit
 import Yams
 extension Fault {
-    struct Synth: ParsableCommand {
-        static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
-            abstract: "Synthesize Verilog designs using Yosys."
-        )
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("o"), .long],
-            help: "Path to the output netlist. (Default: Netlists/ + input + .netlist.v)"
-        )
-        var output: String?
-        @Option(name: [.customShort("l"), .long], help: "Liberty file. (Required.)")
-        var liberty: String
-        @Option(name: [.customShort("t"), .long], help: "Top module. (Required.)")
-        var top: String
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("B"), .long, .customLong("blackboxModel")],
-            help: "Blackbox model verilog files. Specify multiple times to specify multiple models."
-        )
-        var blackboxModels: [String] = []
-        @Argument(help: "Verilog files to synthesize.")
-        var files: [String]
-        mutating func run() throws {
-            let fileManager = FileManager.default
-            for file in files {
-                guard fileManager.fileExists(atPath: file) else {
-                    throw ValidationError("File '\(file)' not found.")
-                }
-            }
-            if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: liberty) {
-                print("Liberty file '\(liberty)' not found.")
-                return
-            }
-            if !liberty.hasSuffix(".lib") {
-                print("Warning: Liberty file provided does not end with .lib.")
-            }
-            let output = output ?? "Netlists/\(top).nl.v"
-            let script = Synthesis.script(
-                for: top, in: files, cutting: false, liberty: liberty, blackboxing: blackboxModels,
-                output: output
-            )
-            let outputDirectory = URL(fileURLWithPath: output).deletingLastPathComponent().path
-            try fileManager.createDirectory(
-                atPath: outputDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil
-            )
-            let result = "echo '\(script)' | '\(yosysExecutable)'".sh()
-            if result != EX_OK {
-                print("A yosys error has occurred.")
-                throw ValidationError("Yosys error occurred.")
-            }
+  struct Synth: ParsableCommand {
+    static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
+      abstract: "Synthesize Verilog designs using Yosys."
+    )
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("o"), .long],
+      help: "Path to the output netlist. (Default: Netlists/ + input + .netlist.v)"
+    )
+    var output: String?
+    @Option(name: [.customShort("l"), .long], help: "Liberty file. (Required.)")
+    var liberty: String
+    @Option(name: [.customShort("t"), .long], help: "Top module. (Required.)")
+    var top: String
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("B"), .long, .customLong("blackboxModel")],
+      help: "Blackbox model verilog files. Specify multiple times to specify multiple models."
+    )
+    var blackboxModels: [String] = []
+    @Argument(help: "Verilog files to synthesize.")
+    var files: [String]
+    mutating func run() throws {
+      let fileManager = FileManager.default
+      for file in files {
+        guard fileManager.fileExists(atPath: file) else {
+          throw ValidationError("File '\(file)' not found.")
+      }
+      if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: liberty) {
+        print("Liberty file '\(liberty)' not found.")
+        return
+      }
+      if !liberty.hasSuffix(".lib") {
+        print("Warning: Liberty file provided does not end with .lib.")
+      }
+      let output = output ?? "Netlists/\(top).nl.v"
+      let script = Synthesis.script(
+        for: top, in: files, cutting: false, liberty: liberty, blackboxing: blackboxModels,
+        output: output
+      )
+      let outputDirectory = URL(fileURLWithPath: output).deletingLastPathComponent().path
+      try fileManager.createDirectory(
+        atPath: outputDirectory, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil
+      )
+      let result = "echo '\(script)' | '\(yosysExecutable)'".sh()
+      if result != EX_OK {
+        print("A yosys error has occurred.")
+        throw ValidationError("Yosys error occurred.")
+      }
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Entries/tap.swift b/Sources/Fault/Entries/tap.swift
index 6142cec..d0b885a 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Entries/tap.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Entries/tap.swift
@@ -20,506 +20,506 @@ import Foundation
 import PythonKit
 extension Fault {
-    struct Tap: ParsableCommand {
-        static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
-            abstract: "Add a JTAG TAP port and controller to a netlist with a scan-chain."
-        )
+  struct Tap: ParsableCommand {
+    static let configuration = CommandConfiguration(
+      abstract: "Add a JTAG TAP port and controller to a netlist with a scan-chain."
+    )
-        @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: "Path to the output file.")
-        var output: String?
+    @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: "Path to the output file.")
+    var output: String?
-        @Option(
-            name: [.short, .long, .customLong("cellModel")],
-            help: "Verify JTAG port using given cell model."
-        )
-        var cellModel: String?
+    @Option(
+      name: [.short, .long, .customLong("cellModel")],
+      help: "Verify JTAG port using given cell model."
+    )
+    var cellModel: String?
-        @OptionGroup
-        var bypass: BypassOptions
+    @OptionGroup
+    var bypass: BypassOptions
-        @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: "Liberty file. (Required.)")
-        var liberty: String
+    @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: "Liberty file. (Required.)")
+    var liberty: String
-        @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: ".bin file for test vectors.")
-        var testVectors: String?
+    @Option(name: [.short, .long], help: ".bin file for test vectors.")
+    var testVectors: String?
-        @Option(
-            name: [.short, .long],
-            help: ".bin file for golden output. Required iff testVectors is provided."
-        )
-        var goldenOutput: String?
+    @Option(
+      name: [.short, .long],
+      help: ".bin file for golden output. Required iff testVectors is provided."
+    )
+    var goldenOutput: String?
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("b"), .customLong("blackbox")],
-            help: "Blackbox module names. Specify multiple times to specify multiple modules."
-        )
-        var blackbox: [String] = []
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("b"), .customLong("blackbox")],
+      help: "Blackbox module names. Specify multiple times to specify multiple modules."
+    )
+    var blackbox: [String] = []
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("B"), .long, .customLong("blackboxModel")],
-            help: "Blackbox model verilog files. Specify multiple times to specify multiple models."
-        )
-        var blackboxModels: [String] = []
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("B"), .long, .customLong("blackboxModel")],
+      help: "Blackbox model verilog files. Specify multiple times to specify multiple models."
+    )
+    var blackboxModels: [String] = []
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("D"), .customLong("define")],
-            help:
-            "`define statements to include during simulations. Specify multiple times to specify multiple defines."
-        )
-        var defines: [String] = []
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("D"), .customLong("define")],
+      help:
+        "`define statements to include during simulations. Specify multiple times to specify multiple defines."
+    )
+    var defines: [String] = []
-        @Option(
-            name: [.customShort("I"), .customLong("inc"), .customLong("include")],
-            help: "Extra verilog models to include during simulations. (Default: none)"
-        )
-        var includes: [String] = []
+    @Option(
+      name: [.customShort("I"), .customLong("inc"), .customLong("include")],
+      help: "Extra verilog models to include during simulations. (Default: none)"
+    )
+    var includes: [String] = []
-        @Flag(name: [.long], help: "Skip re-synthesizing the chained netlist.")
-        var skipSynth: Bool = false
+    @Flag(name: [.long], help: "Skip re-synthesizing the chained netlist.")
+    var skipSynth: Bool = false
-        // Scan chain signals with default names
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain serial data in signal.")
-        var sin: String = "sin"
+    // Scan chain signals with default names
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain serial data in signal.")
+    var sin: String = "sin"
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain serial data out signal.")
-        var sout: String = "sout"
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain serial data out signal.")
+    var sout: String = "sout"
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain shift enable signal.")
-        var shift: String = "shift"
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain shift enable signal.")
+    var shift: String = "shift"
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain test enable signal.")
-        var test: String = "test"
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for scan-chain test enable signal.")
+    var test: String = "test"
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test mode select signal.")
-        var tms: String = "tms"
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test mode select signal.")
+    var tms: String = "tms"
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test clock signal.")
-        var tck: String = "tck"
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test clock signal.")
+    var tck: String = "tck"
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test data input signal.")
-        var tdi: String = "tdi"
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test data input signal.")
+    var tdi: String = "tdi"
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test data output signal.")
-        var tdo: String = "tdo"
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test data output signal.")
+    var tdo: String = "tdo"
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for TDO Enable pad (active low) signal.")
-        var tdoEnable: String = "tdo_paden_o"
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for TDO Enable pad (active low) signal.")
+    var tdoEnable: String = "tdo_paden_o"
-        @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test reset (active low) signal.")
-        var trst: String = "trst"
+    @Option(name: .long, help: "Name for JTAG test reset (active low) signal.")
+    var trst: String = "trst"
-        @Argument
-        var file: String
+    @Argument
+    var file: String
-        mutating func run() throws {
-            let fileManager = FileManager()
-            if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: file) {
-                throw ValidationError("File '\(file)' not found.")
-            }
+    mutating func run() throws {
+      let fileManager = FileManager()
+      if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: file) {
+        throw ValidationError("File '\(file)' not found.")
+      }
-            let (_, boundaryCount, internalCount) = ChainMetadata.extract(file: file)
+      let (_, boundaryCount, internalCount) = ChainMetadata.extract(file: file)
-            let defines = Set<String>(defines)
+      let defines = Set<String>(defines)
-            if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: liberty) {
-                throw ValidationError("Liberty file '\(liberty)' not found.")
-            }
+      if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: liberty) {
+        throw ValidationError("Liberty file '\(liberty)' not found.")
+      }
-            if !liberty.hasSuffix(".lib") {
-                Stderr.print(
-                    "Warning: Liberty file provided does not end with .lib."
-                )
-            }
+      if !liberty.hasSuffix(".lib") {
+        Stderr.print(
+          "Warning: Liberty file provided does not end with .lib."
+        )
+      }
-            if let modelTest = cellModel {
-                if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: modelTest) {
-                    throw ValidationError("Cell model file '\(modelTest)' not found.")
-                }
-                if !modelTest.hasSuffix(".v"), !modelTest.hasSuffix(".sv") {
-                    Stderr.print(
-                        "Warning: Cell model file provided does not end with .v or .sv."
-                    )
-                }
+      if let modelTest = cellModel {
+        if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: modelTest) {
+          throw ValidationError("Cell model file '\(modelTest)' not found.")
+        }
+        if !modelTest.hasSuffix(".v"), !modelTest.hasSuffix(".sv") {
+          Stderr.print(
+            "Warning: Cell model file provided does not end with .v or .sv."
+          )
+        }
+      }
+      if let tvTest = testVectors {
+        if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: tvTest) {
+          throw ValidationError("Test vectors file '\(tvTest)' not found.")
+        }
+        if !tvTest.hasSuffix(".bin") {
+          Stderr.print(
+            "Warning: Test vectors file provided does not end with .bin."
+          )
+        }
+        guard goldenOutput != nil else {
+          throw ValidationError("Using goldenOutput (-g) option is required '\(tvTest)'.")
+        }
+      }
+      let output = output ?? file.replacingExtension(".chained.v", with: ".jtag.v")  // "\(file).jtag.v"
+      let intermediate = output.replacingExtension(".jtag.v", with: ".jtag_intermediate.v")
+      // MARK: Importing Python and Pyverilog
+      let parse = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.parser").parse
+      let Node = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.ast")
+      let Generator =
+        Python.import("pyverilog.ast_code_generator.codegen").ASTCodeGenerator()
+      // MARK: Parse
+      let ast = parse([file])[0]
+      let description = ast[dynamicMember: "description"]
+      var definitionOptional: PythonObject?
+      for definition in description.definitions {
+        let type = Python.type(definition).__name__
+        if type == "ModuleDef" {
+          definitionOptional = definition
+          break
+        }
+      }
+      guard let definition = definitionOptional else {
+        Stderr.print("No module found.")
+        Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
+      }
+      // MARK: Internal signals
+      print("Creating top module…")
+      let definitionName = String(describing:
+      let alteredName = "__DESIGN__UNDER__TEST__"
+      do {
+        let (_, inputs, outputs) = try Port.extract(from: definition)
+ = Python.str(alteredName)
+        let ports = Python.list(definition.portlist.ports)
+        let chainPorts: [String] = [
+          sin,
+          sout,
+          shift,
+          tck,
+          test,
+        ]
+        let topModulePorts = Python.list(
+          ports.filter {
+            !chainPorts.contains(String($!)
+          })
+        topModulePorts.append(
+          Node.Port(
+            tms, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
+          ))
+        topModulePorts.append(
+          Node.Port(
+            tck, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
+          ))
+        topModulePorts.append(
+          Node.Port(
+            tdi, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
+          ))
+        topModulePorts.append(
+          Node.Port(
+            tdo, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
+          ))
+        topModulePorts.append(
+          Node.Port(
+            trst, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
+          ))
+        topModulePorts.append(
+          Node.Port(
+            tdoEnable, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
+          ))
+        let statements = Python.list()
+        statements.append(Node.Input(tms))
+        statements.append(Node.Input(tck))
+        statements.append(Node.Input(tdi))
+        statements.append(Node.Output(tdo))
+        statements.append(Node.Output(tdoEnable))
+        statements.append(Node.Input(trst))
+        let portArguments = Python.list()
+        for input in inputs {
+          if !chainPorts.contains( {
+            let inputStatement = Node.Input(
+            portArguments.append(
+              Node.PortArg(
+      ,
+                Node.Identifier(
+              ))
+            if input.width > 1 {
+              let width = Node.Width(
+                Node.Constant(input.from),
+                Node.Constant(
+              )
+              inputStatement.width = width
+            statements.append(inputStatement)
+          } else {
+            let portIdentifier =
+            portArguments.append(
+              Node.PortArg(
+      ,
+                Node.Identifier(portIdentifier)
+              ))
+          }
+        }
-            if let tvTest = testVectors {
-                if !fileManager.fileExists(atPath: tvTest) {
-                    throw ValidationError("Test vectors file '\(tvTest)' not found.")
-                }
-                if !tvTest.hasSuffix(".bin") {
-                    Stderr.print(
-                        "Warning: Test vectors file provided does not end with .bin."
-                    )
-                }
-                guard goldenOutput != nil else {
-                    throw ValidationError("Using goldenOutput (-g) option is required '\(tvTest)'.")
-                }
+        for output in outputs {
+          if !chainPorts.contains( {
+            let outputStatement = Node.Output(
+            if output.width > 1 {
+              let width = Node.Width(
+                Node.Constant(output.from),
+                Node.Constant(
+              )
+              outputStatement.width = width
+            statements.append(outputStatement)
+          }
+          portArguments.append(
+            Node.PortArg(
+    ,
+              Node.Identifier(
+            ))
+        }
+        // MARK: tap module
+        print("Stitching tap port…")
+        let tapInfo = TapInfo.default
-            let output = output ?? file.replacingExtension(".chained.v", with: ".jtag.v") // "\(file).jtag.v"
-            let intermediate = output.replacingExtension(".jtag.v", with: ".jtag_intermediate.v")
+        let tapCreator = TapCreator(
+          name: "tap_wrapper",
+          using: Node
+        )
+        let tapModule = tapCreator.create(
+          tapInfo: tapInfo,
+          tms: tms,
+          tck: tck,
+          tdi: tdi,
+          tdo: tdo,
+          tdoEnable_n: tdoEnable,
+          trst: trst,
+          sin: sin,
+          sout: sout,
+          shift: shift,
+          test: test
+        )
+        statements.extend(tapModule.wires)
+        statements.append(tapModule.tapModule)
+        let submoduleInstance = Node.Instance(
+          alteredName,
+          "__dut__",
+          Python.tuple(portArguments),
+          Python.tuple()
+        )
+        statements.append(
+          Node.InstanceList(
+            alteredName,
+            Python.tuple(),
+            Python.tuple([submoduleInstance])
+          ))
+        let supermodel = Node.ModuleDef(
+          definitionName,
+          Python.None,
+          Node.Portlist(Python.tuple(topModulePorts)),
+          Python.tuple(statements)
+        )
-            // MARK: Importing Python and Pyverilog
+        let tempDir = "\(NSTemporaryDirectory())"
-            let parse = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.parser").parse
+        let tapLocation = "\(tempDir)/top.v"
+        let wrapperLocation = "\(tempDir)/wrapper.v"
-            let Node = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.ast")
+        do {
+          try, mode: .write) {
+            try $0.print(
+          }
+          try, mode: .write) {
+            try $0.print(TapCreator.wrapper)
+          }
-            let Generator =
-                Python.import("pyverilog.ast_code_generator.codegen").ASTCodeGenerator()
+        } catch {}
-            // MARK: Parse
+        let tapDefinition =
+          parse([tapLocation])[0][dynamicMember: "description"].definitions
-            let ast = parse([file])[0]
-            let description = ast[dynamicMember: "description"]
-            var definitionOptional: PythonObject?
-            for definition in description.definitions {
-                let type = Python.type(definition).__name__
-                if type == "ModuleDef" {
-                    definitionOptional = definition
-                    break
-                }
-            }
+        let wrapperDefinition =
+          parse([wrapperLocation])[0][dynamicMember: "description"].definitions
+        try? File.delete(tapLocation)
+        try? File.delete(wrapperLocation)
+        let definitions = Python.list(description.definitions)
+        definitions.extend(tapDefinition)
+        definitions.extend(wrapperDefinition)
+        definitions.append(supermodel)
+        description.definitions = Python.tuple(definitions)
+        try, mode: .write) {
+          try $0.print(Generator.visit(ast))
+        }
+        let _ = Synthesis.script(
+          for: definitionName,
+          in: [intermediate],
+          liberty: liberty,
+          blackboxing: blackboxModels,
+          output: output
+        )
+        let netlist: String = {
+          if !skipSynth {
+            let script = Synthesis.script(
+              for: definitionName,
+              in: [intermediate],
+              liberty: liberty,
+              blackboxing: blackboxModels,
+              output: output
+            )
-            guard let definition = definitionOptional else {
-                Stderr.print("No module found.")
-                Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
+            // MARK: Yosys
+            print("Resynthesizing with yosys…")
+            let result = "echo '\(script)' | '\(yosysExecutable)' > /dev/null".sh()
+            if result != EX_OK {
+              Stderr.print("A yosys error has occurred.")
+              Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
+            return output
+          } else {
+            return intermediate
+          }
+        }()
+        guard let model = cellModel else {
+          print("Done.")
+          return
+        }
+        guard let content = else {
+          throw "Could not re-read created file."
+        }
+        try, mode: .write) {
+          try $0.print(String.boilerplate)
+          try $0.print(content)
+        }
+        // MARK: Verification
+        let models = [model] + includes + blackboxModels
+        print("Verifying tap port integrity…")
+        let ast = parse([netlist])[0]
+        let description = ast[dynamicMember: "description"]
+        var definitionOptional: PythonObject?
+        for definition in description.definitions {
+          let type = Python.type(definition).__name__
+          if type == "ModuleDef" {
+            definitionOptional = definition
+          }
+        }
+        guard let definition = definitionOptional else {
+          Stderr.print("No module found.")
+          Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
+        }
+        let (myPorts, myInputs, myOutputs) = try Port.extract(from: definition)
+        let verified = try Simulator.simulate(
+          verifying: definitionName,
+          in: netlist,  // DEBUG
+          with: models,
+          ports: myPorts,
+          inputs: myInputs,
+          outputs: myOutputs,
+          chainLength: boundaryCount + internalCount,
+          clock: bypass.clock,
+          reset:,
+          resetActive:,
+          tms: tms,
+          tdi: tdi,
+          tck: tck,
+          tdo: tdo,
+          trst: trst,
+          output: netlist + "",
+          defines: defines,
+          using: iverilogExecutable,
+          with: vvpExecutable
+        )
+        print("Done.")
+        if verified {
+          print("Tap port verified successfully.")
+        } else {
+          print("Tap port verification failed.")
+          print(
+            "・Ensure that clock and reset signals, if they exist are passed as such to the program."
+          )
+          if == .high {
+            print("・Ensure that the reset is active high- pass --activeLow for activeLow.")
+          }
+          print("・Ensure that there are no other asynchronous resets anywhere in the circuit.")
+        }
-            // MARK: Internal signals
-            print("Creating top module…")
-            let definitionName = String(describing:
-            let alteredName = "__DESIGN__UNDER__TEST__"
-            do {
-                let (_, inputs, outputs) = try Port.extract(from: definition)
-       = Python.str(alteredName)
-                let ports = Python.list(definition.portlist.ports)
-                let chainPorts: [String] = [
-                    sin,
-                    sout,
-                    shift,
-                    tck,
-                    test,
-                ]
-                let topModulePorts = Python.list(
-                    ports.filter {
-                        !chainPorts.contains(String($!)
-                    })
-                topModulePorts.append(
-                    Node.Port(
-                        tms, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
-                    ))
-                topModulePorts.append(
-                    Node.Port(
-                        tck, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
-                    ))
-                topModulePorts.append(
-                    Node.Port(
-                        tdi, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
-                    ))
-                topModulePorts.append(
-                    Node.Port(
-                        tdo, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
-                    ))
-                topModulePorts.append(
-                    Node.Port(
-                        trst, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
-                    ))
-                topModulePorts.append(
-                    Node.Port(
-                        tdoEnable, Python.None, Python.None, Python.None
-                    ))
-                let statements = Python.list()
-                statements.append(Node.Input(tms))
-                statements.append(Node.Input(tck))
-                statements.append(Node.Input(tdi))
-                statements.append(Node.Output(tdo))
-                statements.append(Node.Output(tdoEnable))
-                statements.append(Node.Input(trst))
-                let portArguments = Python.list()
-                for input in inputs {
-                    if !chainPorts.contains( {
-                        let inputStatement = Node.Input(
-                        portArguments.append(
-                            Node.PortArg(
-                      ,
-                                Node.Identifier(
-                            ))
-                        if input.width > 1 {
-                            let width = Node.Width(
-                                Node.Constant(input.from),
-                                Node.Constant(
-                            )
-                            inputStatement.width = width
-                        }
-                        statements.append(inputStatement)
-                    } else {
-                        let portIdentifier =
-                        portArguments.append(
-                            Node.PortArg(
-                      ,
-                                Node.Identifier(portIdentifier)
-                            ))
-                    }
-                }
-                for output in outputs {
-                    if !chainPorts.contains( {
-                        let outputStatement = Node.Output(
-                        if output.width > 1 {
-                            let width = Node.Width(
-                                Node.Constant(output.from),
-                                Node.Constant(
-                            )
-                            outputStatement.width = width
-                        }
-                        statements.append(outputStatement)
-                    }
-                    portArguments.append(
-                        Node.PortArg(
-                  ,
-                            Node.Identifier(
-                        ))
-                }
-                // MARK: tap module
-                print("Stitching tap port…")
-                let tapInfo = TapInfo.default
-                let tapCreator = TapCreator(
-                    name: "tap_wrapper",
-                    using: Node
-                )
-                let tapModule = tapCreator.create(
-                    tapInfo: tapInfo,
-                    tms: tms,
-                    tck: tck,
-                    tdi: tdi,
-                    tdo: tdo,
-                    tdoEnable_n: tdoEnable,
-                    trst: trst,
-                    sin: sin,
-                    sout: sout,
-                    shift: shift,
-                    test: test
-                )
-                statements.extend(tapModule.wires)
-                statements.append(tapModule.tapModule)
-                let submoduleInstance = Node.Instance(
-                    alteredName,
-                    "__dut__",
-                    Python.tuple(portArguments),
-                    Python.tuple()
-                )
-                statements.append(
-                    Node.InstanceList(
-                        alteredName,
-                        Python.tuple(),
-                        Python.tuple([submoduleInstance])
-                    ))
-                let supermodel = Node.ModuleDef(
-                    definitionName,
-                    Python.None,
-                    Node.Portlist(Python.tuple(topModulePorts)),
-                    Python.tuple(statements)
-                )
-                let tempDir = "\(NSTemporaryDirectory())"
-                let tapLocation = "\(tempDir)/top.v"
-                let wrapperLocation = "\(tempDir)/wrapper.v"
-                do {
-                    try, mode: .write) {
-                        try $0.print(
-                    }
-                    try, mode: .write) {
-                        try $0.print(TapCreator.wrapper)
-                    }
-                } catch {}
-                let tapDefinition =
-                    parse([tapLocation])[0][dynamicMember: "description"].definitions
-                let wrapperDefinition =
-                    parse([wrapperLocation])[0][dynamicMember: "description"].definitions
-                try? File.delete(tapLocation)
-                try? File.delete(wrapperLocation)
-                let definitions = Python.list(description.definitions)
-                definitions.extend(tapDefinition)
-                definitions.extend(wrapperDefinition)
-                definitions.append(supermodel)
-                description.definitions = Python.tuple(definitions)
-                try, mode: .write) {
-                    try $0.print(Generator.visit(ast))
-                }
-                let _ = Synthesis.script(
-                    for: definitionName,
-                    in: [intermediate],
-                    liberty: liberty,
-                    blackboxing: blackboxModels,
-                    output: output
-                )
-                let netlist: String = {
-                    if !skipSynth {
-                        let script = Synthesis.script(
-                            for: definitionName,
-                            in: [intermediate],
-                            liberty: liberty,
-                            blackboxing: blackboxModels,
-                            output: output
-                        )
-                        // MARK: Yosys
-                        print("Resynthesizing with yosys…")
-                        let result = "echo '\(script)' | '\(yosysExecutable)' > /dev/null".sh()
-                        if result != EX_OK {
-                            Stderr.print("A yosys error has occurred.")
-                            Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
-                        }
-                        return output
-                    } else {
-                        return intermediate
-                    }
-                }()
-                guard let model = cellModel else {
-                    print("Done.")
-                    return
-                }
-                guard let content = else {
-                    throw "Could not re-read created file."
-                }
-                try, mode: .write) {
-                    try $0.print(String.boilerplate)
-                    try $0.print(content)
-                }
-                // MARK: Verification
-                let models = [model] + includes + blackboxModels
-                print("Verifying tap port integrity…")
-                let ast = parse([netlist])[0]
-                let description = ast[dynamicMember: "description"]
-                var definitionOptional: PythonObject?
-                for definition in description.definitions {
-                    let type = Python.type(definition).__name__
-                    if type == "ModuleDef" {
-                        definitionOptional = definition
-                    }
-                }
-                guard let definition = definitionOptional else {
-                    Stderr.print("No module found.")
-                    Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
-                }
-                let (myPorts, myInputs, myOutputs) = try Port.extract(from: definition)
-                let verified = try Simulator.simulate(
-                    verifying: definitionName,
-                    in: netlist, // DEBUG
-                    with: models,
-                    ports: myPorts,
-                    inputs: myInputs,
-                    outputs: myOutputs,
-                    chainLength: boundaryCount + internalCount,
-                    clock: bypass.clock,
-                    reset:,
-                    resetActive:,
-                    tms: tms,
-                    tdi: tdi,
-                    tck: tck,
-                    tdo: tdo,
-                    trst: trst,
-                    output: netlist + "",
-                    defines: defines,
-                    using: iverilogExecutable,
-                    with: vvpExecutable
-                )
-                print("Done.")
-                if verified {
-                    print("Tap port verified successfully.")
-                } else {
-                    print("Tap port verification failed.")
-                    print(
-                        "・Ensure that clock and reset signals, if they exist are passed as such to the program."
-                    )
-                    if == .high {
-                        print("・Ensure that the reset is active high- pass --activeLow for activeLow.")
-                    }
-                    print("・Ensure that there are no other asynchronous resets anywhere in the circuit.")
-                }
-                // MARK: Test bench
-                if let tvFile = testVectors {
-                    print("Generating testbench for test vectors…")
-                    let (vectorCount, vectorLength) = binMetadata.extract(file: tvFile)
-                    let (_, outputLength) = binMetadata.extract(file: goldenOutput!)
-                    let testbecnh = netlist + ".tv" + ""
-                    let verified = try Simulator.simulate(
-                        verifying: definitionName,
-                        in: netlist,
-                        with: models,
-                        ports: myPorts,
-                        inputs: myInputs,
-                        bypassingWithBehavior: bypass.simulationValues,
-                        outputs: myOutputs,
-                        clock: bypass.clock,
-                        reset:,
-                        resetActive:,
-                        tms: tms,
-                        tdi: tdi,
-                        tck: tck,
-                        tdo: tdo,
-                        trst: trst,
-                        output: testbecnh,
-                        chainLength: internalCount + boundaryCount,
-                        vecbinFile: testVectors!,
-                        outbinFile: goldenOutput!,
-                        vectorCount: vectorCount,
-                        vectorLength: vectorLength,
-                        outputLength: outputLength,
-                        defines: defines,
-                        using: iverilogExecutable,
-                        with: vvpExecutable
-                    )
-                    if verified {
-                        print("Test vectors verified successfully.")
-                    } else {
-                        print("Test vector simulation failed.")
-                        if == .high { // default is ignored inputs are held high
-                            print(
-                                "・The reset is assumed active-high and thus held low. Pass --activeLow if reset is active low."
-                            )
-                        }
-                        Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
-                    }
-                }
-            } catch {
-                Stderr.print("Internal software error: \(error)")
-                Foundation.exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
+        // MARK: Test bench
+        if let tvFile = testVectors {
+          print("Generating testbench for test vectors…")
+          let (vectorCount, vectorLength) = binMetadata.extract(file: tvFile)
+          let (_, outputLength) = binMetadata.extract(file: goldenOutput!)
+          let testbecnh = netlist + ".tv" + ""
+          let verified = try Simulator.simulate(
+            verifying: definitionName,
+            in: netlist,
+            with: models,
+            ports: myPorts,
+            inputs: myInputs,
+            bypassingWithBehavior: bypass.simulationValues,
+            outputs: myOutputs,
+            clock: bypass.clock,
+            reset:,
+            resetActive:,
+            tms: tms,
+            tdi: tdi,
+            tck: tck,
+            tdo: tdo,
+            trst: trst,
+            output: testbecnh,
+            chainLength: internalCount + boundaryCount,
+            vecbinFile: testVectors!,
+            outbinFile: goldenOutput!,
+            vectorCount: vectorCount,
+            vectorLength: vectorLength,
+            outputLength: outputLength,
+            defines: defines,
+            using: iverilogExecutable,
+            with: vvpExecutable
+          )
+          if verified {
+            print("Test vectors verified successfully.")
+          } else {
+            print("Test vector simulation failed.")
+            if == .high {  // default is ignored inputs are held high
+              print(
+                "・The reset is assumed active-high and thus held low. Pass --activeLow if reset is active low."
+              )
+            Foundation.exit(EX_DATAERR)
+          }
+      } catch {
+        Stderr.print("Internal software error: \(error)")
+        Foundation.exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
+      }
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Errors.swift b/Sources/Fault/Errors.swift
index 71d42b5..66e0670 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Errors.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Errors.swift
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 struct RuntimeError: Error {
-    let description: String
+  let description: String
-    init(_ description: String) {
-        self.description = description
-    }
+  init(_ description: String) {
+    self.description = description
+  }
-    var errorDescription: String? {
-        description
-    }
+  var errorDescription: String? {
+    description
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Future.swift b/Sources/Fault/Future.swift
index 77fc68e..9f3bb2b 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Future.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Future.swift
@@ -18,37 +18,37 @@ import Foundation
 var pool: threadpool?
 public class Future {
-    static var pool: threadpool?
-    private var semaphore: DispatchSemaphore
-    private var store: Any?
-    private var executor: () -> Any
-    init(executor: @escaping () -> Any) {
-        semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
-        self.executor = executor
-        if Future.pool == nil {
-            Future.pool = thpool_init(
-                CInt(
-                    ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["FAULT_THREADS"] ?? ""
-                ) ?? CInt(clamping: ProcessInfo.processInfo.processorCount))
-        }
-        _ = thpool_add_work(
-            Future.pool!,
-            {
-                pointer in
-                let this = Unmanaged<Future>.fromOpaque(pointer!).takeUnretainedValue()
-       = this.executor()
-                this.semaphore.signal()
-            }, Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()
-        )
-    }
+  static var pool: threadpool?
+  private var semaphore: DispatchSemaphore
+  private var store: Any?
+  private var executor: () -> Any
-    public var value: Any {
-        semaphore.wait()
-        let value = store!
-        return value
+  init(executor: @escaping () -> Any) {
+    semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
+    self.executor = executor
+    if Future.pool == nil {
+      Future.pool = thpool_init(
+        CInt(
+          ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["FAULT_THREADS"] ?? ""
+        ) ?? CInt(clamping: ProcessInfo.processInfo.processorCount))
+    _ = thpool_add_work(
+      Future.pool!,
+      {
+        pointer in
+        let this = Unmanaged<Future>.fromOpaque(pointer!).takeUnretainedValue()
+ = this.executor()
+        this.semaphore.signal()
+      }, Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()
+    )
+  }
+  public var value: Any {
+    semaphore.wait()
+    let value = store!
+    return value
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/JTAG.swift b/Sources/Fault/JTAG.swift
index 9844007..b1221f8 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/JTAG.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/JTAG.swift
@@ -17,164 +17,164 @@ import Foundation
 import PythonKit
 class TapCreator {
-    var name: String
-    private var Node: PythonObject
-    init(
-        name: String,
-        using Node: PythonObject
-    ) {
- = name
-        self.Node = Node
-    }
+  var name: String
+  private var Node: PythonObject
+  init(
+    name: String,
+    using Node: PythonObject
+  ) {
+ = name
+    self.Node = Node
+  }
-    func create(
-        tapInfo: TapInfo,
-        tms: String,
-        tck: String,
-        tdi: String,
-        tdo: String,
-        tdoEnable_n: String,
-        trst: String,
-        sin: String,
-        sout: String,
-        shift: String,
-        test: String
-    ) -> (tapModule: PythonObject, wires: [PythonObject]) {
-        let pads = tapInfo.tap
-        let chain = tapInfo.chain
+  func create(
+    tapInfo: TapInfo,
+    tms: String,
+    tck: String,
+    tdi: String,
+    tdo: String,
+    tdoEnable_n: String,
+    trst: String,
+    sin: String,
+    sout: String,
+    shift: String,
+    test: String
+  ) -> (tapModule: PythonObject, wires: [PythonObject]) {
+    let pads = tapInfo.tap
+    let chain = tapInfo.chain
-        let wireDeclarations: [PythonObject] = [
-            Node.Wire(pads.tdo),
-            Node.Wire(pads.tdoEnable_n),
-            Node.Wire(pads.tms),
-            Node.Wire(pads.tdi),
-            Node.Wire(pads.trst),
-            Node.Wire(chain.sin),
-            Node.Wire(chain.sout),
-            Node.Wire(chain.shift),
-            Node.Wire(chain.test),
-        ]
+    let wireDeclarations: [PythonObject] = [
+      Node.Wire(pads.tdo),
+      Node.Wire(pads.tdoEnable_n),
+      Node.Wire(pads.tms),
+      Node.Wire(pads.tdi),
+      Node.Wire(pads.trst),
+      Node.Wire(chain.sin),
+      Node.Wire(chain.sout),
+      Node.Wire(chain.shift),
+      Node.Wire(chain.test),
+    ]
-        let portArguments = [
-            // Tap Top Module Interface
-            Node.PortArg(
-                pads.tms,
-                Node.Identifier(tms)
-            ),
-            Node.PortArg(
-                pads.tck,
-                Node.Identifier(tck)
-            ),
-            Node.PortArg(
-                pads.trst,
-                Node.Identifier(trst)
-            ),
-            Node.PortArg(
-                pads.tdi,
-                Node.Identifier(tdi)
-            ),
-            Node.PortArg(
-                pads.tdo,
-                Node.Identifier(tdo)
-            ),
-            Node.PortArg(
-                pads.tdoEnable_n,
-                Node.Identifier(tdoEnable_n)
-            ),
-            // Chain Interface
-            Node.PortArg(
-                chain.sin,
-                Node.Identifier(sin)
-            ),
-            Node.PortArg(
-                chain.sout,
-                Node.Identifier(sout)
-            ),
-            Node.PortArg(
-                chain.test,
-                Node.Identifier(test)
-            ),
-            Node.PortArg(
-                chain.shift,
-                Node.Identifier(shift)
-            ),
-        ]
+    let portArguments = [
+      // Tap Top Module Interface
+      Node.PortArg(
+        pads.tms,
+        Node.Identifier(tms)
+      ),
+      Node.PortArg(
+        pads.tck,
+        Node.Identifier(tck)
+      ),
+      Node.PortArg(
+        pads.trst,
+        Node.Identifier(trst)
+      ),
+      Node.PortArg(
+        pads.tdi,
+        Node.Identifier(tdi)
+      ),
+      Node.PortArg(
+        pads.tdo,
+        Node.Identifier(tdo)
+      ),
+      Node.PortArg(
+        pads.tdoEnable_n,
+        Node.Identifier(tdoEnable_n)
+      ),
+      // Chain Interface
+      Node.PortArg(
+        chain.sin,
+        Node.Identifier(sin)
+      ),
+      Node.PortArg(
+        chain.sout,
+        Node.Identifier(sout)
+      ),
+      Node.PortArg(
+        chain.test,
+        Node.Identifier(test)
+      ),
+      Node.PortArg(
+        chain.shift,
+        Node.Identifier(shift)
+      ),
+    ]
-        let submoduleInstance = Node.Instance(
-            name,
-            "__" + name + "__",
-            Python.tuple(portArguments),
-            Python.tuple()
-        )
+    let submoduleInstance = Node.Instance(
+      name,
+      "__" + name + "__",
+      Python.tuple(portArguments),
+      Python.tuple()
+    )
-        let tapModule = Node.InstanceList(
-            name,
-            Python.tuple(),
-            Python.tuple([submoduleInstance])
-        )
-        return (tapModule: tapModule, wires: wireDeclarations)
-    }
+    let tapModule = Node.InstanceList(
+      name,
+      Python.tuple(),
+      Python.tuple([submoduleInstance])
+    )
+    return (tapModule: tapModule, wires: wireDeclarations)
+  }
 // Tap top module Interface
 struct Tap: Codable {
-    var tms: String
-    var tdi: String
-    var tdo: String
-    var trst: String
-    var tck: String
-    var tdoEnable_n: String
-    init(
-        tms: String,
-        tdi: String,
-        tdo: String,
-        trst: String,
-        tck: String,
-        tdoEnable_n: String
-    ) {
-        self.tms = tms
-        self.tdi = tdi
-        self.tdo = tdo
-        self.trst = trst
-        self.tck = tck
-        self.tdoEnable_n = tdoEnable_n
-    }
+  var tms: String
+  var tdi: String
+  var tdo: String
+  var trst: String
+  var tck: String
+  var tdoEnable_n: String
+  init(
+    tms: String,
+    tdi: String,
+    tdo: String,
+    trst: String,
+    tck: String,
+    tdoEnable_n: String
+  ) {
+    self.tms = tms
+    self.tdi = tdi
+    self.tdo = tdo
+    self.trst = trst
+    self.tck = tck
+    self.tdoEnable_n = tdoEnable_n
+  }
 // Internal Chain Interface
 struct Chain: Codable {
-    var sin: String
-    var sout: String
-    var shift: String
-    var test: String
+  var sin: String
+  var sout: String
+  var shift: String
+  var test: String
-    init(
-        sin: String,
-        sout: String,
-        shift: String,
-        test: String
-    ) {
-        self.sin = sin
-        self.sout = sout
-        self.shift = shift
-        self.test = test
-    }
+  init(
+    sin: String,
+    sout: String,
+    shift: String,
+    test: String
+  ) {
+    self.sin = sin
+    self.sout = sout
+    self.shift = shift
+    self.test = test
+  }
 // Aggregate
 struct TapInfo: Codable {
-    var tap: Tap
-    var chain: Chain
+  var tap: Tap
+  var chain: Chain
-    init(
-        tap: Tap,
-        chain: Chain
-    ) {
-        self.tap = tap
-        self.chain = chain
-    }
+  init(
+    tap: Tap,
+    chain: Chain
+  ) {
+    self.tap = tap
+    self.chain = chain
+  }
-    static let `default`: TapInfo = try! JSONDecoder().decode(
-        TapInfo.self, from: Data(
-    )
+  static let `default`: TapInfo = try! JSONDecoder().decode(
+    TapInfo.self, from: Data(
+  )
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/JTAGStrings.swift b/Sources/Fault/JTAGStrings.swift
index 569cf37..dfc29fd 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/JTAGStrings.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/JTAGStrings.swift
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 extension TapCreator {
-    static let info = """
+  static let info = """
             "tms": "tms",
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ extension TapCreator {
-    static let wrapper: String = """
+  static let wrapper: String = """
     module tap_wrapper(
         // tap ports
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ extension TapCreator {
-    static let top: String = """
+  static let top: String = """
     ////                                                              ////
     ////  tap_top.v                                                   ////
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Metadata.swift b/Sources/Fault/Metadata.swift
index da526b6..d0fb60c 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Metadata.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Metadata.swift
@@ -16,113 +16,113 @@ import Defile
 import Foundation
 struct ChainRegister: Codable {
-    enum Kind: String, Codable {
-        case input
-        case output
-        case dff
-        case bypassInput // bypass when loading the TV (loaded with zeros)
-        case bypassOutput // bypass when shifting out the response ()
-    }
+  enum Kind: String, Codable {
+    case input
+    case output
+    case dff
+    case bypassInput  // bypass when loading the TV (loaded with zeros)
+    case bypassOutput  // bypass when shifting out the response ()
+  }
-    var name: String
-    var kind: Kind
-    var width: Int
-    var ordinal: Int
-    init(name: String, kind: Kind, ordinal: Int = 0, width: Int = 1) {
- = name
-        self.kind = kind
-        self.ordinal = ordinal
-        self.width = width
-    }
+  var name: String
+  var kind: Kind
+  var width: Int
+  var ordinal: Int
+  init(name: String, kind: Kind, ordinal: Int = 0, width: Int = 1) {
+ = name
+    self.kind = kind
+    self.ordinal = ordinal
+    self.width = width
+  }
 struct ChainMetadata: Codable {
-    var boundaryCount: Int
-    var internalCount: Int
-    var order: [ChainRegister]
-    var shift: String
-    var sin: String
-    var sout: String
-    init(
-        boundaryCount: Int,
-        internalCount: Int,
-        order: [ChainRegister],
-        shift: String,
-        sin: String,
-        sout: String
-    ) {
-        self.boundaryCount = boundaryCount
-        self.internalCount = internalCount
-        self.order = order
-        self.shift = shift
-        self.sin = sin
-        self.sout = sout
-    }
+  var boundaryCount: Int
+  var internalCount: Int
+  var order: [ChainRegister]
+  var shift: String
+  var sin: String
+  var sout: String
+  init(
+    boundaryCount: Int,
+    internalCount: Int,
+    order: [ChainRegister],
+    shift: String,
+    sin: String,
+    sout: String
+  ) {
+    self.boundaryCount = boundaryCount
+    self.internalCount = internalCount
+    self.order = order
+    self.shift = shift
+    self.sin = sin
+    self.sout = sout
+  }
-    static func extract(file: String) -> ([ChainRegister], Int, Int) {
-        guard let string = else {
-            Stderr.print("Could not read file '\(file)'")
-            exit(EX_NOINPUT)
-        }
-        let components = string.components(separatedBy: "/* FAULT METADATA: '")
-        if components.count == 0 {
-            Stderr.print("Fault metadata not provided.")
-            exit(EX_NOINPUT)
-        }
-        let slice = components[1]
-        if !slice.contains("' END FAULT METADATA */") {
-            Stderr.print("Fault metadata not terminated.")
-            exit(EX_NOINPUT)
-        }
-        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
-        let metadataString = slice.components(separatedBy: "' END FAULT METADATA */")[0]
-        guard
-            let metadata = try? decoder.decode(
-                ChainMetadata.self, from: .utf8)!
-            )
-        else {
-            Stderr.print("Metadata json is invalid.")
-            exit(EX_DATAERR)
-        }
-        return (
-            order: metadata.order,
-            boundaryCount: metadata.boundaryCount,
-            internalCount: metadata.internalCount
-        )
+  static func extract(file: String) -> ([ChainRegister], Int, Int) {
+    guard let string = else {
+      Stderr.print("Could not read file '\(file)'")
+      exit(EX_NOINPUT)
+    }
+    let components = string.components(separatedBy: "/* FAULT METADATA: '")
+    if components.count == 0 {
+      Stderr.print("Fault metadata not provided.")
+      exit(EX_NOINPUT)
+    }
+    let slice = components[1]
+    if !slice.contains("' END FAULT METADATA */") {
+      Stderr.print("Fault metadata not terminated.")
+      exit(EX_NOINPUT)
+    let decoder = JSONDecoder()
+    let metadataString = slice.components(separatedBy: "' END FAULT METADATA */")[0]
+    guard
+      let metadata = try? decoder.decode(
+        ChainMetadata.self, from: .utf8)!
+      )
+    else {
+      Stderr.print("Metadata json is invalid.")
+      exit(EX_DATAERR)
+    }
+    return (
+      order: metadata.order,
+      boundaryCount: metadata.boundaryCount,
+      internalCount: metadata.internalCount
+    )
+  }
 struct binMetadata: Codable {
-    var count: Int
-    var length: Int
-    init(
-        count: Int,
-        length: Int
-    ) {
-        self.count = count
-        self.length = length
-    }
+  var count: Int
+  var length: Int
+  init(
+    count: Int,
+    length: Int
+  ) {
+    self.count = count
+    self.length = length
+  }
-    static func extract(file: String) -> (Int, Int) {
-        guard let binString = else {
-            Stderr.print("Could not read file '\(file)'")
-            exit(EX_NOINPUT)
-        }
+  static func extract(file: String) -> (Int, Int) {
+    guard let binString = else {
+      Stderr.print("Could not read file '\(file)'")
+      exit(EX_NOINPUT)
+    }
-        let slice = binString.components(separatedBy: "/* FAULT METADATA: '")[1]
-        if !slice.contains("' END FAULT METADATA */") {
-            Stderr.print("Fault metadata not terminated.")
-            exit(EX_NOINPUT)
-        }
+    let slice = binString.components(separatedBy: "/* FAULT METADATA: '")[1]
+    if !slice.contains("' END FAULT METADATA */") {
+      Stderr.print("Fault metadata not terminated.")
+      exit(EX_NOINPUT)
+    }
-        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
-        let metadataString = slice.components(separatedBy: "' END FAULT METADATA */")[0]
-        guard
-            let metadata = try? decoder.decode(binMetadata.self, from: .utf8)!)
-        else {
-            Stderr.print("Metadata json is invalid.")
-            exit(EX_DATAERR)
-        }
-        return (count: metadata.count, length: metadata.length)
+    let decoder = JSONDecoder()
+    let metadataString = slice.components(separatedBy: "' END FAULT METADATA */")[0]
+    guard
+      let metadata = try? decoder.decode(binMetadata.self, from: .utf8)!)
+    else {
+      Stderr.print("Metadata json is invalid.")
+      exit(EX_DATAERR)
+    return (count: metadata.count, length: metadata.length)
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Module.swift b/Sources/Fault/Module.swift
index bc44608..ca46c73 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Module.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Module.swift
@@ -18,216 +18,216 @@ import Foundation
 import PythonKit
 struct Port: Codable, Hashable {
-    enum Polarity: String, Codable {
-        case input
-        case output
-        case unknown
-    }
-    var name: String
-    var polarity: Polarity?
-    var from: Int
-    var to: Int
-    var ordinal: Int
-    var width: Int {
-        from < to ? to - from + 1 : from - to + 1
-    }
-    var bits: [Int] {
-        from < to ? [Int](from ... to) : [Int](to ... from)
-    }
-    init(name: String, polarity: Polarity? = nil, from: Int = 0, to: Int = 0, at ordinal: Int) {
- = name
-        self.polarity = polarity
-        self.from = from
- = to
-        self.ordinal = ordinal
-    }
-    static func extract(from definition: PythonObject) throws -> (
-        ports: [String: Port], inputs: [Port], outputs: [Port]
-    ) {
-        var ports: [String: Port] = [:]
-        var paramaters: [String: Int] = [:]
-        for (i, portDeclaration) in definition.portlist.ports.enumerated() {
-            var polarity: Polarity? = nil
-            var from = 0
-            var to = 0
-            var name: String!
-            if Bool(Python.hasattr(portDeclaration, "first"))! {
-                let declaration = portDeclaration[dynamicMember: "first"]
-                let type = "\(Python.type(declaration).__name__)"
-                if type == "Input" {
-                    polarity = .input
-                } else {
-                    polarity = .output
-                }
-                if declaration.width != Python.None {
-                    let msb = Port.evaluate(expr: declaration.width.msb, params: paramaters)
-                    let lsb = Port.evaluate(expr: declaration.width.lsb, params: paramaters)
-                    from = msb
-                    to = lsb
-                }
-                let firstChild = portDeclaration[dynamicMember: "first"]
-                name = "\("
-            } else {
-                name = "\("
-            }
-            let port = Port(name: name, polarity: polarity, from: from, to: to, at: i)
-            ports[name] = port
+  enum Polarity: String, Codable {
+    case input
+    case output
+    case unknown
+  }
+  var name: String
+  var polarity: Polarity?
+  var from: Int
+  var to: Int
+  var ordinal: Int
+  var width: Int {
+    from < to ? to - from + 1 : from - to + 1
+  }
+  var bits: [Int] {
+    from < to ? [Int]( : [Int](to...from)
+  }
+  init(name: String, polarity: Polarity? = nil, from: Int = 0, to: Int = 0, at ordinal: Int) {
+ = name
+    self.polarity = polarity
+    self.from = from
+ = to
+    self.ordinal = ordinal
+  }
+  static func extract(from definition: PythonObject) throws -> (
+    ports: [String: Port], inputs: [Port], outputs: [Port]
+  ) {
+    var ports: [String: Port] = [:]
+    var paramaters: [String: Int] = [:]
+    for (i, portDeclaration) in definition.portlist.ports.enumerated() {
+      var polarity: Polarity? = nil
+      var from = 0
+      var to = 0
+      var name: String!
+      if Bool(Python.hasattr(portDeclaration, "first"))! {
+        let declaration = portDeclaration[dynamicMember: "first"]
+        let type = "\(Python.type(declaration).__name__)"
+        if type == "Input" {
+          polarity = .input
+        } else {
+          polarity = .output
-        for itemDeclaration in definition.items {
-            let type = Python.type(itemDeclaration).__name__
-            // Process port declarations further
-            if type == "Decl" {
-                let declaration = itemDeclaration.list[0]
-                let declType = Python.type(declaration).__name__
-                if declType == "Parameter" {
-                    paramaters["\("] =
-                        Port.evaluate(expr: declaration.value.var, params: paramaters)
-                } else if declType == "Input" || declType == "Output" {
-                    guard var port = ports["\("] else {
-                        throw "Unknown port \("
-                    }
-                    if declaration.width != Python.None {
-                        let msb = Port.evaluate(expr: declaration.width.msb, params: paramaters)
-                        let lsb = Port.evaluate(expr: declaration.width.lsb, params: paramaters)
-                        port.from = msb
-               = lsb
-                    }
-                    if declType == "Input" {
-                        port.polarity = .input
-                    } else {
-                        port.polarity = .output
-                    }
-                    ports["\("] = port
-                }
-            }
+        if declaration.width != Python.None {
+          let msb = Port.evaluate(expr: declaration.width.msb, params: paramaters)
+          let lsb = Port.evaluate(expr: declaration.width.lsb, params: paramaters)
+          from = msb
+          to = lsb
+        let firstChild = portDeclaration[dynamicMember: "first"]
+        name = "\("
+      } else {
+        name = "\("
+      }
+      let port = Port(name: name, polarity: polarity, from: from, to: to, at: i)
+      ports[name] = port
+    }
-        let inputs: [Port] = ports.values.filter { $0.polarity == .input }.sorted(by: {
-            $0.ordinal < $1.ordinal
-        })
-        let outputs: [Port] = ports.values.filter { $0.polarity == .output }.sorted(by: {
-            $0.ordinal < $1.ordinal
-        })
-        if ports.count != inputs.count + outputs.count {
-            throw RuntimeError(
-                "Some ports in \( are not properly declared as an input or output.")
+    for itemDeclaration in definition.items {
+      let type = Python.type(itemDeclaration).__name__
+      // Process port declarations further
+      if type == "Decl" {
+        let declaration = itemDeclaration.list[0]
+        let declType = Python.type(declaration).__name__
+        if declType == "Parameter" {
+          paramaters["\("] =
+            Port.evaluate(expr: declaration.value.var, params: paramaters)
+        } else if declType == "Input" || declType == "Output" {
+          guard var port = ports["\("] else {
+            throw "Unknown port \("
+          }
+          if declaration.width != Python.None {
+            let msb = Port.evaluate(expr: declaration.width.msb, params: paramaters)
+            let lsb = Port.evaluate(expr: declaration.width.lsb, params: paramaters)
+            port.from = msb
+   = lsb
+          }
+          if declType == "Input" {
+            port.polarity = .input
+          } else {
+            port.polarity = .output
+          }
+          ports["\("] = port
-        return (ports: ports, inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs)
+      }
-    private static func evaluate(expr: PythonObject, params: [String: Int]) -> Int {
-        let type = "\((Python.type(expr)).__name__)"
-        var value = 0
-        switch type {
-        case "Minus",
-             "Plus",
-             "Sll":
-            let left = Port.evaluate(expr: expr.left, params: params)
-            let right = Port.evaluate(expr: expr.right, params: params)
-            value = Port.op[type]!(left, right)
-        case "IntConst":
-            value = Int("\(expr.value)")!
-        case "Identifier":
-            value = params["\("]!
-        default:
-            Stderr.print(
-                "Got unknown expression type \(type) while evaluating port expression \(expr)")
-            exit(EX_DATAERR)
-        }
-        return value
+    let inputs: [Port] = ports.values.filter { $0.polarity == .input }.sorted(by: {
+      $0.ordinal < $1.ordinal
+    })
+    let outputs: [Port] = ports.values.filter { $0.polarity == .output }.sorted(by: {
+      $0.ordinal < $1.ordinal
+    })
+    if ports.count != inputs.count + outputs.count {
+      throw RuntimeError(
+        "Some ports in \( are not properly declared as an input or output.")
-    static let op = [
-        "Minus": sub,
-        "Plus": add,
-        "Sll": sll,
-    ]
+    return (ports: ports, inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs)
+  }
+  private static func evaluate(expr: PythonObject, params: [String: Int]) -> Int {
+    let type = "\((Python.type(expr)).__name__)"
+    var value = 0
+    switch type {
+    case "Minus",
+      "Plus",
+      "Sll":
+      let left = Port.evaluate(expr: expr.left, params: params)
+      let right = Port.evaluate(expr: expr.right, params: params)
+      value = Port.op[type]!(left, right)
+    case "IntConst":
+      value = Int("\(expr.value)")!
+    case "Identifier":
+      value = params["\("]!
+    default:
+      Stderr.print(
+        "Got unknown expression type \(type) while evaluating port expression \(expr)")
+      exit(EX_DATAERR)
+    }
+    return value
+  }
+  static let op = [
+    "Minus": sub,
+    "Plus": add,
+    "Sll": sll,
+  ]
 extension Port: CustomStringConvertible {
-    var description: String {
-        var pfx = ""
-        if from != to || from != 0 {
-            pfx = "[\(from)..\(to)]"
-        }
-        return "Port@\(ordinal)(\(name)\(pfx): \(polarity ?? .unknown))"
+  var description: String {
+    var pfx = ""
+    if from != to || from != 0 {
+      pfx = "[\(from)..\(to)]"
+    return "Port@\(ordinal)(\(name)\(pfx): \(polarity ?? .unknown))"
+  }
 func add(left: Int, right: Int) -> Int {
-    left + right
+  left + right
 func sub(left: Int, right: Int) -> Int {
-    left - right
+  left - right
 func sll(left: Int, right: Int) -> Int {
-    left << right
+  left << right
 struct Module {
-    var name: String
-    var inputs: [Port]
-    var outputs: [Port]
-    var definition: PythonObject
-    var ports: [Port]
-    var portsByName: [String: Port]
-    init(name: String, inputs: [Port], outputs: [Port], definition: PythonObject) {
- = name
-        self.inputs = inputs
-        self.outputs = outputs
-        self.definition = definition
-        ports = inputs + outputs
-        portsByName = ports.reduce(into: [String: Port]()) { $0[$] = $1 }
-    }
-    static func getModules(in files: [String], filter filterOpt: Set<String>? = nil) throws
-        -> OrderedDictionary<String, Module>
-    {
-        let parse = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.parser").parse
-        var result: OrderedDictionary<String, Module> = [:]
-        for file in files {
-            print("Processing file \(file)…")
-            let parseResult = parse([file])
-            let ast = parseResult[0]
-            let description = ast[dynamicMember: "description"]
-            for definition in description.definitions {
-                let type = Python.type(definition).__name__
-                if type != "ModuleDef" {
-                    continue
-                }
-                let name = String(describing:
-                print("Processing module \(name)…")
-                if let filter = filterOpt {
-                    if !filter.contains(name) {
-                        continue
-                    }
-                }
-                let (_, inputs, outputs) = try Port.extract(from: definition)
-                result[name] = Module(
-                    name: name, inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs, definition: definition
-                )
-            }
+  var name: String
+  var inputs: [Port]
+  var outputs: [Port]
+  var definition: PythonObject
+  var ports: [Port]
+  var portsByName: [String: Port]
+  init(name: String, inputs: [Port], outputs: [Port], definition: PythonObject) {
+ = name
+    self.inputs = inputs
+    self.outputs = outputs
+    self.definition = definition
+    ports = inputs + outputs
+    portsByName = ports.reduce(into: [String: Port]()) { $0[$] = $1 }
+  }
+  static func getModules(in files: [String], filter filterOpt: Set<String>? = nil) throws
+    -> OrderedDictionary<String, Module>
+  {
+    let parse = Python.import("pyverilog.vparser.parser").parse
+    var result: OrderedDictionary<String, Module> = [:]
+    for file in files {
+      print("Processing file \(file)…")
+      let parseResult = parse([file])
+      let ast = parseResult[0]
+      let description = ast[dynamicMember: "description"]
+      for definition in description.definitions {
+        let type = Python.type(definition).__name__
+        if type != "ModuleDef" {
+          continue
-        return result
+        let name = String(describing:
+        print("Processing module \(name)…")
+        if let filter = filterOpt {
+          if !filter.contains(name) {
+            continue
+          }
+        }
+        let (_, inputs, outputs) = try Port.extract(from: definition)
+        result[name] = Module(
+          name: name, inputs: inputs, outputs: outputs, definition: definition
+        )
+      }
+    return result
+  }
 extension Module: CustomStringConvertible {
-    var description: String {
-        "<Module " + (["\(name)"] +\.description)).joined(separator: "\n\t") + "\n>"
-    }
+  var description: String {
+    "<Module " + (["\(name)"] +\.description)).joined(separator: "\n\t") + "\n>"
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Mux.swift b/Sources/Fault/Mux.swift
index c4d8b9e..349fa56 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Mux.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Mux.swift
@@ -16,64 +16,64 @@ import Foundation
 import PythonKit
 class MuxCreator {
-    var Node: PythonObject
-    var muxInfo: MuxInfo
-    init(using Node: PythonObject, muxInfo: MuxInfo) {
-        self.Node = Node
-        self.muxInfo = muxInfo
-    }
+  var Node: PythonObject
+  var muxInfo: MuxInfo
+  init(using Node: PythonObject, muxInfo: MuxInfo) {
+    self.Node = Node
+    self.muxInfo = muxInfo
+  }
-    func create(
-        for instance: String,
-        selection: PythonObject,
-        a: PythonObject,
-        b: PythonObject
-    ) -> (
-        cellDeclarations: [PythonObject], wireDeclarations: [PythonObject],
-        replacementHook: PythonObject
-    ) {
-        let muxName = instance + "__scanchain_mux"
-        let outputWireName = "\(muxName)_\(muxInfo.y)"
-        let outputWireDecl = Node.Wire(outputWireName)
-        let outputWire = Node.Identifier(outputWireName)
+  func create(
+    for instance: String,
+    selection: PythonObject,
+    a: PythonObject,
+    b: PythonObject
+  ) -> (
+    cellDeclarations: [PythonObject], wireDeclarations: [PythonObject],
+    replacementHook: PythonObject
+  ) {
+    let muxName = instance + "__scanchain_mux"
+    let outputWireName = "\(muxName)_\(muxInfo.y)"
+    let outputWireDecl = Node.Wire(outputWireName)
+    let outputWire = Node.Identifier(outputWireName)
-        // Cell
-        let portArguments = [
-            Node.PortArg(muxInfo.a, a),
-            Node.PortArg(muxInfo.b, b),
-            Node.PortArg(muxInfo.s, selection),
-            Node.PortArg(muxInfo.y, outputWire),
-        ]
-        let instance = Node.Instance(
-  ,
-            muxName,
-            Python.tuple(portArguments),
-            Python.tuple()
-        )
-        let instanceDecl = Node.InstanceList(
-  ,
-            Python.tuple(),
-            Python.tuple([instance])
-        )
-        let pragma = Node.Pragma(
-            Node.PragmaEntry(
-                "keep"
-            )
-        )
+    // Cell
+    let portArguments = [
+      Node.PortArg(muxInfo.a, a),
+      Node.PortArg(muxInfo.b, b),
+      Node.PortArg(muxInfo.s, selection),
+      Node.PortArg(muxInfo.y, outputWire),
+    ]
+    let instance = Node.Instance(
+      muxName,
+      Python.tuple(portArguments),
+      Python.tuple()
+    )
+    let instanceDecl = Node.InstanceList(
+      Python.tuple(),
+      Python.tuple([instance])
+    )
+    let pragma = Node.Pragma(
+      Node.PragmaEntry(
+        "keep"
+      )
+    )
-        // Hook
-        var hook = outputWire
-        if muxInfo.invertedOutput {
-            hook = Node.Unot(hook)
-        }
-        return (
-            [
-                pragma,
-                instanceDecl,
-            ],
-            [
-                outputWireDecl,
-            ], hook
-        )
+    // Hook
+    var hook = outputWire
+    if muxInfo.invertedOutput {
+      hook = Node.Unot(hook)
+    return (
+      [
+        pragma,
+        instanceDecl,
+      ],
+      [
+        outputWireDecl
+      ], hook
+    )
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/RNG.swift b/Sources/Fault/RNG.swift
index a6cd9c9..5f8f84a 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/RNG.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/RNG.swift
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
 #if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(watchOS) || os(tvOS)
-    import Darwin
+  import Darwin
-    import Glibc
+  import Glibc
 /// A type that provides seedable deterministic pseudo-random data.
@@ -37,18 +37,18 @@
 /// must form a deterministic sequence that depends only on the seed provided
 /// upon initialization.
 public protocol SeedableRandomNumberGenerator: RandomNumberGenerator {
-    init(seed: [UInt8])
-    init<T: BinaryInteger>(seed: T)
+  init(seed: [UInt8])
+  init<T: BinaryInteger>(seed: T)
-public extension SeedableRandomNumberGenerator {
-    init(seed: some BinaryInteger) {
-        var newSeed: [UInt8] = []
-        for i in 0 ..< seed.bitWidth / UInt8.bitWidth {
-            newSeed.append(UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: seed >> (UInt8.bitWidth * i)))
-        }
-        self.init(seed: newSeed)
+extension SeedableRandomNumberGenerator {
+  public init(seed: some BinaryInteger) {
+    var newSeed: [UInt8] = []
+    for i in 0..<seed.bitWidth / UInt8.bitWidth {
+      newSeed.append(UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded: seed >> (UInt8.bitWidth * i)))
+    self.init(seed: newSeed)
+  }
 /// An implementation of `SeedableRandomNumberGenerator` using ARC4.
@@ -64,49 +64,49 @@ public extension SeedableRandomNumberGenerator {
 /// suitable for cryptographic applications.
 public struct ARC4RandomNumberGenerator: SeedableRandomNumberGenerator {
-    public static var global = ARC4RandomNumberGenerator(seed: UInt32(time(nil)))
-    var state: [UInt8] = Array(0 ... 255)
-    var iPos: UInt8 = 0
-    var jPos: UInt8 = 0
+  public static var global = ARC4RandomNumberGenerator(seed: UInt32(time(nil)))
+  var state: [UInt8] = Array(0...255)
+  var iPos: UInt8 = 0
+  var jPos: UInt8 = 0
-    /// Initialize ARC4RandomNumberGenerator using an array of UInt8. The array
-    /// must have length between 1 and 256 inclusive.
-    public init(seed: [UInt8]) {
-        precondition(seed.count > 0, "Length of seed must be positive")
-        precondition(seed.count <= 256, "Length of seed must be at most 256")
-        var j: UInt8 = 0
-        for i: UInt8 in 0 ... 255 {
-            j &+= S(i) &+ seed[Int(i) % seed.count]
-            swapAt(i, j)
-        }
+  /// Initialize ARC4RandomNumberGenerator using an array of UInt8. The array
+  /// must have length between 1 and 256 inclusive.
+  public init(seed: [UInt8]) {
+    precondition(seed.count > 0, "Length of seed must be positive")
+    precondition(seed.count <= 256, "Length of seed must be at most 256")
+    var j: UInt8 = 0
+    for i: UInt8 in 0...255 {
+      j &+= S(i) &+ seed[Int(i) % seed.count]
+      swapAt(i, j)
+  }
-    // Produce the next random UInt64 from the stream, and advance the internal
-    // state.
-    public mutating func next() -> UInt64 {
-        var result: UInt64 = 0
-        for _ in 0 ..< UInt64.bitWidth / UInt8.bitWidth {
-            result <<= UInt8.bitWidth
-            result += UInt64(nextByte())
-        }
-        return result
+  // Produce the next random UInt64 from the stream, and advance the internal
+  // state.
+  public mutating func next() -> UInt64 {
+    var result: UInt64 = 0
+    for _ in 0..<UInt64.bitWidth / UInt8.bitWidth {
+      result <<= UInt8.bitWidth
+      result += UInt64(nextByte())
+    return result
+  }
-    // Helper to access the state.
-    private func S(_ index: UInt8) -> UInt8 {
-        state[Int(index)]
-    }
+  // Helper to access the state.
+  private func S(_ index: UInt8) -> UInt8 {
+    state[Int(index)]
+  }
-    // Helper to swap elements of the state.
-    private mutating func swapAt(_ i: UInt8, _ j: UInt8) {
-        state.swapAt(Int(i), Int(j))
-    }
+  // Helper to swap elements of the state.
+  private mutating func swapAt(_ i: UInt8, _ j: UInt8) {
+    state.swapAt(Int(i), Int(j))
+  }
-    // Generates the next byte in the keystream.
-    private mutating func nextByte() -> UInt8 {
-        iPos &+= 1
-        jPos &+= S(iPos)
-        swapAt(iPos, jPos)
-        return S(S(iPos) &+ S(jPos))
-    }
+  // Generates the next byte in the keystream.
+  private mutating func nextByte() -> UInt8 {
+    iPos &+= 1
+    jPos &+= S(iPos)
+    swapAt(iPos, jPos)
+    return S(S(iPos) &+ S(jPos))
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/SCLConfiguration.swift b/Sources/Fault/SCLConfiguration.swift
index 8c471dc..e2379c0 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/SCLConfiguration.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/SCLConfiguration.swift
@@ -14,58 +14,59 @@
 import PythonKit
 class DFFMatch: Codable, CustomStringConvertible {
-    var name: String
-    var clk: String
-    var d: String
-    var q: String
+  var name: String
+  var clk: String
+  var d: String
+  var q: String
-    init(name: String, clk: String, d: String, q: String) {
- = name
-        self.clk = clk
-        self.d = d
-        self.q = q
-    }
+  init(name: String, clk: String, d: String, q: String) {
+ = name
+    self.clk = clk
+    self.d = d
+    self.q = q
+  }
-    var description: String {
-        "<DFFMatch \(name): @\(clk) \(d) -> \(q)>"
-    }
+  var description: String {
+    "<DFFMatch \(name): @\(clk) \(d) -> \(q)>"
+  }
-func getMatchingDFFInfo(from list: [DFFMatch], for cell: String, fnmatch: PythonObject) -> DFFMatch? {
-    for dffinfo in list {
-        for name in ",") {
-            if Bool(fnmatch.fnmatch(cell, name))! {
-                return dffinfo
-            }
-        }
+func getMatchingDFFInfo(from list: [DFFMatch], for cell: String, fnmatch: PythonObject) -> DFFMatch?
+  for dffinfo in list {
+    for name in ",") {
+      if Bool(fnmatch.fnmatch(cell, name))! {
+        return dffinfo
+      }
-    return nil
+  }
+  return nil
 class MuxInfo: Codable {
-    var name: String
-    var a: String
-    var b: String
-    var y: String
-    var s: String
-    var invertedOutput: Bool = false
+  var name: String
+  var a: String
+  var b: String
+  var y: String
+  var s: String
+  var invertedOutput: Bool = false
-    init(name: String, a: String, b: String, y: String, s: String, invertedOutput: Bool = false) {
- = name
-        self.a = a
-        self.b = b
-        self.y = y
-        self.s = s
-        self.invertedOutput = invertedOutput
-    }
+  init(name: String, a: String, b: String, y: String, s: String, invertedOutput: Bool = false) {
+ = name
+    self.a = a
+    self.b = b
+    self.y = y
+    self.s = s
+    self.invertedOutput = invertedOutput
+  }
 class SCLConfiguration: Codable {
-    var dffMatches: [DFFMatch]
-    var muxInfo: MuxInfo?
+  var dffMatches: [DFFMatch]
+  var muxInfo: MuxInfo?
-    init(dffMatches: [DFFMatch], muxInfo: MuxInfo? = nil) {
-        self.dffMatches = dffMatches
-        self.muxInfo = muxInfo
-    }
+  init(dffMatches: [DFFMatch], muxInfo: MuxInfo? = nil) {
+    self.dffMatches = dffMatches
+    self.muxInfo = muxInfo
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/SerialVectorFormat.swift b/Sources/Fault/SerialVectorFormat.swift
index d2509fd..71a38f2 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/SerialVectorFormat.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/SerialVectorFormat.swift
@@ -15,64 +15,64 @@
 import BigInt
 enum SerialVectorCreator {
-    static func create(
-        tvInfo: TVInfo
-    ) throws -> String {
-        var scanStatements = ""
+  static func create(
+    tvInfo: TVInfo
+  ) throws -> String {
+    var scanStatements = ""
-        let chainLength: Int = {
-            var count = 0
-            for input in tvInfo.inputs {
-                count += input.width
-            }
-            return count
-        }()
+    let chainLength: Int = {
+      var count = 0
+      for input in tvInfo.inputs {
+        count += input.width
+      }
+      return count
+    }()
-        for tvcPair in tvInfo.coverageList {
-            var tdi = ""
-            let testVector = tvcPair.vector
-            for (index, port) in testVector.enumerated() {
-                let portVector = String(port, radix: 2)
-                let offset = tvInfo.inputs[index].width - portVector.count
-                tdi = String(repeating: "0", count: offset) + portVector + tdi
-            }
+    for tvcPair in tvInfo.coverageList {
+      var tdi = ""
+      let testVector = tvcPair.vector
+      for (index, port) in testVector.enumerated() {
+        let portVector = String(port, radix: 2)
+        let offset = tvInfo.inputs[index].width - portVector.count
+        tdi = String(repeating: "0", count: offset) + portVector + tdi
+      }
-            if let tdiInt = BigUInt(tdi, radix: 2) {
-                let tdiHex = String(tdiInt, radix: 16)
+      if let tdiInt = BigUInt(tdi, radix: 2) {
+        let tdiHex = String(tdiInt, radix: 16)
-                let mask = String(repeating: "f", count: tdiHex.count)
-                if let output = BigUInt(tvcPair.goldenOutput, radix: 16) {
-                    let hexOutput = String(output, radix: 16)
-                    scanStatements +=
-                        "SDR \(chainLength) TDI (\(tdiHex)) MASK (\(mask)) TDO (\(hexOutput)); \n"
-                } else {
-                    print("TV golden output \(tvcPair.goldenOutput) is invalid.")
-                }
-            } else {
-                print("TV \(tvcPair.vector) is invalid.")
-            }
+        let mask = String(repeating: "f", count: tdiHex.count)
+        if let output = BigUInt(tvcPair.goldenOutput, radix: 16) {
+          let hexOutput = String(output, radix: 16)
+          scanStatements +=
+            "SDR \(chainLength) TDI (\(tdiHex)) MASK (\(mask)) TDO (\(hexOutput)); \n"
+        } else {
+          print("TV golden output \(tvcPair.goldenOutput) is invalid.")
+      } else {
+        print("TV \(tvcPair.vector) is invalid.")
+      }
+    }
-        var svf: String {
-            """
-            ! Begin Test Program
-            ! Disable Test Reset line
-            TRST OFF;
-            ! Initialize UUT
-            STATE RESET; 
-            ! End IR scans in DRPAUSE
-            ENDIR DRPAUSE; 
-            ! Trailer & Headers for IR & DR
-            HIR 0;
-            TIR 0;
-            HDR 0;
-            TDR 0;
-            ! INTEST Instruction
-            SIR 4 TDI (4);
-            ! San Test Vectors through the scan chain with length:  \(chainLength)
-            \(scanStatements)
-            """
-        }
-        return svf
+    var svf: String {
+      """
+      ! Begin Test Program
+      ! Disable Test Reset line
+      TRST OFF;
+      ! Initialize UUT
+      STATE RESET; 
+      ! End IR scans in DRPAUSE
+      ! Trailer & Headers for IR & DR
+      HIR 0;
+      TIR 0;
+      HDR 0;
+      TDR 0;
+      ! INTEST Instruction
+      SIR 4 TDI (4);
+      ! San Test Vectors through the scan chain with length:  \(chainLength)
+      \(scanStatements)
+      """
+    return svf
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Simulation.swift b/Sources/Fault/Simulation.swift
index 426d18f..667f6f2 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Simulation.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Simulation.swift
@@ -19,960 +19,960 @@ import Foundation
 import PythonKit
 struct CoverageMeta: Codable {
-    let ratio: Float
-    let faultPoints: [String]
-    let sa0Covered: [String]
-    let sa1Covered: [String]
-    let sa0Uncovered: [String]
-    let sa1Uncovered: [String]
+  let ratio: Float
+  let faultPoints: [String]
+  let sa0Covered: [String]
+  let sa1Covered: [String]
+  let sa0Uncovered: [String]
+  let sa1Uncovered: [String]
 enum Simulator {
-    enum Behavior: Int {
-        case holdHigh = 1
-        case holdLow = 0
-    }
-    static func pseudoRandomVerilogGeneration(
-        using testVector: TestVector,
-        for faultPoints: Set<String>,
-        in file: String,
-        module: String,
-        with models: [String],
-        ports: [String: Port],
-        inputs: [Port],
-        bypassingWithBehavior: OrderedDictionary<String, Behavior>,
-        outputs: [Port],
-        stuckAt: Int,
-        cleanUp: Bool,
-        goldenOutput: Bool,
-        clock: String?,
-        filePrefix: String = ".",
-        defines: Set<String> = [],
-        using _: String,
-        with _: String
-    ) throws -> (faults: [String], goldenOutput: String) {
-        var portWires = ""
-        var portHooks = ""
-        var portHooksGM = ""
-        for (rawName, port) in ports {
-            let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
-            portWires +=
-                "    \(port.polarity == .input ? "reg" : "wire")[\(port.from):\(] \(name) ;\n"
-            portWires +=
-                "    \(port.polarity == .input ? "reg" : "wire")[\(port.from):\(] \(name).gm ;\n"
-            portHooks += ".\(name) ( \(name) ) , "
-            portHooksGM += ".\(name) ( \(name).gm ) , "
-        }
+  enum Behavior: Int {
+    case holdHigh = 1
+    case holdLow = 0
+  }
+  static func pseudoRandomVerilogGeneration(
+    using testVector: TestVector,
+    for faultPoints: Set<String>,
+    in file: String,
+    module: String,
+    with models: [String],
+    ports: [String: Port],
+    inputs: [Port],
+    bypassingWithBehavior: OrderedDictionary<String, Behavior>,
+    outputs: [Port],
+    stuckAt: Int,
+    cleanUp: Bool,
+    goldenOutput: Bool,
+    clock: String?,
+    filePrefix: String = ".",
+    defines: Set<String> = [],
+    using _: String,
+    with _: String
+  ) throws -> (faults: [String], goldenOutput: String) {
+    var portWires = ""
+    var portHooks = ""
+    var portHooksGM = ""
+    for (rawName, port) in ports {
+      let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
+      portWires +=
+        "    \(port.polarity == .input ? "reg" : "wire")[\(port.from):\(] \(name) ;\n"
+      portWires +=
+        "    \(port.polarity == .input ? "reg" : "wire")[\(port.from):\(] \(name).gm ;\n"
+      portHooks += ".\(name) ( \(name) ) , "
+      portHooksGM += ".\(name) ( \(name).gm ) , "
+    }
-        let folderName = "\(filePrefix)/thr\(Unmanaged.passUnretained(Thread.current).toOpaque())"
-        try FileManager.default.createDirectory(
-            atPath: folderName, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil
-        )
+    let folderName = "\(filePrefix)/thr\(Unmanaged.passUnretained(Thread.current).toOpaque())"
+    try FileManager.default.createDirectory(
+      atPath: folderName, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil
+    )
-        var inputAssignment = ""
-        var fmtString = ""
-        var inputList = ""
+    var inputAssignment = ""
+    var fmtString = ""
+    var inputList = ""
-        for (i, input) in inputs.enumerated() {
-            let name = ("\\")) ? : "\\\("
+    for (i, input) in inputs.enumerated() {
+      let name = ("\\")) ? : "\\\("
-            inputAssignment += "        \(name) = \(testVector[i]) ;\n"
-            inputAssignment += "        \(name).gm = \(name) ;\n"
+      inputAssignment += "        \(name) = \(testVector[i]) ;\n"
+      inputAssignment += "        \(name).gm = \(name) ;\n"
-            fmtString += "%d "
-            inputList += "\(name) , "
-        }
+      fmtString += "%d "
+      inputList += "\(name) , "
+    }
-        for (rawName, behavior) in bypassingWithBehavior {
-            guard ports[rawName] != nil else {
-                continue // black-box module ignore probably
-            }
+    for (rawName, behavior) in bypassingWithBehavior {
+      guard ports[rawName] != nil else {
+        continue  // black-box module ignore probably
+      }
-            let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
+      let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
-            inputAssignment += "        \(name) = \(behavior.rawValue) ;\n"
-            inputAssignment += "        \(name).gm = \(behavior.rawValue) ;\n"
-        }
+      inputAssignment += "        \(name) = \(behavior.rawValue) ;\n"
+      inputAssignment += "        \(name).gm = \(behavior.rawValue) ;\n"
+    }
-        fmtString = String(fmtString.dropLast(1))
-        inputList = String(inputList.dropLast(2))
+    fmtString = String(fmtString.dropLast(1))
+    inputList = String(inputList.dropLast(2))
-        var defineStatements = ""
-        for def in defines {
-            defineStatements += "-D\(def) "
-        }
+    var defineStatements = ""
+    for def in defines {
+      defineStatements += "-D\(def) "
+    }
-        var outputCount = 0
-        var outputComparison = ""
-        var outputAssignment = ""
-        for output in outputs {
-            let name = ("\\")) ? : "\\\("
-            outputComparison += " ( \(name) != \(name).gm ) || "
-            if output.width > 1 {
-                for i in 0 ..< output.width {
-                    outputAssignment +=
-                        "   assign goldenOutput[\(outputCount)] = gm.\( [\(i)] ; \n"
-                    outputCount += 1
-                }
-            } else {
-                outputAssignment += "   assign goldenOutput[\(outputCount)] = gm.\(name) ; \n"
-                outputCount += 1
-            }
-        }
-        outputComparison = String(outputComparison.dropLast(3))
-        var faultForces = ""
-        for fault in faultPoints {
-            faultForces += "        force uut.\(fault) = \(stuckAt) ; \n"
-            faultForces += "        #1 ; \n"
-            faultForces += "        if (difference) $display(\"\(fault)\") ; \n"
-            faultForces += "        #1 ; \n"
-            faultForces += "        release uut.\(fault) ;\n"
-            faultForces += "        #1 ; \n"
-        }
+    var outputCount = 0
+    var outputComparison = ""
+    var outputAssignment = ""
+    for output in outputs {
+      let name = ("\\")) ? : "\\\("
+      outputComparison += " ( \(name) != \(name).gm ) || "
+      if output.width > 1 {
+        for i in 0..<output.width {
+          outputAssignment +=
+            "   assign goldenOutput[\(outputCount)] = gm.\( [\(i)] ; \n"
+          outputCount += 1
+        }
+      } else {
+        outputAssignment += "   assign goldenOutput[\(outputCount)] = gm.\(name) ; \n"
+        outputCount += 1
+      }
+    }
+    outputComparison = String(outputComparison.dropLast(3))
+    var faultForces = ""
+    for fault in faultPoints {
+      faultForces += "        force uut.\(fault) = \(stuckAt) ; \n"
+      faultForces += "        #1 ; \n"
+      faultForces += "        if (difference) $display(\"\(fault)\") ; \n"
+      faultForces += "        #1 ; \n"
+      faultForces += "        release uut.\(fault) ;\n"
+      faultForces += "        #1 ; \n"
+    }
-        var clockCreator = ""
-        if let clockName = clock {
-            clockCreator = "always #1 \(clockName) = ~\(clockName);"
-        }
+    var clockCreator = ""
+    if let clockName = clock {
+      clockCreator = "always #1 \(clockName) = ~\(clockName);"
+    }
-        var includes = ""
-        for model in models {
-            includes += "`include \"\(model)\"\n"
-        }
-        includes += "`include \"\(file)\"\n"
+    var includes = ""
+    for model in models {
+      includes += "`include \"\(model)\"\n"
+    }
+    includes += "`include \"\(file)\"\n"
-        let bench = """
-        \(String.boilerplate)
+    let bench = """
+      \(String.boilerplate)
-        \(includes)
+      \(includes)
-        module FaultTestbench;
+      module FaultTestbench;
-        \(portWires)
-            \(clockCreator)
-            \(module) uut(
-                \(portHooks.dropLast(2))
-            );
-            \(module) gm(
-                \(portHooksGM.dropLast(2))
-            );
+      \(portWires)
+          \(clockCreator)
+          \(module) uut(
+              \(portHooks.dropLast(2))
+          );
+          \(module) gm(
+              \(portHooksGM.dropLast(2))
+          );
-            \(goldenOutput ?
+          \(goldenOutput ?
             "wire [\(outputCount - 1):0] goldenOutput; \n \(outputAssignment)" : "")
-            wire difference ;
-            assign difference = (\(outputComparison));
-            integer counter;
-            initial begin
-        \(inputAssignment)
-        \(faultForces)
-        \(goldenOutput ? "        $displayb(\"%b\", goldenOutput);" : "")
-                $finish;
-            end
-        endmodule
-        """
+          wire difference ;
+          assign difference = (\(outputComparison));
-        let tbName = "\(folderName)/"
-        try, mode: .write) {
-            try $0.print(bench)
-        }
-        let aoutName = "\(folderName)/a.out"
-        let intermediate = "\(folderName)/intermediate"
-        let env = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment
-        let iverilogExecutable = env["FAULT_IVERILOG"] ?? "iverilog"
-        let vvpExecutable = env["FAULT_VVP"] ?? "vvp"
-        let iverilogResult =
-            "'\(iverilogExecutable)' -B '\(iverilogBase)' -Ttyp \(defineStatements) -o \(aoutName) \(tbName) 2>&1 > /dev/null"
-                .sh()
-        if iverilogResult != EX_OK {
-            exit(Int32(iverilogResult))
-        }
+          integer counter;
-        let vvpTask = "'\(vvpExecutable)' \(aoutName) > \(intermediate)".sh()
-        if vvpTask != EX_OK {
-            exit(vvpTask)
-        }
+          initial begin
+      \(inputAssignment)
+      \(faultForces)
+      \(goldenOutput ? "        $displayb(\"%b\", goldenOutput);" : "")
+              $finish;
+          end
-        let output =!
-        defer {
-            if cleanUp {
-                try? FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: folderName)
-            } else {
-                print("Find testbenches at : \(folderName)")
-            }
-        }
-        var faults = output.components(separatedBy: "\n").filter {
-            !$0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty && !$0.contains("$finish")
-        }
-        var gmOutput = ""
-        if goldenOutput {
-            let last = faults.removeLast()
-            if let bin = BigUInt(last, radix: 2) {
-                gmOutput = String(bin, radix: 16)
-            } else {
-                print("[Warning]: Golden output was invalid: '\(last)'.")
-            }
-        }
-        return (faults: faults, goldenOutput: gmOutput)
-    }
-    static func simulate(
-        for faultPoints: Set<String>,
-        in file: String,
-        module: String,
-        with models: [String],
-        ports: [String: Port],
-        inputs: [Port],
-        bypassingWithBehavior: OrderedDictionary<String, Behavior>,
-        outputs: [Port],
-        initialVectorCount: Int,
-        incrementingBy increment: Int,
-        minimumCoverage: Float,
-        ceiling: Int,
-        tvGenerator: TVGenerator.Type,
-        rngSeed: UInt,
-        initialTVInfo: TVInfo? = nil,
-        externalTestVectors: [TestVector],
-        sampleRun: Bool,
-        clock: String?,
-        defines: Set<String> = [],
-        using iverilogExecutable: String,
-        with vvpExecutable: String
-    ) throws -> (coverageList: [TVCPair], coverageMeta: CoverageMeta) {
-        var testVectorHash: Set<TestVector> = []
-        var coverageList: [TVCPair] = []
-        var sa0Covered: Set<String> = []
-        sa0Covered.reserveCapacity(faultPoints.count)
-        var sa1Covered: Set<String> = []
-        sa1Covered.reserveCapacity(faultPoints.count)
-        if let tvInfo = initialTVInfo {
-            coverageList = tvInfo.coverageList
-            for tvcPair in coverageList {
-                testVectorHash.insert(tvcPair.vector)
-                sa0Covered.formUnion(tvcPair.coverage.sa0)
-                sa1Covered.formUnion(tvcPair.coverage.sa1)
-            }
-        }
-        var coverage =
-            Float(sa0Covered.count + sa1Covered.count) / Float(2 * faultPoints.count)
-        print("Initial coverage: \(coverage * 100)%")
-        var totalTVAttempts = 0
-        var tvAttempts = min(initialVectorCount, ceiling, sampleRun ? 1 : Int.max)
-        let simulateOnly = (externalTestVectors.count != 0)
-        let totalBitWidth = inputs.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
-        var rng: TVGenerator = tvGenerator.init(allBits: totalBitWidth, seed: rngSeed)
-        while coverage < minimumCoverage, totalTVAttempts < ceiling {
-            if totalTVAttempts > 0 {
-                if sampleRun {
-                    break
-                }
-                print(
-                    "Minimum coverage not met (\(coverage * 100)%/\(minimumCoverage * 100)%,) incrementing to \(totalTVAttempts + tvAttempts)…"
-                )
-            }
-            var futureList: [Future] = []
-            var testVectors: [TestVector] = []
-            for index in 0 ..< tvAttempts {
-                let overallIndex = totalTVAttempts + index
-                rng.generate(count: overallIndex)
-                // print(rng.current.pad(digits: totalBitWidth, radix: 2))
-                var testVector: TestVector = []
-                if simulateOnly {
-                    testVector = externalTestVectors[overallIndex]
-                } else {
-                    var bitsSoFar = 0
-                    for input in inputs {
-                        let value = rng.get(bits: input.width)
-                        bitsSoFar += input.width
-                        testVector.append(value)
-                    }
-                }
-                if testVectorHash.contains(testVector) {
-                    continue
-                }
-                testVectorHash.insert(testVector)
-                testVectors.append(testVector)
-            }
-            if testVectors.count < tvAttempts {
-                print("Skipped \(tvAttempts - testVectors.count) duplicate generated test vectors.")
-            }
-            let tempDir = "."
-            for vector in testVectors {
-                let future = Future {
-                    do {
-                        let (sa0, output) =
-                            try Simulator.pseudoRandomVerilogGeneration(
-                                using: vector,
-                                for: faultPoints,
-                                in: file,
-                                module: module,
-                                with: models,
-                                ports: ports,
-                                inputs: inputs,
-                                bypassingWithBehavior: bypassingWithBehavior,
-                                outputs: outputs,
-                                stuckAt: 0,
-                                cleanUp: !sampleRun,
-                                goldenOutput: true,
-                                clock: clock,
-                                filePrefix: tempDir,
-                                defines: defines,
-                                using: iverilogExecutable,
-                                with: vvpExecutable
-                            )
-                        let (sa1, _) =
-                            try Simulator.pseudoRandomVerilogGeneration(
-                                using: vector,
-                                for: faultPoints,
-                                in: file,
-                                module: module,
-                                with: models,
-                                ports: ports,
-                                inputs: inputs,
-                                bypassingWithBehavior: bypassingWithBehavior,
-                                outputs: outputs,
-                                stuckAt: 1,
-                                cleanUp: !sampleRun,
-                                goldenOutput: false,
-                                clock: clock,
-                                filePrefix: tempDir,
-                                defines: defines,
-                                using: iverilogExecutable,
-                                with: vvpExecutable
-                            )
-                        return (Covers: Coverage(sa0: sa0, sa1: sa1), Output: output)
-                    } catch {
-                        print("IO Error @ vector \(vector)")
-                        return (Covers: Coverage(sa0: [], sa1: []), Output: "")
-                    }
-                }
-                futureList.append(future)
-            }
-            for (i, future) in futureList.enumerated() {
-                let (coverLists, output) = future.value as! (Coverage, String)
-                for cover in coverLists.sa0 {
-                    sa0Covered.insert(cover)
-                }
-                for cover in coverLists.sa1 {
-                    sa1Covered.insert(cover)
-                }
-                coverageList.append(
-                    TVCPair(
-                        vector: testVectors[i],
-                        coverage: coverLists,
-                        goldenOutput: output
-                    )
-                )
-            }
-            coverage =
-                Float(sa0Covered.count + sa1Covered.count) / Float(2 * faultPoints.count)
-            totalTVAttempts += tvAttempts
-            let remainingTV = ceiling - totalTVAttempts
-            tvAttempts = (remainingTV < increment) ? remainingTV : increment
-        }
+      endmodule
+      """
-        if coverage < minimumCoverage {
-            print("Hit ceiling. Settling for current coverage.")
-        }
-        return (
-            coverageList: coverageList,
-            coverageMeta: CoverageMeta(
-                ratio: coverage,
-                faultPoints: [String](faultPoints),
-                sa0Covered: sa0Covered.sorted(),
-                sa1Covered: sa1Covered.sorted(),
-                sa0Uncovered: faultPoints.filter { !sa0Covered.contains($0) },
-                sa1Uncovered: faultPoints.filter { !sa0Covered.contains($0) }
-            )
-        )
+    let tbName = "\(folderName)/"
+    try, mode: .write) {
+      try $0.print(bench)
-    enum Active {
-        case low
-        case high
-    }
-    static func simulate(
-        verifying module: String,
-        in file: String,
-        with models: [String],
-        ports: [String: Port],
-        inputs: [Port],
-        outputs _: [Port],
-        chainLength: Int,
-        clock: String,
-        tck: String,
-        reset: String,
-        sin: String,
-        sout: String,
-        resetActive: Active = .low,
-        shift: String,
-        test: String,
-        output: String,
-        defines: Set<String> = [],
-        using _: String,
-        with _: String
-    ) throws -> Bool {
-        var portWires = ""
-        var portHooks = ""
-        for (rawName, port) in ports {
-            let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
-            portWires +=
-                "    \(port.polarity == .input ? "reg" : "wire")[\(port.from):\(] \(name) ;\n"
-            portHooks += ".\(name) ( \(name) ) , "
-        }
-        var inputAssignment = ""
-        for input in inputs {
-            let name = ("\\")) ? : "\\\("
-            if == reset {
-                inputAssignment += "        \(name) = \(resetActive == .low ? 0 : 1) ;\n"
-            } else {
-                inputAssignment += "        \(name) = 0 ;\n"
-            }
-        }
-        var serial = "0"
-        for _ in 0 ..< chainLength - 1 {
-            serial += "\(Int.random(in: 0 ... 1))"
-        }
-        var clockCreator = ""
-        if !clock.isEmpty {
-            clockCreator = "        always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(clock) = ~\(clock); \n"
-            clockCreator += "        always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(tck) = ~\(tck); \n"
-        }
-        var includes = ""
-        for model in models {
-            includes += "`include \"\(model)\"\n"
-        }
-        includes += "`include \"\(file)\"\n"
-        var defineStatements = ""
-        for def in defines {
-            defineStatements += "-D\(def) "
-        }
-        let bench = """
-        \(String.boilerplate)
-        \(includes)
-        `ifndef CLOCK_PERIOD
-            `define CLOCK_PERIOD 4
-        `endif
-        module testbench;
-        \(portWires)
-        \(clockCreator)
-            \(module) uut(
-                \(portHooks.dropLast(2))
-            ); 
-            wire[\(chainLength - 1):0] __serializable__ =
-                \(chainLength)'b\(serial);
-            reg[\(chainLength - 1):0] __serial__;
-            integer i;
-            initial begin
-                `ifdef VCD
-                    $dumpfile("chain.vcd");
-                    $dumpvars(0, testbench);
-                `endif
-        \(inputAssignment)
-                #(`CLOCK_PERIOD*5);
-                \(reset) = ~\(reset);
-                \(shift) = 1;
-                \(test) = 1;
-                for (i = 0; i < \(chainLength); i = i + 1) begin
-                    \(sin) = __serializable__[i];
-                    #(`CLOCK_PERIOD);
-                end
-                for (i = 0; i < \(chainLength); i = i + 1) begin
-                    __serial__[i] = \(sout);
-                    #(`CLOCK_PERIOD);
-                end
-                if (__serializable__ === __serial__) begin
-                    $display("Success: expected %b got %b", __serializable__, __serial__);
-                    $display("SUCCESS_STRING");
-                end else begin
-                    $display("Failed: expected %b got %b", __serializable__, __serial__);
-                end
-                $finish;
-            end
-        endmodule
-        """
-        return try
-            define: defineStatements,
-            bench: bench,
-            output: output
-        )
+    let aoutName = "\(folderName)/a.out"
+    let intermediate = "\(folderName)/intermediate"
+    let env = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment
+    let iverilogExecutable = env["FAULT_IVERILOG"] ?? "iverilog"
+    let vvpExecutable = env["FAULT_VVP"] ?? "vvp"
+    let iverilogResult =
+      "'\(iverilogExecutable)' -B '\(iverilogBase)' -Ttyp \(defineStatements) -o \(aoutName) \(tbName) 2>&1 > /dev/null"
+      .sh()
+    if iverilogResult != EX_OK {
+      exit(Int32(iverilogResult))
-    static func simulate(
-        verifying module: String,
-        in file: String,
-        with models: [String],
-        ports: [String: Port],
-        inputs: [Port],
-        outputs _: [Port],
-        chainLength: Int,
-        clock: String,
-        reset: String,
-        resetActive: Active = .low,
-        tms: String,
-        tdi: String,
-        tck: String,
-        tdo: String,
-        trst: String,
-        output: String,
-        defines: Set<String> = [],
-        using _: String,
-        with _: String
-    ) throws -> Bool {
-        var portWires = ""
-        var portHooks = ""
-        for (rawName, port) in ports {
-            let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
-            portWires +=
-                "    \(port.polarity == .input ? "reg" : "wire")[\(port.from):\(] \(name) ;\n"
-            portHooks += ".\(name) ( \(name) ) , "
-        }
+    let vvpTask = "'\(vvpExecutable)' \(aoutName) > \(intermediate)".sh()
+    if vvpTask != EX_OK {
+      exit(vvpTask)
+    }
-        var inputInit = ""
-        for input in inputs {
-            let name = ("\\")) ? : "\\\("
-            if == reset {
-                inputInit += "        \(name) = \(resetActive == .low ? 0 : 1) ;\n"
-            } else {
-                inputInit += "        \(name) = 0 ;\n"
-            }
-        }
+    let output =!
+    defer {
+      if cleanUp {
+        try? FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: folderName)
+      } else {
+        print("Find testbenches at : \(folderName)")
+      }
+    }
+    var faults = output.components(separatedBy: "\n").filter {
+      !$0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty && !$0.contains("$finish")
+    }
+    var gmOutput = ""
+    if goldenOutput {
+      let last = faults.removeLast()
+      if let bin = BigUInt(last, radix: 2) {
+        gmOutput = String(bin, radix: 16)
+      } else {
+        print("[Warning]: Golden output was invalid: '\(last)'.")
+      }
+    }
-        var clockCreator = ""
-        if !clock.isEmpty {
-            clockCreator = "always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(clock) = ~\(clock);"
-        }
+    return (faults: faults, goldenOutput: gmOutput)
+  }
+  static func simulate(
+    for faultPoints: Set<String>,
+    in file: String,
+    module: String,
+    with models: [String],
+    ports: [String: Port],
+    inputs: [Port],
+    bypassingWithBehavior: OrderedDictionary<String, Behavior>,
+    outputs: [Port],
+    initialVectorCount: Int,
+    incrementingBy increment: Int,
+    minimumCoverage: Float,
+    ceiling: Int,
+    tvGenerator: TVGenerator.Type,
+    rngSeed: UInt,
+    initialTVInfo: TVInfo? = nil,
+    externalTestVectors: [TestVector],
+    sampleRun: Bool,
+    clock: String?,
+    defines: Set<String> = [],
+    using iverilogExecutable: String,
+    with vvpExecutable: String
+  ) throws -> (coverageList: [TVCPair], coverageMeta: CoverageMeta) {
+    var testVectorHash: Set<TestVector> = []
+    var coverageList: [TVCPair] = []
+    var sa0Covered: Set<String> = []
+    sa0Covered.reserveCapacity(faultPoints.count)
+    var sa1Covered: Set<String> = []
+    sa1Covered.reserveCapacity(faultPoints.count)
+    if let tvInfo = initialTVInfo {
+      coverageList = tvInfo.coverageList
+      for tvcPair in coverageList {
+        testVectorHash.insert(tvcPair.vector)
+        sa0Covered.formUnion(tvcPair.coverage.sa0)
+        sa1Covered.formUnion(tvcPair.coverage.sa1)
+      }
+    }
-        var resetToggler = ""
-        if !reset.isEmpty {
-            resetToggler = "\(reset) = ~\(reset);"
-        }
+    var coverage =
+      Float(sa0Covered.count + sa1Covered.count) / Float(2 * faultPoints.count)
+    print("Initial coverage: \(coverage * 100)%")
-        var serial = ""
-        for _ in 0 ..< chainLength {
-            serial += "\(Int.random(in: 0 ... 1))"
-        }
+    var totalTVAttempts = 0
+    var tvAttempts = min(initialVectorCount, ceiling, sampleRun ? 1 : Int.max)
-        var includes = ""
-        for model in models {
-            includes += "`include \"\(model)\"\n"
-        }
-        includes += "`include \"\(file)\"\n"
+    let simulateOnly = (externalTestVectors.count != 0)
+    let totalBitWidth = inputs.reduce(0) { $0 + $1.width }
+    var rng: TVGenerator = tvGenerator.init(allBits: totalBitWidth, seed: rngSeed)
-        var defineStatements = ""
-        for def in defines {
-            defineStatements += "-D\(def) "
+    while coverage < minimumCoverage, totalTVAttempts < ceiling {
+      if totalTVAttempts > 0 {
+        if sampleRun {
+          break
-        let bench = """
-        \(String.boilerplate)
-        \(includes)
-        `ifndef CLOCK_PERIOD
-            `define CLOCK_PERIOD 4
-        `endif
-        module testbench;
-        \(portWires)
-            \(clockCreator)
-            always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(tck) = ~\(tck);
-            \(module) uut(
-                \(portHooks.dropLast(2))
-            );    
-            integer i;
-            wire[\(chainLength - 1):0] __serializable__ =
-                \(chainLength)'b\(serial);
-            reg[\(chainLength - 1):0] __serial__;
-            wire[7:0] __tmsPattern__ = 8'b 01100110;
-            wire[3:0] __preload_chain__ = 4'b0011;
-            wire __tdo_pad_out__ = tdo_paden_o ? 1'bz : \(tdo);
-            initial begin
-                `ifdef VCD
-                    $dumpfile("dut.vcd");
-                    $dumpvars(0, testbench);
-                `endif
-        \(inputInit)
-                \(tms) = 1;
-                #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                \(resetToggler)
-                \(trst) = 1;        
-                #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                /*
-                    Test PreloadChain Instruction
-                */
-                shiftIR(__preload_chain__);
-                enterShiftDR();
-                for (i = 0; i < \(chainLength); i = i + 1) begin
-                    \(tdi) = __serializable__[i];
-                    #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                end
-                for(i = 0; i< \(chainLength); i = i + 1) begin
-                    __serial__[i] = __tdo_pad_out__;
-                    #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                end 
-                if(__serial__ !== __serializable__) begin
-                    $error("EXECUTING_PRELOAD_CHAIN_INST_FAILED");
-                    $finish;
-                end
-                exitDR();
-                $display("SUCCESS_STRING");
-                $finish;
-            end
-        \(Simulator.createTasks(tms: tms, tdi: tdi))
-        endmodule
-        """
-        return try
-            define: defineStatements,
-            bench: bench,
-            output: output
+        print(
+          "Minimum coverage not met (\(coverage * 100)%/\(minimumCoverage * 100)%,) incrementing to \(totalTVAttempts + tvAttempts)…"
-    }
-    static func simulate(
-        verifying module: String,
-        in file: String,
-        with models: [String],
-        ports: [String: Port],
-        inputs: [Port],
-        bypassingWithBehavior: OrderedDictionary<String, Behavior>,
-        outputs _: [Port],
-        clock: String,
-        reset: String,
-        resetActive: Active = .low,
-        tms: String,
-        tdi: String,
-        tck: String,
-        tdo: String,
-        trst: String,
-        output: String,
-        chainLength _: Int,
-        vecbinFile: String,
-        outbinFile: String,
-        vectorCount: Int,
-        vectorLength: Int,
-        outputLength: Int,
-        defines: Set<String> = [],
-        using _: String,
-        with _: String
-    ) throws -> Bool {
-        var portWires = ""
-        var portHooks = ""
-        for (rawName, port) in ports {
-            let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
-            portWires +=
-                "    \(port.polarity == .input ? "reg" : "wire")[\(port.from):\(] \(name) ;\n"
-            portHooks += ".\(name) ( \(name) ) , "
-        }
+      }
+      var futureList: [Future] = []
+      var testVectors: [TestVector] = []
+      for index in 0..<tvAttempts {
+        let overallIndex = totalTVAttempts + index
+        rng.generate(count: overallIndex)
+        // print(rng.current.pad(digits: totalBitWidth, radix: 2))
+        var testVector: TestVector = []
+        if simulateOnly {
+          testVector = externalTestVectors[overallIndex]
+        } else {
+          var bitsSoFar = 0
+          for input in inputs {
+            let value = rng.get(bits: input.width)
+            bitsSoFar += input.width
+            testVector.append(value)
+          }
+        }
+        if testVectorHash.contains(testVector) {
+          continue
+        }
+        testVectorHash.insert(testVector)
+        testVectors.append(testVector)
+      }
+      if testVectors.count < tvAttempts {
+        print("Skipped \(tvAttempts - testVectors.count) duplicate generated test vectors.")
+      }
+      let tempDir = "."
+      for vector in testVectors {
+        let future = Future {
+          do {
+            let (sa0, output) =
+              try Simulator.pseudoRandomVerilogGeneration(
+                using: vector,
+                for: faultPoints,
+                in: file,
+                module: module,
+                with: models,
+                ports: ports,
+                inputs: inputs,
+                bypassingWithBehavior: bypassingWithBehavior,
+                outputs: outputs,
+                stuckAt: 0,
+                cleanUp: !sampleRun,
+                goldenOutput: true,
+                clock: clock,
+                filePrefix: tempDir,
+                defines: defines,
+                using: iverilogExecutable,
+                with: vvpExecutable
+              )
+            let (sa1, _) =
+              try Simulator.pseudoRandomVerilogGeneration(
+                using: vector,
+                for: faultPoints,
+                in: file,
+                module: module,
+                with: models,
+                ports: ports,
+                inputs: inputs,
+                bypassingWithBehavior: bypassingWithBehavior,
+                outputs: outputs,
+                stuckAt: 1,
+                cleanUp: !sampleRun,
+                goldenOutput: false,
+                clock: clock,
+                filePrefix: tempDir,
+                defines: defines,
+                using: iverilogExecutable,
+                with: vvpExecutable
+              )
+            return (Covers: Coverage(sa0: sa0, sa1: sa1), Output: output)
+          } catch {
+            print("IO Error @ vector \(vector)")
+            return (Covers: Coverage(sa0: [], sa1: []), Output: "")
+          }
+        }
+        futureList.append(future)
+      }
+      for (i, future) in futureList.enumerated() {
+        let (coverLists, output) = future.value as! (Coverage, String)
+        for cover in coverLists.sa0 {
+          sa0Covered.insert(cover)
+        }
+        for cover in coverLists.sa1 {
+          sa1Covered.insert(cover)
+        }
+        coverageList.append(
+          TVCPair(
+            vector: testVectors[i],
+            coverage: coverLists,
+            goldenOutput: output
+          )
+        )
+      }
-        var inputAssignment = ""
-        for (rawName, behavior) in bypassingWithBehavior {
-            guard ports[rawName] != nil else {
-                continue // black-box module ignore probably
-            }
-            let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
-            inputAssignment += "        \(name) = \(behavior.rawValue) ;\n"
-        }
+      coverage =
+        Float(sa0Covered.count + sa1Covered.count) / Float(2 * faultPoints.count)
-        let tapPorts = [tck, trst, tdi]
-        for input in inputs {
-            let name = ("\\")) ? : "\\\("
-            if == reset {
-                inputAssignment += "        \(name) = \(resetActive == .low ? 0 : 1) ;\n"
-            } else if == tms {
-                inputAssignment += "        \(name) = 1 ;\n"
-            } else {
-                inputAssignment += "        \(name) = 0 ;\n"
-                if != clock, !tapPorts.contains( {}
-            }
-        }
+      totalTVAttempts += tvAttempts
+      let remainingTV = ceiling - totalTVAttempts
+      tvAttempts = (remainingTV < increment) ? remainingTV : increment
+    }
-        var clockCreator = ""
-        if !clock.isEmpty {
-            clockCreator = "always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(clock) = ~\(clock);"
-        }
-        var resetToggler = ""
-        if !reset.isEmpty {
-            resetToggler = "\(reset) = ~\(reset);"
-        }
-        var testStatements = ""
-        for i in 0 ..< vectorCount {
-            testStatements += "        test(\(i), __vectors__[\(i)], __gmOutput__[\(i)]) ;\n"
-        }
-        var includes = ""
-        for model in models {
-            includes += "`include \"\(model)\"\n"
-        }
-        includes += "`include \"\(file)\"\n"
+    if coverage < minimumCoverage {
+      print("Hit ceiling. Settling for current coverage.")
+    }
-        var defineStatements = ""
-        for def in defines {
-            defineStatements += "-D\(def) "
-        }
+    return (
+      coverageList: coverageList,
+      coverageMeta: CoverageMeta(
+        ratio: coverage,
+        faultPoints: [String](faultPoints),
+        sa0Covered: sa0Covered.sorted(),
+        sa1Covered: sa1Covered.sorted(),
+        sa0Uncovered: faultPoints.filter { !sa0Covered.contains($0) },
+        sa1Uncovered: faultPoints.filter { !sa0Covered.contains($0) }
+      )
+    )
+  }
+  enum Active {
+    case low
+    case high
+  }
+  static func simulate(
+    verifying module: String,
+    in file: String,
+    with models: [String],
+    ports: [String: Port],
+    inputs: [Port],
+    outputs _: [Port],
+    chainLength: Int,
+    clock: String,
+    tck: String,
+    reset: String,
+    sin: String,
+    sout: String,
+    resetActive: Active = .low,
+    shift: String,
+    test: String,
+    output: String,
+    defines: Set<String> = [],
+    using _: String,
+    with _: String
+  ) throws -> Bool {
+    var portWires = ""
+    var portHooks = ""
+    for (rawName, port) in ports {
+      let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
+      portWires +=
+        "    \(port.polarity == .input ? "reg" : "wire")[\(port.from):\(] \(name) ;\n"
+      portHooks += ".\(name) ( \(name) ) , "
+    }
-        let bench = """
+    var inputAssignment = ""
+    for input in inputs {
+      let name = ("\\")) ? : "\\\("
+      if == reset {
+        inputAssignment += "        \(name) = \(resetActive == .low ? 0 : 1) ;\n"
+      } else {
+        inputAssignment += "        \(name) = 0 ;\n"
+      }
+    }
-        \(String.boilerplate)
-        \(includes)
+    var serial = "0"
+    for _ in 0..<chainLength - 1 {
+      serial += "\(Int.random(in: 0 ... 1))"
+    }
-        `ifndef CLOCK_PERIOD
-            `define CLOCK_PERIOD 4
-        `endif
+    var clockCreator = ""
+    if !clock.isEmpty {
+      clockCreator = "        always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(clock) = ~\(clock); \n"
+      clockCreator += "        always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(tck) = ~\(tck); \n"
+    }
-        module testbench;
-        \(portWires)
+    var includes = ""
+    for model in models {
+      includes += "`include \"\(model)\"\n"
+    }
+    includes += "`include \"\(file)\"\n"
-            \(clockCreator)
-            always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(tck) = ~\(tck);
+    var defineStatements = ""
+    for def in defines {
+      defineStatements += "-D\(def) "
+    }
-            \(module) uut(
-                \(portHooks.dropLast(2))
-            );
+    let bench = """
+      \(String.boilerplate)
+      \(includes)
+      `ifndef CLOCK_PERIOD
+          `define CLOCK_PERIOD 4
+      `endif
+      module testbench;
+      \(portWires)
+      \(clockCreator)
+          \(module) uut(
+              \(portHooks.dropLast(2))
+          ); 
+          wire[\(chainLength - 1):0] __serializable__ =
+              \(chainLength)'b\(serial);
+          reg[\(chainLength - 1):0] __serial__;
+          integer i;
+          initial begin
+              `ifdef VCD
+                  $dumpfile("chain.vcd");
+                  $dumpvars(0, testbench);
+              `endif
+      \(inputAssignment)
+              #(`CLOCK_PERIOD*5);
+              \(reset) = ~\(reset);
+              \(shift) = 1;
+              \(test) = 1;
+              for (i = 0; i < \(chainLength); i = i + 1) begin
+                  \(sin) = __serializable__[i];
+                  #(`CLOCK_PERIOD);
+              end
+              for (i = 0; i < \(chainLength); i = i + 1) begin
+                  __serial__[i] = \(sout);
+                  #(`CLOCK_PERIOD);
+              end
+              if (__serializable__ === __serial__) begin
+                  $display("Success: expected %b got %b", __serializable__, __serial__);
+                  $display("SUCCESS_STRING");
+              end else begin
+                  $display("Failed: expected %b got %b", __serializable__, __serial__);
+              end
+              $finish;
+          end
+      endmodule
+      """
+    return try
+      define: defineStatements,
+      bench: bench,
+      output: output
+    )
+  }
+  static func simulate(
+    verifying module: String,
+    in file: String,
+    with models: [String],
+    ports: [String: Port],
+    inputs: [Port],
+    outputs _: [Port],
+    chainLength: Int,
+    clock: String,
+    reset: String,
+    resetActive: Active = .low,
+    tms: String,
+    tdi: String,
+    tck: String,
+    tdo: String,
+    trst: String,
+    output: String,
+    defines: Set<String> = [],
+    using _: String,
+    with _: String
+  ) throws -> Bool {
+    var portWires = ""
+    var portHooks = ""
+    for (rawName, port) in ports {
+      let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
+      portWires +=
+        "    \(port.polarity == .input ? "reg" : "wire")[\(port.from):\(] \(name) ;\n"
+      portHooks += ".\(name) ( \(name) ) , "
+    }
-            integer i, __all_errors__, __error__;
+    var inputInit = ""
+    for input in inputs {
+      let name = ("\\")) ? : "\\\("
+      if == reset {
+        inputInit += "        \(name) = \(resetActive == .low ? 0 : 1) ;\n"
+      } else {
+        inputInit += "        \(name) = 0 ;\n"
+      }
+    }
-            reg [\(outputLength - 1):0] __scanInSerial__;
-            reg [\(vectorLength - 1):0] __vectors__ [0:\(vectorCount - 1)];
-            reg [\(outputLength - 1):0] __gmOutput__ [0:\(vectorCount - 1)];
+    var clockCreator = ""
+    if !clock.isEmpty {
+      clockCreator = "always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(clock) = ~\(clock);"
+    }
-            wire[7:0] __tmsPattern__ = 8'b 01100110;
-            wire[3:0] __preloadChain__ = 4'b 0011;
+    var resetToggler = ""
+    if !reset.isEmpty {
+      resetToggler = "\(reset) = ~\(reset);"
+    }
-            wire __tdo_pad_out__ = tdo_paden_o ? 1'bz : \(tdo);
+    var serial = ""
+    for _ in 0..<chainLength {
+      serial += "\(Int.random(in: 0 ... 1))"
+    }
-            initial begin
-                `ifdef VCD
-                    $dumpfile("dut.vcd"); // DEBUG
-                    $dumpvars(0, testbench);
-                `endif
-                __all_errors__ = 0;
-        \(inputAssignment)
-                $readmemb("\(vecbinFile)", __vectors__);
-                $readmemb("\(outbinFile)", __gmOutput__);
-                #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                \(resetToggler)
-                \(trst) = 1;        
-                #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-        \(testStatements)
-                if (__all_errors__ > 0) begin
-                    $error("SIMULATING_TV_FAILED");
-                    $finish;
-                end else begin
-                    $display("SUCCESS_STRING");
-                    $finish;
-                end
-            end
+    var includes = ""
+    for model in models {
+      includes += "`include \"\(model)\"\n"
+    }
+    includes += "`include \"\(file)\"\n"
-            task test;
-                input [31:0] __ordinal__; // integer
-                input [\(vectorLength - 1):0] __vector__;
-                input [\(outputLength - 1):0] __goldenOutput__;
-                begin
-                    $display("Testing vector %0d...", __ordinal__);
-                    // Preload Scan-Chain with TV
-                    shiftIR(__preloadChain__);
-                    enterShiftDR();
-                    for (i = 0; i < \(vectorLength); i = i + 1) begin
-                        \(tdi) = __vector__[i];
-                        if (i == \(vectorLength - 3)) begin
-                            \(tms) = 1; // Exit-DR
-                        end
-                        if (i == \(vectorLength - 2)) begin
-                            \(tms) = 0; // Pause-DR
-                        end
-                        if (i == \(vectorLength - 1)) begin
-                            \(tms) = 1; // Exit2-DR
-                        end
-                        #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                    end
+    var defineStatements = ""
+    for def in defines {
+      defineStatements += "-D\(def) "
+    }
-                    \(tms) = 0; // Shift-DR
-                    #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                    // Shift-out response
-                    __error__ = 0;
-                    for (i = 0; i< \(outputLength);i = i + 1) begin
-                        \(tdi) = 0;
-                        __scanInSerial__[i] = __tdo_pad_out__;
-                        if (__scanInSerial__[i] !=? __goldenOutput__[i]) begin
-                            $display("@%0d:\\t\\tExpected %0b, Got %0b", i, __goldenOutput__[i], __scanInSerial__[i]);
-                            __error__ = __error__ + 1;
-                        end
-                        if(i == \(outputLength - 1)) begin
-                            \(tms) = 1; // Exit-DR
-                        end
-                        #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                    end
-                    __all_errors__ += __error__;
-                    \(tms) = 1; // update-DR
-                    #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                    \(tms) = 0; // run-test-idle
-                    #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+    let bench = """
+      \(String.boilerplate)
+      \(includes)
+      `ifndef CLOCK_PERIOD
+          `define CLOCK_PERIOD 4
+      `endif
+      module testbench;
+      \(portWires)
+          \(clockCreator)
+          always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(tck) = ~\(tck);
+          \(module) uut(
+              \(portHooks.dropLast(2))
+          );    
+          integer i;
+          wire[\(chainLength - 1):0] __serializable__ =
+              \(chainLength)'b\(serial);
+          reg[\(chainLength - 1):0] __serial__;
+          wire[7:0] __tmsPattern__ = 8'b 01100110;
+          wire[3:0] __preload_chain__ = 4'b0011;
+          wire __tdo_pad_out__ = tdo_paden_o ? 1'bz : \(tdo);
+          initial begin
+              `ifdef VCD
+                  $dumpfile("dut.vcd");
+                  $dumpvars(0, testbench);
+              `endif
+      \(inputInit)
+              \(tms) = 1;
+              #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+              \(resetToggler)
+              \(trst) = 1;        
+              #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+              /*
+                  Test PreloadChain Instruction
+              */
+              shiftIR(__preload_chain__);
+              enterShiftDR();
+              for (i = 0; i < \(chainLength); i = i + 1) begin
+                  \(tdi) = __serializable__[i];
+                  #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+              end
+              for(i = 0; i< \(chainLength); i = i + 1) begin
+                  __serial__[i] = __tdo_pad_out__;
+                  #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+              end 
+              if(__serial__ !== __serializable__) begin
+                  $error("EXECUTING_PRELOAD_CHAIN_INST_FAILED");
+                  $finish;
+              end
+              exitDR();
+              $display("SUCCESS_STRING");
+              $finish;
+          end
+      \(Simulator.createTasks(tms: tms, tdi: tdi))
+      endmodule
+      """
+    return try
+      define: defineStatements,
+      bench: bench,
+      output: output
+    )
+  }
+  static func simulate(
+    verifying module: String,
+    in file: String,
+    with models: [String],
+    ports: [String: Port],
+    inputs: [Port],
+    bypassingWithBehavior: OrderedDictionary<String, Behavior>,
+    outputs _: [Port],
+    clock: String,
+    reset: String,
+    resetActive: Active = .low,
+    tms: String,
+    tdi: String,
+    tck: String,
+    tdo: String,
+    trst: String,
+    output: String,
+    chainLength _: Int,
+    vecbinFile: String,
+    outbinFile: String,
+    vectorCount: Int,
+    vectorLength: Int,
+    outputLength: Int,
+    defines: Set<String> = [],
+    using _: String,
+    with _: String
+  ) throws -> Bool {
+    var portWires = ""
+    var portHooks = ""
+    for (rawName, port) in ports {
+      let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
+      portWires +=
+        "    \(port.polarity == .input ? "reg" : "wire")[\(port.from):\(] \(name) ;\n"
+      portHooks += ".\(name) ( \(name) ) , "
+    }
-                    if(__scanInSerial__ !=? __goldenOutput__) begin
-                        $display("Test vector simulation failed: %0d bits mismatched", __error__);
-                        $display("Expected:\\t%0b", __goldenOutput__);
-                        $display("Got:\\t\\t%0b", __scanInSerial__);
-                    end else begin
-                        $display("Passed vector %0d.", __ordinal__);
-                    end
-                end
-            endtask
+    var inputAssignment = ""
+    for (rawName, behavior) in bypassingWithBehavior {
+      guard ports[rawName] != nil else {
+        continue  // black-box module ignore probably
+      }
+      let name = (rawName.hasPrefix("\\")) ? rawName : "\\\(rawName)"
+      inputAssignment += "        \(name) = \(behavior.rawValue) ;\n"
+    }
-           \(Simulator.createTasks(tms: tms, tdi: tdi))
-        endmodule
-        """
+    let tapPorts = [tck, trst, tdi]
+    for input in inputs {
+      let name = ("\\")) ? : "\\\("
+      if == reset {
+        inputAssignment += "        \(name) = \(resetActive == .low ? 0 : 1) ;\n"
+      } else if == tms {
+        inputAssignment += "        \(name) = 1 ;\n"
+      } else {
+        inputAssignment += "        \(name) = 0 ;\n"
+        if != clock, !tapPorts.contains( {}
+      }
+    }
-        return try
-            define: defineStatements,
-            bench: bench,
-            output: output
-        )
+    var clockCreator = ""
+    if !clock.isEmpty {
+      clockCreator = "always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(clock) = ~\(clock);"
+    }
+    var resetToggler = ""
+    if !reset.isEmpty {
+      resetToggler = "\(reset) = ~\(reset);"
+    }
+    var testStatements = ""
+    for i in 0..<vectorCount {
+      testStatements += "        test(\(i), __vectors__[\(i)], __gmOutput__[\(i)]) ;\n"
+    var includes = ""
+    for model in models {
+      includes += "`include \"\(model)\"\n"
+    }
+    includes += "`include \"\(file)\"\n"
-    private static func run(
-        define: String,
-        bench: String,
-        output: String,
-        clean: Bool = true
-    ) throws -> Bool {
-        try, mode: .write) {
-            try $0.print(bench)
-        }
+    var defineStatements = ""
+    for def in defines {
+      defineStatements += "-D\(def) "
+    }
-        let outputLog = "\(output).log"
-        print("Starting simulation steps (log: \(outputLog))…")
+    let bench = """
+      \(String.boilerplate)
+      \(includes)
+      `ifndef CLOCK_PERIOD
+          `define CLOCK_PERIOD 4
+      `endif
+      module testbench;
+      \(portWires)
+          \(clockCreator)
+          always #(`CLOCK_PERIOD / 2) \(tck) = ~\(tck);
+          \(module) uut(
+              \(portHooks.dropLast(2))
+          );
+          integer i, __all_errors__, __error__;
+          reg [\(outputLength - 1):0] __scanInSerial__;
+          reg [\(vectorLength - 1):0] __vectors__ [0:\(vectorCount - 1)];
+          reg [\(outputLength - 1):0] __gmOutput__ [0:\(vectorCount - 1)];
+          wire[7:0] __tmsPattern__ = 8'b 01100110;
+          wire[3:0] __preloadChain__ = 4'b 0011;
+          wire __tdo_pad_out__ = tdo_paden_o ? 1'bz : \(tdo);
+          initial begin
+              `ifdef VCD
+                  $dumpfile("dut.vcd"); // DEBUG
+                  $dumpvars(0, testbench);
+              `endif
+              __all_errors__ = 0;
+      \(inputAssignment)
+              $readmemb("\(vecbinFile)", __vectors__);
+              $readmemb("\(outbinFile)", __gmOutput__);
+              #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+              \(resetToggler)
+              \(trst) = 1;        
+              #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+      \(testStatements)
+              if (__all_errors__ > 0) begin
+                  $error("SIMULATING_TV_FAILED");
+                  $finish;
+              end else begin
+                  $display("SUCCESS_STRING");
+                  $finish;
+              end
+          end
+          task test;
+              input [31:0] __ordinal__; // integer
+              input [\(vectorLength - 1):0] __vector__;
+              input [\(outputLength - 1):0] __goldenOutput__;
+              begin
+                  $display("Testing vector %0d...", __ordinal__);
+                  // Preload Scan-Chain with TV
+                  shiftIR(__preloadChain__);
+                  enterShiftDR();
+                  for (i = 0; i < \(vectorLength); i = i + 1) begin
+                      \(tdi) = __vector__[i];
+                      if (i == \(vectorLength - 3)) begin
+                          \(tms) = 1; // Exit-DR
+                      end
+                      if (i == \(vectorLength - 2)) begin
+                          \(tms) = 0; // Pause-DR
+                      end
+                      if (i == \(vectorLength - 1)) begin
+                          \(tms) = 1; // Exit2-DR
+                      end
+                      #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+                  end
+                  \(tms) = 0; // Shift-DR
+                  #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+                  // Shift-out response
+                  __error__ = 0;
+                  for (i = 0; i< \(outputLength);i = i + 1) begin
+                      \(tdi) = 0;
+                      __scanInSerial__[i] = __tdo_pad_out__;
+                      if (__scanInSerial__[i] !=? __goldenOutput__[i]) begin
+                          $display("@%0d:\\t\\tExpected %0b, Got %0b", i, __goldenOutput__[i], __scanInSerial__[i]);
+                          __error__ = __error__ + 1;
+                      end
+                      if(i == \(outputLength - 1)) begin
+                          \(tms) = 1; // Exit-DR
+                      end
+                      #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+                  end
+                  __all_errors__ += __error__;
+                  \(tms) = 1; // update-DR
+                  #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+                  \(tms) = 0; // run-test-idle
+                  #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+                  if(__scanInSerial__ !=? __goldenOutput__) begin
+                      $display("Test vector simulation failed: %0d bits mismatched", __error__);
+                      $display("Expected:\\t%0b", __goldenOutput__);
+                      $display("Got:\\t\\t%0b", __scanInSerial__);
+                  end else begin
+                      $display("Passed vector %0d.", __ordinal__);
+                  end
+              end
+          endtask
+         \(Simulator.createTasks(tms: tms, tdi: tdi))
+      endmodule
+      """
+    return try
+      define: defineStatements,
+      bench: bench,
+      output: output
+    )
+  }
+  private static func run(
+    define: String,
+    bench: String,
+    output: String,
+    clean: Bool = true
+  ) throws -> Bool {
+    try, mode: .write) {
+      try $0.print(bench)
+    }
-        guard let outputFile =, mode: .write) else {
-            throw RuntimeError("Failed to open log file.")
-        }
+    let outputLog = "\(output).log"
+    print("Starting simulation steps (log: \(outputLog))…")
-        let aoutName = "\(output).a.out"
-        defer {
-            if clean {
-                let _ = "rm \(aoutName)".sh()
-            }
-        }
-        let iverilogCmd =
-            "'\(iverilogExecutable)' -B '\(iverilogBase)' \(define) -Ttyp -o \(aoutName) \(output) 2>&1"
-        try outputFile.write(string: "$ \(iverilogCmd)\n")
+    guard let outputFile =, mode: .write) else {
+      throw RuntimeError("Failed to open log file.")
+    }
-        let iverilogResult =
-            "'\(iverilogExecutable)' -B '\(iverilogBase)' \(define) -Ttyp -o \(aoutName) \(output) 2>&1"
-                .shOutput()
-        try outputFile.write(string: iverilogResult.output)
+    let aoutName = "\(output).a.out"
+    defer {
+      if clean {
+        let _ = "rm \(aoutName)".sh()
+      }
+    }
+    let iverilogCmd =
+      "'\(iverilogExecutable)' -B '\(iverilogBase)' \(define) -Ttyp -o \(aoutName) \(output) 2>&1"
+    try outputFile.write(string: "$ \(iverilogCmd)\n")
-        if iverilogResult.terminationStatus != EX_OK {
-            throw RuntimeError("Failed to run iverilog.")
-        }
+    let iverilogResult =
+      "'\(iverilogExecutable)' -B '\(iverilogBase)' \(define) -Ttyp -o \(aoutName) \(output) 2>&1"
+      .shOutput()
+    try outputFile.write(string: iverilogResult.output)
-        let vvpCmd = "'\(vvpExecutable)' \(aoutName)"
-        try outputFile.write(string: "$ \(vvpCmd)\n")
-        let vvpResult = vvpCmd.shOutput()
-        try outputFile.write(string: vvpResult.output)
+    if iverilogResult.terminationStatus != EX_OK {
+      throw RuntimeError("Failed to run iverilog.")
+    }
-        if iverilogResult.terminationStatus != EX_OK {
-            throw RuntimeError("Failed to run vvp.")
-        }
+    let vvpCmd = "'\(vvpExecutable)' \(aoutName)"
+    try outputFile.write(string: "$ \(vvpCmd)\n")
+    let vvpResult = vvpCmd.shOutput()
+    try outputFile.write(string: vvpResult.output)
-        if vvpResult.output.contains("SUCCESS_STRING") {
-            return true
-        } else {
-            return false
-        }
+    if iverilogResult.terminationStatus != EX_OK {
+      throw RuntimeError("Failed to run vvp.")
-    private static func createTasks(tms: String, tdi: String) -> String {
-        """
-            task shiftIR;
-                input[3:0] __instruction__;
-                integer i;
-                begin
-                    for (i = 0; i< 5; i = i + 1) begin
-                        \(tms) = __tmsPattern__[i];
-                        #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                    end
-                    // At shift-IR: shift new instruction on tdi line
-                    for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) begin
-                        \(tdi) = __instruction__[i];
-                        if(i == 3) begin
-                            \(tms) = __tmsPattern__[5];     // exit-ir
-                        end
-                        #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                    end
+    if vvpResult.output.contains("SUCCESS_STRING") {
+      return true
+    } else {
+      return false
+    }
+  }
-                    \(tms) = __tmsPattern__[6];     // update-ir 
+  private static func createTasks(tms: String, tdi: String) -> String {
+    """
+        task shiftIR;
+            input[3:0] __instruction__;
+            integer i;
+            begin
+                for (i = 0; i< 5; i = i + 1) begin
+                    \(tms) = __tmsPattern__[i];
                     #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                    \(tms) = __tmsPattern__[7];     // run test-idle
-                    #(`CLOCK_PERIOD * 3) ;
-            endtask
-            task enterShiftDR;
-                begin
-                    \(tms) = 1;     // select DR
+                // At shift-IR: shift new instruction on tdi line
+                for (i = 0; i < 4; i = i + 1) begin
+                    \(tdi) = __instruction__[i];
+                    if(i == 3) begin
+                        \(tms) = __tmsPattern__[5];     // exit-ir
+                    end
                     #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                    \(tms) = 0;     // capture DR -- shift DR
-                    #(`CLOCK_PERIOD * 2) ;
-            endtask
-            task exitDR;
-                begin
-                    \(tms) = 1;     // Exit DR -- update DR
-                    #(`CLOCK_PERIOD * 2) ;
-                    \(tms) = 0;     // Run test-idle
-                    #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
-                end
-            endtask
-        """
-    }
+                \(tms) = __tmsPattern__[6];     // update-ir 
+                #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+                \(tms) = __tmsPattern__[7];     // run test-idle
+                #(`CLOCK_PERIOD * 3) ;
+            end
+        endtask
+        task enterShiftDR;
+            begin
+                \(tms) = 1;     // select DR
+                #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+                \(tms) = 0;     // capture DR -- shift DR
+                #(`CLOCK_PERIOD * 2) ;
+            end
+        endtask
+        task exitDR;
+            begin
+                \(tms) = 1;     // Exit DR -- update DR
+                #(`CLOCK_PERIOD * 2) ;
+                \(tms) = 0;     // Run test-idle
+                #(`CLOCK_PERIOD) ;
+            end
+        endtask
+    """
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/String.swift b/Sources/Fault/String.swift
index 0c7cd9d..46178f4 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/String.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/String.swift
@@ -16,91 +16,91 @@ import Defile
 import Foundation
 extension String {
-    func shOutput() -> (terminationStatus: Int32, output: String) {
-        let task = Process()
-        task.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/bin/sh")
-        task.arguments = ["-c", self]
-        let pipe = Pipe()
-        task.standardOutput = pipe
+  func shOutput() -> (terminationStatus: Int32, output: String) {
+    let task = Process()
+    task.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/bin/sh")
+    task.arguments = ["-c", self]
+    let pipe = Pipe()
+    task.standardOutput = pipe
+    do {
+      try
+    } catch {
+      Stderr.print("Could not launch task `\(self)': \(error)")
+      exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE)
+    }
-        do {
-            try
-        } catch {
-            Stderr.print("Could not launch task `\(self)': \(error)")
-            exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE)
-        }
+    let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
-        let data = pipe.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile()
+    task.waitUntilExit()
-        task.waitUntilExit()
+    let output = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
-        let output = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
+    return (terminationStatus: task.terminationStatus, output: output!)
+  }
-        return (terminationStatus: task.terminationStatus, output: output!)
+  func sh(silent: Bool = false) -> Int32 {
+    let task = Process()
+    task.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/bin/sh")
+    task.arguments = ["-c", self]
+    // print("$ \(self)")
+    if silent {
+      task.standardOutput = FileHandle.nullDevice
+      task.standardError = FileHandle.nullDevice
-    func sh(silent: Bool = false) -> Int32 {
-        let task = Process()
-        task.executableURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/bin/sh")
-        task.arguments = ["-c", self]
-        // print("$ \(self)")
-        if silent {
-            task.standardOutput = FileHandle.nullDevice
-            task.standardError = FileHandle.nullDevice
-        }
-        do {
-            try
-        } catch {
-            Stderr.print("Could not launch task `\(self)': \(error)")
-            exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE)
-        }
-        task.waitUntilExit()
-        return task.terminationStatus
+    do {
+      try
+    } catch {
+      Stderr.print("Could not launch task `\(self)': \(error)")
+      exit(EX_UNAVAILABLE)
-    func replacingExtension(_ before: String, with after: String) -> String {
-        var result = self
-        if result.hasSuffix(before) {
-            result = result.replacingOccurrences(of: before, with: after)
-        }
-        if !result.hasSuffix(after) {
-            result += after
-        }
-        return result
+    task.waitUntilExit()
+    return task.terminationStatus
+  }
+  func replacingExtension(_ before: String, with after: String) -> String {
+    var result = self
+    if result.hasSuffix(before) {
+      result = result.replacingOccurrences(of: before, with: after)
+    }
+    if !result.hasSuffix(after) {
+      result += after
+    return result
+  }
 extension String: Error {}
 extension Encodable {
-    func toJSON() -> String? {
-        let encoder = JSONEncoder()
-        do {
-            let data = try encoder.encode(self)
-            return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
-        } catch {
-            return nil
-        }
+  func toJSON() -> String? {
+    let encoder = JSONEncoder()
+    do {
+      let data = try encoder.encode(self)
+      return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)
+    } catch {
+      return nil
+  }
 extension String {
-    static var boilerplate: String {
-        let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
-        dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
-        let date = Date()
-        let dateString = dateFormatter.string(from: date)
-        return """
-        /*
-            Automatically generated by Fault
-            Do not modify.
-            Generated on: \(dateString)
-        */
-        """
-    }
+  static var boilerplate: String {
+    let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
+    dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
+    let date = Date()
+    let dateString = dateFormatter.string(from: date)
+    return """
+      /*
+          Automatically generated by Fault
+          Do not modify.
+          Generated on: \(dateString)
+      */
+      """
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/Synthesis.swift b/Sources/Fault/Synthesis.swift
index be9272b..884cfc4 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/Synthesis.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/Synthesis.swift
@@ -13,68 +13,68 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 enum Synthesis {
-    static func script(
-        for module: String,
-        in files: [String],
-        cutting: Bool = false,
-        checkHierarchy: Bool = true,
-        liberty libertyFile: String,
-        blackboxing blackboxedModules: [String] = [],
-        output: String,
-        optimize: Bool = true
-    ) -> String {
-        let opt = optimize ? "opt" : ""
-        return """
-        # read liberty
-        read_liberty -lib -ignore_miss_dir -setattr blackbox \(libertyFile)
-        # read black boxes
-        read_verilog -sv -lib \( { "'\($0)'" }.joined(separator: " "))
-        # read design
-        read_verilog -sv \( { "'\($0)'" }.joined(separator: " "))
-        # check design hierarchy
-        hierarchy \(checkHierarchy ? "-check" : "") -top \(module)
-        flatten;
-        # translate processes (always blocks)
-        proc; \(opt)
-        # detect and optimize FSM encodings
-        fsm; \(opt)
-        # implement memories (arrays)
-        memory; \(opt)
-        # convert to gate logic
-        techmap; \(opt)
-        # flatten
-        flatten; \(opt)
-        # mapping flip-flops to mycells.lib
-        dfflibmap -liberty \(libertyFile)
-        # expose dff
-        \(cutting ? "expose -cut -evert-dff; \(opt)" : "")
-        # mapping logic to mycells.lib
-        abc -liberty \(libertyFile)
-        splitnets
-        # print gate count
-        stat
-        # cleanup
-        opt_clean -purge
-        # names
-        # autoname
-        write_verilog -noexpr -nohex -nodec -defparam \(output)+attrs
-        write_verilog -noexpr -noattr -noexpr -nohex -nodec -defparam \(output)
-        # write_blif -gates -unbuf DFFSR D Q \(output).blif
-        """
-    }
+  static func script(
+    for module: String,
+    in files: [String],
+    cutting: Bool = false,
+    checkHierarchy: Bool = true,
+    liberty libertyFile: String,
+    blackboxing blackboxedModules: [String] = [],
+    output: String,
+    optimize: Bool = true
+  ) -> String {
+    let opt = optimize ? "opt" : ""
+    return """
+      # read liberty
+      read_liberty -lib -ignore_miss_dir -setattr blackbox \(libertyFile)
+      # read black boxes
+      read_verilog -sv -lib \( { "'\($0)'" }.joined(separator: " "))
+      # read design
+      read_verilog -sv \( { "'\($0)'" }.joined(separator: " "))
+      # check design hierarchy
+      hierarchy \(checkHierarchy ? "-check" : "") -top \(module)
+      flatten;
+      # translate processes (always blocks)
+      proc; \(opt)
+      # detect and optimize FSM encodings
+      fsm; \(opt)
+      # implement memories (arrays)
+      memory; \(opt)
+      # convert to gate logic
+      techmap; \(opt)
+      # flatten
+      flatten; \(opt)
+      # mapping flip-flops to mycells.lib
+      dfflibmap -liberty \(libertyFile)
+      # expose dff
+      \(cutting ? "expose -cut -evert-dff; \(opt)" : "")
+      # mapping logic to mycells.lib
+      abc -liberty \(libertyFile)
+      splitnets
+      # print gate count
+      stat
+      # cleanup
+      opt_clean -purge
+      # names
+      # autoname
+      write_verilog -noexpr -nohex -nodec -defparam \(output)+attrs
+      write_verilog -noexpr -noattr -noexpr -nohex -nodec -defparam \(output)
+      # write_blif -gates -unbuf DFFSR D Q \(output).blif
+      """
+  }
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/TVGenerator.swift b/Sources/Fault/TVGenerator.swift
index c05ce1f..ea7abe6 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/TVGenerator.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/TVGenerator.swift
@@ -17,324 +17,324 @@ import Defile
 import Foundation
 protocol TVGenerator {
-    var current: BigUInt { get set }
+  var current: BigUInt { get set }
-    init(allBits: Int, seed: UInt)
+  init(allBits: Int, seed: UInt)
-    func generate(count: Int)
+  func generate(count: Int)
 extension TVGenerator {
-    mutating func get(bits: Int) -> BigUInt {
-        let mask = (BigUInt(1) << bits) - 1
-        let result = current & mask
-        current >>= bits
-        return result
-    }
+  mutating func get(bits: Int) -> BigUInt {
+    let mask = (BigUInt(1) << bits) - 1
+    let result = current & mask
+    current >>= bits
+    return result
+  }
 enum TVGeneratorFactory {
-    private static var registry: [String: TVGenerator.Type] = [:]
+  private static var registry: [String: TVGenerator.Type] = [:]
-    static func register(name: String, type: (some TVGenerator).Type) -> Bool {
-        registry[name] = type
-        return true
-    }
+  static func register(name: String, type: (some TVGenerator).Type) -> Bool {
+    registry[name] = type
+    return true
+  }
-    static func get(name: String) -> TVGenerator.Type? {
-        guard let metaType = registry[name] else {
-            return nil
-        }
-        return metaType
+  static func get(name: String) -> TVGenerator.Type? {
+    guard let metaType = registry[name] else {
+      return nil
+    return metaType
+  }
-    static var validNames: [String] {
-        [String](registry.keys)
-    }
+  static var validNames: [String] {
+    [String](registry.keys)
+  }
 class SwiftRNG: TVGenerator {
-    var current: BigUInt
-    var bits: Int
-    var rng: ARC4RandomNumberGenerator
-    required init(allBits bits: Int, seed: UInt) {
-        current = 0
-        self.bits = bits
-        rng = ARC4RandomNumberGenerator(seed: seed)
-    }
+  var current: BigUInt
+  var bits: Int
+  var rng: ARC4RandomNumberGenerator
-    func generate(count _: Int) {
-        current = BigUInt.randomInteger(withMaximumWidth: bits, using: &rng)
-    }
+  required init(allBits bits: Int, seed: UInt) {
+    current = 0
+    self.bits = bits
+    rng = ARC4RandomNumberGenerator(seed: seed)
+  }
-    static let registered = TVGeneratorFactory.register(name: "swift", type: SwiftRNG.self)
+  func generate(count _: Int) {
+    current = BigUInt.randomInteger(withMaximumWidth: bits, using: &rng)
+  }
+  static let registered = TVGeneratorFactory.register(name: "swift", type: SwiftRNG.self)
 class LFSR: TVGenerator {
-    var current: BigUInt
-    var bits: Int
-    static let taps: [UInt: [UInt]] = [
-        // nbits : Feedback Polynomial
-        2: [2, 1],
-        3: [3, 2],
-        4: [4, 3],
-        5: [5, 3],
-        6: [6, 5],
-        7: [7, 6],
-        8: [8, 6, 5, 4],
-        9: [9, 5],
-        10: [10, 7],
-        11: [11, 9],
-        12: [12, 11, 10, 4],
-        13: [13, 12, 11, 8],
-        14: [14, 13, 12, 2],
-        15: [15, 14],
-        16: [16, 15, 13, 4],
-        17: [17, 14],
-        18: [18, 11],
-        19: [19, 18, 17, 14],
-        20: [20, 17],
-        21: [21, 19],
-        22: [22, 21],
-        23: [23, 18],
-        24: [24, 23, 22, 17],
-        25: [25, 22],
-        26: [26, 6, 2, 1],
-        27: [27, 5, 2, 1],
-        28: [28, 25],
-        29: [29, 27],
-        30: [30, 6, 4, 1],
-        31: [31, 28],
-        32: [32, 30, 26, 25],
-        64: [64, 63, 61, 60],
-    ]
-    var seed: UInt
-    var polynomialHex: UInt
-    let nbits: UInt
-    required init(allBits bits: Int, nbits: UInt, seed: UInt) {
-        self.seed = seed
-        self.nbits = nbits
-        self.bits = bits
-        current = 0
-        let polynomial = LFSR.taps[nbits]!
-        polynomialHex = 0
-        for tap in polynomial {
-            polynomialHex = polynomialHex | (1 << (nbits - tap))
-        }
+  var current: BigUInt
+  var bits: Int
+  static let taps: [UInt: [UInt]] = [
+    // nbits : Feedback Polynomial
+    2: [2, 1],
+    3: [3, 2],
+    4: [4, 3],
+    5: [5, 3],
+    6: [6, 5],
+    7: [7, 6],
+    8: [8, 6, 5, 4],
+    9: [9, 5],
+    10: [10, 7],
+    11: [11, 9],
+    12: [12, 11, 10, 4],
+    13: [13, 12, 11, 8],
+    14: [14, 13, 12, 2],
+    15: [15, 14],
+    16: [16, 15, 13, 4],
+    17: [17, 14],
+    18: [18, 11],
+    19: [19, 18, 17, 14],
+    20: [20, 17],
+    21: [21, 19],
+    22: [22, 21],
+    23: [23, 18],
+    24: [24, 23, 22, 17],
+    25: [25, 22],
+    26: [26, 6, 2, 1],
+    27: [27, 5, 2, 1],
+    28: [28, 25],
+    29: [29, 27],
+    30: [30, 6, 4, 1],
+    31: [31, 28],
+    32: [32, 30, 26, 25],
+    64: [64, 63, 61, 60],
+  ]
+  var seed: UInt
+  var polynomialHex: UInt
+  let nbits: UInt
+  required init(allBits bits: Int, nbits: UInt, seed: UInt) {
+    self.seed = seed
+    self.nbits = nbits
+    self.bits = bits
+    current = 0
+    let polynomial = LFSR.taps[nbits]!
+    polynomialHex = 0
+    for tap in polynomial {
+      polynomialHex = polynomialHex | (1 << (nbits - tap))
-    required convenience init(allBits: Int, seed: UInt) {
-        self.init(allBits: allBits, nbits: 64, seed: seed)
+  }
+  required convenience init(allBits: Int, seed: UInt) {
+    self.init(allBits: allBits, nbits: 64, seed: seed)
+  }
+  static func parity(number: UInt) -> UInt {
+    var parityVal: UInt = 0
+    var numberTemp = number
+    while numberTemp != 0 {
+      parityVal ^= 1
+      numberTemp = numberTemp & (numberTemp - 1)
-    static func parity(number: UInt) -> UInt {
-        var parityVal: UInt = 0
-        var numberTemp = number
-        while numberTemp != 0 {
-            parityVal ^= 1
-            numberTemp = numberTemp & (numberTemp - 1)
-        }
-        return parityVal
+    return parityVal
+  }
+  func rand() -> UInt {
+    let feedbackBit: UInt = LFSR.parity(number: seed & polynomialHex)
+    seed = (seed >> 1) | (feedbackBit << (nbits - 1))
+    return seed
+  }
+  func generate(count _: Int) {
+    var returnValue: BigUInt = 0
+    var generations = bits / Int(nbits)
+    let leftover = bits % Int(nbits)
+    while generations > 0 {
+      returnValue <<= BigUInt(nbits)
+      returnValue |= BigUInt(rand())
+      generations -= 1
-    func rand() -> UInt {
-        let feedbackBit: UInt = LFSR.parity(number: seed & polynomialHex)
-        seed = (seed >> 1) | (feedbackBit << (nbits - 1))
-        return seed
+    if leftover > 0 {
+      returnValue <<= BigUInt(leftover)
+      returnValue |= BigUInt(rand() % ((1 << leftover) - 1))
+    current = returnValue
+  }
-    func generate(count _: Int) {
-        var returnValue: BigUInt = 0
-        var generations = bits / Int(nbits)
-        let leftover = bits % Int(nbits)
-        while generations > 0 {
-            returnValue <<= BigUInt(nbits)
-            returnValue |= BigUInt(rand())
-            generations -= 1
-        }
-        if leftover > 0 {
-            returnValue <<= BigUInt(leftover)
-            returnValue |= BigUInt(rand() % ((1 << leftover) - 1))
-        }
-        current = returnValue
-    }
-    static let registered = TVGeneratorFactory.register(name: "LFSR", type: LFSR.self)
+  static let registered = TVGeneratorFactory.register(name: "LFSR", type: LFSR.self)
 class PatternGenerator: TVGenerator {
-    var current: BigUInt = 0
-    var bits: Int = 0
-    required init(allBits bits: Int, seed _: UInt) {
-        self.bits = bits
-        current = 0
+  var current: BigUInt = 0
+  var bits: Int = 0
+  required init(allBits bits: Int, seed _: UInt) {
+    self.bits = bits
+    current = 0
+  }
+  func generate(count: Int) {
+    let selector = count / 2
+    let complement = (count % 2) == 1
+    current = 0
+    if selector == 0 {
+      // Nothing, it's already all zeroes
+    } else if selector == 1 {
+      // Half-and-half
+      let halfBits = bits / 2
+      current = (BigUInt(1) << halfBits) - 1
+    } else if selector == 2 {
+      // Alternating 0s and 1s
+      for _ in 0..<bits {
+        current = (current << 1) | ((current & 1) ^ 1)
+      }
+    } else {
+      // Moving (min 32, total / 4)-bit window
+      let windowShift = (selector - 3)
+      let windowSize = max(1, min(32, bits / 4))
+      let window = (BigUInt(1) << windowSize) - 1
+      current |= (window << windowShift)
-    func generate(count: Int) {
-        let selector = count / 2
-        let complement = (count % 2) == 1
-        current = 0
-        if selector == 0 {
-            // Nothing, it's already all zeroes
-        } else if selector == 1 {
-            // Half-and-half
-            let halfBits = bits / 2
-            current = (BigUInt(1) << halfBits) - 1
-        } else if selector == 2 {
-            // Alternating 0s and 1s
-            for _ in 0 ..< bits {
-                current = (current << 1) | ((current & 1) ^ 1)
-            }
-        } else {
-            // Moving (min 32, total / 4)-bit window
-            let windowShift = (selector - 3)
-            let windowSize = max(1, min(32, bits / 4))
-            let window = (BigUInt(1) << windowSize) - 1
-            current |= (window << windowShift)
-        }
-        let mask = (BigUInt(1) << bits) - 1
-        current &= mask
-        if complement {
-            current ^= mask
-        }
+    let mask = (BigUInt(1) << bits) - 1
+    current &= mask
+    if complement {
+      current ^= mask
+  }
-    static let registered = TVGeneratorFactory.register(name: "pattern", type: PatternGenerator.self)
+  static let registered = TVGeneratorFactory.register(name: "pattern", type: PatternGenerator.self)
 // TODO: Unify external and internal TV generators
 protocol ExternalTestVectorGenerator {
-    init()
-    func generate(file: String, module: String) -> ([TestVector], [Port])
+  init()
+  func generate(file: String, module: String) -> ([TestVector], [Port])
 enum ETVGFactory {
-    private static var registry: [String: ExternalTestVectorGenerator.Type] = [:]
+  private static var registry: [String: ExternalTestVectorGenerator.Type] = [:]
-    static func register(name: String, type: (some ExternalTestVectorGenerator).Type) -> Bool {
-        registry[name] = type
-        return true
-    }
+  static func register(name: String, type: (some ExternalTestVectorGenerator).Type) -> Bool {
+    registry[name] = type
+    return true
+  }
-    static func get(name: String) -> ExternalTestVectorGenerator? {
-        guard let metaType = registry[name] else {
-            return nil
-        }
-        return metaType.init()
+  static func get(name: String) -> ExternalTestVectorGenerator? {
+    guard let metaType = registry[name] else {
+      return nil
+    return metaType.init()
+  }
-    static var validNames: [String] {
-        [String](registry.keys)
-    }
+  static var validNames: [String] {
+    [String](registry.keys)
+  }
 class Atalanta: ExternalTestVectorGenerator {
-    required init() {}
-    func generate(file: String, module _: String) -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
-        let output = file.replacingExtension(".bench", with: ".test")
-        let atalanta = "atalanta -t \(output) \(file)".sh()
-        if atalanta != EX_OK {
-            exit(atalanta)
-        }
-        do {
-            let (testvectors, inputs) = try TVSet.readFromTest(output, withInputsFrom: file)
-            return (vectors: testvectors, inputs: inputs)
-        } catch {
-            Stderr.print("Internal software error: \(error)")
-            exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
-        }
+  required init() {}
+  func generate(file: String, module _: String) -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
+    let output = file.replacingExtension(".bench", with: ".test")
+    let atalanta = "atalanta -t \(output) \(file)".sh()
+    if atalanta != EX_OK {
+      exit(atalanta)
-    static let registered = ETVGFactory.register(name: "Atalanta", type: Atalanta.self)
+    do {
+      let (testvectors, inputs) = try TVSet.readFromTest(output, withInputsFrom: file)
+      return (vectors: testvectors, inputs: inputs)
+    } catch {
+      Stderr.print("Internal software error: \(error)")
+      exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
+    }
+  }
+  static let registered = ETVGFactory.register(name: "Atalanta", type: Atalanta.self)
 class Quaigh: ExternalTestVectorGenerator {
-    required init() {}
-    func generate(file: String, module _: String) -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
-        let output = file.replacingExtension(".bench", with: ".test")
-        let quaigh = "quaigh atpg \(file) -o \(output)".sh()
-        if quaigh != EX_OK {
-            exit(quaigh)
-        }
-        do {
-            let (testvectors, inputs) = try TVSet.readFromTest(output, withInputsFrom: file)
-            return (vectors: testvectors, inputs: inputs)
-        } catch {
-            Stderr.print("Internal software error: \(error)")
-            exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
-        }
+  required init() {}
+  func generate(file: String, module _: String) -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
+    let output = file.replacingExtension(".bench", with: ".test")
+    let quaigh = "quaigh atpg \(file) -o \(output)".sh()
+    if quaigh != EX_OK {
+      exit(quaigh)
-    static let registered = ETVGFactory.register(name: "Quaigh", type: Quaigh.self)
+    do {
+      let (testvectors, inputs) = try TVSet.readFromTest(output, withInputsFrom: file)
+      return (vectors: testvectors, inputs: inputs)
+    } catch {
+      Stderr.print("Internal software error: \(error)")
+      exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
+    }
+  }
+  static let registered = ETVGFactory.register(name: "Quaigh", type: Quaigh.self)
 class PODEM: ExternalTestVectorGenerator {
-    required init() {}
-    func generate(file: String, module: String) -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
-        let tempDir = "\(NSTemporaryDirectory())"
-        let folderName = "\(tempDir)thr\(Unmanaged.passUnretained(Thread.current).toOpaque())"
-        try? FileManager.default.createDirectory(
-            atPath: folderName, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil
-        )
-        defer {
-            try? FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: folderName)
-        }
-        let output = "\(folderName)/\(module).out"
-        let podem = "atpg-podem -output \(output) \(file) > /dev/null 2>&1".sh()
-        if podem != EX_OK {
-            exit(podem)
-        }
-        do {
-            let (testvectors, inputs) = try TVSet.readFromText(file: output)
-            return (vectors: testvectors, inputs: inputs)
-        } catch {
-            Stderr.print("Internal software error: \(error)")
-            exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
-        }
+  required init() {}
+  func generate(file: String, module: String) -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
+    let tempDir = "\(NSTemporaryDirectory())"
+    let folderName = "\(tempDir)thr\(Unmanaged.passUnretained(Thread.current).toOpaque())"
+    try? FileManager.default.createDirectory(
+      atPath: folderName, withIntermediateDirectories: true, attributes: nil
+    )
+    defer {
+      try? FileManager.default.removeItem(atPath: folderName)
-    static let registered = ETVGFactory.register(name: "PODEM", type: PODEM.self)
+    let output = "\(folderName)/\(module).out"
+    let podem = "atpg-podem -output \(output) \(file) > /dev/null 2>&1".sh()
+    if podem != EX_OK {
+      exit(podem)
+    }
+    do {
+      let (testvectors, inputs) = try TVSet.readFromText(file: output)
+      return (vectors: testvectors, inputs: inputs)
+    } catch {
+      Stderr.print("Internal software error: \(error)")
+      exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
+    }
+  }
+  static let registered = ETVGFactory.register(name: "PODEM", type: PODEM.self)
 class PodemQuest: ExternalTestVectorGenerator {
-    required init() {}
-    func generate(file: String, module _: String) -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
-        let output = file.replacingExtension(".bench", with: ".test")
-        let podemQuest = "podemquest -i\(file) -o \(output)".sh()
-        if podemQuest != EX_OK {
-            exit(podemQuest)
-        }
-        do {
-            let (testvectors, inputs) = try TVSet.readFromTest(output, withInputsFrom: file)
-            return (vectors: testvectors, inputs: inputs)
-        } catch {
-            Stderr.print("Internal software error: \(error)")
-            exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
-        }
+  required init() {}
+  func generate(file: String, module _: String) -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
+    let output = file.replacingExtension(".bench", with: ".test")
+    let podemQuest = "podemquest -i\(file) -o \(output)".sh()
+    if podemQuest != EX_OK {
+      exit(podemQuest)
+    }
+    do {
+      let (testvectors, inputs) = try TVSet.readFromTest(output, withInputsFrom: file)
+      return (vectors: testvectors, inputs: inputs)
+    } catch {
+      Stderr.print("Internal software error: \(error)")
+      exit(EX_SOFTWARE)
+  }
-    static let registered = ETVGFactory.register(name: "PodemQuest", type: PodemQuest.self)
+  static let registered = ETVGFactory.register(name: "PodemQuest", type: PodemQuest.self)
diff --git a/Sources/Fault/TestVector.swift b/Sources/Fault/TestVector.swift
index 8a8f558..7c7297b 100644
--- a/Sources/Fault/TestVector.swift
+++ b/Sources/Fault/TestVector.swift
@@ -20,154 +20,154 @@ import Foundation
 typealias TestVector = [BigUInt]
 extension BigUInt {
-    func pad(digits: Int, radix: Int) -> String {
-        var padded = String(self, radix: radix)
-        let length = padded.count
-        if digits > length {
-            for _ in 0 ..< (digits - length) {
-                padded = "0" + padded
-            }
-        }
-        return padded
+  func pad(digits: Int, radix: Int) -> String {
+    var padded = String(self, radix: radix)
+    let length = padded.count
+    if digits > length {
+      for _ in 0..<(digits - length) {
+        padded = "0" + padded
+      }
+    return padded
+  }
 struct Coverage: Codable {
-    var sa0: [String]
-    var sa1: [String]
-    init(sa0: [String], sa1: [String]) {
-        self.sa0 = sa0
-        self.sa1 = sa1
-    }
+  var sa0: [String]
+  var sa1: [String]
+  init(sa0: [String], sa1: [String]) {
+    self.sa0 = sa0
+    self.sa1 = sa1
+  }
 struct TVCPair: Codable {
-    var vector: TestVector
-    var coverage: Coverage
-    var goldenOutput: String
-    init(vector: TestVector, coverage: Coverage, goldenOutput: String) {
-        self.vector = vector
-        self.coverage = coverage
-        self.goldenOutput = goldenOutput
-    }
+  var vector: TestVector
+  var coverage: Coverage
+  var goldenOutput: String
+  init(vector: TestVector, coverage: Coverage, goldenOutput: String) {
+    self.vector = vector
+    self.coverage = coverage
+    self.goldenOutput = goldenOutput
+  }
 struct TVInfo: Codable {
-    var inputs: [Port]
-    var outputs: [Port]
-    var coverageList: [TVCPair]
-    init(
-        inputs: [Port],
-        outputs: [Port],
-        coverageList: [TVCPair]
-    ) {
-        self.inputs = inputs
-        self.outputs = outputs
-        self.coverageList = coverageList
-    }
-    static func fromJSON(file: String) throws -> TVInfo {
-        let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: file), options: .mappedIfSafe)
-        return try JSONDecoder().decode(TVInfo.self, from: data)
-    }
+  var inputs: [Port]
+  var outputs: [Port]
+  var coverageList: [TVCPair]
+  init(
+    inputs: [Port],
+    outputs: [Port],
+    coverageList: [TVCPair]
+  ) {
+    self.inputs = inputs
+    self.outputs = outputs
+    self.coverageList = coverageList
+  }
+  static func fromJSON(file: String) throws -> TVInfo {
+    let data = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: file), options: .mappedIfSafe)
+    return try JSONDecoder().decode(TVInfo.self, from: data)
+  }
 enum TVSet {
-    static func readFromJson(file: String) throws -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
-        guard let tvInfo = try? TVInfo.fromJSON(file: file) else {
-            Stderr.print("File '\(file)' is invalid.")
-            exit(EX_DATAERR)
-        }
-        let vectors =\.vector)
-        return (vectors: vectors, inputs: tvInfo.inputs)
+  static func readFromJson(file: String) throws -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
+    guard let tvInfo = try? TVInfo.fromJSON(file: file) else {
+      Stderr.print("File '\(file)' is invalid.")
+      exit(EX_DATAERR)
+    let vectors =\.vector)
+    return (vectors: vectors, inputs: tvInfo.inputs)
+  }
-    static func readFromText(file path: String) throws -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
-        var inputs: [Port] = []
-        var vectors: [TestVector] = []
+  static func readFromText(file path: String) throws -> ([TestVector], [Port]) {
+    var inputs: [Port] = []
+    var vectors: [TestVector] = []
-        guard let file = else {
-            Stderr.print("Test vector set input file '\(path)' not found.")
-            exit(EX_DATAERR)
-        }
+    guard let file = else {
+      Stderr.print("Test vector set input file '\(path)' not found.")
+      exit(EX_DATAERR)
+    }
-        let lines = file.lines!
+    let lines = file.lines!
-        let ports = lines[0].components(separatedBy: " ")
+    let ports = lines[0].components(separatedBy: " ")
+    for (index, port) in ports.enumerated() {
+      if port != "PI" {
+        inputs.append(Port(name: port, at: index))
+      }
+    }
+    inputs = inputs.dropLast(1)
+    var readPorts = true
+    for line in lines[1...] {
+      let trimmedLine = line.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
+      if trimmedLine[trimmedLine.startIndex].isNumber {
+        let testvector = Array(trimmedLine).map { BigUInt(String($0), radix: 2)! }
+        vectors.append(testvector)
+        readPorts = false
+      } else if readPorts {
+        let ports = trimmedLine.components(separatedBy: " ")
         for (index, port) in ports.enumerated() {
-            if port != "PI" {
-                inputs.append(Port(name: port, at: index))
-            }
+          if port != "PI" {
+            inputs.append(Port(name: port, at: index))
+          }
         inputs = inputs.dropLast(1)
-        var readPorts = true
-        for line in lines[1...] {
-            let trimmedLine = line.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
-            if trimmedLine[trimmedLine.startIndex].isNumber {
-                let testvector = Array(trimmedLine).map { BigUInt(String($0), radix: 2)! }
-                vectors.append(testvector)
-                readPorts = false
-            } else if readPorts {
-                let ports = trimmedLine.components(separatedBy: " ")
-                for (index, port) in ports.enumerated() {
-                    if port != "PI" {
-                        inputs.append(Port(name: port, at: index))
-                    }
-                }
-                inputs = inputs.dropLast(1)
-            } else {
-                Stderr.print("Warning: Dropped invalid testvector line \(line)")
-            }
-        }
-        return (vectors: vectors, inputs: inputs)
+      } else {
+        Stderr.print("Warning: Dropped invalid testvector line \(line)")
+      }
+    }
+    return (vectors: vectors, inputs: inputs)
+  }
+  static func readFromTest(_ file: String, withInputsFrom bench: String) throws -> (
+    [TestVector], [Port]
+  ) {
+    var inputDict: OrderedDictionary<String, Port> = [:]
+    let benchStr =!
+    let inputRx = #/INPUT\(([^\(\)]+?)(\[\d+\])?\)/#
+    var ordinal = -1
+    for line in benchStr.components(separatedBy: "\n") {
+      if let match = try? inputRx.firstMatch(in: line) {
+        let name = String(match.1)
+        inputDict[name] =
+          inputDict[name]
+          ?? Port(
+            name: name, polarity: .input, from: 0, to: -1,
+            at: {
+              ordinal += 1
+              return ordinal
+            }()
+          )
+        inputDict[name]!.to += 1
+      }
-    static func readFromTest(_ file: String, withInputsFrom bench: String) throws -> (
-        [TestVector], [Port]
-    ) {
-        var inputDict: OrderedDictionary<String, Port> = [:]
-        let benchStr =!
-        let inputRx = #/INPUT\(([^\(\)]+?)(\[\d+\])?\)/#
-        var ordinal = -1
-        for line in benchStr.components(separatedBy: "\n") {
-            if let match = try? inputRx.firstMatch(in: line) {
-                let name = String(match.1)
-                inputDict[name] =
-                    inputDict[name]
-                        ?? Port(
-                            name: name, polarity: .input, from: 0, to: -1,
-                            at: {
-                                ordinal += 1
-                                return ordinal
-                            }()
-                        )
-                inputDict[name]!.to += 1
-            }
+    let inputs: [Port] = inputDict.values.sorted { $0.ordinal < $1.ordinal }
+    var vectors: [TestVector] = []
+    let testStr =!
+    let tvRx = #/(\d+):\s*([01]+)/#
+    for line in testStr.components(separatedBy: "\n") {
+      if let match = try? tvRx.firstMatch(in: line) {
+        let vectorStr = match.2
+        guard var vectorCat = BigUInt(String(vectorStr.reversed()), radix: 2) else {
+          Stderr.print("Failed to parse test vector in .test file: \(vectorStr)")
+          exit(EX_DATAERR)
-        let inputs: [Port] = inputDict.values.sorted { $0.ordinal < $1.ordinal }
-        var vectors: [TestVector] = []
-        let testStr =!
-        let tvRx = #/(\d+):\s*([01]+)/#
-        for line in testStr.components(separatedBy: "\n") {
-            if let match = try? tvRx.firstMatch(in: line) {
-                let vectorStr = match.2
-                guard var vectorCat = BigUInt(String(vectorStr.reversed()), radix: 2) else {
-                    Stderr.print("Failed to parse test vector in .test file: \(vectorStr)")
-                    exit(EX_DATAERR)
-                }
-                let tv: TestVector = {
-                    input in
-                    let value = vectorCat & ((1 << input.width) - 1)
-                    vectorCat >>= input.width
-                    return value
-                }
-                vectors.append(tv)
-            }
+        let tv: TestVector = {
+          input in
+          let value = vectorCat & ((1 << input.width) - 1)
+          vectorCat >>= input.width
+          return value
-        return (vectors: vectors, inputs: inputs)
+        vectors.append(tv)
+      }
+    return (vectors: vectors, inputs: inputs)
+  }