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Weme - User Guide

1. Introduction

Weme is a meme manager app for those who prefer to use a desktop app for managing memes. More importantly, Weme is optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Weme can let you manage memes faster than traditional GUI apps. Interested? Jump to the Section 2, Section 2, “Quick Start” to get started. Enjoy!

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest weme.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Weme.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  6. Some example commands you can try:

    • tab memes : switches to the memes tab

    • In the memes tab:

      • list : lists all memes

      • addp//Users/Me/Downloads/meme.jpg d/Top meme : adds a meme located at /Users/Me/Downloads/meme.jpg with the description Top meme

      • delete3 : deletes the 3rd meme shown in the memes tab

      • exit : exits the app

  7. Refer to Section 3, “Features” for details of each command.

  • Weme only supports certain image files with valid extensions (e.g. .png, .jpg, .gif).

  • Any invalid or corrupted files are ignored (e.g. .txt, invalid files with .jpg extension, unsupported image formats).

  • We recommend a minimum resolution of 1920x1080 with at maximum 150% scaling for best usage. Weme requires a resolution that provides at least 750 pixels in height and 1000 pixels in width for smooth usage.

3. Features

Command Format

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user e.g. in add p/PATH, PATH is a parameter which can be used as add p//Users/Me/Downloads/meme.jpg.

  • Items in square brackets are optional e.g p/PATH [t/TAG] can be used as p//Users/Me/Downloads/meme.jpg t/cs2103 or as p//Users/Me/Downloads/meme.jpg.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/cs2103, t/soc t/funny etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command specifies p/PATH d/DESCRIPTION, d/DESCRIPTION p/PATH is also acceptable.

  • Commands that do not require parameters will ignore additional parameters provided. e.g. list 1 is the same as list.

  • Whenever INDEX is encountered, it refers to the index in the currently displayed list and must be a positive integer.

3.1. General Commands

3.1.1. Viewing help : help

Format: help

3.1.2. Undoing previous commands : undo

Undoes commands and tells you the command you just undid.
Format: undo
Example: undo

3.1.3. Redoing previously undone commands: redo

Redoes previously undone commands and tells you the command you just redid.
Format: redo
Example: redo

3.1.4. Switching tabs : tab

Switches between tabs in the application.
Format: tab TAB_NAME
TAB_NAME options:

  • memes

  • templates

  • create

  • statistics

  • export

  • import

  • preferences

Illustration after switching to templates tab:
Command: tab templates


3.1.5. Exiting the program : exit

Exits Weme.
Format: exit

3.2. Memes Tab

3.2.1. Adding a meme: add

Adds a new meme to Weme. Weme will copy the given image into its data storage folder.
Format: add p/PATH [d/DESCRIPTION] [t/TAG]…​

A meme can have any number of tags (including 0). Tags can only contain letters and numbers and cannot exceed a length of 35 characters.
  • The PATH argument can be either a relative path or an absolute path.

    • On MacOS and *nix systems

      • Absolute paths start with / (e.g. /home/me/Downloads/doge.jpg).

      • Relative paths start directly with the file/directory name (e.g. data/images/doge.jpg), and is resolved in the current working directory.

    • On Windows

      • Absolute paths start with a drive letter (e.g. C:/Users/me/Downloads)

      • Relative paths are the same as those on MacOS and *nix systems.

  • Note the double / near the prefix p/ in the example given. This is because the examples in this guide use MacOS absolute file paths, which start with a /. Therefore, the first / is part of the argument prefix, whereas the second / is part of the file path. If you are using MacOS or *nix systems, both / s must be present if your path is an absolute path. If you are using Windows, your command might look something like add p/C:/Users/Me/Downloads/dgirl_off.jpg instead.

  • The path must lead to one of our supported image formats. (.jpg, .png, .gif)


  • add p//Users/Me/Downloads/dgirl_oof.jpg t/Funny
    Adds a meme with the image from /Users/Me/Downloads/dgirl_oof.jpg and tag Funny

Illustration of adding a meme with description Cat and child and tags baby and cuteCat:
Command: add p/pathToMeme d/Cat and child t/baby t/cuteCat

Before command:


After command:


3.2.2. Listing all memes: list

Lists all memes in the memes tab.
Format: list

3.2.3. Editing a meme: edit

Edits the details of a meme at the specified index. Only description and tags are editable.
Format: edit INDEX [d/DESCRIPTION] [t/TAG]…​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the meme will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative.

  • You can remove all the meme’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.


  • edit 1 d/Funny SoC Meme t/funny t/SoC
    Edits the description of the 1st meme to be Funny SoC Meme and tags to be funny and SoC.

  • edit 2 d/Random Meme t/
    Edits the description of the 2nd meme to be Random Meme and clears all existing tags.

Illustration of editing the description of the meme at index 1 in the displayed list:
Command: edit 1 d/doge doge doge

Before command:


After command:


3.2.4. Finding a meme: find

Finds all memes whose tags contain any of the specified keywords.


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g Pikachu will match pikachu

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. run naruto will match a meme tagged with naruto run

  • Only the tag names are searched

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. naru will not match naruto

  • Memes matching at least one tag will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. spongebob funny will match both memes tagged with spongebob and those tagged with funny


  • find pikachu
    Returns memes whose tags contain pikachu

Illustration of finding memes with tag cute:
Command: find cute

Before command:


After command:


3.2.5. Deleting a meme: delete

Deletes the meme at the specified index.
Format: delete INDEX


  • list
    delete 2
    Deletes the 2nd meme in the results of the list command.

  • find pikachu
    delete 1
    Deletes the 1st meme in the results of the find command.

3.2.6. Clearing all memes: clear

Clears all memes.
Format: clear

3.2.7. Staging a meme for export: stage

Stages the meme at the specified index into the export staging area.
Format: stage INDEX

3.2.8. Liking a meme: like

Likes a meme at the specified index.
Format: like INDEX

Before like command:

like before

After like command:

like after
You could use arrow key UP to quickly like a meme at the given index.
To do this, key in the full command like INDEX then press arrow key UP.
You can also use arrow key LEFT and RIGHT to increase / decrease the meme index.

Before pressing UP:

like spam before

After pressing UP for 1 second:

like spam after

3.2.9. Disliking a meme: dislike

Dislike a meme at the specified index.
Format: dislike INDEX

Same as like, dislike also allows arrow key operations.

3.2.10. Listing archived memes: archives

Lists all memes that are archived in the memes tab.
Format: archives

  • To view unarchived memes again, just execute the list command!

3.2.11. Archiving a meme: archive

Archives the meme at the specified index. Hides the meme from the default view.
Format: archive INDEX

  • You can only archive unarchived memes. Execute list to see the unarchived memes.

3.2.12. Unarchiving a meme: unarchive

Unarchives the meme at the specified index. Shows the meme in the default view.
Format: unarchive INDEX

  • You can only unarchive archived memes. Execute archives to see the archived memes.

3.2.13. Viewing a meme: view

Views the meme at the specified index.
Format: view INDEX

  • To exit the view, simply switch to another tab using the tab command. Only tab, help and exit are usable while viewing a meme. For example, tab memes will bring the user back to the memes tab.

3.3. Templates Tab

Templates are meme prototypes. You can add templates to Weme and use them to create new memes. The templates tab handles template management and meme creation is handled in the create tab.

3.3.1. Adding a template: add

Adds a new template to Weme.
Format: add n/NAME p/PATH


  • add n/Drake p//Users/Me/Downloads/Drake.jpg
    Adds a template with image /Users/Me/Downloads/Drake.jpg and name it Drake

3.3.2. Listing all templates: list

Lists all templates.
Format: list

3.3.3. Editing a template: edit

Edits a template at the specified index. Only the name is editable.
Format: edit INDEX n/NAME


  • edit 1 n/Surprised Pikachu
    Edits the name of the 1st template to be Surprised Pikachu.

3.3.4. Locating templates by name: find

Finds templates whose names contain any of the given keywords.

  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g drake will match dRaKE

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Pikachu Surprised will match Surprised Pikachu

  • Only the name is searched

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. sponge will not match spongebob

  • Templates matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. SpongeBob Patrick will return both Tired SpongeBob and Savage Patrick.


  • find Thanos
    Returns all templates containing Thanos in their names

  • find Stonks Doge Pikachu
    Returns any templates whose names contain stonks, doge, or pikachu

3.3.5. Deleting a template: delete

Deletes the template at the specified index.
Format: delete INDEX

3.3.6. Clearing all templates: clear

Clears all templates.
Format: clear

3.3.7. Creating memes from templates: use

Uses the template at the specified index to start a meme creation session.
Weme will enter the create tab and allow you to add text to the template.
For details, please refer to the next section Section 3.4, “Create Tab”.
Format: use INDEX

3.3.8. Listing all archived templates: archives

Lists all templates that are archived in the templates tab.
Format: archives

  • To view unarchived templates again, just execute the list command!

3.3.9. Archiving a template: archive

Archives the template at the specified index. Hides the template from the default view.+ Format: archive INDEX

  • You can only archive unarchived templates. Execute list to see the unarchived templates.

3.3.10. Unarchiving a template: unarchive

Unarchives the template at the specified index. Shows the template in the default view.+ Format: unarchive INDEX

  • You can only unarchive archived templates. Execute archives to see the archived templates.

3.4. Create Tab

The create tab allows you to create a new meme from a template. To start a meme creation session, select a template from the templates tab and execute the use command.

Meme creation sessions will not be saved after exiting the app.
Please finish the meme creation session before exiting the app if you would like to create a meme from it.

3.4.1. Adding text: add

Adds a piece of text to the template.

  • X_COORDINATE and Y_COORDINATE denote the position at which the supplied text will be placed and are represented as ratios of the image dimensions. x/0.5 y/0.3 means the center of the supplied text will be 50% right of the left border and 30% down from the top border.

  • COLOR can be a name, e.g. cyan, or a hex RGB value, e.g. #FF34E2.

  • Weme supports 6 levels of font size. SIZE must be an integer from 1 to 6, where 1 denotes the smallest font size and 6 denotes the largest font size. Some text of each font size can be found at the right hand side of the image as a reference. Note that the sample sizes only apply to templates whose width/height ratio do not deviate too much from 1.

  • STYLE must be plain, bold, or italic. In the case you specify multiple font styles, Weme will combine them. For example, S/bold S/italic will give you bold and italic text.

  • If you do not specify COLOR, SIZE, or STYLE, the default values will be used. The default values are black, 5, and plain, respectively.

  • Weme will not add text that would exceed the image boundary. If it detects such a scenario, it will print an error message.

The x and y coordinates given in the command specify the position for the center of the text. This means if you want to add text to the center of the image, the command will always be add TEXT x/0.5 y/0.5 no matter how long your text is.


  • add CS students be like x/0.5 y/0.3
    Adds text CS students be like to the template, placing its center 50% right of the left border and 30% down from the top border.

  • add sToNKs x/0.5 y/0.75 c/red s/5 S/bold
    Adds red and bold text sToNKs with size 5 to the template, placing its center 50% right of the left border and 75% down from the top border.

3.4.2. Editing text: edit

Whenever you add text, the list at the right hand side will be updated.
The edit command allows you to choose and edit a piece of text from that list.

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

  • When editing text styles, the existing styles of the text will be removed i.e adding of styles is not cumulative.


  • edit 1 t/CODE
    Changes the text at index 1 to CODE.

  • edit 2 x/0.5
    Changes the x-coordinate of the text at index 2 to 0.5.

  • edit 3 c/#FC1423 s/5 S/bold
    Edits the text at index 3, changing its color to #FC1423, size to 5 and style to bold.

3.4.3. Moving text: move

Moves the specified text.
Format: move INDEX [x/X_CHANGE] [y/Y_CHANGE]

  • The move is relative to the current position of the specified text.

  • At least one of X_CHANGE and Y_CHANGE must be specified.


  • move 1 x/-0.1
    Moves the text at index 1 to the left by 10% of the image width.

  • move 2 y/0.3
    Moves the text at index 2 down by 30% of the image height.

  • move 3 x/0.2 y/-0.3
    Moves the text at index 3 to the right by 20% of the image width and up by 30% of the image height.

You can type move INDEX and use arrow keys to move the specified text.
Hold Shift while pressing arrow keys to make the text move faster.
Hold Alt (Option on MacOS) while pressing arrow keys to make the text move slower.

3.4.4. Deleting text: delete

Deletes the text at the specified index.
Format: delete INDEX

3.4.5. Aborting meme creation: abort

Aborts this meme creation session and go back to the templates tab.
Format: abort

3.4.6. Completing the creation session: create

Creates a new meme with all the added text applied. The new meme will be saved into Weme’s meme collection, with the specified description and tags.
Format: create [d/DESCRIPTION] [t/TAG]…​

  • This command does not modify the template you used to start the creation session. You can use the same template to make more memes.

  • You will be directly to view the meme you have created. To continue making new memes, use tab templates to go to the templates tab.


  • create d/sleep or code t/soc t/cs2103
    Creates a new meme from the current meme creation session, giving it a description sleep or code and tags soc and cs2103.

3.5. Export Tab

Weme supports exporting memes into the local filesystem. To export memes, stage them from the memes tab. Staged memes will appear in the export staging area in the export tab. You can then unstage or export them as you wish in the export tab.

3.5.1. Unstaging a meme: unstage

Unstages the meme at the specified index from the export staging area.
Format: unstage INDEX

3.5.2. Exporting memes: export

Exports the memes in the export staging area into a directory. The directory path can be either specified or not.

  • If the path is not specified, then the memes will be exported to an export folder located at where the jar file is.

    • Format: export

  • If path is specified, the memes will be exported to that directory.

    • Format: export p//Users/bill/favourites/

  • The user can use a special [d] keyword to export to a default path configured by preferences.json.

    • Format: export p/[d]

3.5.3. Clearing the staging area: clear

Clears all memes in the export tab.
Format: clear

3.6. Import Tab

Weme supports batch importing memes from a local directory. To import a directory of images, first load the directory into the the import tab. You can then edit or delete memes in the staging area before actually importing them into Weme.

3.6.1. Loading memes into the import tab: load

Loads memes from a specified directory into the import tab.
Format: load p/PATH

  • Weme only loads image files with valid extensions (e.g. .png, .jpg, .gif).

  • Any invalid or corrupted files are ignored (e.g. .txt, invalid files with .jpg extension).

3.6.2. Editing a meme in the import tab: edit

Edits a meme from the import tab. This allows the user to make changes before actually importing the meme.
Format: edit INDEX [d/DESCRIPTION] [t/TAG]…​

3.6.3. Deleting a meme: delete

Deletes an unwanted meme from the import tab.
Format: delete INDEX

3.6.4. Importing memes: import

Imports all the memes from the import tab into Weme.
Format: import

3.6.5. Clearing loaded memes: clear

Clears all the memes in the import tab.
Format: clear

3.7. Statistics Tab

View various statistics about the memes such as tags and likes count by tags.

stats panel
As the statistics data is updated real time, an undo/redo command affecting the memes and their data will re-render the statistics charts. E.g. after executing like 1 in Memes panel for meme with tag cute and undo it in statistics panel, the charts will be re-rendered, with like count for tag cute incremented. Same goes to edit command that edits the tags of a meme.

3.8. Command Suggestions

Weme supports command suggestions and auto-completion using tab for every command available.

  • Suggestions for command word/argument based on current user input will be displayed in the result box.

  • The auto-suggestion is dynamic and automatically updates while the user type in command.

  • The suggestions are retrieved from historical records and sorted according to the similarity to user input, with the first suggestion being the most recommended one.

  • For the command word suggestion, only commands available for current context will be displayed. Description for each command will be displayed after each command word.

  • User can press Tab key to auto-complete the command suggestion, i.e. replacing current command word/arguments with the first suggestion displayed (if there is any).

  • If the user input is of invalid format, the text will turn red and error messages will be displayed in the result box immediately without pressing Enter key. This does not account for invalid values, e.g. input meme index is 5 but there is no meme of index 5.


  • When user types in a in the meme tab, the following suggestions will appear:
    add: adds a meme to Weme.
    archive: archive a meme by index.
    archives: list all archived memes.


After pressing Tab, a in the command box will be replaced by add.

  • When user types in add p/pathToMeme t/c in the memes tab, the following suggestions will appear:


After pressing Tab, c in the command box will be replaced by CS.

  • When user types in find doge joker funny cuuuuutie in the memes tab, the following suggestions will appear:


After pressing Tab, cuuuuutie in the command box will be replaced by cute.


3.9. Screen Time [Coming in v2.0]

In the coming v2.0 version, the user can view their screen time on the Application, just like some mobile platform such as iOS or Android. It allows user to keep track of the amount of time spent on the App so that he/she could manage time properly. It will be under statistics tab, accessed via command tab statistics, and is updated by weeks.

4. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Download the jar in the other computer and copy the entire data folder over to the same directory. Run Weme and update the preferences.json if necessary.

5. Command Summary

  • Universal Commands :

    • Help : help

    • Undo : undo

    • Redo : redo

    • Switch tabs :

      • Memes Tab : tab memes

      • Templates Tab : tab templates

      • Create Tab : tab create

      • Statistics Tab : tab statistics

      • Export Tab : tab export

      • Import Tab : tab import

      • Preferences Tab : tab preferences

    • Exit : exit

  • Commands for the Memes tab :

    • Add Meme : add p/PATH [d/DESCRIPTION] [t/TAG]…​
      e.g. add p//Users/Me/Downloads/dgirl_oof.jpg d/Disaster Girl t/Funny

    • Clear Memes : clear

    • Delete Meme : delete INDEX

    • Edit Meme : edit INDEX [d/DESCRIPTION] [t/TAG]…​

    • Stage Meme : stage INDEX

    • Like Meme : like INDEX

    • Dislike Meme : dislike INDEX

    • Find Meme : find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

    • List Memes : list

    • List Archived Memes : archives

    • Archive Meme : archive INDEX

    • Unarchive Meme : unarchive INDEX

    • View Meme : view INDEX

  • Commands for the Templates Tab :

    • Add Template : add n/NAME p/PATH

    • Edit Template : edit INDEX n/NAME

    • Delete Template : delete INDEX

    • Clear Templates : clear

    • Find Template : find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]

    • Archive Template : archive INDEX

    • Unarchive Template : unarchive INDEX

    • List Templates : list

    • List Archived Templates : archives

    • Use Template : use INDEX

  • Commands for the Create Tab :

    • Add text : add TEXT x/X_COORDINATE y/Y_COORDINATE [c/COLOR] [s/SIZE] [S/STYLE]…​

    • Edit text : edit INDEX [t/TEXT] [x/X_COORDINATE] [y/Y_COORDINATE] [c/COLOR] [s/SIZE] [S/STYLE]…​

    • Delete text : delete INDEX

    • Move text : move INDEX [x/X_CHANGE] [y/Y_CHANGE]

    • Abort creation : abort

    • Finish creation : create [d/DESCRIPTION] [t/TAG]…​

  • Commands for the Export Tab :

    • Unstage Meme : unstage INDEX

    • Export Meme : export [p/PATH]

    • Clear staged Memes : clear

  • Commands for the Import Tab :

    • Load Memes : load p/PATH

    • Edit Meme : edit INDEX [d/DESCRIPTION] [t/TAG]…​

    • Delete Meme : delete INDEX

    • Import Memes : import

    • Clear loaded Memes : clear