- Create a basic template of a music website:
- NavBar
- Search Bar to search for tracks
- Component to display User Devices
<div class="device-cont"> <select name="" id="devices"> // option tags with each user device </select> </div>
- User Profile Page with components like:
<div class="user_info"> <img src="" alt="" class="profile_img" id="profile_img"> // for user image <div class="side_info"> PROFILE <h1 class="profile_name" id="profile_name"></h1> // for user name </div> </div>
- Component to display top songs
<div class="pop_song" id="liked-songs"> <!-- <li class="songItem"> <div class="img_play"> <img src="img/1.jpg" alt="alan"> <i class="bi playListPlay bi-play-circle-fill" id="7"></i> </div> <h5>On My Way <br> <div class="subtitle">Alan Walker</div> </h5> </li> --> </div>
- Component to display top artists
<div class="item" id="fav-artists"> <!-- <li> <img src="img/arjit.jpg" alt="Arjit Singh" title="Arjit Singh"> <div class="subtitle">Alan Walker</div> </li> --> <!-- change all img --> </div>
You can follow this link for making a basic template of your music website.
- Go to the Spotify Developers Page
- Click on Dashboard
- Log In if you have an account, Sign Up if you don't.
- After you're Logged In, click on Create app, fill in the necessary details and click on Save
- Click on your App
- Now, the most important steps are:
- Click on Settings and then click on User Management. Fill in the details of the user and click on Add user.
- After finishing this, click on Basic Information, then scroll down and click on Edit and add the value of REDIRECT_URI as the URI of your Music Player HTML Page. In SoundStream, the page is player.html and the URI is https://abhijeet-2003.github.io/SoundStream/player.html
Now, you can use the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET for fetching data.
You'll have to make an authentication page wherein the user can enter his/her CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET, then send an authorization request to Spotify.
After Spotify authorizes the user, they'll be redirected to the REDIRECT_URI which is the Music Player.
You can follow this YouTube tutorial to get some idea about the authorization process.
After you're done with this, now you can start fetching your TOP TRACKS, TOP/FOLLOWED ARTISTS, USER INFORMATION, ALBUMS, PLAYLISTS, RECOMMENDATIONS, RECENTLY PLAYED and many other things. Check out this page for all the URIs you can use to fetch different data.
You can also log the fetched data to the console to see all the different parameters in it.
Now, you can show the fetched data on screen.
For example :-
Show User Devices
var data_devices = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
const devices = document.getElementById('devices');
data_devices.devices.forEach( device_ => {
let node = document.createElement('option');
node.value = device_.id;
node.innerHTML = device_.name;
Show User Info
var data_user = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
const userimg = document.getElementById('userimg');
const username = document.getElementById('username');
const profileimg = document.getElementById('profile_img');
const profilename = document.getElementById('profile_name');
profileimg.src = data_user.images[0].url;
profilename.textContent = data_user.display_name;
userimg.src = data_user.images[0].url;
username.textContent = data_user.display_name;
Show top tracks
const container = document.getElementById('liked-songs');
let adder = '';
data_toptracks.items.forEach( song_ => {
adder+=`<li class="songItem">
<div class="img_play">
<img src="${song_.album.images[0].url}" alt="${song_.artists[0].name}">
<i class="bi playListPlay bi-play-circle-fill" id="${song_.id}" onclick="songClick('${song_.id}')"></i>
<div class="subtitle">${song_.artists[0].name}</div>
container.innerHTML = adder;
Show top artists
var data_topartist = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
const bgimg = document.getElementById('cover-img');
bgimg.src = `${data_topartist.tracks[0].album.images[0].url}`;
const top_artist_song = document.getElementById('top-artist-song');
top_artist_song.textContent = data_topartist.tracks[0].album.artists[0].name + ' - ' + data_topartist.tracks[0].name ;
const date = document.getElementById('release_date');
date.textContent = data_topartist.tracks[0].album.release_date;
And similarly, modify many other things.
Hope you enjoyed learning about this project 🚀.