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Function Execution Strategies

Define a function

In a composable application, each user function is self-contained with zero dependencies with other user functions.

A function is a class that implements the LambdaFunction, TypedLambdaFunction or KotlinLambdaFunction interface. Within each function boundary, it may have private methods that are fully contained within the class.

As discussed in Chapter-1, a function may look like this:

@PreLoad(route = "my.first.function", instances = 10)
public class MyFirstFunction implements TypedLambdaFunction<AsyncHttpRequest, Object> {

    public Object handleEvent(Map<String, String> headers, AsyncHttpRequest input, int instance) {
        // your business logic here
        return input;

A function is an event listener with the "handleEvent" method. The data structures of input and output are defined by API interface contract during application design phase. A "route" or "topic" is associated with each function. When an event arrives to the topic, the function is executed where the event is de-serialized as the function's input.

In the above example, the input is AsyncHttpRequest because this function is designed to handle an HTTP request event from a REST endpoint defined in the "rest.yaml" configuration file. We set the output as "Object" so that there is flexibility in returning a HashMap or a PoJo. You can also enforce the use of a PoJo by updating the output type.

A single transaction may involve multiple functions. For example, the user submits a form from a browser that sends an HTTP request to a function. In MVC pattern, the function receiving the user's input is the "controller". It carries out input validation and forwards the event to a business logic function (the "view") that performs some processing and then submits the event to a data persistent function (the "model") to save a record into the database.

In cloud native application, the transaction flow may be more sophisticated than the typical "mvc" style. You can do "event orchestration" in the function receiving the HTTP request and then make event requests to various functions.

This "event orchestration" can be done by code using the "PostOffice" and/or "FastRPC" API.

To further reduce coding effort, you can perform "event orchestration" by configuration using "Event Script". This feature is available in Mercury version 4.0:

Mercury v4:


Extensible authentication function

You can add authentication function using the optional authentication tag in a service. In "rest.yaml", a service for a REST endpoint refers to a function in your application.

An authentication function can be written using a TypedLambdaFunction that takes the input as a "AsyncHttpRequest". Your authentication function can return a boolean value to indicate if the request should be accepted or rejected.

A typical authentication function may validate an HTTP header or cookie. e.g. forward the "Bearer token" from the "Authorization" header to your organization's OAuth 2.0 Identity Provider for validation.

To approve an incoming request, your custom authentication function can return true.

Optionally, you can add "session" key-values by returning an EventEnvelope like this:

return new EventEnvelope().setHeader("user_id", "A12345").setBody(true);

The above example approves the incoming request and returns a "session" variable ("user_id": "A12345") to the next task.

If your authentication function returns false, the user will receive a "HTTP-401 Unauthorized" error response.

You can also control the status code and error message by throwing an AppException like this:

throw new AppException(401, "Invalid credentials");

A composable application is assembled from a collection of modular functions. For example, data persistence functions and authentication functions are likely to be reusable in many applications.

Number of workers for a function

@PreLoad(route = "my.first.function", instances = 10)

In the above function, the parameter "instances" tells the system to reserve a number of workers for the function. Workers are running on-demand to handle concurrent user requests.

Note that you can use smaller number of workers to handle many concurrent users if your function finishes processing very quickly. If not, you should reserve more workers to handle the work load.

Concurrency requires careful planning for optimal performance and throughput. Let's review the strategies for function execution.

Three strategies for function execution

A function is executed when an event arrives. There are three function execution strategies.

Strategy Advantage Disadvantage
Kernel threads Highest performance in terms of
operations per seconds
Lower number of concurrent threads
due to high context switching overheads
Coroutine Highest throughput in terms of
concurrent users served by virtual
threads concurrently
Not suitable for long running tasks
Suspend function Synchronous "non-blocking" for
RPC (request-response) that
makes code easier to read and
Not suitable for long running tasks

Kernel thread pool

When you write a function using LambdaFunction and TypedLambdaFunction with the KernelThreadRunner annotation, the function will be executed using "kernel thread pool" and the Java VM will run your function in native "preemptive multitasking" mode.

While preemptive multitasking fully utilizes the CPU, its context switching overheads may increase as the number of kernel threads grow. As a rule of thumb, you should control the maximum number of kernel threads to less than 200.

The parameter kernel.thread.pool is defined with a default value of 100. You can change this value to adjust to the actual CPU power in your environment. Keep the default value for best performance unless you have tested the limit in your environment.

When you have more concurrent requests, your application may slow down because some functions are blocked when the number of concurrent kernel threads is reached.

You should reduce the number of "instances" (i.e. worker pool) for a function to a small number so that your application does not exceed the maximum limit of the kernel.thread.pool parameter.

Kernel threads are precious and finite resources. When your function is computational intensive or making external HTTP or database calls in a synchronous blocking manner, you may use it with a small number of worker instances.

To rapidly release kernel thread resources, you can write "asynchronous" code. i.e. for event-driven programming, you can send event to another function asynchronously, and you can create a callback function to listen to responses.

For RPC call, you can use the asyncRequest method to write asynchronous RPC calls. However, coding for asynchronous RPC pattern is more challenging. For example, you may want to return a "pending" result immediately using HTTP-202. Your code will move on to execute using a "future" that will execute callback methods (onSuccess and onFailure). Another approach is to annotate the function as an EventInterceptor so that your function can respond to the user in a "future" callback.

For ease of programming, we recommend using suspend function to handle RPC calls. It allows you to program your function in a sequential manner similar to the "async/await" pattern of other programming languages.


By default, the system will run your function as a coroutine unless you specify KernelThreadRunner annotation in your function or declared it as a suspend function using KotlinLambdaFunction interface.

Normally, coroutines are executed in an event loop using a single kernel thread. Note that the underlying Eclipse vertx is a multithreaded event system that executes coroutines in a small number of event loops concurrently for better performance. As a result, the system can handle tens of thousands of coroutines running concurrently.

Since coroutine is running in a single thread, you must avoid writing "blocking" code because it would slow down the whole application significantly.

If your function can finish processing very quickly, coroutine is ideal.

Suspend function

A suspend function is a coroutine that can be suspended and resumed. The best use case for a suspend function is for handling of "sequential non-blocking" request-response. This is the same as "async/await" in node.js and other programming language.

To implement a "suspend function", you must implement the KotlinLambdaFunction interface and write code in Kotlin.

If you are new to Kotlin, please download and run JetBrains Intellij IDE. The quickest way to get productive in Kotlin is to write a few statements of Java code in a placeholder class and then copy-n-paste the Java statements into the KotlinLambdaFunction's handleEvent method. Intellij will automatically convert Java code into Kotlin.

The automated code conversion is mostly accurate (roughly 90%). You may need some touch up to polish the converted Kotlin code.

In a suspend function, you can use a set of "await" methods to make non-blocking request-response (RPC) calls. For example, to make a RPC call to another function, you can use the awaitRequest method.

Please refer to the FileUploadDemo class in the "examples/lambda-example" project.

val po = PostOffice(headers, instance)
val fastRPC = FastRPC(headers)

val req = EventEnvelope().setTo(streamId).setHeader(TYPE, READ)
while (true) {
    val event = fastRPC.awaitRequest(req, 5000)
    // handle the response event
    if (EOF == event.headers[TYPE]) {"{} saved", file)
        awaitBlocking {
        po.send(streamId, Kv(TYPE, CLOSE))
    if (DATA == event.headers[TYPE]) {
        val block = event.body
        if (block is ByteArray) {
            total += block.size
  "Saving {} - {} bytes", filename, block.size)
            awaitBlocking {

In the above code segment, it has a "while" loop to make RPC calls to continuously "fetch" blocks of data from a stream. The status of the stream is indicated in the event header "type". It will exit the "while" loop when it detects the "End of Stream (EOF)" signal.

Suspend function will be "suspended" when it is waiting for a response. When it is suspended, it does not consume CPU resources, thus your application can handle a large number of concurrent users and requests.

Coroutines run in a "cooperative multitasking" manner. Technically, each function is running sequentially. However, when many functions are suspended during waiting, it appears that all functions are running concurrently.

You may notice that there is an awaitBlocking wrapper in the code segment.

Sometimes, you cannot avoid blocking code. In the above example, the Java's FileOutputStream is a blocking method. To ensure that a small piece of blocking code in a coroutine does not slow down the "event loop", you can apply the awaitBlocking wrapper method. The system will run the blocking code in a separate worker thread without blocking the event loop.

In addition to the "await" sets of API, the delay(milliseconds) method puts your function into sleep in a non-blocking manner. The yield() method is useful when your function requires more time to execute complex business logic. You can add the yield() statement before you execute a block of code. The yield method releases control to the event loop so that other coroutines and suspend functions will not be blocked by a heavy weighted function.

Suspend function is a powerful way to write high throughput application. Your code is presented in a sequential flow that is easier to write and maintain.

You may want to try the demo "file upload" REST endpoint to see how suspend function behaves. If you follow Chapter-1, your lambda example application is already running. To test the file upload endpoint, here is a simple Python script:

import requests
files = {'file': open('some_data_file.txt', 'rb')}
r ='', files=files)

This assumes you have the python "requests" package installed. If not, please do pip install requests to install the dependency.

The uploaded file will be kept in the "/tmp/upload-download-demo" folder.

To download the file, point your browser to Your browser will usually save the file in the "Downloads" folder.

You may notice that the FileDownloadDemo class is written in Java using the interface TypedLambdaFunction<AsyncHttpRequest, EventEnvelope>. The FileDownloadDemo class will run using a kernel thread.

Note that each function is independent and the functions with different execution strategies can communicate in events.

The output of your function is an "EventEnvelope" so that you can set the HTTP response header correctly. e.g. content type and filename.

When downloading a file, the FileDownloadDemo function will block if it is sending a large file. Therefore, you want it to run as a kernel thread.

For very large file download, you may want to write the FileDownloadDemo function using asynchronous programming with the EventInterceptor annotation or implement a suspend function using KotlinLambdaFunction. Suspend function is non-blocking.

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