- SnapshotFormat is now directly exported form from @actyx/pond
- switch to public npm package
- lint fix
- new fish logo for the plugin
- update to new SnapshotFormat
- Multi-line types supported
- the known issue that only single line parameter types are supported is now fixed
export fish
- export single fish from definition file
- export all fishes next to the index.ts file
- improvements
- LF and CRLF compatible
- lazy/incomplete selection is now supported
- auto save after new Fish
- add keybindings
Alt+a n
new fish in current fileAlt+a x
export fish definitionAlt+a e
create events for selected definitionAlt+a c
create Commands for selected definition
new fish
- create new fish
create events
- create events infrastructure
- add events in existing infrastructure
create commands
- create commands infrastructure
- add commands in existing infrastructure