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The good old minecraft world gen from back in the days

For Developers: To maintain the organization, please use the Code Formatter that comes with the source code.


  • beta 1.7.3
  • alpha 1.2.0
  • alpha 1.1.0
  • infdev
  • indev


1. Backup your worlds!
2. Install the recommended version of Minecraft Forge.
3. Place the jar file into your .minecraft/mod folder.
4. Start Minecraft and create a new world.
5. Select the Old World Gen worldtype.
6. Click on the customize button.
7. Select a generatortype you like.
8. Click on done.
9. Click on create new world.

1. Install the client version. (see above)
2. Install the recommended version of Minecraft Forge on your server.
3. Place the jar file into your YourServerFolder/mod folder.
4. Start Minecraft(client) and create a new world.
5. Select the Old World Gen worldtype.
6. Click on the customize button.
7. Select a generatortype you like.
8. Click on "Copy generator-settings to Clipboard".
9. Open the file.
10. Set level-type to "OWG".
11. Paste the generator settings at "generator-settings=".
12. Start your server.


Version 2.0.0 '27-07-2023'
- Restored ocean biome if deep ocean biome is enabled
- Changed the code so that obfuscated code is no longer obfuscated
- Updated the y emulator to the last version. Thanks Nicholai
- The emulator now detects mountains
- Optimized world gen with vanilla biomes
- Changed support for vanilla biomes because of the new feature: mountains detected by the emulator
- Removed dead code

Version 1.0.9 '08-05-2023'
- Fixed biome grass and foliage colors (
- Added config for biome placement by makamys (
- Optimized CellNoise
- Reload config on world reload by makamys (
- Removed ocean biome if deep ocean biome is enabled
- Fixed ocean monuments to be more suitable for the terrain generated
- Fixed big oak tree now appears in alpha 1.1.0
- Removed dead code

Version 1.0.8 '12-10-2019'
- Endless rain on snow worlds (indev, infdev and alpha 1.1)
- Changed end sky dungeon spawner to silverfish
- Changed end sky dungeon blocks to stone bricks
- Fixed structures: villages and ocean monuments
- Added a new option in vanilla: deep ocean for ocean monuments
- Added new caves option: original caves, vanilla caves
- Minor changes in chunk generators
- Removed some useless code

Version 1.0.7 (Private Release) '08-10-2019'
- Revised lang files

Version 1.0.6 '31-05-2019'
- Fixed torches bug from Indev House
- Added y emulator. Thanks Nicholai
- Added Deep Ocean. Thanks Nicholai
- Added Ocean Monument generator
- Added new biomes: Ocean, Beach, (Gravel Beach (Biomes O' Plenty only))
- Added new lang files
- Added support for SugiForest mod
- Added support for AbyssalCraft mod

Version 1.0.5 '20-10-2018'
- Added generator-settings defautl config -
- Fixed buttons bug on gui Old World Generator Settings
- Revised biome support
- Added support for Highlands - Uncharted Territory
- Added more world customization options

Version 1.0.4 '29-04-2018'
- Updated to minecraft 1.8.9
- Removed support for ExtraBiomeXL
- Added "Copy generator-settings to Clipboard" button
- Added ravine option button to biomes option: vanilla biomes, all biomes (vanilla + mods)
- Added villages and temples to biomes option: vanilla biomes, all biomes (vanilla + mods)
- Changes in the spawning of animals
- Fixed Thaumcraft support
- Fixed security glitches
- Removed dead code

Version 1.0.3 '17-01-2014'
- Added support for ExtraBiomeXL and Thaumcraft
- Fixed some compatibility issues

Version 1.0.2 '24-12-2014'
- Added support for biomes o plenty mod
- Added new biomes option: original biomes, vanilla biomes, all biomes (vanilla + mods)
- Added dungeon settings to indev
- Fixed spawn location in indev worlds
- Changed dungeon loot for all generators
- Added Biome dictionary to all biomes
- Fixed snow spawing

Version 1.0.1 '16-12-2014'
- Fixed multiplayer generator settings bug

Version 1.0.0 '28-09-2014'
- Release