Note This is a .NET tool
Note This tool is included in the
directory in the Releases available here
The MapUpgrader tool is used to upgrade Half-Life maps for a mod installation. This will apply any necessary upgrades and bug fixes.
MapUpgrader [<maps>...] [options]
<maps> List of maps to upgrade
--game The name of a game's mod directory to apply upgrades for
<bshift|cstrike|czero|czeror|dod|gearbox|ricochet|tfc|valv that game [default: valve]
--diagnostics-level <All|Common|Disabled> The diagnostics level to set [default: Disabled]
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
The game parameter is the mod directory name of the game the maps originate from. If not specified, the map will be treated as a vanilla Half-Life 1 map.
Specify one or more paths to maps to be upgraded.
If any errors occur the tool will log it to the console and stop execution.