Each step for adding a feature:
- Define what you want to do e.g Add a hero
- Investigating parts of the engine that you need -Make notes on the parts and detailed todo list of what to write Write code
- Add your result to notes (code or scrn shot)
Looking in the main.cpp
#include "engine.h"
#include "heros.h"
Chracters are defined in content/actor/heros.h
const HeroType nobody{"none", default_speed, 1, std::make_shared<None>(), {}};
"none" is name of sprite in assets/hero.txt
- lok up shared_ptr in Tour of C++ or c++ reference
- shared-ptr, make-shared: what is the relationship? where do i specify the type? unordered map? string and reaction -reaction = std::function<std::unique-ptr();, what is a function?>