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AfricasTalking SDK

Provides convenient access to the Africa's Talking API from applications written in ruby.


Take a look at the API docs here.

Gem Version


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "africastalking-ruby"

And then execute:

$ bundle


The SDK needs to be instantiated using your username and API key, which you can get from the dashboard.

You can use this SDK for either production or sandbox apps. For sandbox, the app username is ALWAYS sandbox

require "AfricasTalking"

username = 'YOUR_USERNAME' # use 'sandbox' for development in the test environment
apiKey 	= 'YOUR_API_KEY' # use your sandbox app API key for development in the test environment, apiKey)

You can now make API calls using the @AT object


token = @AT.token

Create authentication Token

token.generateAuthToken phoneNumber


Send airtime to phone numbers

airtime = @AT.airtime

airtime.send options
  • options

    • recipients: Contains an hash of arrays containing the following keys
      • phoneNumber: Recipient of airtime REQUIRED
      • currency:3-digit ISO format currency code . REQUIRED
      • amount: Amount sent >= 10 && <= 10K with currency e.g KES 100 REQUIRED
  • maxNumRetry: This allows you to specify the maximum number of retries in case of failed airtime deliveries due to various reasons such as telco unavailability. The default retry period is 8 hours and retries occur every 60seconds. For example, setting maxNumRetry=4 means the transaction will be retried every 60seconds for the next 4 hours.OPTIONAL.


sms = @AT.sms

Send Sms

sms.send options
  • options
    • message: SMS content. REQUIRED
    • to: A single recipient or a comma separated string of recipients. REQUIRED
    • from: Shortcode or alphanumeric ID that is registered with Africa's Talking account. OPTIONAL
    • enqueue: Set to true if you would like to deliver as many messages to the API without waiting for an acknowledgement from telcos. OPTIONAL
    • bulkSMSMode: This parameter will be used by the Mobile Service Provider to determine who gets billed for a message sent using a Mobile-Terminated ShortCode. The default value is 1 (which means that the sender (The AfricasTalking account being used ) gets charged). OPTIONAL
    • retryDurationInHours: t specifies the number of hours your subscription message should be retried in case it's not delivered to the subscriber. OPTIONAL

Send Premium SMS

sms.sendPremium options
  • options
    • message: SMS content. REQUIRED
    • keyword: The keyword to be used for a premium service. REQUIRED
    • linkId: This parameter is used for premium services to send OnDemand messages. We forward the linkId to your application when the user send a message to your service.. REQUIRED
    • to: A single recipient or a comma separated string of recipients. REQUIRED
    • from: Shortcode or alphanumeric ID that is registered with Africa's Talking account. OPTIONAL
    • enqueue: Set to true if you would like to deliver as many messages to the API without waiting for an acknowledgement from telcos. OPTIONAL
    • bulkSMSMode: This parameter will be used by the Mobile Service Provider to determine who gets billed for a message sent using a Mobile-Terminated ShortCode. The default value is 1 (which means that the sender (The AfricasTalking account being used ) gets charged). OPTIONAL
    • retryDurationInHours: t specifies the number of hours your subscription message should be retried in case it's not delivered to the subscriber. OPTIONAL

Fetch Messsages

sms.fetchMessages options
  • options
    • lastReceivedId: This is the id of the message that you last processed. The default is 0 OPTIONAL

Create subscription

sms.createSubcription options
  • options
    • shortCode: This is a premium short code mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • keyword: Value is a premium keyword under the above short code and mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • phoneNumber: The phoneNumber to be subscribed REQUIRED
    • checkoutToken: This is a token used to validate the subscription request REQUIRED

Fetch Subscription

sms.fetchSubscriptions options
  • options
    • shortCode: This is a premium short code mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • keyword: Premium keyword under the above short code and mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • lastReceivedId: ID of the subscription you believe to be your last. Defaults to 0

Delete Subscription

sms.deleteSubscriptions options
  • options
    • shortCode: This is a premium short code mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • keyword: Premium keyword under the above short code and mapped to your account. REQUIRED
    • phoneNumber: PhoneNumber to be unsubscribed REQUIRED


voice = @AT.voice

Making a call options
  • options
    • to: A single recipient or an array of recipients. REQUIRED
      • array of recipients contains ['2XXXXXXXX', '2XXXXXXXX']
    • from: Shortcode or alphanumeric ID that is registered with Africa's Talking account.REQUIRED
    • clientRequestId: String sent to your Events Callback URL that can be used to tag the call. OPTIONAL

Fetch queued calls

voice.fetchQueuedCalls options
  • options
    • phoneNumber: is phone number mapped to your AfricasTalking account. REQUIRED

Upload media file

voice.uploadMediaFile options
  • options
    • url: The url of the file to upload. Don't forget to start with http:// REQUIRED
    • phoneNumber: is phone number mapped to your AfricasTalking account. REQUIRED


account = @AT.account

Fetch User data


Mobile Data

Send mobile data to phone numbers

mobiledata = @AT.mobiledata

mobiledata.send options
  • options
    • productName: This is the application's product name. REQUIRED

    • recipients: An array of objects containing the following keys:

Find Transaction

mobiledata.findTransaction options
  • Find a mobile data transaction
  • options
    • transactionId: ID of trancation to find REQUIRED

Fetch Wallet Balance

  • Fetch a mobile data product balance

For more information, please read the


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.