This file contains clarifications pertaining to questions I could see being asked, though not necessarily in the same way. If you have additional questions or need further clarifications, please let me know.
- Do I consent to drafting manuscripts by sending around email attachments?
- No
- Which platforms am I willing to use for collaborative drafting?
- Etherpad
- GitHub/GitLab/GitBooks
- Wordpress
- MediaWiki
- Am I open to collaborate
- with people I do not know?
- Sure
- with people from other backgrounds than mine?
- Sure
- in an online-first fashion?
- Sure
- with people I do not know?
- Which platforms am I willing to use for video/voice/text chats?
- Jitsi (both self hosted and the public version)
- BigBlueButton
- Telegram
- Signal
- Wire
- Mattermost
- Riot
- Rocket chat
- Mumble
- Am I available as an editor for scholarly venues?
- Yes, if
- I have sufficient expertise
- All publications in the venue are openly licensed
- Yes, if
- Am I willing to
- attend remotely?
- Yes
- organize remotely?
- Yes
- present remotely?
- Yes
- attend remotely?
As an author or co-author of scholarly manuscripts, am I willing
- to post the manuscripts as preprints?
- Yes, if
- they are put under an open license
- Yes, if
- to pay open-access charges?
- Yes, if
- appropriate funding is available
- fees are reasonable
- Yes, if
- to publish behind paywalls?
- No
- to publish under non-open licenses?
- No
- to sign copyright transfer agreements?
- No