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Henrik Feldt edited this page Aug 31, 2017 · 8 revisions

Used as follows:

require 'albacore/tasks/release'
  pkg_dir: 'build/pkg',
  depend_on: :create_nugets,
  nuget_exe: '.paket/paket.exe',
  api_key: ENV['NUGET_KEY'] do |package|
  package[:nuget_source] = "{package[:id_version].id}"

Takes following options:

  • pkg_dir: path to directory where nugets end up

  • nuget_exe: path to paket.exe file

  • nuget_source: https-source or otherwise where to push the nuget

  • clr_command: if you have redirected paket.exe to something that your operating system can run on its own, give false here, otherwise true and it will work out of the box

  • depend_on: a symbol or array of symbol for the tasks that the release-task you create depend on

  • semver: an optional semver-instance (see the semver gem) - otherwise subscribes to the :build_version message type with Albacore.subscribe and gets it from e.g. the Versioniser task.

  • api_key: an API key for the nuget source the package will be pushed to

  • block: an optional ruby block which package hashes are passed through. The available elements of the hash are:

    • :path: the path to the nupkg

    • :id_version: an Albacore::NugetModel::IdVersion object for the nupkg

    • :nuget_source: override for the nuget_source option specified above

    • :api_key: override for the api_key option specified above

    • :clr_command: override for the clr_command option specified above

Will abort if:

  • dirty tree

  • missing paket.exe

  • tag already released

  • you haven’t created a package in the package folder that is to be released which matches the current semver version

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