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JAKO: Just Another Kotlin ORM


JAKO is not actually a real ORM. It's a simple, minimal, no-dependency library to build and execute sql statements using a fluent syntax. I currently tested it with postgresql 11 and mysql 8.

Main features:

  • No dependencies
  • Easy to use
  • Statement builders totally independent of execution
  • You can use your SQL query directly as String with value parameters
  • Easy to create custom connectors (like HikariCP or others)
  • No need to define table structures
  • Fluent transactions

Add JAKO to your project


  • Add JitPack in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
repositories {
    maven { url '' }
  • Add the dependency along with postgresql driver
dependencies {
    implementation 'org.postgresql:postgresql:42.3.3'
    implementation 'com.github.AlessioCoser:jako:0.2.0'
  • Or add the dependency along with mysql driver
dependencies {
    implementation 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:8.0.15'
    implementation 'com.github.AlessioCoser:jako:0.2.0'


  • Add the JitPack repository to your build file
  • Add the dependency along with postgresql driver
  • Or add the dependency along with mysql driver

Getting Started



val query = Query.from("users")
    .join("pets" ON "pets.owner" EQ "")
    .where(("city" EQ "Milano") AND ("age" GT 3))

// SELECT * FROM "users" INNER JOIN "pets" ON "pets"."owner" = "users"."id" WHERE ("city" = ? AND "age" > ?)
// [Milano, 3]


val insert = Insert.into("users")
    .set("id", 1)
    .set("name", "Mario")
    .set("city", "Milano")
    .set("age", 30)

// INSERT INTO "users" ("id", "name", "city", "age") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
// [1, Mario, Milano, 30]


val update = Update.table("users")
    .set("age", 31)
    .where("id" EQ 1)

// UPDATE "users" SET "age" = ? WHERE "id" = ?
// [31, 1]


val delete = Delete.from("users")
    .where("id" EQ 1)

// DELETE FROM "users" WHERE "id" = ?
// [1]



Select all id fields from users as Ints.

val db = Database.connect("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database?user=user&password=password", Dialect.All.PSQL)
val query = Query.from("users")

val tableIds: List<Int> = { int("id") }

Select first id as Int from users.

val db = Database.connect("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database?user=user&password=password")
val query = Query.from("users")

val tableIds: Int? = { int("id") }

Connect to mysql.

val db = Database.connect("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/database?user=user&password=password", Dialect.All.MYSQL)
val query = Query.from("users")

val tableIds: Int? = { int("id") }

Another Statement

val db = Database.connect("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database?user=user&password=password", Dialect.All.PSQL)
val insert = Insert
    .set("name", "Carlo")
    .set("age", 18)


Use your custom SQL string

Use your custom SQL string for SQL syntax not yet supported by the query builder.

val db = Database.connect("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database?user=user&password=password", Dialect.All.PSQL)

val tableIds: Int? ="""SELECT "id" FROM "users" WHERE "city" = ?""", listOf("Milano")).first { int("id") }

Execute statements in Transaction

Using useTransaction method you can run all db execute safely. When something goes wrong and an execution throws an exception the changes are automatically rollbacked.

val db = Database.connect("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database?user=user&password=password", Dialect.All.PSQL)

db.useTransaction {
    db.execute(Insert.into("users").set("name", "Mario"))
    db.execute(Insert.into("users").set("name", "Paolo"))
    db.execute(Insert.into("users").set("name", "Carlo"))

Print resulting query

Enable statement printing

val db = Database.connect("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database?user=user&password=password", Dialect.All.PSQL)
db.printStatements(true)"users")).all { strOrNull("city") }
// prints to stdout:
// SELECT * FROM "users"

Change print destination

val connectionString = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database?user=user&password=password"
val db = Database.connect(connectionString, Dialect.All.PSQL, System.out)
// System.out is the default, you can provide another implementation of PrintStream

Custom Connectors

If you create a database instance without a custom connector the library use a SimpleConnector which adopt the standard DriverManager.getConnection() method to get a new database connection.

val db = Database.connect("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/tests?user=user&password=password", Dialect.All.PSQL)

If you want to use this library in production we recommend to use a CustomConnector so you can use your connection pool/cache library.

So you have to create a database instance in this way:

val customConnector: DatabaseConnector = MyCustomConnector("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/tests?user=user&password=password")
val db = Database.connect(customConnector, Dialect.All.PSQL)

In the example below we will create a Connector for HikariCP

HikariCP Custom Connector Example

1. Add HikariCP to the project dependencies

Add to dependencies:

// for java 11 compatibility use the version 5.0.1

2. Create the custom Connector

class HikariConnector(jdbcUrl: String, poolSize: Int = 10) : DatabaseConnector {
    private val dataSource = HikariDataSource().also {
        it.driverClassName = "org.postgresql.Driver"
        it.jdbcUrl = jdbcUrl
        it.maximumPoolSize = poolSize 
        // start with this: ((2 * core_count) + number_of_disks)

    override fun connection(): Connection {
        return dataSource.connection

3. Use it

val customConnector: DatabaseConnector = HikariConnector("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/tests?user=user&password=password")
val db = Database.connect(customConnector, Dialect.All.PSQL)