A julia powered debug tool that allows the use of data science to debug your application.
In your julia prompt, install this git repo
(@v1.9) pkg> add https://github.com/AlexCouch/Jewl.jl.git
Then, in your project, after producing the dump.json
file, run the following code:
julia> data_name = Jewl.Load("dump.json")
julia> perfdata = Jewl.Performance(data_name)
julia> labels, data = Jewl.RelativePerformance(perfdata)
julia> ShowPieChart(data, labels, "[Program Name] Relative Performance")
This produces the following pie chart
julia> data = Jewl.Load("data/bubble_sort.json")
julia> samples = Jewl.Sample(data, "outer_loop", "inner_loop", "j")
julia> using PyPlot
julia> ioff()
julia> title("Bubble Sort Boxplot Test")
julia> xlabel("Samples")
julia> ylabel("j")
julia> boxplot(samples)
julia> show()
This code produces the following box plot
For generating frames and a dump.json file, see jewl-go
This project is a Work-In-Progress. Library and data format is subject to change!