Cupdate discovers container images that are in use in a platform. Next, Cupdate discovers new versions for these container images in their respective OCI registry. Lastly data is enriched from sources like Docker Hub and GitHub, depending on the information gathered about the image from the registry.
Platforms are responsible for identifying all images in use, as well as how they are used, by building a graph. Below is an example graph collected from Kubernetes. In practice, the node for the platform itself is implicit and not definied in code.
flowchart TD
imageA[Image A]
containerA[Container A]
podA[Pod A]
deploymentA[Deployment A]
namespaceA[Namespace A]
imageA --> containerA
containerA --> podA
podA --> deploymentA
deploymentA --> namespaceA
containerB[Container B]
imageA --> containerB
containerB --> podA
containerC[Container C]
podB[Pod B]
deploymentB[Deployment B]
namespaceB[Namespace B]
imageA --> containerC
containerC --> podB
podB --> deploymentB
deploymentB --> namespaceB
imageB[Image B]
containerD[Container D]
podC[Pod C]
deploymentC[Deployment C]
namespaceC[Namespace C]
imageB --> containerD
containerD --> podC
podC --> deploymentC
deploymentC --> namespaceC
imageC[Image C]
containerE[Container E]
podD[Pod D]
imageC --> containerE
containerE --> podD
podD --> namespaceB
When running in Kubernetes, Cupdate lists and then watches all resources that references an image. Resources such as pods directly refences an image that is in use. Resources like deployments reference images through pod templates.
When using Docker, Cupdate uses docker.sock
directly to identify images and
containers using those images.
Once images have been identified in platforms, a few steps are taken to consolidate what images are available and how they're used.
This processing is done using a workflow implementation deeply inspired by GitHub Actions. The implementation allows expressive declaration of workflows with reusable and loosely coupled components.
The code for the workflow implementation is kept in internal/workflow.
Data is persisted using SQLite. The code for the state store is kept in internal/store.