The core Hackr News Feature
and API's modules are platform agnostic, so they can be reused.
We started with a simple MVC approach, delegating responsabilities for refreshing, displaying cell information and managing cell controllers to its own components.
You can check the diff here
In this approach we create a new platform agnostic Stories Presentation
module, so they now can be reused by any platform.
You can check the diff here
- Load stories automatically when view is presented
- Allow customer to manually reload stories (pull to refresh)
- Show a loading indicator while loading stories
- Render all loaded stories items (Title, Author, score, created at, total comments, url)
- Load story when is near to be visible (on screen)
- Cancel load story when is out of screen
- Show a loading indicator while loading story (shimmer)
- Option to retry load story in download error
- Preload when story view is near visible