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573 lines (325 loc) · 32.4 KB

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573 lines (325 loc) · 32.4 KB

Version 0.4.2 BETA

Released on October 21st, 2023.

New Features

  • Added a config file editor where you can edit game settings that appear in the config file. This includes settings such as autosave intervals and keyboard controls.

  • When building in cursor mode, press K over an empty tile to learn the dimensions and directions of the building preview in hand.

  • Checking the status of a machine now provides info about its working speed, power usage, and health.

  • Added support for using repair packs to repair buildings. Note that this does not use the internal repair code and may have bugs.

  • Building preview graphical improvements.

    • Added a direction indicator arrow, because we are unable to rotate the cursor sprite.
    • Added build preview footprint rectangle drawing, because we are unable to de-render the misaligned cursor sprite.
  • Added graphical highlighting for the mod's cursor so that it can be followed on screen much more easily.

  • Items being held by inserters are read out.

  • Rocks can be cleared automatically now.

  • New area mining for group mining. If you press SHIFT + X on an empty tile, all nearby trees and rocks are mined automatically. This is in addition to this working when you already select a tree or rock.


  • Improved launcher

    • Map presets are no longer separate from savegames, for simplicity. The last map generated gets saved once and you need to save it under a new name yourself if you want to keep it.
    • Multiplayer mode now has basic matchmaking by using the friends list system.
  • Revised building preview positions for the cursor. Almost always, the cursor holds a building preview from its northwest corner.

    • The exceptions are when the preview would overlap with the character: Only when the character is not in cursor mode, looking north will make the building held from the southwest corner, and similarly looking west will make the building held from the northeast corner.
  • Revised tile paving system

    • When you place down paving tiles, they are now placed at where the cursor is rather than where the player is. The preview is centered on the cursor tile unlike building previews, which are held from the north west corner.
    • Changing the cursor size now changes the paving preview size. For example, size 1 means a 1 by 1 paving preview is used.
    • The same changes apply for mining tiles around the cursor. Note that when you remove too many tiles at once, the narrator is overloaded temporarily.
    • Paving is interrupted if you run out of items for it.
  • Improved build lock mode.

    • It now works when smooth walking. Note that hearing the error sound for entities bigger than one tile is normal while the repeated building might continue.
    • When not in cursor mode and a transport belt is in hand and the character changes direction, the building direction changes with them so that the belt follows the player.
  • Revised cursor resizing code. Cursor size options are now 1, 3, 5, 11, 21, 101, and 251.

  • Fluid amounts inside fluid containers are now read.

  • Entities out of player reach are now noted as such when you try to interact with them using the cursor.

  • Scanner announcements explain distances sooner and now with more precision about directions.

  • Improved cursor handling, such as making the cursor jump automatically to entries selected on the scanner list.

  • When you are holding an item in hand while trying to open a building interface, the game will allow it if the item is not a type that can be built or paved.

  • Your hand is now cleared when you enter or exit a vehicle.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with some entities such as transport belts not being detected during smooth walking.

  • Fixed the cursor scanner being unable to read paving tiles.

  • Fixed a crash related to changing the scanner sorting method.

  • Fixed a bug that prevents teleporting to valid resource areas that are not single entities.

  • Fixed an issue that applied incorrect checks to building previews.

  • Fixed a crash related to nudging buildings.

  • Fixed bugs related to opening the fast travel menu and warnings menu in situations that do not support it.

  • Fixed crashes during using cursor mode while driving.

  • Fixed a bug about reading train fuel

Known Bugs

  • The scanner tool does not update forests correctly after cutting trees.

  • Extending a rail after building a train stop sometimes causes problems. For now, you should remove the train stop anyway because they need to be near the ends of rail tracks.

  • Transport belts and splitters cannot be nudged.

Version 0.4.1 BETA

Released on October 9th, 2023.

New Features

  • New Launcher (so you need to use the new release). The launcher supports a wider range of vocalizers including built-in ones.

  • Basic multiplayer support, but with limited testing!


  • Entity part reporting is now more precise and concise.

  • The currently selected scanner entity is visually marked with a white circle.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a fatal crash that occured when a ore tile is depleted.

  • Rewrote large cursor area scanner tool so that it correctly reports entities and resources in an area.

  • Fixed the repetition of ingredient and product lists for crafting recipes and technologies.

  • Fixed a bug where technologies with prerequisites were incorrectly said to have none.

  • Fixed a crash due to teleporting to an entity that no longer exists (like when you mine it).

Known Bugs

  • Placing a paving tile places it at the player's feet regardless of the size and location of the cursor.

  • The scanner tool does not update correctly regarding forest patches.

  • Changing the scanner sorting rule causes crashes.

  • Extending a rail after building a train stop sometimes causes problems. For now, you should remove the train stop anyway because they need to be near the ends of rail tracks.

Version 0.4.0 BETA

Released on October 6th, 2023.

Note, as a beta release, there may be more bugs and compatibility issues than usual. While we try to minimize these, it is important to protect your save files by saving under a new name as soon as you open a version 0.3 save file in version 0.4.

New Features

  • General vehicle support

    • Entering and exiting a vehicle will notify you about the vehicle name.
    • Press K inside a vehicle to learn the heading and coordinates.
    • Pressing L while inside a vehicle will provide additional information about it. For cars, the fuel stocks are stated. For trains, basic info is given while the train menu has detailed info.
    • You can refuel a vehicle by dropping a fuel item stack in hand into it via CONTROL + LEFT BRACKET.
    • You can check the fuel inventory contents by pressing RIGHT BRACKET.
  • Trains Implementation. Phases 0 through 3, out of 5, are complete. In general, we made it accessible to build rail lines, analyze rail segments, build train stations, build and examine trains, and drive trains manually or automatically between two stations.

    • Added info support for rails. There is now distinction between end rails, station rails, etc. and the directions of rails are given.
    • Added support for building and renaming train stops.
    • Added train station rail information tool. When you look at a rail behind a train stop, you get information of which section of which rail vehicle would be positioned there when a train stops at the station.
    • Rail appender tool: Adds a straight rail to extend any straight end rail near the cursor.
    • Rail structure building menu: Allows building correctly oriented railway structures based on a selected end rail as the anchor point. Also can add signals to mid rails.
    • Functions added to build 45 degree turns and 90 degree turns as structures at end rails.
    • Added support for building and naming trains.
    • Allowed reading the fuel amount in a locomotive: check its status via RIGHT BRACKET.
    • The contents of cargo wagons and fluid wagons can be checked via RIGHT BRACKET.
    • Information about a train can be read from its menu including name, length, vehicle counts, cargo item counts, etc.
    • Rail analyzer tool: Press J inside a train to learn the nearest structure ahead on the rails and the distance to it. Press SHIFT + J to check the opposite direction.
    • Rail analyzer tool works on foot as well.
    • Subautomatic travel added: You can select an option from the train menu to make a train go by itself to a far away station and wait until all passengers get off.
    • Automatic travel via instant train scheduler added. An instant automatic schedule rotates between every reachable train stop and waits at each for 5 minutes.
    • Trains announce to passengers their next stations when departing or arriving.
    • Trains announce to passengers when waiting at rail signals.
    • Rail crossing alert tool added. Slow beep means a train moving somewhere within 200 tiles. Fast beep means an automatic train within 100 tiles is heading towards your general direction. Frantic fast alarm bells mean that you need to get off that rail ASAP!
    • Rail chain signal placement designed to be same as in Vanilla. You need to craft any signals you place and they are refunded when mined.
    • Other additions all across the code to support trains.
    • Note 1: In terms of missing features, there is currently no support for rail forks, one-way rails, and fine control over train schedules.
    • Note 2: Parallel rail lines should be at least a few tiles apart. This is partially enforced for the rail appender tool.
    • Note 3: See Chapter 16 of the wiki for more info.
  • Improved electric pole support with new features.

    • Selecting an electric pole now lists all the wire connection distances, and counts the energy consumers and producers within its supply area.
    • The pole's electric network's demand satisfaction percentages are now reported, as well as the network flow rate and capacity. Check with RIGHT BRACKET.
    • If an electric pole has no power flowing (as in 0 satisfaction), the nearest supplied electric pole is reported.
    • When placing an electric pole, all connectible electric poles around it are listed. If there are none, the nearest electric pole is listed. This context info allows better understanding of electric networks.
  • Added building preview information for several structures. This information is based on the cursor location while an item to be built is held in hand.

    • For small buildings, the preview can warn when building is not possible.
    • For transport belt types, the belt junction type that would form by placing the belt there is stated.
    • For underground belts and pipes to ground, whether and where the currently selected tile would connect is stated.
    • For pipe units, the expected fluid pipe connections around are stated, and there is a warning about potentially mixing fluids.
    • For electric powered machines, if power is connected, an electric pole that supplies it is listed. If not, the nearest electric pole is listed. Note that this feature is a little inaccurate around supply area boundaries except when in cursor mode.
    • Other similar changes.
  • Added support for splitter priority settings.

    • Press SHIFT + LEFT ARROW to set the INPUT priority to the left side, meaning that the splitter will take from the right only when it cannot from the left.
    • Similarly press SHIFT + RIGHT ARROW to set the INPUT priority to the right side.
    • To clear the input priority, try to set the same side again.
    • Press CONTROL + LEFT ARROW to set the OUTPUT priority to the left side, meaning that the splitter will output to the right only when it cannot to the left.
    • Similarly press CONTROL + RIGHT ARROW to set the OUTPUT priority to the right side.
    • To clear the output priority, try to set the same side again.
  • Added support for splitter filter mode.

    • With an item in hand, press CONTROL + LEFT BRACKET on a splitter to set its output filter to the item. When there is a filtered item, it goes out one side and every other item goes out the other side.
    • By default the filter output goes left. To change the filter output side, press CONTROL + ARROW KEY accordingly. There is no equal distribution in filter mode.
    • To clear the filter, with an empty hand press CONTROL + LEFT BRACKET on the splitter.
  • Added support for armor and armor equipment modules.

    • NOTE: All the following controls apply when the inventory (alone) is open, meaning that no buildings are open.
    • Press LEFT BRACKET to pick up the item and then press SHIFT + LEFT BRACKET to equip it. Armor equipment requires wearing armor that can support it.
    • Press G to read armor name and equipment statistics, if any. "G" is for "Gear".
    • Press SHIFT + G to read the list of equipment.
    • Press CONTROL + SHIFT + G to remove all equipment and armor.
  • Added support for hand weapons / guns.

    • Your weapons inventory can hold up to three weapons. You cycle between them by pressing TAB when not in a menu. You also have three corresponsing ammo slots.
    • NOTE: All the following controls apply when the inventory (alone) is open, meaning that no buildings are open.
    • Press LEFT BRACKET to pick up the weapon or ammo stack and then press SHIFT + LEFT BRACKET to equip it.
    • Press R to read current weapons and ammunition counts. "R" is for "arms" or "reloading".
    • Press SHIFT + R to reload all weapon ammunition slots from your inventory. Note that existing ammo stacks will be prefered over fuller ammo stacks of different types.
    • Press CONTROL + SHIFT + R to remove all weapons and ammunition.
  • Added entity part identification: When you press K with the cursor hovering over an entity, its selected part will be reported, such as the southeast corner or the center.

  • Added build lock smart placement for medium electric poles. They are placed to allow maxiumum continuous area coverage rather than maximum wire reach.

  • Group mining added for some groups: If you press SHIFT + X on a tree or a rail, it will mine all of them immediately around you instead of only one.

  • Mine lock added: Press CONTROL + X to hold the cut-and-paste tool. Every building the cursor touches while holding this tool will be mined instantly if possible. To disable to tool, empty your hand with SHIFT + Q.

  • Added support for placing stone bricks and concrete varients as paving tiles, for making pathways or decoration.

  • Added support for placing landfill over water. Note: This is not reversible.

  • Added support for throwing capsule items, including cliff explosives, defender drones, and grenades. Note: Grenades will damage everything including you while cliff explosives affect only cliffs.

  • Added support for nuclear power buildings: Temperature readings and other relevant information is now provided.

  • Added support for rocket silos. They can now report rocket part counts and launch rockets when ready.


  • You are now able to walk over pipes and under small or medium electric poles. This change reflects both what popular mods support already. Also tip: In smooth walking mode, you can already squeeze around inserters and chests or in between most side-by-side buildings.

  • The intermediate walking mode has been removed so that you can easily switch between telestep and smooth walking. When in game mod settings are supported in the future, we plan to bring it back.

  • Transport belt junction types are now better identified.

    • Note that a "pouring end" could either be sideloading onto a different belt, or continuing into a belt corner which preserves the lanes.
    • Safe merging junctions (also called T-junctions) are identified as a belt unit that is double sideloaded but empty at the back so that the lanes will be entirely predictable.
  • Underground belts can now be identified as entrances or exits, explaining whether items are flowing into the ground or out from it.

  • Teleporting is disabled while riding a vehicle.

  • Reported local time has been shifted by twelve hours so that daytime is 6 to 18 and midnight is around 24.

  • Minor changes

    • Changed the keybind for disconnecting rail vehicles from "V" to "SHIFT + G".
    • Entity ghosts are now better identified.
    • Items on the ground are now better identified.
    • Boilers and heat exchangers now report their fluid contents.
    • For all entities reporting fluid contents, any extra fluids are also reported.
    • Beacon contents are now read.
    • Containers now report their top 2 items at first look, instead of 1.
    • If the player inventory being full prevents an item transfer, this should be announced correctly.
    • Added new sound effects for the cursor reaching the borders of inventories.

Known bugs

  • The scanner tool does not update correctly regarding forest patches.

  • Sometimes browsing the scanner list can cause crashes.

  • Extending a rail after building a train stop sometimes causes problems. For now, you should remove the train stop anyway because they need to be near the ends of rail tracks.


  • Fixed a bug where the inventory is opened directly when a Factorio Access menu is closed.

  • Fixed a bug where entities that have not started using their fuel are reported as out of fuel.

  • Fixed various crashes related to reading invalid items.

  • Corrected the information error where items cannot be transferred to another building. It is not necessarily because it is full.

Code Changes

  • Temporary fixes applied for sweeping scanner bug crashes under the carpet. The bugs will need to be revisted. They are marked with the word "beta" written between two pairs of asterisks.

  • New helper functions

    • get_direction_of_that_from_this - Reports 8 main directions, intentionally biased towards reporting diagonals.
    • direction_lookup - convert direction defines integer to a text.
    • rotate_90 and rotate_180, for changing direcitons
    • mine_trees_and_rocks
    • get_entity_part_at_cursor
  • For several main functions, parts of them were taken out and made new functions that can be called from multiple places.

  • Added new file "rails-and-trains.lua" that houses most vehicle and train related content, as well as some universal helper functions.

  • Added several new controls to data.lua

  • Modified some vanilla prototypes collision masks to allow walking through pipes and poles.

  • Teleporting function can now also be called silently.

  • Future proofing: Renamed all directions in "rails-and-trains.lua" to use the defines instead of hardcoded integers

Version 0.3.1

Updated 10/26/2022

New Features

-Build lock. When enabled, the game will continuously try to build behind the player as they walk, or under the cursor in cursor mode. Useful for tasks like building long transport belts. Press CONTROL + B to enable or disable. It also automatically gets disabled when you switch into or out of cursor mode or empty your hand and take a step.

-Build lock has a special case for small electric poles where it places an electric pole only if it is within 6.5 to 7.5 tiles of the nearest small electric pole, allowing you to build lines of fully spaced out small electric poles while just walking. Note that not every tile between the fully spaced poles is powered.


-Scanner Resource Aggregation: On the scan list, patches of resources will now be read as a group. This includes all resource types including water, trees, and ores.

-Getting item or entity information with the L key now works for entities on the surface and inside chests and most building menus.

-Getting slot coordinates with the K key now works inside chests and most/all building menus.

-In cursor mode, pressing J will announce that the cursor is returned to the player in addition to doing it.

-Transport belt parts such as corners, junctions, and ends will now be specified when read by the cursor.

Bug fixes

-Fixed a crash when setting filter inserter filters due to being able to select unsupported fluid recipes.

Version 0.3.0

Updated 9/30/2022

New Features

-New scanner categorization format. Scanned entities will now be categorized by what they produce. You can now tell the difference between a mining drill producing iron, and one producing copper, all from the scan list.

-New Scanner Controls: Ppress SHIFT+PAGEUP and SHIFT+PAGEDOWN to select a particular building from the scan list. For example, if you have 3 mining drills, it is now possible to track the one that is 3rd farthest from your position.

-New info: Fluid input and output tiles of buildings will now identify which fluid they should contain.

-Building status info. Press RIGHT BRACKET with your hand empty when facing a building to read out its status, such as having its output full or missing ingredients. Great for diagnosing problems.

-Chest inventory limiting (bar). Useful for controlling automatically filled chests. When the chest inventory is open, press PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN to increase or decrease the limit by 1. Hold shift while pressing to increase or decrease by 5. Hold CONTROL while pressing to increase or decrease by the maximum amount.

-New inventory transfer shortcut (same as Vanilla Factorio) between building and player inventories. When you have a building inventory open, pressing CONTROL + LEFT BRACKET for a selected item in an inventory will cause an attempt to transfer the entire supply of this item to the other inventory. Non-transferred items will remain in their original inventory. Similarly, pressing CONTROL + RIGHT BRACKET will try to transfer half of the entire supply of the selected item.

-New inventory smart insert shortcut (same as Vanilla Factorio) between building and player inventories. When you have a building inventory open and select an empty slot, pressing CONTROL + LEFT BRACKET will cause an attempt to transfer the full contents of the selected inventory into the other inventory. This is useful for easily filling up labs and assembling machines with everything applicable from your own inventory instead of searching for items individually. Non-transferred items will remain in their original inventory. Similarly, pressing CONTROL + RIGHT BRACKET on an empty slot will try to transfer half of the entire supply of every item.

-New entity info upon encounter: Chests will announce their main contents. Pipes to ground, pumps, and storage tanks will announce the fluids they contain. Accumulators announce their charge percentage and amount. Solar panels announce their current production level based on the time of day. Electric poles announce the current power usage and then the current power generation capacity.

-New info: Transport belt analyzer now announces the position of each lane on the belt segment in front of you. For example, iron plates could be on the south lane of a belt segment facing west. This info is helpful for building sideloading junctions.

-New info: The reserved empty slots for ingredients and products inside assembling machines and chemical plants now announce what is expected to go in them.


-Rocks are now categorized as resources because they can contain stone and coal.

-Entity information will no longer state the type of an entity, which usually was a repeat of the entity’s name.

Bug fixes

-When you open a menu or an inventory, the item in the first slot was not being read. This should be fixed now for all menus.

-Transport belt analyzer now correctly reads contents of upstream belts


-Thanks to everyone who filled out the player survey!

Version 0.2.0

Updated 07/27/22

New Features

-A new Freeplay map designed by @Sir Fendi, designed to introduce new players to Factorio Access. Select Compass Valley from the list of difficulties to try it out.

-A new Fast Travel system. Press V to open the fast travel menu, and save your cursor's location for later. You are free to name, rename, delete, and create new points whenever you like.

-A new way to navigate your factory: BStride. Travel from building to building as if they were laid out in a nice even grid. Press CONTROL + S to open the BStride menu, then navigate with WASD. Pick a direction, navigate the resulting list of options, and confirm a direction with your initial direction key. For instance, if I wanted to go to the second building north of me, I'd press W to open the northern buildings list, D to select the second building from the list, then W again to confirm. Press Left Bracket to teleport to your target building.

-Throughput summaries are now provided when looking at a building. Simply walk up to a belt or pipe, and the mod will tell you what's on/in it.

-Trying to teleport to a building will no longer give an error. Now you will teleport to the nearest free position, and the mod will tell you where you are in relation to your target.

-Pressing CONTROL + HOME will now teleport the player to the closest available position near the target, or if in cursor mode the old behavior will still occur.

-Mining a building now has audible feedback

-Copy building settings with SHIFT + RIGHT BRACKET, and paste the settings on another building with SHIFT + LEFT BRACKET.

-Visual cursor now follows the virtual cursor

-Game no longer requires callibration

-Spaceship containers now include audible feedback when opening and closing.

-Default scan range is now 250 tiles in either direction of the player.

-Added building nudging. Nudge building by one tile by pressing CONTROL + SHIFT + DIRECTION, where the direction is one of W A S D.

And Many Many bug fixes thanks to @MyNameIsTrez

Version 0.1.2

Updated 07/15/22

Bug Fixes:

-Pumps should now say the correct output direction, even when they are facing north.

-Fixed a crash involving pumps and left clicking before navigating the pump menu

-Fixed bugs regarding filter inserters and their unique menu structure

-Fixed game crashing if butttons were pressed before callibration


-Game will now announce to player when tab is necessary to start the game

-Updated descriptions for certain entities

-Objects that cannot be rotated will now appropriately say so

-Added item information in crafting menu. Press L to get a description of a recipe's product

Version 0.1.1

Updated 07/09/22

Bug Fixes:

-Fixed errors when mining things such as trees. Thanks @Eph

Version 0.1.0

Updated 07/07/2022

New Features:

-Added transport line analyzer: LEFT BRACKET while facing a belt to open the new and improved transport belt menu. Use tab to toggle between the contents of the single tile you are looking at, the entire transport line's contents, and analysis of belts upstream and downstream from the examined belt.

-Added Warnings menu: Press P to see the new warnings menu. Warnings are little icons that appear over buildings graphically and indicate something is wrong with the building. Examples include not connected, no power, and no fuel. LEFT BRACKET while over a warning to jump to the building in question.

-Added localised descriptions for all items and entities in the game. Press L while over an item in inventory to get detailed information about the item. Special shoutout to @Sir Fendi and @MyNameIsTres for making this possible.

-Selecting items will now notify the player what is currently in the hand. Thanks to @Eph for making this happen

-Added various mouse controls while on the main map. Examples include CONTROL + LEFT BRACKET and CONTROL + RIGHT BRACKET for fast transfer and fast split respectively. This means to put the entire stack you are holding in a building, press CONTROL and LEFT BRACKET while focused on a building. To put half, press CONTROL + RIGHT BRACKET. Thanks again to @Eph for his work in this regard

-Jumping cursor to scan items no longer requires entering cursor mode. This should make it easier to get where you need to go.

-Read-Tile now gives additional information including the recipe that a production building is using, whether it is connected to power or out of fuel.

-Q now speaks the item held in hand. SHIFT + Q now performs actions that Q previously executed.

Various Bug Fixes.

Version 0.0.5

Updated 06/23/22 New Features:

-Manual Recalibration: Press CONTROL + END to recallibrate. Very useful if you frequently zoom in

-Sort by number of entities found in a scan: Press SHIFT + PAGEUP and SHIFT + PAGEDOWN to alternate between scanning modes

-Modular Cursor: Change the size of your cursor with CONTROL + I and CONTROL + SHIFT + I

note: The cursor is only modular in cursor mode, so you will need to press I first in order to enter cursor mode.

-Scan Summary: The modular cursor will give a list of important information for the area scanned, in addition to adding the normal elements to your scan list. For now end only triggers the normal re-scan around the player's location.

-Building filters are now accessible

-New Item selector: Only implemented for filter building slots currently, if popular could make navigating recipes and technologies easier too.

-Examining a resource tile will now speak the amount of resources left to be mined.

-Added more descriptive feedback regarding entities that cannot be rotated

Various bugfixes:

-Fixed bug where teleporting wouldn't properly update the cursor and player locations

-Fixed bug where electric poles wouldn't speak connected/not connected while over a resource

-Fixed bug where offshore pumps wouldn't read output correctly

-fixed bug(hopefully) where a scanned item would disappear from the scan list requiring a re-scan

-fixed bug where opening inventory during callibration would bypass callibration

Version 0.0.4

Updated 6/16/22

-Variety of bug fixes:

-Game will no longer crash when changing category before the initial scan

-Electric poles now correctly say connected based on cursor location, not player location

-Belts that become invalid should no longer crash the game

-Oddly shaped buildings should now read all input/output regardless of orientation

-Brand new movement modes brought by @Eph on Discord. Toggle between them with Control+W

-Telestep: The good old movement you all know and try to love

-Step-By-Walk: Should be the same as telestep but with footstep sound effects.

-Smooth-Walking: Effectively turns off the read tile system unless you walk into something you cannot pass through. Great for navigating forests, squeezing between furnaces, and getting places quickly. No more angry tapping.

Note: The new movement system may have some undiscovered bugs, so please be patient and report in the Issues channel on Discord.

-Significant improvements to scanning and initialization performance.

-A fresh new .jkm file for Jaws users. This should also speed up performance. Consult the readme for instructions on how to install this file.

Version 0.0.3

Updated 6/15/22

-Added accessible menu for placing offshore pumps

-Added f to the list of keybinds in the readme

Version 0.0.2

Updated 6/15/22

-Started a changelog, version numbers will be reflected here but not in the mods folder just to keep things simple

-Added tile based descriptions of a buildings input/output. To see this information, use cursor mode and move around the perimeter of the building.

For instance: moving the cursor over the top left corner of a burner mining drill will speak "output 1 north" indicating that things come out of the building, and this occurs 1 tile north of the cursor.

-Added descriptions for direction a building is facing

--Added power output description when cursor is over a generator type building

note: solar panels are programmed differently, so will require more work for power output information.

-Added total network power production to description when cursor is on electric poles

-Added several new categories for scanning

-Empty categories will now be ignored, and the player will not have to move through them.

-Added a Jump to Scanned feature, whereby the player can jump their cursor to the location of something in the scan list.

This is done with control+home and can only be done while in cursor mode

-Underground belts and pipes are now somewhat accessible. Once placed they will indicate the location of their connected partner.

Note, these objects do not yet speak "connected" or "not connected" while placing them, but that too will be added this week.

-Modified building logic to be more reliable.

-Building from cursor now supported. Player must be in range of the target location, and the target location must be unoccupied

-Removed unnecessary empty inventories from buildings

-Callibration once again has a failsafe. If your callibration failed, you will be prompted to callibrate again.

-Player will now be notified at the end of every autosave, and at the beginning of any autosave triggered by pressing F1

Note: Notifying at the start of game triggered autosaves is a work in progress, and should be done by end of week.

-Fixed crash triggered by selecting "back" option in launcher save file list