diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/di/RepositoriesModule.java b/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/di/RepositoriesModule.java
index eff26dbbfd..3e677819b9 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/di/RepositoriesModule.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/di/RepositoriesModule.java
@@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ SwapService provideSwapService()
-    AlphaWalletService provideFeemasterService(OkHttpClient okHttpClient, TransactionRepositoryType transactionRepository, Gson gson)
+    AlphaWalletService provideFeemasterService(OkHttpClient okHttpClient, Gson gson)
-        return new AlphaWalletService(okHttpClient, transactionRepository, gson);
+        return new AlphaWalletService(okHttpClient, gson);
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/entity/tokenscript/TokenScriptFile.java b/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/entity/tokenscript/TokenScriptFile.java
index 185151659e..6b83abe2f0 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/entity/tokenscript/TokenScriptFile.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/entity/tokenscript/TokenScriptFile.java
@@ -159,42 +159,17 @@ public boolean isDebug()
     public void determineSignatureType(XMLDsigDescriptor sigDescriptor)
         boolean isDebug = isDebug();
-        if (sigDescriptor.result.equals("pass"))
-        {
-            if (isDebug) sigDescriptor.type = SigReturnType.DEBUG_SIGNATURE_PASS;
-            else sigDescriptor.type = SigReturnType.SIGNATURE_PASS;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            setFailedIssuer(isDebug, sigDescriptor);
-        }
-    }
-    private void setFailedIssuer(boolean isDebug, XMLDsigDescriptor sigDescriptor)
-    {
+        String keyName;
         if (isDebug)
-            sigDescriptor.keyName = context.getString(R.string.debug_script);
+            keyName = context.getString(R.string.debug_script);
-            sigDescriptor.keyName = context.getString(R.string.unsigned_script);
+            keyName = context.getString(R.string.unsigned_script);
-        if (sigDescriptor.subject != null && sigDescriptor.subject.contains("Invalid"))
-        {
-            if (isDebug)
-                sigDescriptor.type = SigReturnType.DEBUG_SIGNATURE_INVALID;
-            else
-                sigDescriptor.type = SigReturnType.SIGNATURE_INVALID;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            if (isDebug)
-                sigDescriptor.type = SigReturnType.DEBUG_NO_SIGNATURE;
-            else
-                sigDescriptor.type = SigReturnType.NO_SIGNATURE;
-        }
+        sigDescriptor.setKeyDetails(isDebug, keyName);
     public boolean fileChanged(String fileHash)
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/service/AlphaWalletService.java b/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/service/AlphaWalletService.java
index 3b95c76ec2..cd96fb9f27 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/service/AlphaWalletService.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/service/AlphaWalletService.java
@@ -3,24 +3,31 @@
 import static com.alphawallet.app.entity.CryptoFunctions.sigFromByteArray;
 import static com.alphawallet.token.tools.ParseMagicLink.currencyLink;
 import static com.alphawallet.token.tools.ParseMagicLink.spawnable;
+import static org.web3j.protocol.http.HttpService.JSON_MEDIA_TYPE;
+import android.util.Base64;
-import com.alphawallet.app.entity.CryptoFunctions;
 import com.alphawallet.app.entity.Wallet;
 import com.alphawallet.app.entity.tokens.Ticket;
-import com.alphawallet.app.repository.EthereumNetworkRepository;
-import com.alphawallet.app.repository.TransactionRepositoryType;
 import com.alphawallet.app.util.Utils;
 import com.alphawallet.token.entity.MagicLinkData;
 import com.alphawallet.token.entity.XMLDsigDescriptor;
 import com.alphawallet.token.tools.ParseMagicLink;
 import com.google.gson.Gson;
+import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
 import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
+import org.json.JSONObject;
+import org.web3j.crypto.Keys;
 import org.web3j.crypto.Sign;
 import org.web3j.utils.Numeric;
-import java.io.File;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.InputStreamReader;
+import java.io.Reader;
 import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
@@ -28,38 +35,47 @@
 import io.reactivex.Observable;
 import io.reactivex.Single;
 import okhttp3.MediaType;
-import okhttp3.MultipartBody;
 import okhttp3.OkHttpClient;
 import okhttp3.Request;
 import okhttp3.RequestBody;
+import okhttp3.Response;
 import timber.log.Timber;
 public class AlphaWalletService
     private final OkHttpClient httpClient;
-    private final TransactionRepositoryType transactionRepository;
     private final Gson gson;
     private ParseMagicLink parser;
     private static final String API = "api/";
     private static final String XML_VERIFIER_ENDPOINT = "https://aw.app/api/v1/verifyXMLDSig";
+    private static final String TSML_VERIFIER_ENDPOINT_STAGING = "https://doobtvjcpb8dc.cloudfront.net/tokenscript/validate";
+    private static final String TSML_VERIFIER_ENDPOINT = "https://api.smarttokenlabs.com/";
     private static final String XML_VERIFIER_PASS = "pass";
     private static final MediaType MEDIA_TYPE_TOKENSCRIPT
             = MediaType.parse("text/xml; charset=UTF-8");
     public AlphaWalletService(OkHttpClient httpClient,
-                              TransactionRepositoryType transactionRepository,
                               Gson gson) {
         this.httpClient = httpClient;
-        this.transactionRepository = transactionRepository;
         this.gson = gson;
-    private void initParser()
+    private static class StatusElement
-        if (parser == null)
+        String type;
+        String status;
+        String statusText;
+        String signingKey;
+        public XMLDsigDescriptor getXMLDsigDescriptor()
-            parser = new ParseMagicLink(new CryptoFunctions(), EthereumNetworkRepository.extraChains());
+            XMLDsigDescriptor sig = new XMLDsigDescriptor();
+            sig.result = status;
+            sig.issuer = signingKey;
+            sig.certificateName = statusText;
+            sig.keyType = type;
+            return sig;
@@ -82,47 +98,89 @@ public Observable<Integer> handleFeemasterImport(String url, Wallet wallet, long
      * Use API to determine tokenscript validity
-     * @param tokenScriptFile
+     * @param scriptUri
+     * @param chainId
+     * @param address
      * @return
-    public XMLDsigDescriptor checkTokenScriptSignature(File tokenScriptFile)
+    public XMLDsigDescriptor checkTokenScriptSignature(String scriptUri, long chainId, String address)
         XMLDsigDescriptor dsigDescriptor = new XMLDsigDescriptor();
         dsigDescriptor.result = "fail";
-            RequestBody body = RequestBody.Companion.create(tokenScriptFile, MEDIA_TYPE_TOKENSCRIPT);
+            JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
+            jsonObject.put("sourceType", "scriptUri");
+            jsonObject.put("sourceId", chainId + "-" + Keys.toChecksumAddress(address));
+            jsonObject.put("sourceUrl", scriptUri);
+            RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(jsonObject.toString(), JSON_MEDIA_TYPE);
-            RequestBody requestBody = new MultipartBody.Builder()
-                    .setType(MultipartBody.FORM)
-                    .addFormDataPart("file", "tokenscript", body)
-                    .build();
+            okhttp3.Response response = getTSValidationCheck(body);
-            Request request = new Request.Builder().url(XML_VERIFIER_ENDPOINT)
-                    .post(requestBody)
-                    .build();
+            if ((response.code() / 100) == 2)
+            {
+                String result = response.body().string();
+                JsonObject obj = gson.fromJson(result, JsonObject.class);
+                if (obj.has("error"))
+                    return dsigDescriptor;
-            okhttp3.Response response = httpClient.newCall(request).execute();
+                JsonObject overview = obj.getAsJsonObject("overview");
+                if (overview != null)
+                {
+                    JsonArray statuses = overview.getAsJsonArray("originStatuses");
+                    if (statuses.size() == 0)
+                    {
+                        return dsigDescriptor;
+                    }
+                    StatusElement status1 = gson.fromJson(statuses.get(0), StatusElement.class);
+                    return status1.getXMLDsigDescriptor();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        catch (Exception e)
+        {
+            Timber.e(e);
+        }
+        return dsigDescriptor;
+    }
+    public XMLDsigDescriptor checkTokenScriptSignature(InputStream inputStream, long chainId, String address)
+    {
+        XMLDsigDescriptor dsigDescriptor = new XMLDsigDescriptor();
+        dsigDescriptor.result = "fail";
+        try
+        {
+            JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
+            jsonObject.put("sourceType", "scriptUri");
+            jsonObject.put("sourceId", chainId + "-" + Keys.toChecksumAddress(address));
+            jsonObject.put("sourceUrl", "");
+            jsonObject.put("base64Xml", streamToBase64(inputStream));
+            RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(jsonObject.toString(), JSON_MEDIA_TYPE);
-            String result = response.body().string();
-            JsonObject obj = gson.fromJson(result, JsonObject.class);
-            if (obj.has("error") || !obj.has("result")) return dsigDescriptor;
+            okhttp3.Response response = getTSValidationCheck(body);
-            String queryResult = obj.get("result").getAsString();
-            if (queryResult.equals(XML_VERIFIER_PASS))
+            if ((response.code() / 100) == 2)
-                dsigDescriptor = gson.fromJson(result, XMLDsigDescriptor.class);
-                //interpret subject to get the primary certifying body
-                String[] certifiers = dsigDescriptor.subject.split(",");
-                if (certifiers[0] != null && certifiers[0].length() > 3 && certifiers[0].startsWith("CN="))
+                String result = response.body().string();
+                JsonObject obj = gson.fromJson(result, JsonObject.class);
+                if (obj.has("error"))
+                    return dsigDescriptor;
+                JsonObject overview = obj.getAsJsonObject("overview");
+                if (overview != null)
-                    dsigDescriptor.certificateName = certifiers[0].substring(3);
+                    JsonArray statuses = overview.getAsJsonArray("originStatuses");
+                    if (statuses.size() == 0)
+                    {
+                        return dsigDescriptor;
+                    }
+                    StatusElement status1 = gson.fromJson(statuses.get(0), StatusElement.class);
+                    return status1.getXMLDsigDescriptor();
-            else
-            {
-                dsigDescriptor.subject = obj.get("failureReason").getAsString();
-            }
         catch (Exception e)
@@ -132,6 +190,45 @@ public XMLDsigDescriptor checkTokenScriptSignature(File tokenScriptFile)
         return dsigDescriptor;
+    private String streamToBase64(InputStream inputStream) throws Exception
+    {
+        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+        try (Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader
+                (inputStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))
+        {
+            int c;
+            while ((c = reader.read()) != -1)
+            {
+                sb.append((char) c);
+            }
+        }
+        byte[] base64Encoded = Base64.encode(sb.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), Base64.DEFAULT);
+        return new String(base64Encoded);
+    }
+    private Response getTSValidationCheck(RequestBody body) throws Exception
+    {
+        Request request = new Request.Builder().url(TSML_VERIFIER_ENDPOINT)
+                .post(body)
+                .build();
+        okhttp3.Response response = httpClient.newCall(request).execute();
+        if ((response.code() / 100) != 2)
+        {
+            //try staging endpoint
+            request = new Request.Builder().url(TSML_VERIFIER_ENDPOINT_STAGING)
+                    .post(body)
+                    .build();
+            response = httpClient.newCall(request).execute();
+        }
+        return response;
+    }
     private Observable<Integer> sendFeemasterCurrencyTransaction(String url, long networkId, String address, MagicLinkData order)
         return Observable.fromCallable(() -> {
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/service/AssetDefinitionService.java b/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/service/AssetDefinitionService.java
index 3bc28df404..7c6ffa00b5 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/service/AssetDefinitionService.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/service/AssetDefinitionService.java
@@ -139,8 +139,6 @@ public class AssetDefinitionService implements ParseResult, AttributeInterface
     private static final String BUNDLED_SCRIPT = "bundled";
     private static final long CHECK_TX_LOGS_INTERVAL = 20;
     private static final String EIP5169_ISSUER = "EIP5169-IPFS";
-    private static final String EIP5169_CERTIFIER = "Smart Token Labs";
-    private static final String EIP5169_KEY_OWNER = "Contract Owner"; //TODO Source this from the contract via owner()
     private static final String TS_EXTENSION = ".tsml";
     private final Context context;
     private final IPFSServiceType ipfsService;
@@ -250,7 +248,7 @@ private List<String> checkRealmScriptsForChanges()
                         handledHashes.add(tsf.calcMD5()); //add the hash of the new file
                         //re-parse script, file hash has changed
                         final TokenDefinition td = parseFile(tsf.getInputStream());
-                        cacheSignature(tsf)
+                        cacheSignature(tsf, td)
                                 .map(definition -> getOriginContracts(td))
@@ -291,7 +289,7 @@ private void loadNewFiles(List<String> handledHashes)
                         final String hash = tsf.calcMD5();
                         if (handledHashes.contains(hash)) return; //already handled this?
                         final TokenDefinition td = parseFile(tsf.getInputStream());
-                        cacheSignature(file)
+                        cacheSignature(file, td)
                                 .map(definition -> getOriginContracts(td))
@@ -1177,7 +1175,6 @@ private void loadScriptFromServer(String correctedAddress)
         if (assetChecked.get(correctedAddress) == null || (System.currentTimeMillis() > (assetChecked.get(correctedAddress) + 1000L * 60L * 60L)))
-                    .flatMap(this::cacheSignature)
@@ -1235,7 +1232,7 @@ private Single<TokenDefinition> handleNewTSFile(File newFile)
                 updateScriptEntriesInRealm(originContracts, isDebugOverride, tsf.calcMD5(), schemaUID);
                 cachedDefinition = td;
                 return tsf;
-        }).flatMap(tt -> cacheSignature(tsf))
+        }).flatMap(tt -> cacheSignature(tsf, td))
           .map(a -> fileLoadComplete(originContracts, tsf, td));
@@ -1368,7 +1365,7 @@ private File storeEntry(Token token, Pair<String, Pair<String, Boolean>> scriptD
-                if (scriptData.second.second) entry.setIpfsPath(scriptData.first); //if sourced from IPFS store path
+                entry.setIpfsPath(scriptData.first); //store scriptUri path
@@ -1378,6 +1375,10 @@ private File storeEntry(Token token, Pair<String, Pair<String, Boolean>> scriptD
+        //check signature using the endpoint associated with scriptUri
+        //otherwise we use the endpoint that takes the full encoded file
         return storeFile;
@@ -2000,7 +2001,7 @@ private boolean isInSecureZone(String file)
     /* Add cached signature if uncached files found. */
-    private Single<File> cacheSignature(File file)
+    private Single<File> cacheSignature(File file, TokenDefinition td)
         if (file.getName().equals(UNCHANGED_SCRIPT))
@@ -2018,7 +2019,7 @@ private Single<File> cacheSignature(File file)
                 if (sig == null || sig.keyName == null)
                     //fetch signature and store in realm
-                    sig = alphaWalletService.checkTokenScriptSignature(tsf);
+                    sig = checkTokenScriptSignature(file, td, "");
                     storeCertificateData(hash, sig);
@@ -2028,6 +2029,24 @@ private Single<File> cacheSignature(File file)
+    private XMLDsigDescriptor checkTokenScriptSignature(File file, TokenDefinition td, String scriptUri)
+    {
+        XMLDsigDescriptor sig;
+        ContractInfo info = td.contracts.get(td.holdingToken);
+        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(scriptUri))
+        {
+            TokenScriptFile tsf = new TokenScriptFile(context, file.getAbsolutePath());
+            sig = alphaWalletService.checkTokenScriptSignature(tsf.getInputStream(), info.getfirstChainId(), info.getFirstAddress());
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            //String scriptUri, long chainId, String address
+            sig = alphaWalletService.checkTokenScriptSignature(scriptUri, info.getfirstChainId(), info.getFirstAddress());
+        }
+        return sig;
+    }
     private void storeCertificateData(String hash, XMLDsigDescriptor sig) throws RealmException
         try (Realm realm = realmManager.getRealmInstance(ASSET_DEFINITION_DB))
@@ -2084,15 +2103,7 @@ private XMLDsigDescriptor getCertificateFromRealm(String hash)
     private XMLDsigDescriptor IPFSSigDescriptor()
-        XMLDsigDescriptor sig = new XMLDsigDescriptor();
-        sig.issuer = EIP5169_ISSUER;
-        sig.certificateName = EIP5169_CERTIFIER;
-        sig.keyName = EIP5169_KEY_OWNER;
-        sig.keyType = "ECDSA";
-        sig.result = "Pass";
-        sig.subject = "";
-        sig.type = SigReturnType.SIGNATURE_PASS;
-        return sig;
+        return new XMLDsigDescriptor(EIP5169_ISSUER);
     private boolean checkFileDiff(String address, Pair<String, Boolean> result)
@@ -2508,16 +2519,16 @@ private void notifyNewScript(TokenDefinition tokenDefinition, File file)
     public Single<XMLDsigDescriptor> getSignatureData(Token token)
         TokenScriptFile tsf = getTokenScriptFile(token);
-        return getSignatureData(tsf);
+        return getSignatureData(tsf, token.tokenInfo.chainId, token.tokenInfo.address);
     public Single<XMLDsigDescriptor> getSignatureData(long chainId, String contractAddress)
         TokenScriptFile tsf = getTokenScriptFile(chainId, contractAddress);
-        return getSignatureData(tsf);
+        return getSignatureData(tsf, chainId, contractAddress);
-    private Single<XMLDsigDescriptor> getSignatureData(TokenScriptFile tsf)
+    private Single<XMLDsigDescriptor> getSignatureData(TokenScriptFile tsf, long chainId, String contractAddress)
         return Single.fromCallable(() -> {
             XMLDsigDescriptor sigDescriptor = new XMLDsigDescriptor();
@@ -2530,7 +2541,7 @@ private Single<XMLDsigDescriptor> getSignatureData(TokenScriptFile tsf)
                 XMLDsigDescriptor sig = getCertificateFromRealm(hash);
                 if (sig == null || (sig.result != null && sig.result.equalsIgnoreCase("fail")))
-                    sig = alphaWalletService.checkTokenScriptSignature(tsf);
+                    sig = alphaWalletService.checkTokenScriptSignature(tsf.getInputStream(), chainId, contractAddress);
                     storeCertificateData(hash, sig);
@@ -3147,7 +3158,6 @@ public Single<TokenDefinition> checkServerForScript(Token token, MutableLiveData
         //try the contractURI, then server
         return fetchTokenScriptFromContract(token, updateFlag)
                 .flatMap(file -> tryServerIfRequired(file, token.getAddress().toLowerCase()))
-                .flatMap(this::cacheSignature)
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/widget/CertifiedToolbarView.java b/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/widget/CertifiedToolbarView.java
index 1bcadfd09c..6b949b0878 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/widget/CertifiedToolbarView.java
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/app/widget/CertifiedToolbarView.java
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ public void onSigData(final XMLDsigDescriptor sigData, final Activity act)
         SigReturnType type = sigData.type != null ? sigData.type : SigReturnType.NO_TOKENSCRIPT;
+        downloadSpinner.setVisibility(View.GONE);
         lockResource = 0;
         switch (type)
diff --git a/lib/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/token/entity/XMLDsigDescriptor.java b/lib/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/token/entity/XMLDsigDescriptor.java
index f0c2e580ee..9fd4e79cf9 100644
--- a/lib/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/token/entity/XMLDsigDescriptor.java
+++ b/lib/src/main/java/com/alphawallet/token/entity/XMLDsigDescriptor.java
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
 public class XMLDsigDescriptor
+    private static final String EIP5169_CERTIFIER = "Smart Token Labs";
+    private static final String EIP5169_KEY_OWNER = "Contract Owner"; //TODO Source this from the contract via owner()
+    private static final String MATCHES_DEPLOYER = "matches the contract deployer";
     public String result;
     public String subject;
     public String keyName;
@@ -9,4 +13,70 @@ public class XMLDsigDescriptor
     public String issuer;
     public SigReturnType type;
     public String certificateName = null;
+    public XMLDsigDescriptor()
+    {
+    }
+    public XMLDsigDescriptor(String issuerText)
+    {
+        issuer = issuerText;
+        certificateName = EIP5169_CERTIFIER;
+        keyName = EIP5169_KEY_OWNER;
+        keyType = "ECDSA";
+        result = "Pass";
+        subject = "";
+        type = SigReturnType.SIGNATURE_PASS;
+    }
+    public void setKeyDetails(boolean isDebug, String failKeyName)
+    {
+        if (pass())
+        {
+            if (isDebug)
+            {
+                this.type = SigReturnType.DEBUG_SIGNATURE_PASS;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                this.type = SigReturnType.SIGNATURE_PASS;
+            }
+            if (this.certificateName != null && this.certificateName.contains(MATCHES_DEPLOYER))
+            {
+                this.keyName = EIP5169_KEY_OWNER;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            setFailedIssuer(isDebug, failKeyName);
+        }
+    }
+    public boolean pass()
+    {
+        return this.result != null && (this.result.equals("pass") || this.result.equals("valid"));
+    }
+    private void setFailedIssuer(boolean isDebug, String failKeyName)
+    {
+        this.keyName = failKeyName;
+        if (this.subject != null && this.subject.contains("Invalid"))
+        {
+            if (isDebug)
+                this.type = SigReturnType.DEBUG_SIGNATURE_INVALID;
+            else
+                this.type = SigReturnType.SIGNATURE_INVALID;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (isDebug)
+                this.type = SigReturnType.DEBUG_NO_SIGNATURE;
+            else
+                this.type = SigReturnType.NO_SIGNATURE;
+        }
+    }