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Workgroup: N/A
Internet-Draft: TODO
Published: TODO
Intended Status: TODO
Expires: TODO
Authors: Peter Altmann (Digg), Sander Q. Dijkhuis (Cleverbase)

Hierarchical Deterministic Key Derivation (HDKD)



Discussion Venues

This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at GitHub: AltmannPeter/privacy-key-management.

Status of This Memo

This is a working document.

Copyright Notice


1. Introduction

See for context: Privacy-preserving key management in the EU Digital Identity Wallet.

This document represents the consensus of the authors. It is not an IETF product and is not a standard.

2. Conventions and Definitions

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “NOT RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

The following notation is used throughout the document.

  • byte: A sequence of eight bits.
  • I2OS(x): Conversion of a nonnegative integer x to a byte array using a big-endian representation of the integer without padding.
  • reduce(fn, list, init): Outputs the reduction of list to a single value by repeatedly applying the function fn to the list values and the current accumulation state, starting with init.

3. Cryptographic Dependencies

HDKD depends on the following cryptographic constructs:

  • Prime-Order Group;
  • Cryptographic Hash Function;
  • Asynchronous Remote Key Generation.

These are described in the following sections.

3.1. Prime-Order Group

Let $B$ be the group generator of order $q$ of an elliptic curve $E$ defined over $GF(p)$. Denote scalar multiplication between a scalar $x$ and a point $A$ as $[x]A$.

This document uses types Element and Scalar to denote elements of $E$ and its set of scalars, respectively.

This document represents $E$ as the object G. The following member functions can be invoked on G.

  • Order(): Outputs the order of $E$ (i.e. $p$).
  • Identity(): Outputs the identity Element of $E$.
  • Add(A, B): Outputs the sum of Elements A and B.
  • SerializeScalar(s): Maps a Scalar s to a canonical byte array of fixed length Ns.
  • ScalarMult(A, k): Outputs the scalar multiplication between Element A and Scalar k.
  • ScalarBaseMult(k): Outputs the scalar multiplication between Scalar k and the group generator $B$.
  • ECDH(k, A): Outputs the result of an Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman key exchange between Scalar k and Element A. The details vary based on the ciphersuite.

3.2. Cryptographic Hash Function

This document represents a cryptographically secure hash function as H. This function maps arbitrary byte strings to Scalar elements associated with G. The details vary based on the ciphersuite.

3.3. Asymmetric Key Blinding Scheme

An asymmetric key blinding scheme BL provides the following functions:

  • GenerateKeyPair(): Outputs a key pair (pk, sk).
  • BlindPublicKey(pk, tau): Outputs the deterministically blinded public key pk_tau.
  • BlindSecretKey(sk, tau): Outputs the deterministically blinded secret key sk_tau.

It also defines the integer L_bl, which is the length of tau in bytes.

This document adds the following function:

  • Combine(tau1, tau2): Outputs the combination of tau1 and tau2 such that Blind*Key(x, Combine(tau1, tau2)) == Blind*Key(Blind*Key(x, tau1), tau2) and Combine(tau1, tau2) == Combine(tau2, tau1).

This document also defines the constant Id_bl, which is the identity blind such that Combine(Id_bl, tau) == tau for all tau.

3.4. Key Encapsulation Mechanism

A key encapsulation mechanism KEM provides the following functions:

  • GenerateKeyPair(): Outputs a key pair (pk, sk).
  • Encaps(pk): Outputs a key encapsulation (k, c) containing a shared secret k and an encapsulation ciphertext c.
  • Decaps(sk, c): Outputs a shared secret k upon successful decapsulation, or an error otherwise.

3.5. Asynchronous Remote Key Generation

See [draft-bradleylundberg-cfrg-arkg-01]. This document assumes an ARKG instance with the following member functions:

  • GenerateSeed(): Outputs an ARKG seed pair (pk, sk) at the delegating party, where pk = (pk_kem, pk_bl) and sk = (sk_kem, sk_bl).
  • DerivePublicKey(pk, info): Outputs (pk', kh) where pk' is a derived public key and kh is a key handle to derive the associated private key.

This document does not apply the DeriveSecretKey function directly, as it would require access to the original private key for scalar addition. Instead, this document applies an alternative function DeriveBlind:

ARKG-Derive-Blind(sk_kem, kh, info) -> tau
    ARKG instance parameters:
        BL        A key blinding scheme.
        KEM       A key encapsulation mechanism.
        MAC       A MAC scheme.
        KDF       A key derivation function.
        L_bl      The length in octets of the blinding factor tau
                    of the key blinding scheme BL.
        L_mac     The length in octets of the MAC key
                    of the MAC scheme MAC.

        sk_kem    A key encapsulation secret key.
        kh        A key handle output from ARKG-Derive-Public-Key.
        info      An octet string containing optional context
                    and application specific information
                    (can be a zero-length string).

        tau       A blind to apply to the secret key.

    The output sk' is calculated as follows:

    (c, tag) = kh
    k = KEM-Decaps(sk_kem, c)
    mk = KDF("arkg-mac" || 0x00 || info, k, L_mac)

    If MAC-Verify(mk, c || info, tag) = 0:
        Abort with an error.

    tau = KDF("arkg-blind" || 0x00 || info, k, L_bl)

Note that this is compatible with ARKG in the sense that:

BL-Blind-Secret-Key(sk_bl, ARKG.DeriveBlind(sk_kem, kh, info))
  == ARKG.DeriveSecretKey((sk_kem, sk_bl), kh, info)

3.6. Proof of Possession

A Proof of Possession protocol PoP provides the following functions:

  • Sign(sk, info): Outputs signature using a secret key sk and application-specific info.
  • Verify(proof, vk, info): Outputs whether signature is a valid proof of possession of the secret key associated with vk.


This is a generalization of signature schemes and Diffie Hellman-based schemes. In the case of signature schemes, sk is a private key and vk is a public key, and the signature is a digital signature. In the case of DH-based schemes, sk == vk is a shared secret, and the signature is a message authentication code (MAC) generated from a key derived from sk.

4. Helper Functions

4.1. The BlindProve function

This document specifies several implementations of the BlindProve function, that creates a signature proving possession of a blinded secret key associated with a blinded public key.

- sk_bl, a blinding secret key.
- tau, a blind.
- info, a byte array of application-specific info.
- pk_rp, either a DH public key or empty.

- signature, a signature.

4.1.1. Using ECDH for BlindProve with multiplicative blinding

def BlindProve(sk_bl, tau, info, pk_rp):
  pk' = G.ScalarMult(pk_rp, tau)
  sk' = G.ECDH(sk_bl, pk')
  k = H(contextString || "prove" || sk')
  signature = MAC.Tag(k, info)

The G.ECDH computation MUST be performed in a WSCD.

4.1.2. Using threshold EC-SDSA for BlindProve with additive blinding

def BlindProve(sk_bl, tau, info, pk_rp):
  assert pk_rp == null
  (c,s) = ECSDSA.Sign(sk_bl, info)
  s' = s + c * tau (mod G.Order())
  signature = (c,s')

The ECSDSA.Sign computation MUST be performed in a WSCD.

4.1.3. Using threshold ECDSA for BlindProve with multiplicative blinding

Due to potential patent claims, this document does not specify an implementation for threshold ECDSA.

5. Hierarchical Deterministic Keys

The following example illustrate the use of hierarchical deterministic keys.

Level 0. A wallet starts with a root node containing a key encapsulation key pair (pk_kem, sk_kem) and a secure cryptographic device-backed blinding public key and secret key reference (pk_bl, sk_bl_ref):

root["((pk_kem, sk_kem),<br>(pk_bl, sk_bl_ref))"]
style root stroke-width:4px

Level 1. An initial (PID) attestation is based on trust in the root key, for example using a Wallet Instance Attestation. It results in several child nodes containing tuples (j, kh, att, sk_kem) of index j, key handle kh, attestation data att, and a newly generated key encapsulation key pair (pk_kem, sk_kem):

root["((pk_kem, sk_kem),<br>(pk_bl, sk_bl_ref))"]
root --> l1_0["(0, kh<sub>1,0</sub>, att<sub>1,0</sub>,<br>(pk_kem<sub>1,0</sub>, sk_kem<sub>1,0</sub>))"]
root --> l1_1["(1, kh<sub>1,1</sub>, att<sub>1,1</sub>,<br>(pk_kem<sub>1,1</sub>, sk_kem<sub>1,1</sub>))"]
root --> l1_2["(2, kh<sub>1,2</sub>, att<sub>1,2</sub>,<br>(pk_kem<sub>1,2</sub>, sk_kem<sub>1,2</sub>))"]
style l1_0 stroke-width:4px
style l1_1 stroke-width:4px
style l1_2 stroke-width:4px

When releasing attributes to a relying party, the wallet consumes an attestation, so its data may be removed from the tree. The key handle may need to be persisted in case the relying party will issue a new attestation based on it.

root["((pk_kem, sk_kem),<br>(pk_bl, sk_bl_ref))"]
root --> l1_0["(0, kh<sub>1,0</sub>, nil,<br>(pk_kem<sub>1,0</sub>, sk_kem<sub>1,0</sub>))"]
root --> l1_1["(1, kh<sub>1,1</sub>, att<sub>1,1</sub>,<br>(pk_kem<sub>1,1</sub>, sk_kem<sub>1,1</sub>))"]
root --> l1_2["(2, kh<sub>1,2</sub>, att<sub>1,2</sub>,<br>(pk_kem<sub>1,2</sub>, sk_kem<sub>1,2</sub>))"]
style l1_0 stroke-width:4px

Level 2. When the relying party issues a new attestation, the related PoP key is derived from the presented key.

root["((pk_kem, sk_kem),<br>(pk_bl, sk_bl_ref))"]
root --> l1_0["(0, kh<sub>1,0</sub>, nil,<br>(pk_kem<sub>1,0</sub>, sk_kem<sub>1,0</sub>))"]
root --> l1_1["(1, kh<sub>1,1</sub>, att<sub>1,1</sub>,<br>(pk_kem<sub>1,1</sub>, sk_kem<sub>1,1</sub>))"]
root --> l1_2["(2, kh<sub>1,2</sub>, att<sub>1,2</sub>,<br>(pk_kem<sub>1,2</sub>, sk_kem<sub>1,2</sub>))"]
l1_0 --> l2_0["(0, kh<sub>2,0</sub>, att<sub>2,0</sub>,<br>(pk_kem<sub>2,0</sub>, sk_kem<sub>2,0</sub>))"]
l1_0 --> l2_1["(1, kh<sub>2,1</sub>, att<sub>2,1</sub>,<br>(pk_kem<sub>2,1</sub>, sk_kem<sub>2,1</sub>))"]
style l2_0 stroke-width:4px
style l2_1 stroke-width:4px

Note that while a tree representation is used, this is not a mandatory data structure. It could for example be flattened by combining blinds.

Note that key encapsulation key pairs are not reused across parent nodes in order to avoid linkability. Since they cannot be authenticated, they MAY be generated and stored outside of the WSCD. For example, they MAY be derived from attestation metadata using a secret key in the wallet.

5.1. Key Generation

The user generates ((pk_kem, pk_bl), (sk_kem, sk_bl)) = ARKG.GenerateSeed() once in their WSCD.

5.2. Initial Attestation Issuance

Say the provider wants to issue n initial attestations.


  • The provider trusts pk_bl to be protected by a secure cryptographic device. For example, the provider may rely on an EUDI Wallet Instance Attestation.
  • The provider and the user agree on a ciphersuite identified by the byte array contextString.


  1. The provider shares challenge data including:
    • a nonce;
    • in the case of DH-based PoP, an ephemeral public key.
  2. The user determines sk using the shared challenge data. That is, in the case of DH-based PoP, the user performs a DH exchange with sk_bl; otherwise, sk == sk_bl.
  3. The user computes signature = PoP.Sign(sk, info) where info contains application-specific information including challenge data.
  4. The user shares proof and pk_kem with the provider in an attestation issuance request.
  5. The provider determines vk using pk_bl and, in the case of DH-based PoP, the ephemeral private key from step 1.
  6. The provider verifies PoP.Verify(signature, vk, info).
  7. For each j = 0, …, n-1, the provider:
    1. Computes info = contextString || "derive" || I2OS(j).
    2. Computes (pk', kh) = ARKG.DerivePublicKey((pk_kem, pk_bl), info).
    3. Issues an attestation with PoP public key pk' and with kh as metadata that is not necessarily signed, but authenticated.
  8. For each j = 0, …, n-1, the user stores j, kh and the attestation att1,j.

5.3. Proof of Possession

Say the user has attributes at atti,j at level i with index j that are relevant to the relying party.


  • The relying party trusts the provider of atti,j.
  • The relying party and the user agree on a ciphersuite identified by the byte array contextString.
  • The user knows indices (j_1, ..., j_i) and key handles (kh_1, ..., kh_i) and key encapsulation keys (sk_kem_1, ..., sk_kem_(i-1)) leading to atti,j.


  1. The relying party shares challenge data including:
    • a nonce;
    • in the case of DH-based PoP, an ephemeral public key.
  2. The user computes:
    • tau(1) = ARKG.DeriveBlind(sk_kem, kh_1, contextString || "derive" || I2OS(j_1));
    • tau(k+1) = ARKG.DeriveBlind(sk_kem_k, kh_{k+1}, contextString || "derive" || I2OS(j_{k+1})) for each k = 1, ..., i-1;
    • tau = reduce(BL.Combine, tau, Id_bl).
  3. The user computes signature = BlindProve(sk_bl, tau, info, pk_rp) where pk_rp is the relying party’s ephemeral public key from step 1 in the case of DH-based PoP, and empty otherwise.
  4. The user shares signature with the relying party in an attribute release.
  5. The relying party determines vk using atti,j and, in the case of DH-based PoP, the ephemeral private key from step 1.
  6. The relying party verifies PoP.Verify(signature, vk, info).

Note that the performance of this algorithm scales linearly relative to the number of keys to derive. For short-lived one-time-use keys, the amount n is likely to be relatively small. For improved performance in case of large n, the result can be computed by caching intermediate values while computing ARKG.DeriveBlind or otherwise breaking down the implementation of ARKG.DeriveBlind.

5.4. Subsequent Attestation Issuance

Say the provider wants to issue n attestations to the user based on prior attribute release from atti,j (see previous section).


  • The user has a blind tau such that BL.BlindPublicKey(pk_bl, tau) == pk_pop and pk_pop is attested in atti,j (see previous section).
  • The provider trusts pk_pop to be associated with a sufficiently secured private key. For example, the provider may trust the atti,j provider to have verified this, or may assume security based on the application context.
  • The provider and the user agree on a ciphersuite identified by the byte array contextString.


  1. The user shares pk_kem (pk_kemi,j associated with atti,j) with the provider in an attestation issuance request.
  2. The provider, for each j = 0, …, n-1:
    1. Computes info = contextString || "derive" || I2OS(j).
    2. Computes (pk', kh) = ARKG.DerivePublicKey((pk_kem, pk_pop), info).
    3. Issues an attestation with PoP public key pk' and with kh as metadata that is not necessarily signed, but authenticated.
  3. For each j = 0, …, n-1, the user stores j, kh and the attestation atti+1,j.

6. Ciphersuites

The RECOMMENDED ciphersuite is the one defined below.

6.1. HDKD(ECDH, P-256, SHA-256, ARKG-P256mul-ECDH-P256-HMAC-SHA256-HKDF-SHA256))

The contextString value is "HDKD-ECDH-P256-SHA256-ARKG-P256mul-ECDH-P256-HMAC-SHA256-HKDF-SHA256-v1".

  • PoP: Applying ECDH to establish a shared secret using the WSCD, and creating and verifying signatures as defined below.
  • BlindProve: The ECDH implementation from Section 4.1.1.
  • G: The NIST curve secp256r1 (P-256), where Ns = 32.
    • ECDH(k, A): Implemented using G.SerializeScalar(x) where x is the $x$-coordinate of G.ScalarMult(A, k).
    • SerializeScalar(s): Implemented using the Field-Element-to-Octet-String conversion.
  • Hash H(m): Implemented as hash_to_field(msg=m, count=1) from [RFC9380] using expand_message_xmd with SHA-256 with parameters DST = contextString, F set to the scalar field, p set to G.Order(), m = 1, and L = 48.
  • BL: Elliptic curve arithmetic as described in [draft-bradleylundberg-cfrg-arkg-01] Section 3.1 but with multiplicative instead of additive blinding and the parameter:
    • crv: The NIST curve secp256r1.
  • KEM: ECDH as described in [draft-bradleylundberg-cfrg-arkg-01] Section 3.2 with the parameter:
    • crv: The NIST curve secp256r1.
  • MAC: HMAC as described in [draft-bradleylundberg-cfrg-arkg-01] Section 3.4 with the parameter:
    • Hash: SHA-256.
  • KDF: HKDF as described in [draft-bradleylundberg-cfrg-arkg-01] Section 3.5 with the parameter:
    • Hash: SHA-256.
  • L_bl: 32
  • L_mac: 32
def Sign(sk, info):
  k = H(contextString || "prove" || sk)
  signature = MAC.Tag(k, info)

def Verify(signature, sk, info):
  k = H(contextString || "prove" || sk)
  signature' = MAC.Tag(k, info)
  check signature == signature'

7. Security Considerations


8. IANA Considerations

This document makes no IANA requests.

9. References

9.1. Normative References


Bradner, S., “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels”, BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997.


Leiba, B., “Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC 2119 Key Words”, BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174, May 2017.


Faz-Hernandez, A., Scott, S., Sullivan, N., Wahby, R. S., and C. A. Wood, “Hashing to Elliptic Curves”, RFC 9380, DOI 10.17487/RFC9380, August 2023.

9.2. Informative References


Lundberg, E., and Bradley, J, “The Asynchronous Remote Key Generation (ARKG) algorithm ”, draft-bradleylundberg-cfrg-arkg-01, March 2024.