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MQTTX Project

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中文 | English

1 Introduction

Mqttx is developed based on MQTT v3.1.1 protocol and aims to provide Mqtt broker with easy to use and superior performance.

1.1 Quick start

  1. Packing
  • Test mode: run mvnw -P test -DskipTests=true clean package
  • Development mode:
    1. Start the redis instance
    2. Run mvnw -P dev -DskipTests=true clean package
  1. Run
  • Run the command: java -jar mqttx-1.0.5.BETA.jar

Quick start-test mode Legend:

Quick start

  • Test mode

    1. The cluster function is forcibly closed
    2. The message is stored in memory instead of redis
  • Development mode

    1. The message will be persisted to redis, the default connection is localhost:6376 without password

The so-called test mode and development mode are just for students to quickly start projects and test function tests. After being familiar with the project, students can modify [6.1 Configuration Item](#61-Configuration Item) to turn on or off the functions provided by mqttx.

mqttx relies on redis to achieve message persistence, clustering and other functions. It can also be implemented using other middleware (mysql, mongodb, kafka, etc.), while springboot has spring-boot-starter -*** and other pluggable components, convenient for everyone to modify the default implementation

1.2 Project dependencies

  • redis: cluster message, message persistence
  • kafka: Bridge message support

other instructions:

  1. The project uses lombok, please install the corresponding plug-in to use ide

It is recommended to use Intellij IDEA for development tools 😊

Example: idea needs to install the plug-in Lombok, settings> Build,Execution, Deployment> Compiler> Annotation Processor to enable Enable annotation processing

1.3 Online Examples

A singleton service of mqttx is deployed in the cloud for functional testing:

  1. Does not support ssl
  2. Websocket is turned on, it can pass the test, only need to modify the domain name to: (port and address remain unchanged)
  3. Support shared subscription function
  4. Deployment version v1.0.5.BETA


2 Architecture

mqttx supports client authentication and topic publish/subscribe authentication functions. If you need to use it together, the recommended architecture is as follows:

Architecture Diagram

Customer authentication services are implemented by users themselves

Internal realization framework relationship (only key items are listed):


2.1 Directory structure

│  └─com
│      └─jun
│          └─mqttx
│              ├─broker         # mqtt protocol implementation and processing package
│              │  ├─codec       # codec 
│              │  └─handler     # Message processor (pub, sub, connn, etc)
│              ├─config         # configuration, mainly bean declaration
│              ├─constants      # constant
│              ├─consumer       # cluster message consumer
│              ├─entity         # entity class
│              ├─exception      # Exception class
│              ├─service        # Business service (user authentication, message storage, etc.) interface
│              │  └─impl        # default implementation
│              └─utils          # Tools
└─resources                     # Resource file (application.yml is in this folder)
    └─tls                       # ca storage address

3 Containerized deployment

In order to facilitate the rapid deployment of the project, the introduction of docker

  1. Before performing local deployment, you need to download docker first.
  2. The port mapping (1883, 8083) is dead written in the docker-compose file. If you modify the port configuration of mqttx, you should also modify it in docker-compose.yml
  1. Package the project as target/*.jar through the packaging function provided by the IDE
  2. Enter the directory at the same level of dockerfile and execute docker build -t mqttx:v1.0.4.RELEASE .
  3. Execute docker-compose up

4 Function description

4.1 qos support

qos0 qos1 qos2
Support Support Support

In order to support qos1 and qos2, redis is introduced as the persistence layer. This part has been encapsulated as an interface, which can be replaced by itself (for example, using mysql).

4.2 topicFilter support

  1. Support multi-level wildcard # and single-level wildcard +
  2. Topics ending with / are not supported, such as a/b/, please change to a/b.
  3. For other rules, see***mqtt v3.1.1 4.7 Topic Names and Topic Filters***

mqttx only verifies the subscription topicFilter. The publish topic is not checked for validity. You can enable [4.5 topic security support](#45-topic-security support) to limit the topics that the client can publish .

For example:

topicFilter match topics
/a/b/+ /a/b/abc, /a/b/test
a/b/# a/b, a/b/abc, a/b/c/def
a/+/b/# a/nani/b/abc
/+/a/b/+/c /aaa/a/b/test/c

The verification tool class is: com.jun.mqttx.utils.TopicUtils

4.3 Cluster Support

The project introduced redis pub/sub to distribute messages to support the cluster function. If you need to modify it to kafka or other mq, you need to modify the configuration class ClusterConfig and replace the implementation class InternalMessageServiceImpl.


  1. mqttx.cluster.enable: function switch, default false

Versions prior to v1.0.5.RELEASE have bugs in cluster message processing and cannot be used.

4.4 ssl support

To enable ssl, you should first have ca (self-signed or purchased), and then modify several configurations in the application.yml file:

  1. mqttx.ssl.enable: function switch, default false, and control both websocket and socket
  2. mqttx.ssl.key-store-location: certificate address, based on classpath
  3. mqttx.ssl.key-store-password: certificate password
  4. mqttx.ssl.key-store-type: keystore type, such as PKCS12
  5. mqttx.ssl.client-auth: Whether the server needs to verify the client certificate, the default is false

The mqttx.keystore in the resources/tls directory is for testing only, password: 123456.

Certificate loading tool class: com/jun/mqttx/utils/

4.5 topic Security Support

In order to restrict client subscriptions to topic, add topic subscription & publishing authentication mechanism:

  1. mqttx.enable-topic-sub-pub-secure: function switch, default false
  2. The interface AuhenticationService needs to be implemented when using it. The returned object of this interface contains authorizedSub, authorizedPub to store the list of topic that the client is authorized to subscribe and publish.
  3. The broker verifies the client permissions during message subscription and publishing

Supported theme types:

  • Normal theme
  • Shared topic
  • System theme

4.6 Shared theme support

Shared subscription is the content stipulated by the mqtt5 protocol, and many mqs (such as kafka) have been implemented.

  1. mqttx.share-topic.enable: function switch, default true
  2. Format: $share/{ShareName}/{filter}, $share is the prefix, ShareName is the shared subscription name, and filter is the non-shared subscription topic filter.
  3. Currently supports three rules: hash, random, and round

The following image shows the difference between shared themes and regular themes:


msg-a message distribution strategy depends on the configuration item mqttx.share-topic.share-sub-strategy

You can cooperate with the session of cleanSession = 1. After the client sharing the topic disconnects, the server will remove the subscription, so that the message of the shared topic will only be distributed to online clients.

CleanSession Introduction: mqtt3.1.1 protocol stipulates that when cleanSession = 1, all states (excluding retained messages) associated with the session will be deleted after the connection is disconnected (mqtt5 added The session timeout setting, interested students can find out). After mqttx v1.0.5.BETA version (included), the session messages of cleanSession = 1 are stored in memory, which has extremely high performance.

If CleanSession is set to 1, the Client and Server MUST discard any previous Session and start a new one. This Session lasts as long as the Network Connection. State data associated with this Session MUST NOT be reused in any subsequent Session [MQTT-3.1.2-6].

The Session state in the Client consists of:

-QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages which have been sent to the Server, but have not been completely acknowledged. -QoS 2 messages which have been received from the Server, but have not been completely acknowledged.

The Session state in the Server consists of:

  • The existence of a Session, even if the rest of the Session state is empty.
  • The Client’s subscriptions.
  • QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages which have been sent to the Client, but have not been completely acknowledged.
  • QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages pending transmission to the Client.
  • QoS 2 messages which have been received from the Client, but have not been completely acknowledged.
  • Optionally, QoS 0 messages pending transmission to the Client.

4.7 websocket support


4.8 System Theme

The client can obtain the broker status by subscribing to system topics. Currently, the system supports the following topics:

topic repeat comment
$SYS/broker/status false Clients subscribing to this topic will periodically (mqttx.sys-topic.interval) receive the status of the broker, which covers the status values ​​of all topics below.
Note: After the client connection is disconnected, the subscription is cancelled**
$SYS/broker/activeConnectCount true Immediately return the current number of active connections
$SYS/broker/time true Return the current timestamp immediately
$SYS/broker/version true Return to broker version immediately


  • repeat = false: Only subscribe once, the broker will publish data to this topic regularly.
  • repeat = true: subscribe once, the broker publishes once, and can subscribe multiple times.


  1. topic security mechanism will also affect the client's subscription to system topics, and unauthorized clients will not be able to subscribe to system topics
  2. System topic subscription will not be persistent

The response object format is json string:

"activeConnectCount": 2,
"timestamp": "2020-09-18 15:13:46",
"version": "1.0.5.ALPHA"
field Description
ActiveConnectCount Current number of active connections
timestamp Timestamp; (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss)
version mqttx version

4.9 Message Bridge Support

Support message middleware:

  • kafka

The message bridging function can conveniently connect to the middle of the message queue.

  1. mqttx.message-bridge.enable: enable message bridge function
  2. mqttx.bridge-topics: Topics that need to bridge messages

After mqttx receives the message from the client publishing, it first judges whether the bridging function is enabled, and then judges whether the subject is the subject that needs to be bridged, and finally publishes the message to MQ.

Only supports one-way bridge: device(client) => mqttx => MQ

5 The developer says

  1. In the cluster state, consider the function of integrating service registration, which is convenient for managing the cluster state. You may use consul. Do or not see my later thoughts.

    Actually I want to introduce SpringCloud, but I feel that springcloud is a bit heavy, so I might open a branch to implement it.

  2. bug fix and optimization, this will continue, but mainly rely on the students who use and learn mqttx to feedback the problem to me (if there is no feedback, I will treat it as no ~ Tanshou.jpg)

    This is actually very important, but as of now, few students have come to me for feedback. I am a person with limited power after all.

  3. The mqttx-admin management platform based on vue2.0, element-ui is currently being developed. The function update of mqttx will be suspended for a while Time~~(Recently watching mqtt5)~~. During the project development process, it was discovered that some changes to mqttx were needed, but these changes should not be pushed to the mqttx master (for example, topic security authentication needs to cooperate with mqttx-platform, I may introduce [Retrofit](https:// to handle interface calls, in fact, you can use feign , I think these two are similar), I should open a business branch to handle this. By the way, writing projects with javascript is so cool, why didn't you think?

    Originally, I needed to devote some energy to the derivative project of mqttx-admin, but later I found that mqttx still had too many things to do, and I had to change the plan.

  4. benchmark indicates that the performance of mqttx may be improved. I will modify the processing logic of pub/sub in v1.1.0.RELEASE

    Mainly StringRedisTemplate => ReactiveStringRedisTemplate, change synchronous to asynchronous

  5. Introduction to development direction

    ~~v1.0.5.RELEASE becomes the first LTS version of mqttx, and v1.0 will be maintained and updated based on it. To improve stand-alone performance, the v1.1 version will be fully asynchronous. Subsequent mqtt5 protocol support may be the first to start from v1.0. ~~

    mqttx creates two branches:

    • v1.0: com.jun.mqttx.service.impl synchronization interface
    • v1.1: com.jun.mqttx.service.impl changed to asynchronous interface

    mqtt5 Supported from v1.0, no surprise is v1.0.6.RELEASE.

  6. Exchange group

Group QR code

6 Schedule

6.1 Configuration items

There are three configuration files in the src/main/resources directory:

  1. application.yml
  2. application-dev.yml
  3. application-prod.yml

The purpose of the latter two configuration files is to distinguish configurations in different environments for easy management.

Configuration item description:

Configuration Default Description
mqttx.version From pom.xml Version
mqttx.brokerId 1 Application logo, unique
mqttx.heartbeat 60s The initial heartbeat will be reset by keepalive in the conn message Listening address
mqttx.soBacklog 512 tcp connection processing queue
mqttx.enableTopicSubPubSecure false Customer subscription/publishing topic security function, when enabled, it will restrict the topics that the client can publish/subscribe to
mqttx.enableInnerCache true Every time you publish a message, you need to query redis to get the list of subscribed clients. After enabling this function, a topic-client relationship mapping will be established in the memory, and the application can directly access the data in the memory
mqttx.enableTestMode false Test mode switch, the system enters the test mode after it is turned on
mqttx.redis.clusterSessionHashKey mqttx.session.key redis map key; session storage for cluster
mqttx.redis.topicPrefix mqttx:topic: topic prefix; topic <==> client mapping relationship preservation
mqttx.redis.retainMessagePrefix mqttx:retain: Keep message prefix, save retain message
mqttx.redis.pubMsgSetPrefix mqttx:client:pubmsg: client pub message redis set prefix; save pubmsg, and delete it after receiving puback to get pubrec
mqttx.redis.pubRelMsgSetPrefix mqttx:client:pubrelmsg: client pubRel message redis set prefix; save pubrel message, receive pubcom message delete
mqttx.redis.topicSetKey mqttx:alltopic topic collection, redis set key value; save all topics
mqttx.cluster.enable false Cluster switch
mqttx.cluster.innerCacheConsistancyKey mqttx:cache_consistence After the application is started, first query the redis without this key value, and then check the consistency
mqttx.ssl.enable false ssl switch
mqttx.ssl.client-auth false Client certificate verification
mqttx.ssl.keyStoreLocation classpath: tls/mqttx.keystore keyStore location
mqttx.ssl.keyStorePassword 123456 keyStore password
mqttx.ssl.keyStoreType pkcs12 keyStore category
mqttx.socket.enable true socket switch
mqttx.socket.port 1883 Socket listening port
mqttx.websocket.enable false websocket switch
mqttx.websocket.port 8083 websocket listening port
mqttx.websocket.path /mqtt websocket path
mqttx.share-topic.enable true Shared topic function switch
mqttx.share-topic.share-sub-strategy round Load balancing strategy, currently supports random, polling, hashing
mqttx.sys-topic.enable false System topic function switch
mqttx.sys-topic.interval 60s Timed release interval
mqttx.sys-topic.qos 0 Topic qos
mqttx.message-bridge.enable false Message bridge function switch
mqttx.message-bridge.topics null List of topics that need to bridge messages

6.2 Release Notes

6.2.1 v1.0

  • v1.0.6.RELEASE (under development)
    • mqtt5 support
    • bug fixes and optimization
  • v1.0.5.RELEASE
  • v1.0.4.RELEASE
    • websocket support
    • Cluster status self-check
    • bug fixes and optimization
  • v1.0.3.RELEASE
    • bug fix
  • v1.0.2.RELEASE
    • Shared topics are added to the polling strategy
    • bug fixes and optimizations
  • v1.0.1.RELEASE
    • Cluster function support based on redis
    • Shared theme support
    • Theme permission function
    • bug fixes and optimization
  • v1.0.0.RELEASE
    • mqttv3.1.1 complete protocol implementation

6.2.2 v1.1

  • v1.1.0.RELEASE (under development)

    • redis is implemented synchronously to asynchronous to improve performance

6.3 Benchmark

The test conditions are simple and the results are for reference only.

Version: MQTTX v1.0.5.BETA

Tools: mqtt-bench


System cpu Memory
win10 i5-4460 16G

6.3.1 CleanSessionTrue

  1. Enable redis
  2. cleanSession: true

In fact, pub message storage does not use redis, for the reason, see the introduction of cleanSession in [Shared Topic](#46-Shared Topic Support)

Execute java -jar -Xmx1g -Xms1g mqttx-1.0.5.BETA.jar

  • qos0
C:\Users\Jun\go\windows_amd64>mqtt-bench.exe -broker=tcp://localhost:1883 -action=pub -clients=1000 -qos=0 -count=1000
2020-09-30 15:33:54.462089 +0800 CST Start benchmark
2020-09-30 15:34:33.6010217 +0800 CST End benchmark

Result: broker=tcp://localhost:1883, clients=1000, totalCount=1000000, duration=39134ms, throughput=25553.23messages/sec
  • qos1
C:\Users\Jun\go\windows_amd64>mqtt-bench.exe -broker=tcp://localhost:1883 -action=pub -clients=1000 -qos=1 -count=1000
2020-09-30 15:29:17.9027515 +0800 CST Start benchmark
2020-09-30 15:30:25.0316915 +0800 CST End benchmark

Result: broker=tcp://localhost:1883, clients=1000, totalCount=1000000, duration=67124ms, throughput=14897.80messages/sec
  • qos2
C:\Users\Jun\go\windows_amd64>mqtt-bench.exe -broker=tcp://localhost:1883 -action=pub -clients=1000 -qos=2 -count=1000
2020-09-30 15:37:00.0678207 +0800 CST Start benchmark
2020-09-30 15:38:55.4419847 +0800 CST End benchmark

Result: broker=tcp://localhost:1883, clients=1000, totalCount=1000000, duration=115369ms, throughput=8667.84messages/sec
Number of concurrent connections Behavior Single message size Single connection message number Total number of messages qos Time-consuming qps
1000 Post message 1024byte 1000 One million 0 39.1s 25553
1000 Post message 1024byte 1000 One million 1 67.1s 14897
1000 Post message 1024byte 1000 One million 2 115.3s 8667

Resource consumption: cpu: 25%, mem 440 MB

6.3.2 CleanSessionFalse

  1. Enable redis
  2. cleanSession: false

Execute java -jar -Xmx1g -Xms1g mqttx-1.0.5.BETA.jar

  • qos0
C:\Users\Jun\go\windows_amd64>mqtt-bench.exe -broker=tcp://localhost:1883 -action=pub -clients=1000 -qos=0 -count=1000
2020-09-30 17:03:55.7560928 +0800 CST Start benchmark
2020-09-30 17:04:36.2080909 +0800 CST End benchmark

Result: broker=tcp://localhost:1883, clients=1000, totalCount=1000000, duration=40447ms, throughput=24723.71messages/sec
  • qos1
C:\Users\Jun\go\windows_amd64>mqtt-bench.exe -broker=tcp://localhost:1883 -action=pub -clients=1000 -qos=1 -count=1000
2020-09-30 17:06:18.9136484 +0800 CST Start benchmark
2020-09-30 17:08:20.9072865 +0800 CST End benchmark

Result: broker=tcp://localhost:1883, clients=1000, totalCount=1000000, duration=121992ms, throughput=8197.26messages/sec
  • qos2
C:\Users\Jun\go\windows_amd64>mqtt-bench.exe -broker=tcp://localhost:1883 -action=pub -clients=1000 -qos=2 -count=1000
2020-09-30 17:09:35.1314262 +0800 CST Start benchmark
2020-09-30 17:13:10.7914125 +0800 CST End benchmark

Result: broker=tcp://localhost:1883, clients=1000, totalCount=1000000, duration=215656ms, throughput=4637.01messages/sec
Number of concurrent connections Behavior Single message size Number of single connection messages Total number of messages qos Time-consuming qps
1000 Post message 1024byte 1000 One million 0 40.4s 24723
1000 Post message 1024byte 1000 One million 1 121.9s 8197
1000 Post message 1024byte 1000 One million 2 215.6s 4637

Resource consumption: cpu: 45%, mem 440 MB