It's Dynamic type Object oriented and scripting language written in Java
import native modules
Array data structure with dynamic types
Single Inheritance like Java
this keyword
Function Extenson
Local functions
Native Functions
Ternary (X ? Y : Z) and Elvis (X ? Y) Operators
If condition
While loop
Do While Loop
Repeat block like Kotlin
Scope and Block
super, this keywords for oop
Break and Continue keyword for loops
Logical operators AND, OR, XOR
Bitwise operators <<, >>, >>>
Function can take other Function as Parameter
Runtime error
Semantic analysis
Arity Similar to Python that throw error if developer pass less or more than function arguments
Create custom prefix operators
Create custom infix Operators
module tank.system;
print("Current os name is : " + osName() + "\n");
print("JDK Path : " + osEnvVar("JAVA_HOME") + "\n");
print("OS Arch : " + osArch() + "\n");
Test statement to show request result in the runtime.
func sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
test ("test sum function") {
return sum(1, 1) == 2;
Custom infix Operator function
infix func sum(x, y) {
return x + y;
var sumResult = 10 sum 20; // will be 30
var sumResult2 = sum(10, 20); // will be 30
Custom prefix Operator function
prefix func multiByTen(x) {
return x * 10;
var result = multiByTen 10; // will be 100
var result2 = multiByTen(10); // will be 100
Example of Infix and prefix functions
prefix func say(message) {
print(message + "\n");
infix func to(left, right) {
return left + " " + right;
// Option 1
say "Hello" to "Amr";
// Option 2
say(to("Hello", "Amr"));
Code Style Check for Tank code to check if your code style is match your check configuration
Check class name and super class name.
Check method name and parameters.
Check function name and parameters.
Check function extension name and parameters.
Check variables name.
Check test block tag.
Check if constants folding is possible.
For all Examples see examples directory.