Request transaction for swapping 37 ADA to MIN: 9d620c0c847a078ca50325ab28d1a47c5e5a257823ca49e36e33a41ff03bc97a
Corresponding route transaction: 8b3580a52d5ee716de2dbfad689473e4b2bd814ec52ffda8d35f98cd87108047
Reclaim transaction of a request: baf792217d8ed1fb19c025f479e1241545e977627557bcc3f04188d28a455dcb
Request transaction for swapping 100 ADA to MIN: f11bad50d65f3f8e06e0ba46878f8fa1634e8b214bbe106ac0826f654976da25
Corresponding route transaction: 93075a97e47afd98b473a3aa69984d5dbf6c6d8905825f3592b22d6f6ac97777
Transaction performed by batcher: 8e07a6a3c1eccbba408572d9831797fbc351ec129dcf2b5dc9068c765a43687e
pnpm install && pnpm run build
Note that this wallet needs to have some test ADA.
export SEED_PHRASE=$(cat ~/preprod_wallet.seed)
You can read more about how CLI interface in
node dist/cli.js submit-advanced \
--lovelace 37000000 \
--owner $(cat ~/preprod_wallet.addr) \
--router-fee 1000000 \
--reclaim-router-fee 0 \
--extra-config extra.config.json
This step is supposed to be performed by the routing agent.
export SEED_PHRASE=$(cat ~/preprod_wallet_2.seed)
By monitoring the same instance of smart handles to which we just submitted a route request, the application can perform the route to Minswap V1 address and collect its 1 ADA router fee.
node dist/cli.js monitor
pnpm installpnpm run build
export SEED_PHRASE=$(cat ~/preprod_wallet.seed)
You can read more about how CLI interface in
node dist/cli-v2.js submit-simple --lovelace 100000000
This step is supposed to be performed by the routing agent.
export SEED_PHRASE=$(cat ~/preprod_wallet_2.seed)
Very similar to V1 section above, only the build .js
file is now cli-v2.js
node dist/cli-v2.js monitor