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File Transfer S3 to

File metadata and controls

455 lines (423 loc) · 14 KB

File Transfer: Amazon S3 to Amazon S3

1. Description

This tutorial illustrates the process through which a provider participant can transfer a file stored in its Amazon S3 to another Amazon S3 belonging to a consumer participant.
For this tutorial, we assume Alice as a provider participant and Bob as consumer participant.
We use a self-contained version of Amazon S3 named MinIO, and we deploy two instances, one each for Alice and Bob.

2. Existing Resources

Following resources have already been configured.

Resource Alice Bob Description
AWS Access Key Id aliceawsclient bobawsclient Configured AWS access id in MinIO
AWS Secret Access Key aliceawssecret bobawssecret Configured AWS secret access key in MinIO
S3 Bucket Name alice-bucket bob-bucket An S3 bucket created for demonstration purpose
Sample File alice-test-document.txt bob-test-document.txt A sample file already uploaded in the bucket

3. Connect to MinIO

To access MinIO locally we need to expose the port outside our kubernetes cluster.
MinIO contains a web interface called MinIO Console, so we will expose its port as well.

3.1 Connect to Alice's MinIO

kubectl port-forward service/alice-minio 9000:9000 9001:9001

Now, navigate to http://localhost:9001 and login with Alice's access key id and secret access key. You should be able to see MinIO Console. alice_bucket.png

If you click on Browse, you can see the files stored in alice-bucket. alice_bucket_content.png

3.2 Connect to Bob's MinIO

Similarly, you can access Bob's MinIO as well. Open a new terminal and run below command.

kubectl port-forward service/bob-minio 8000:9000 8001:9001

Now, navigate to http://localhost:8001 and login with Bob's access key id and secret access key. bob_bucket_content.png

4. Upload file in Alice's MinIO

You can skip this step entirely if you want to use existing uploaded files.

We can upload files either via MinIO Console or AWS CLI.

4.1 Via MinIO Console

  • Open Alice's MinIO Console via following steps mentioned in previous step.
  • Browse content of the bucket alice-bucket.
  • Click on Upload button and select any sample file to upload.

4.2 Via AWS CLI

Let's configure AWS CLI with Alice's credentials.

 aws configure

When prompted, enter Alice's access key id / secret.

Now, you can upload file using below command.

aws s3 cp assets/test-document.txt s3://alice-bucket/another-test-document.txt --endpoint-url http://localhost:9000

5. Create S3 Asset

While creating asset, we need to provide file name, S3 bucket name and AWS region where it is stored.

curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/v3/assets' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
  "@context": {},
  "@id": "20",
  "properties": {
    "name": "alice-test-document",
    "description": "Product EDC Demo S3 Asset",
    "contenttype": "text/plain",
    "version": "1.0"
  "dataAddress": {
    "@type": "DataAddress",
    "type": "AmazonS3",
    "keyName": "alice-test-document.txt",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "bucketName": "alice-bucket"

6. Create Policy

6.1 Create Access Policy

curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/v2/policydefinitions' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
  "@context": {
    "odrl": ""
  "@type": "PolicyDefinitionRequestDto",
  "@id": "201",
  "policy": {
    "@type": "odrl:Set",
    "odrl:permission": [
        "odrl:action": "USE",
        "odrl:constraint": {
          "@type": "LogicalConstraint",
          "odrl:or": [
              "@type": "Constraint",
              "odrl:leftOperand": "BpnCredential",
              "odrl:operator": {
                "@id": "odrl:eq"
              "odrl:rightOperand": "active"

6.2 Create Contract Policy

curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/v2/policydefinitions' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
  "@context": {
    "odrl": ""
  "@type": "PolicyDefinitionRequestDto",
  "@id": "202",
  "policy": {
    "@type": "odrl:Set",
    "odrl:permission": [
        "odrl:action": "USE",
        "odrl:constraint": {
          "@type": "LogicalConstraint",
          "odrl:or": [
              "@type": "Constraint",
              "odrl:leftOperand": "BusinessPartnerNumber",
              "odrl:operator": {
                "@id": "odrl:eq"
              "odrl:rightOperand": "BPNL000000000002"

7. Create Contract Definition

curl --location 'http://localhost/alice/management/v2/contractdefinitions' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
  "@context": {},
  "@id": "20",
  "@type": "ContractDefinition",
  "accessPolicyId": "201",
  "contractPolicyId": "202",
  "assetsSelector": {
    "@type": "CriterionDto",
    "operandLeft": "",
    "operator": "=",
    "operandRight": "20"

8. Query Catalog

Now let's verify whether Bob is able to access the assets or not via querying Alice's catalog.

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/management/v2/catalog/request' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
  "@context": {
    "edc": ""
  "@type": "CatalogRequest",
  "counterPartyAddress": "http://alice-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
  "protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
  "querySpec": {
    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 50

You should be able to find this asset (id: 20) in the list of catalog returned by Alice.

  "@id": "9c1fc97a-5fcc-49f5-b56a-c78b21ca1f82",
  "@type": "dcat:Catalog",
  "dcat:dataset": [
      "@id": "20",
      "@type": "dcat:Dataset",
      "odrl:hasPolicy": {
        "@id": "MjA=:MjA=:YWNjNGRkZjctMjZiYS00ZDlmLTkzNDEtNDUyZmViYTlmZjE3",
        "@type": "odrl:Set",
        "odrl:permission": {
          "odrl:target": "20",
          "odrl:action": {
            "odrl:type": "USE"
          "odrl:constraint": {
            "odrl:or": {
              "odrl:leftOperand": "BusinessPartnerNumber",
              "odrl:operator": {
                "@id": "odrl:eq"
              "odrl:rightOperand": "BPNL000000000002"
        "odrl:prohibition": [],
        "odrl:obligation": [],
        "odrl:target": {
          "@id": "20"
      "dcat:distribution": [
          "@type": "dcat:Distribution",
          "dct:format": {
            "@id": "HttpProxy"
          "dcat:accessService": "07d469e1-f1be-459b-a69d-ed16fd1fec3e"
          "@type": "dcat:Distribution",
          "dct:format": {
            "@id": "AmazonS3"
          "dcat:accessService": "07d469e1-f1be-459b-a69d-ed16fd1fec3e"
      "version": "1.0",
      "name": "alice-test-document",
      "description": "Product EDC Demo S3 Asset",
      "id": "20",
      "contenttype": "text/plain"
  "dcat:service": {},
  "participantId": "BPNL000000000001",
  "@context": {}

Please take a note of odrl:hasPolicy#@id (MjA=:MjA=:YWNjNGRkZjctMjZiYS00ZDlmLTkzNDEtNDUyZmViYTlmZjE3) field in the response which will be used while initiating negotiation.

9. Initiate Negotiation

Please update offerId in the below curl request from the above step.

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/management/v2/contractnegotiations' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
  "@context": {
    "odrl": ""
  "@type": "NegotiationInitiateRequestDto",
  "connectorAddress": "http://alice-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
  "protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
  "connectorId": "BPNL000000000001",
  "providerId": "BPNL000000000001",
  "offer": {
    "offerId": "<Odrl Policy ID From Above Step>",
    "assetId": "20",
    "policy": {
      "@type": "odrl:Set",
      "odrl:permission": {
        "odrl:target": "20",
        "odrl:action": {
          "odrl:type": "USE"
        "odrl:constraint": {
          "odrl:or": [
              "@type": "Constraint",
              "odrl:leftOperand": "BusinessPartnerNumber",
              "odrl:operator": {
                "@id": "odrl:eq"
              "odrl:rightOperand": "BPNL000000000002"
      "odrl:prohibition": [],
      "odrl:obligation": [],
      "odrl:target": "20"

Above API should return below response.

  "@type": "IdResponse",
  "@id": "53668c69-106d-416c-8118-af23d171b938",
  "createdAt": 1701425299412,
  "@context": {
    "@vocab": "",
    "edc": "",
    "tx": "",
    "odrl": ""

Please take note of the negotiation id (@id field) in the response.

10. Get Negotiation

Now, we have initiated the negotiation. Let's try to inspect it.
Please update negotiation id in the below curl request.

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/management/v2/contractnegotiations/<NEGOTIATION_ID>' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password'

It should return below response.

  "@type": "ContractNegotiation",
  "@id": "53668c69-106d-416c-8118-af23d171b938",
  "type": "CONSUMER",
  "protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http",
  "state": "FINALIZED",
  "counterPartyId": "BPNL000000000001",
  "counterPartyAddress": "http://alice-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
  "callbackAddresses": [],
  "createdAt": 1701425299412,
  "contractAgreementId": "48bad8fd-e24d-40e9-91d3-6d7f82693989",
  "@context": {}

Please note:

  • state field should be FINALIZED. If it is TERMINATED, it means negotiation has been failed. Please check logs for more details.
  • Take a note of contractAgreementId field which will be used while initiating transfer.

11. Initiate Transfer

Please update contract agreement id from above step in the below curl request.

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/management/v2/transferprocesses' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password' \
--data-raw '{
  "@context": {
    "odrl": ""
  "assetId": "20",
  "connectorAddress": "http://alice-controlplane:8084/api/v1/dsp",
  "connectorId": "BPNL000000000001",
  "contractId": "<Contract Agreement Id from Get Negotiation Response>",
  "dataDestination": {
    "type": "AmazonS3",
    "keyName": "alice-test-document.txt",
    "bucketName": "bob-bucket",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "endpointOverride": "http://bob-minio:9000",
    "accessKeyId": "bobawsclient",
    "secretAccessKey": "bobawssecret"
  "protocol": "dataspace-protocol-http"

This API should return below response.

  "@type": "IdResponse",
  "@id": "40fdb511-68f2-453f-bd9b-8e5e728508aa",
  "createdAt": 1701425537697,
  "@context": {
    "@vocab": "",
    "edc": "",
    "tx": "",
    "odrl": ""

Please take note of the transfer process id (@id field) in the response.

12. Get Transfer

Just wait for few seconds and check the transfer state.
Please replace transfer process id before running command.

curl --location 'http://localhost/bob/management/v2/transferprocesses/<TRANSFER_PROCESS_ID>' \
--header 'X-Api-Key: password'

It should return below response:

  "@id": "40fdb511-68f2-453f-bd9b-8e5e728508aa",
  "@type": "TransferProcess",
  "correlationId": "40fdb511-68f2-453f-bd9b-8e5e728508aa",
  "state": "COMPLETED",
  "stateTimestamp": 1701425542142,
  "type": "CONSUMER",
  "assetId": "20",
  "contractId": "48bad8fd-e24d-40e9-91d3-6d7f82693989",
  "callbackAddresses": [],
  "dataDestination": {
    "@type": "DataAddress",
    "secretAccessKey": "bobawssecret",
    "accessKeyId": "bobawsclient",
    "endpointOverride": "http://bob-minio:9000",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "type": "AmazonS3",
    "keyName": "alice-test-document.txt",
    "bucketName": "bob-bucket"
  "connectorId": "BPNL000000000001",
  "@context": {}

Please note, state should be COMPLETED. If it is TERMINATED, it means, transfer has been failed. Please check logs for more details.

13. Validate Transfer

Now we can validate that file has been transferred to bob-bucket.
Once transfer is complete, alice-test-document.txt should be present in bob-bucket.

Open Bob's MinIO Console and browse files in bob-bucket. It should look like this. bob_bucket_content_after_transfer.png

We can also list files in bucket via AWS CLI.

First, let's configure AWS CLI to use Bob's credentials.

aws configure

When prompted, enter Bob's access key id / secret.

aws s3 ls s3://bob-bucket --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000

You should see list of files in bob-bucket.

2023-12-01 15:42:20         22 alice-test-document.txt
2023-12-01 15:42:20          0 alice-test-document.txt.complete
2023-12-01 13:16:25         22 bob-test-document.txt