- Building a group that learns and write about new technologies
- HackerNews mention
- TheChangeLog March NewsLetter
- HackerNews Front page https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12430479
- Week 2 SBT tutorial is mentioned recommended by Coursera Scala course taught by Martin Odersky.
- Week 7 Hugo post became official Hugo quickstart
- ChangeLog Issue 122, September 11th 2016 again mentioned 52-technologies-in-2016 series.
- A guy wrote a short post on 52-technologies-in-2016 giving him inspiration to get back to blogging.
- SDTimes mentioned 52-technologies-in-2016 series in their Github project of the week.
- A beginner's reference guide to TypeScript Language mentions 52-technologies-in-2016 week 17 blog on TypeScript post.
- A Russian blogger talking about 52-technologies-in-2016 series
- A German blogger posted about 52-technologies-in-2016
- TheChangeLog https://twitter.com/changelog/status/705851109143912448
- The Practical Dev https://twitter.com/ThePracticalDev/status/773299374130618368
- Umar Hansa https://twitter.com/umaar/status/773192074925670400
- Justin https://twitter.com/justinwr/status/772844486116409344
- Josh Long https://twitter.com/starbuxman/status/765429961666600961
- ArangoDB https://twitter.com/starbuxman/status/765429961666600961
- Go News https://twitter.com/golang_news/status/754721829441400832
- Python Weekly https://twitter.com/golang_news/status/754721829441400832
- Alexander Schmidt https://twitter.com/Bloggerschmidt/status/724826819023740929
- DJo https://twitter.com/LaFermeDuWeb/status/724480629904150528
- Chris Heilmann https://twitter.com/codepo8/status/772905349770645504
- Read all tweets here