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Tim Hadwen edited this page Sep 21, 2015 · 9 revisions


To build the standalone SDK and toolchain, you need a GNU/POSIX system (Linux, BSD, MacOSX, Windows with Cygwin) with the standard GNU development tools installed: gcc, binutils, flex, bison, etc.

Please make sure that the machine you use to build the toolchain has at least 1G free RAM+swap (or more, which will speed up the build). ##Debian/Ubuntu

###Ubuntu 14.04:

$ sudo apt-get install make unrar autoconf automake libtool gcc g++ gperf \
    flex bison texinfo gawk ncurses-dev libexpat-dev python python-serial sed \

###Later Debian/Ubuntu versions may require:

sudo apt-get install libtool-bin


brew tap homebrew/dupes
brew install binutils coreutils automake wget gawk libtool gperf gnu-sed --with-default-names grep
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"

In addition to the development tools MacOS needs a case-sensitive filesystem. You might need to create a virtual disk and build esp-open-sdk on it:

sudo hdiutil create ~/Documents/case-sensitive.dmg -volname "case-sensitive" -size 10g -fs "Case-sensitive HFS+"
sudo hdiutil mount ~/Documents/case-sensitive.dmg
cd /Volumes/case-sensitive


First navigate to the open sdk directory and run make:

cd ~/esp-open-sdk

Then navigate to the free rtos sdk and run make ???

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