- PHP 5.3+
- Imagick
- mod_rewrite enabled in Apache
This document will present you how to install Sydney on your webserver.
We will presume that your domain is acme.tld
and the files will be locate in /srv/www/sydney
Your website will be accesible at http://acme.tld
The administration panel will be accessible at http://acme.tld/admin
- Download the 'core', unzip it and put its content in
. - You will have to create a webinstance. You can download a sample webinstance here (with the installer). Once you have download the sample webinstance you will have to place its content in
The 'core' folder is the kernel for all your (future) websites. It will contains all global functionalities and administration ...
The 'webinstances' folder contains all your website's projects. You can put from 1 to infinite websites there.
You should have a file tree like :
├── core
│ ├── application
│ ├── doc
│ ├── library
│ └── ...
└── webinstances
└── acme
├── config
├── html
├── layouts
└── var
├── another-site
└── ...
In this part we will configure how "sydneyassets" will be served and also the domain name configuration.
If you don't have access to your virtualhost jump to the next section.
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName acme.tld
ServerAdmin [email protected]
Alias /sydneyassets /srv/www/sydney/core/webinstances/sydney/html/sydneyassets
<Directory /srv/www/sydney/core/webinstances/sydney/html/sydneyassets>
Require all granted # Used for global assets on the admin
DocumentRoot /srv/www/sydney/webinstances/acme/html
<Directory /srv/www/sydney/webinstances/acme/html>
Allowoverride all
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName acme.tld
ServerAdmin [email protected]
Alias /sydneyassets /srv/www/sydney/core/webinstances/sydney/html/sydneyassets
<Directory /srv/www/sydney/core/webinstances/sydney/html/sydneyassets>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
DocumentRoot /srv/www/sydney/webinstances/acme/html
<Directory /srv/www/sydney/webinstances/acme/html>
Allowoverride all
Once this was achieved, reload Apache with admin rights (eg sudo) : service apache reload
If you don't have a virtualhost access you have to put a .htaccess on your root main folder as : /srv/www/sydney/.htaccess
Add these following codes to the .htaccess.
RewriteEngine On
Options -Indexes
RewriteRule ^sydneyassets/(.+)$ /core/webinstances/sydney/html/sydneyassets/$1 [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/core/webinstances/sydney/html/sydneyassets/
RewriteRule ^(.*) /webinstances/acme/html/$1
The /srv/www/sydney/webinstances/acme/config/parameters.ini
file needs to be completed:
For instance, a localhost with a DB sydney_database linked to a user "my_name" and the password "pass" would be filled like this :
The /srv/www/sydney/webinstances/acme/config/config.ini
file have to be modified.
For example :
Complete the installation by going to the url :http://acme.tld/install/index.php.
The installation launcher will explain how to proceed (if you don't like graphical installer see the section bellow).
Once install is done don't forget to remove the "html/install" directory
Sydney is now ready to be used!
Don't pay attention if you have already install Sydney!
You will need to get all the data to insert in the DB.
Those datas are locate in "install" directory in the sample instance
The DB structure is in the db-structure.sql
Those datas are available in the db-data.sql
You can change the languages_id (look at the languages table)
INSERT INTO `safinstances` (`label`, `domain`, `description`, `languages_id`, `creationdate`, `active`, `offlinemessage`, `metakeywords`)
VALUES ('My website', 'http://acme.tld', 'Here a description', '1', NOW(), '1', 'Website is offline', '');
You will need to retrieve the instance id for the next steps.
You will have to add in the /srv/www/sydney/webinstance/acme/config/
folder of your instance a instance.ini.lock
This file will never change.
Just change the default instance id (here safinstance_id = 999999999).
This user will be admin:password (md5).
INSERT INTO `users` (`login`, `password`, `usersgroups_id`, `valid`, `mdname`, `lname`, `cell`, `active`, `safinstances_id`, `subscribedate`, `unsubscribedate`, `modifieddate`, `ip`, `creatoridentity`, `avatar`, `pagorder`, `lastlogindate`, `timeValidityPassword`)
VALUES ('admin', '5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99', '7', '1', 'Admin', 'User', '', '1', '999999999', NOW(), '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '', '0', '', '0', NOW(), '0');
123 = id of the instance previously created.
456 = id of the user previously created (to replace with the correct one ;))
INSERT INTO `safinstances_users` (`safinstances_id`, `users_id`) VALUES ('123', '456');
You can additionnaly add some fake content. This fake content is locate in the db-example-page.sql
All {instanceid}
will have to be replace by the correct instance_id (created previously)
And it's done!