"text": "Could be line here"
"text": "Could be variable here {{$user.value}}"
"text": ["Could be", "Few lines"]
"text": {
"ru": "...",
"en": "...",
"ua": "...",
"langVar": "$user.lang"
langVar stores the name of varible where to get the current language
$user.lang = "en";
console.log($user.lang); //=> en
"images": "https://.....com/image.png"
"images": ["https://.....com/image.png", "https://.....com/image2.png"]
"buttons": {
"hello": "goto:another-step1",
"world": "goto:another-step2"
"buttons": {
"hello": {
"store": "$user.action = 'hello'",
"goto": "another-step"
Use Livescript syntax inside store
Available variables: $user
"buttons": {
"button" : {
"ru": {"buttonRUtext": { "goto" : "...", "store": "..." } },
"en": {"buttonENtext": { "goto" : "...", "store": "..." } },
"ua": {"buttonUAtext": { "goto" : "...", "store": "..." } },
"langVar": "$user.lang"
"menu": {
"hello": "goto:another-step1",
"world": "goto:another-step2"
"menu": {
"hello": {
"store": "$user.action = 'hello'",
"goto": "another-step"
Use Livescript syntax inside store
Available variables: $user
"menu": {
"button" : {
"ru": {"buttonRUtext": { "goto" : "...", "store": "..." } },
"en": {"buttonENtext": { "goto" : "...", "store": "..." } },
"ua": {"buttonUAtext": { "goto" : "...", "store": "..." } },
"langVar": "$user.lang"
"onText": {
"validate": ["^[a-z]+[@][a-z]+$"],
"store": "$user.firstname = $text"
Use Livescript syntax inside store
Available variables: $user
, $text
field contains the array of regexp validations
"redirectCondition": {
"($user.lang ? '').length is 2": "choose-action-step"
is object where
- keys are conditions
- values are step names