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File metadata and controls

149 lines (123 loc) · 4.26 KB

Ux Media

Symfony UX async document upload form type using ArtgrisFileManager, a MediaBundle version that works without having to use most of its dependecies like jQuery / jQuery UI / Font awesome etc (but still requires bootstrap 5)


Before you start, make sure you have StimulusBundle configured in your app.

Install the bundle using Composer and Symfony Flex:

composer require arkounay/ux-media

If you're using WebpackEncore, install your assets and restart Encore (not needed if you're using AssetMapper):

npm install --force
npm run watch

# or use yarn
yarn install --force
yarn watch

Configuration prerequisites

This bundles uses FileManagerBundle. Make sure its routing is enabled, as well as UxMedia routes :


    resource: "@ArtgrisFileManagerBundle/Controller"
    type:     attribute
    prefix:   /admin/manager

    resource: "@ArkounayUxMediaBundle/Controller"
    type:     attribute
    prefix:   /admin/ux-media

Also, make sure you have a conf that is defined :


            dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/public/uploads'

If your project is NOT using bootstrap, you need to enable the bootstrap_modal controller and enable scss :

  • Add Encore.enableSassLoader() to your webpack.config.js file
  • Install sass yarn add sass-loader@^12.0.0 sass --dev

And import the propoer bootstrap scss class :

    "controllers": {
        "@arkounay/ux-collection": {
            "collection": {
                "enabled": true,
                "fetch": "eager",
                "autoimport": {
                    "@arkounay/ux-collection/src/style.css": true,
                    "@arkounay/ux-collection/src/style-when-not-using-bootstrap-5.css": false
        "@arkounay/ux-media": {
            "media": {
                "enabled": true,
                "fetch": "eager",
                "autoimport": {
                    "@arkounay/ux-media/src/style.css": true
            "upload": {
                "enabled": true,
                "fetch": "eager"
            "crop": {
                "enabled": true,
                "fetch": "eager",
                "autoimport": {
                    "cropperjs/dist/cropper.min.css": true,
                    "@arkounay/ux-media/src/crop_style.css": true
            "bootstrap_modal": {
                "enabled": true,
                "fetch": "eager",
                "autoimport": {
                    "@arkounay/ux-media/src/bootstrap_modal.scss": true
    "entrypoints": []


Works like Artgris/MediaBundle except you have to use UxMediaType and UxMediaCollectionType

$builder->add('Media', UxMediaType::class, [
    'conf' => 'default',
    'tree' => true,
    'display_file_manager' => true,
    'display_clear_button' => true,
    'allow_crop' => true,
    'crop_options' => [
        'display_crop_data' => true,
        'allow_flip' => true,
        'allow_rotation' => true,
        'ratio' => false,

EasyAdmin integration

For easyadmin 3+ you need to manually specify the form theme by overriding configureCrud in your DashboardController to add the themes s@ArkounayUxCollection/ux_collection_form_theme.html.twig and @ArkounayUxMedia/ux_media_form_theme.html.twig

public function configureCrud(): Crud
    return Crud::new()

If you're using WebpackEncore, you will need to configure your admin to use it so Symfony UX is taken into account, for example:

public function configureAssets(Assets $assets): Assets
    return parent::configureAssets($assets)