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File metadata and controls

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AirGradient Prometheus Exporter


AirGradient has a DIY air sensor. I built one (actually, more than one). I want to integrate sensor data into my in-home Prometheus instance and graph the data in Grafana.

So I built this.

How it Works

If you're using the official AirGradient Arduino sketch (C02_PM_SHT_OLED_WIFI), you can configure it to enable WiFi and send data to a remote server every 9 seconds (as it cycles through the display of PM2.5, CO2, temperature, and humidity values).

By default, it sends a small JSON payload to AirGradient's servers, and you can monitor the data via their service.

But this exporter runs a Docker container that 'catches' that data (by pointing your AirGradient sensor at it), and then it reports it through a /metrics endpoint that Prometheus can scrape to ingest sensor data at whatever interval Prometheus is configured to scrape it.

I've included the sketch I deploy to my sensors for use with this repository: AirGradient-DIY.ino.

How to Use

This thing is a couple PHP scripts that run in a Docker container. That's it.

You could even run the thing without using Docker, it doesn't care, it's just PHP.

Run the Docker container

Run the PHP script inside Docker like so:

docker run -d -p 9925:80 --name airgradient \
  -v "$PWD":/var/www/html \
  php:8-apache \
  /bin/bash -c 'chown -R 33:33 html; a2enmod rewrite; apache2-foreground'

Or you can set it up inside a docker-compose file like so:

version: "3"

    container_name: airgradient
    image: php:8-apache
    command: "/bin/bash -c 'mkdir /sensors; chown -R 33:33 /sensors; a2enmod rewrite; apache2-foreground'"
      - "9925:80"
      - './:/var/www/html'
    restart: unless-stopped

Point your AirGradient at the service

In your AirGradient's sketch, modify the APIROOT to point to your server, e.g.:

// change if you want to send the data to another server
String APIROOT = "";

Upload the sketch to the AirGradient sensor, make sure you have it connected to your network, then you can test that the exporter has data available to it by running this curl command:

$ curl localhost:9925/metrics
# HELP instance The ID of the AirGradient sensor.
instance 1995c6
# HELP wifi Current WiFi signal strength, in dB
# TYPE wifi gauge
wifi -52
# HELP pm02 Particulat Matter PM2.5 value
# TYPE pm02 gauge
pm02 6
# HELP rc02 CO2 value, in ppm
# TYPE rc02 gauge
rco2 862
# HELP atmp Temperature, in degrees Celsius
# TYPE atmp gauge
atmp 31.6
# HELP rhum Relative humidity, in percent
# TYPE rhum gauge
rhum 38

If you get an error, make sure the Docker container (and the host it's on) is able to be reached over HTTP!

Known issues

This project currently only works with one AirGradient Sensor. See this issue for details on getting it working with more than one sensor.




Jeff Geerling.