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File metadata and controls

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This is a plugin for SCL:Secret Lab servers. It offers multiple admin tools like

  • Friendly fire logs in server console & logs to file
  • Advanced Godmode, ability to turn off damage for players, instantkill
    • "Advanced" in the sense of: 106 with ATGOD cannot be contained, amongst other things like this
  • Heal
  • Warp Points
  • Modifying player cordinates/position
  • Prevent the round from ending
  • Per-player stats (saved to file)
  • Breaking doors interacted with
  • Player Joined messages in server window

and more commands, and other features that do not exist in the base game (yet). There is also more to come!

If you want to follow the development, take a look at the AdminToolbox Trello Board

Plugin Installation:

To install:

  1. Grab newest version of AdminToolbox: Latest Release
  2. Navigate to your SCP Secret Lab folder.
  3. Drag AdminToolbox.dll into the sm_plugins folder

ServerMod - (This is required for any plugin)

ServerMod is a server side plugin system with a bunch of additional configuration options, bug fixes, security patches and some optimisations built in.

AdminToolbox Server Name Variables

Variable Description
$atversion Automaticly replaced with the current version of AdminToolbox

Note that all commands below requires you to have enable_ra_server_commands: set to true in your config_gameplay.txt, and your steamID64/SERVER-ROLE added to the whitelist for them to work. This is part of Smod, not the plugin.

Administration COMMANDS / Gameplay COMMANDS

Command Value Type Value Type Description
P / PLAYER Player Lists all values for the specified Player
PLAYERS Lists all players + IP's + SteamID's.
ATGOD Player Boolean Turns on/off godmode for that player. Use without (bool) to toggle. Add nodmg after (bool) to turn on NoDmg as as well for this player
NODMG Player Boolean Turns on/off damageOutput for that player. Use without (bool) to toggle.
ATHP / ATSETHP Player Integer Sets player HP to (Integer).
ATHEAL Player Integer Heals player for (Integer) amount. Use without (Integer) to set to Role default max HP.
TPX Player1 Player2 Teleports Player1 to Player2. (Will not grab all players names that contain the string you entered like TP does, only the closest match)
TUT / TUTORIAL Player Sets player role to TUTORIAL.
ROLE Player ROLEID Sets player to ROLE without teleporting them to ROLE SPAWN or giving items.
KEEP / KEEPSETTINGS Player Boolean Enables keeping player settings on round restart.
RLOCK / ROUNDLOCK Boolean Turns on/off round ending
BD / BREAKDOORS Player Boolean Turns on/off breaking doors for that player.
PL / PLOCK / PLAYERLOCK / PLAYERLOCKDOWN Player Boolean Locks all doors for the spesified player.
SPEC / SPECTATOR Player Boolean Player will never spawn naturally.
IK / INSTAKILL / INSTANTKILL Player Boolean Turns on/off instant kills for that player.
ATDISABLE Disables the Admintoolbox plugin. Server will need restart to enable it again
ATCOLOR Boolean Enable/Disable admintoolbox colors in server console (currently bugged)
JAIL Player seconds Jails the player for the specified (if not specified, defaults to 1 year) time. Re-use to unjail.
S / SERVERINFO Lists information on the server, such as the name, IP, port, player count, round number and duration, admintoolbox coloring, roundlock and jailed players
KILL / SLAY Player Kills target player. Using * will exclude the player using the command

Any Player variable can be switched out with * to target all players. Not specifying a bool toggles it. Using (command) list will list all players with the currently enabled status. (Like godmode for example) Player variable can be either Player name or PlayerID

Find a complete list of Role ID's & Item ID's HERE

Advanced Commands (Theese are harder to use and/or requires more Values)

Command Value Type Value Type Value_Type Description
WARP ADD Player WarpName Adds a warp point where Player is
WARP REMOVE WarpName Removes WarpName from WarpPoints
WARP LIST Lists current warp points
WARP Player WarpName Teleports Player to WarpName
POS Player ADD x=5 y=10 Teleports player 5 on X axis, 10 on Y axis (up). (No need to use every cordinate (X Y Z))
POS Player SET x=50 y=0 z=-50 Sets player position to X:50 Y:0 Z:-50
POS Player GET Gets XYZ position of Player
EMPTY Player ItemTypeNumber / (D, DEL,DELETE) (D, DEL,DELETE) Drops all items (all unless specified) from the player's inv. If used with (D, DEL or DELETE), it deletes the items instead of dropping. (The second del part is for if you use an item number)
ATBAN / OBAN / OFFLINEBAN PlayerName IP/STEAMID Minutes Bans IP/STEAMID for X minutes. (For banning offline users)

Player input doesn't need the full name, it can be PlayerID or a part of the name

^These commands work in both server console and text-based remote admin!^

Config Additions

Type Info:

  • Boolean: True or False value
  • Integer: Any whole number
  • Float: A number with decimals (Formatting like "1.5")
  • List: A list of items separated by ",", for example: list: 1,2,3,4,5
  • Dictionary: A dictionary of items separated by ":", and each entry separated by ",", for example: dictionary: 1:2,2:3,3:4
  • Seconds: Time in seconds, usually a value of -1 disables the feature
  • Minutes: Time in minutes, usually a value of -1 disables the feature
  • R: If the config option has an R before it, it means that you can use a random value in it. A random value is defined by having "{}", items listed like "weight%value" where if you don't put a weight it defaults to a weight of 1, separated by "|", for example: rlist: {1%1|2%7|6},3,6,{15%3|2|45%2}
  • STEAMID64: Find yours here!

Crossed out config options are temporarily removed, unless otherwise specified in the description

If you do not intend to change the default values, there's no need to include any of theese in your config

General Settings

Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
admintoolbox_enable Boolean True Enable / Disable AdminToolbox from loading on server start
admintoolbox_colors Boolean False Enable/Disable admintoolbox colors in server console (currently bugged)
admintoolbox_tracking Boolean True When True, puts AT:VersionNbr in the server name. When false, looks for $atversion in the name and replaces it with the version if found
admintoolbox_tutorial_dmg_allowed List -1 What damage types the TUTORIAL role is allowed to take. -1 means no damagetypes allowed
admintoolbox_Round_damageMultiplier Float 1 Multiplies all damage by this number
admintoolbox_endedRound_damageMultiplier Float 1 Multiplies all damage by this number after round ends. For maximum chaos enter high number (10 or something) To turn off dmg on round end, enter 0.
admintoolbox_decontamination_damagemultiplier Float 1 Multiplies LCZ decontaimnent damage with the specified number
admintoolbox_friendlyfire_damagemultiplier Float 1 Multiplies friendly damage with the specified number. (ex 0.5 would half the damage)
admintoolbox_intercom_steamid_blacklist SteamID64 List of people who cannot use the intercom
admintoolbox_intercomlock Boolean False If true locks the intercom for non-whitelisted players
admintoolbox_block_role_damage Dictionary 2:2 What roles cannot damage other roles. See example under
admintoolbox_round_info Boolean True Displays round-count and dudation on start/end of round
admintoolbox_block_role_damage ExampleHere Specifies what roles (AttackerRole) cannot damage.
admintoolbox_roledamageblock_onroundend Boolean True Enables/Disables config above to be in effect after round has ended
admintoolbox_custom_nuke_cards Boolean False Enables config for having to use a specified card to activate nuke
admintoolbox_nuke_card_list List 6, 9, 11 What item(s) the player needs to have in his hand to start the nuke
admintoolbox_tutorial_canbehandcuffed Boolean False Enables/Disables Tutorial players to be handcuffed
admintoolbox_tracking Boolean True If true puts AT:Version in the server name to keep track of servers with the plugin installed
Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
admintoolbox_intercom_whitelist ServerRole:SpeakTime:CooldownTime Whitelist of server roles (roles from config_remoteadmin.txt with specific time settings

See example at the bottom

Logfile settings (file will be created at the path specified in admintoolbox_folder_path config)

Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
admintoolbox_log_teamkills Boolean False Writes teamkills to the AT logfile
admintoolbox_log_kills Boolean False Writes non-team kills to the AT logfile
admintoolbox_log_commands Boolean False Writes command usage to the AT logfile
admintoolbox_folder_path String (Path) %Appdata%\Roaming\SCP Secret Laboratory\ Where the Admintoolbox folder will be located
admintoolbox_stats_unified Boolean True If true uses one folder for all servers, false creates a folder per server

Debug/INFO Settings (If you do not intend to change the default values, theres no need to include any of theese in your config)

Config Option Value Type Default Value Description
admintoolbox_debug_damagetypes List All human player damage ID's What damage types to detect.
admintoolbox_debug_player_damage Boolean False Displays all non-friendly kills in server console.
admintoolbox_debug_friendly_damage Boolean False Displays team damage in server console.
admintoolbox_debug_player_kill Boolean False Displays all non-friendly kills in server console.
admintoolbox_debug_scp_and_self_killed Boolean False Displays suicides, granade kills and SCP kills in server console.
admintoolbox_debug_friendly_kill Boolean True Displays teamkills in server console.
admintoolbox_player_join_info Boolean True Displays joining player's name upon joining.

*Note that all configs should go in your server config file, not config_remoteadmin.txt


#The example under will make scientists and Chaos unable to damage Dboys. The second example is how you add several roleID's for one role. (The example would make scientists (6) not able to damage any class, dboys (1) not able to attack other dboys (1))
admintoolbox_block_role_damage: 6:0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17,1:1

admintoolbox_intercom_whitelist: owner:120:10, moderator:90:20

Find a complete list of DamageID's, RoleID's and more HERE

Place any suggestions/problems in issues!

Thanks & Enjoy.