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Michael Cox edited this page Sep 1, 2021 · 4 revisions


Welcome to the wiki for Modheim, the modpack deployment tool for Valheim. Modheim aims to make sharing and deploying modpacks simple and easy. This will also help dedicated server maintainers who have a modded server, allowing them to create a simple modpack to share with their users to install.

Modheim is open source and relevant development documentation will be added here over time.


What can Modheim be used for?

  • Sharing mods for players wanting to join a modded server.
  • Sharing mod profile to stream/YouTube viewers
  • Sharing mod setups for competitions, both survival and creative.
  • Sharing your modded setup with friends who have little knowledge of modding.

What can Modheim not do?

  • Make changes to save data. Modheim only modifies the game directory so anything in AppData (Application.persistentDataPath in Unity) will have to me modified by hand.
  • Merge modpacks. This is because Modheim has no internal way to detect merge conflicts and will overwrite files if older. This may bring about unwanted effects so Modheim can only work with one pack at a time. You can still modify the game and create a new modpack from it. This means if you want to merge 2 modpacks, you'll have to install one via Modheim or manually and set up the other one by hand and create a new modpack.
    • Modheim is open source so if anyone knows a good way to handle this, be my guest. Otherwise, I may add it later, but it will be on the back burner.
  • Download new/update mods. Modheim creates modpacks based on how the game was modded when the modpack was made and contains all of the modded files. If an update for a mod is made, the user must update the mod themselves and create a new modpack as an update. This does mean that new versions of mods won't break the setup since it will be how the game was initially modded, but if mods are updated, it will be on the pack creator to make updates and a new pack.
  • Update Modpacks. Modheim does not check Modpacks for updates nor notify the user. That will come down to the pack creator to notify their users of updates. This may change in the future, but as there's various ways of doing this, and none of them easy, it will take some time. Be sure to let me know how you would tell your users of updates and I (or another ambitious programmer) can look into implementing it.
  • Modheim only works for Valheim. In theory, Modheim can work for other games, but this version is only configured (poorly) for Valheim. Meaning it reads only Valheim default files, tries to launch Valheim, and detects a valid directory if it contains Valheim as well as only detect if Valheim is running. However, Forks of Modheim are allowed so you can make a fork and modify it for another game.

Developer documenation

  • Here will go various documentation for the program's backend.
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