Releases: AstroNvim/astrocommunity
Releases · AstroNvim/astrocommunity
4.0.0 (2023-08-30)
- colorscheme: removed onigiri-nvim colorscheme due to deletion (#536)
- colorscheme: removed onigiri-nvim colorscheme due to deletion (#536) (6ad36ac)
- editing-support: added nvim-devdocs plugin (#547) (f9ef240)
- pack: Add cue language pack (#531) (17feb7e)
Bug Fixes
- dropbar-nvim: all lines move down during startup (d7c7868)
- dropbar-nvim: Fix visual flicking bug caused by loading event trigger (#539) (d7c7868)
- hardtime-nvim: disable hardtime-nvim on neo-tree-popup (#533) (a1206a4)
- mini-indentscope: exclude special buftypes (#546) (f4e981a)
- mini-indentscope: ignore more filetypes (#538) (10c95c8)
- obsidian-nvim: remove annoying notification about "gf" mapping (#541) (e50eef7)
Performance Improvements
3.6.0 (2023-08-22)
Bug Fixes
- bufferline-nvim: fix neo-tree offset (#526) (0a1a77c)
- noice-nvim: detect inc_rename and enable (#519) (4b951a3)
- openingh-nvim: more precise lazy loading with "cmd" and "keys" (#527) (4225f20)
- refactoring-nvim: lazy load on
cmd (#525) (89fe0d7) - typescript: Requires should be dependencies (#523) (e7c99c6)
3.4.0 (2023-08-06)
- editing-support: add yanky.nvim (#486) (299fe33)
- pack: Add Scala language pack (#501) (b98fde2)
- pack: Adding helm pack (#496) (f8fbe84)
- pack: enable hot reloading in java and show java lsp progress (#504) (fbf40f4)
- programming-language-support: Add dooku.nvim (#503) (6deb350)
- zen-mode-nvim: add integration with vim-matchup if enabled (#485) (4671c39)
Bug Fixes
- go: Add extra treesitter languages for Go (#495) (7d7f82a)
- multicursors-nvim: support MCstart in visual mode (#492) (d5822bb)
- neogit: move check into code rather than docs (#494) (e365cdf)
- refactoring-nvim: add select mode to mappings. remove conflicting (#499) (c59b7a7)
3.3.0 (2023-07-23)
- catppuccin: enable catppuccin integrations automatically (#457) (5ffae06)
- color: add mini-hipatterns (#453) (881847d)
- debugging: add nvim-dap-repl-highlights (#454) (2c8ecc9)
- editing-support: add nvim-neoclip plugin (#450) (4ebda64)
- editing-support: add treesitter endwise (#466) (95a580d)
- fuzzy-finder: add telescope-zoxide (#452) (5975749)
- lsp: add ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim (#470) (e1ccbdc)
- neogit: enable neogit integrations if they are available (#456) (3102b7c)
- php: Add
as formatter for php (#476) (81d63af) - typescript: Add support for dap for JS (#475) (9bd1e3e)
- vim-matchup: improve offscreen popup style (#474) (d571aa8)
Bug Fixes
- catppuccin: add recommended telescope config (#471) (bcb8296)
- catppuccin: enable alpha.nvim by default (#459) (23dce80)
- chatgpt-nvim: typo in
key (#461) (ae0c6b6) - mini-indentscope: ignore more filetypes (#458) (946c4e3)
- nvim-toggler: add lazy load on keys (#464) (c343448)
- portal-nvim: lazy load on cmd (#469) (ca6991a)
- scope-nvim: Register extension with Telescope (#467) (79ad146)
3.2.0 (2023-07-16)
- bars-and-lines: Add vim-illuminate (#436) (#443) (0ba344b)
- code-runner: Add executor.nvim (#388) (a67d356)
- colorscheme: Add fluormachine.nvim (#390) (696c913)
- colorscheme: add helix-nvim (#373) (11a043b)
- colorscheme: add melange colorscheme plugin (952529a)
- colorscheme: add melange plugin (#371) (952529a)
- completion: Add cmp-cmdline (#383) (80a781b)
- debugging: add nvim-dap-virtual-text (#387) (1635373)
- debugging: add telescope dap extension (#377) (ccf4487)
- editing-support: Add comment-box.nvim (#392) (57e7022)
- editing-support: add hypersonic.nvim (#389) (04aa7e0)
- editing-support: add multicursors.nvim plugin (#379) (19e0bb4)
- editing-support: add rainbow-delimiters.nvim (#365) (b7805a7)
- editing-support: Add telescope-undo.nvim (#400) (bc8c98e)
- git: Add diffview.nvim (#428) (b44513b)
- godot: add godot language pack (#429) (c8a6bdd)
- grapple-nvim: change grapple icon from arrow to hook to distinguish from harpoon (#418) (b93f8a8)
- lsp_lines-nvim: disable virtual text and add
mapping (#411) (4de6948) - minimap-vim: add more disabled filetypes and add
mapping (#444) (c8a0eb3) - motion: add marks.nvim improve nvim mark function (#445) (1fddb01)
- pack: add full-dadbod plugin pack (#368) (c603039)
- pack: add kotlin language pack (#366) (f43c76d)
- pack: add PowerShell language pack (#360) (4564f0d)
- pack: Add quarto language pack (#426) (542dfe4)
- pack: add wgsl pack (#415) (febbbad)
- programming-language-support: Add csv-vim (#385) (1a08d9d)
- programming-language-support: add nvim-jqx (#386) (c297a25)
- programming-language-support: Add support for rest-nvim (#384) (74393f5)
- programming-language-support: Add web-tools.nvim (#391) (a88cb8f)
- project: add ProjectMgr plugin (#372) (dca1596)
- remote-development: Add distant.nvim (#421) (6565de5)
- remote-development: Add netman.nvim (#420) (b73f3a4)
- search: Add nvim-hlslens (#402) (8440674)
- search: Add sad.nvim (#427) (f3ed869)
- split-and-window: Add minimap.vim (#425) (ef4563e)
- split-and-window: Add windows.nvim (#393) (7684864)
- telescope-undo-nvim: add
keybind (#408) (360d42b) - utility: Add nvim-toggler (#375) (82f1402)
- utility: Add telescope-fzy-native.nvim (#398) (529284e)
- utility: Add telescope-live-grep-args.nvim (#397) (903d318)
- vimtex: add which-key mapping descriptions (#394) (a49863d)
- workflow: Add bad-practices.nvim (#399) (168a450)
Bug Fixes
3.1.0 (2023-07-02)
- add astro filetype to eslint_d handler in typescript pack (#319) (fa131c2)
- add python debug with arguments (#315) (35f028a)
- add vim-move plugin (1bd4ad0)
- add vim-smoothie plugin (#324) (2a46002)
- change olexsmir/gopher.nvim to ray-x/go.nvim (#325) (435acc3)
- color: add default nvim command of ccc-nvim. (#339) (724a0fd)
- editing-support: Add chatGPT.nvim (#352) (023e840)
- editing-support: add ultimate-autopair.nvim (#314) (73a537c)
- editing-support: add vim-move plugin (#328) (1bd4ad0)
- file-explorer: Add initial support for mini.files (#348) (0b678ea)
- html-css: add emmet_ls to html-css supprt syntax like
li * 5
(#347) (247d1f2) - motion: add move plugin flash nvim (#340) (86815e1)
- pack: add c-sharp base pack (#312) (91f4c57)
- pack: add ProtoBuf pack (#330) (bafa6dc)
- pack: Add ruby language pack (#323) (64a1b4c)
- pack: Adding ansible pack (#346) (fb549e4)
- project-nvim: use a slightly more maintained version of
(#332) (d0a3fd0) - use a slightly more maintained version of
Bug Fixes
- add space after clojure comment character (1092abc)
- clojure: add space after clojure comment character (#335) (1092abc)
- debugging: Load nvim-bqf on ft=qf (#326) (6520e57)
- hardtime-nvim: config uses legacy table (#342) (450b812)
- motion: vim-matchup - matchup_matchparen_offscreen method='popup… (#331) (840e049)
- nvim-scrollbar: Fix issue with is_available calls (#350) (a5bb535)
- nvim-scrollbar: Fix issue with is_available calls (#351) (d776458)
- persistent-breakpoints.nvim lazy loading (#313) (cff4b2e)
- ultimate-autopair-nvim: update ultimate-autopair.nvim (#333) (8b30fd6)
3.0.0 (2023-06-24)
- harpoon: fix mapping that conflicts with core mapping (#308)
- harpoon: remove "j" keymap, make "t" keymap dynamic based on $TMUX (#292)
- treesj: fix typo in plugin name (#293)
- motion: separate flit.nvim from leap.nvim (#281)
- code-runner: add compiler.nvim (#298) (9324921)
- completion: add tabnine-nvim (#291) (09113da)
- editing-support: add suda.vim (#284) (aca1c8a)
- harpoon: remove "j" keymap, make "t" keymap dynamic based on $TMUX (#292) (9bb0747)
- markdown-and-latex: add peek.nvim markdown preview (#285) (600c22e)
- motion: separate flit.nvim from leap.nvim (#281) (dcaf64c)
- pack: add cpp base pack (#295) (8ac4492)
- pack: add luacheck linter to lua pack (#270) (569f4f8)
- peek: add peek markdown preview (600c22e)
- scrolling: add neoscroll.nvim (#276) (df8e769)
- split-and-window: add edgy.nvim (#306) (83bf8a7)
- suda: add suda-vim.lua (aca1c8a)
Bug Fixes
- ccc-nvim.lua: highlighter attached buffer error (#283) (029aeb7)
- dart: fix dart pack (#289) (513cc02)
- grapple: cycle keybind overrides default window switching keybind (#296) (40419cb)
- gruvbox: readme on configuration (#280) (b4502e5)
- harpoon: fix mapping that conflicts with core mapping (#308) (400e87e)
- harpoon: typo in concatenation (#303) (901fc36)
- pack/tailwindcss: use icon when color is not available for cmp (#297) (53cea57)
- Remove rustywind from tailwindcss pack (#294) (bfb9f9c)
- treesj: fix typo in plugin name (#293) (08c30f4)
- typescript: fix filetype lazy loading key (#290) (c7d16ac)
- typescript: fix null_ls eslint_d registration(s) (#274) (947fbf0)
- typescript: improve eslint and prettier loading (#231) (39835ba)
- typescript: protect against malformed or empty package.json (#307) (9bf02e1)
- vim-sandwich: load vim-sandwich on keys and not file event (#299) (a2d5a45)
2.0.0 (2023-06-07)
- add vim-highlighter (#233) (691fef1)
- bars-and-lines: add dropbar.nvim (#246) (60d92e2)
- colorscheme: add 'vscode', 'onedarkpro', 'sonokai' (#242) (a717c95)
- colorschemes: adding mellow, juliana, neosolarized (#238) (02d0c1e)
- debugging: add persistent-breakpoints.nvim (#267) (415befb)
- editing-support: Add descriptions to true zen bindings (#261) (7f72b6b)
- editing-support: add keymaps to refactoring-nvim (#264) (e438b4b)
- editing-support: add true-zen.nvim (#223) (5356792)
- markdown-and-latex: add markmap.nvim (#229) (49f60ac)
- markdown-and-latex: install markmap from mason (#258) (abd7777)
- nord-nvim: add interoperability with headlines and bufferline (048bda4)
- pack: add html-css base pack (#260) (a6fb350)
- pack: add selene linter to lua pack (#253) (109b127)
- pack: adds angular pack (#254) (5745eb0)
- pack: clojure language pack (#248) (dd38bb9)
- resession: enable resession extension if plugin is available (#230) (8655f09)
- satellite-nvim: add interoperability with zen-mode (cb6ad15)
- startup: add fsplash plugin (#221) (b88a6e6)
- workflow: add hardtime.nvim (#236) (32e14dd)
Bug Fixes
- colorscheme: rename colorshemes to guidelines (#243) (9c1a10a)
- disable some plugins that don't work with neovide (#237) (fe06ccf)
- editing-support: Wrap true-zen opts in function (#226) (348e49c)
- java: use stable file locations for JARs provided by mason.nvim (#245) (8b0428b)
- markmap-nvim: fix issues with markmap.nvim plugin (ef8eee3)
- neovide: noice and mini.animate is not compatible with neovide (fe06ccf)
- opts could be null. use astronvim.conditional_func (7f8374b)
- pack: java pack dependecy on mason-lspconfig (#265) (4886b2b)
- pack: remove
from Lua pack (c819d8d) - rename plugins to follow convention (#255) (70755f5)
- scrolling: opts could be null. use astronvim.conditional_func (#259) (7f8374b)
- true-zen mappings (#257) (c0d5984)