4.8.0 (2025-02-14)
- plugins: add
support (7a48528)
- extras: fix fallback for fzf theme generation (a63a4fe)
- plugins: improve fzf colors for light theme readability (#161) (304879f)
4.7.3 (2024-12-24)
4.7.2 (2024-12-10)
- base: add new diff highlight groups (e90c63e)
4.7.1 (2024-12-03)
- base: improve folded text appearance (4280c07)
4.7.0 (2024-10-14)
- plugins: add
support (46e8c5b)
4.6.0 (2024-10-10)
- plugins: render-markdown.nvim support (#149) (ad44453)
- treesitter: markdown modifications (#148) (e70a534)
4.5.2 (2024-09-26)
- correctly maintain
setting when changing colorscheme styles (7673bbe)
4.5.1 (2024-09-16)
- treesitter: improve comment and list highlights (a7bdde1)
4.5.0 (2024-09-15)
4.4.2 (2024-09-06)
- tmux: fix 24h clock support (c4c0e1d)
4.4.1 (2024-08-29)
- base: update
to work with 0.11 changes (0576aa8)
- base: go back to non-reverse highlight, this breaks other stuff (7320096)
4.4.0 (2024-08-27)
- extras: add MonkeyType theme (bb53e34)
- extras: add URL for applying MonkeyType themes (00d6c39)
- plugins: support avante.nvim (#139) (199a2ab)
- base: improve diff highlights (3426ac6)
- extras: move to a more usable version of delivering MonkeyType themes (f1e8bb6)
4.3.0 (2024-07-24)
- extras: add
theme (e72a6b8) - extras: add aerc theme (8d76040)
- extras: add Gnome Terminal theme (7a8e826)
- extras: add proccess_compose theme (c03d782)
- extras: add tmux theme (1c8d80d)
- extras: add Vimium theme (8d1a1d9)
4.2.0 (2024-07-15)
- add
support andfzf
extra theme (c94f756) - extras: add
colorscheme (a6c8fe1) - extras: add
colorscheme (28f2a1d) - extras: add
colorscheme (fc00d62) - extras: add
colorscheme (4a5caf2) - extras: add
colorscheme (9413aca) - extras: add Ghostty (824f866)
4.1.0 (2024-07-12)
- extras: add Alacritty theme (304a662)
- extras: add
to extras (6bdac76) - extras: add
colorscheme to extras (35eba15) - extras: add automatic generation of extras with templating (aabb735)
- extras: add Delta theme (c547361)
- extras: add Dunst theme (ff1c5a0)
- extras: add Fish themes (98313e9)
- extras: add Foot theme (bc07be5)
- extras: add GitUI theme (a543d01)
- extras: add Helix theme (a4629f0)
- extras: add iTerm theme (a985053)
- extras: add Kitty theme (705a03d)
- extras: add LazyGit theme (60c3763)
- extras: add Slack theme (67198bb)
- extras: add Spotify Player theme (f77b768)
- extras: add Terminator theme (c071a93)
- extras: add Tilix theme (0c7adf2)
- extras: add Windows Terminal theme (6e92bf7)
- extras: add XFCE Terminal theme (655a345)
- extras: add XResources theme (376ca09)
- extras: add zellij theme (1d3bd42)
- extras: fix style name (9f1db05)
- extras: improve palette style names (0e7f5e2)
- palettes: add missing colors (1c49d0d)
4.0.0 (2024-07-05)
- remove
mode and move to automatic dev detection usingmini.hipatterns
- add syntactic sugar to links (b4a6355)
- only enable dev mode if
mode enabled in Lazy (36c57b4) - plugins: add
support (a551c24) - remove
mode and move to automatic dev detection usingmini.hipatterns
(1b6ee72) - util: allow adhoc toggling of live reloading (92cbe2e)
- disable lazy loading of
in AstroTheme project (dac0ccf) - fix typo (d83b89c)
- palettes: add missing tables (110ab34)
3.9.0 (2024-06-17)
- modify
highlights to improve distinction and readability (829dd74) - treesitter: modify markup highlights for better color distinction (#129) (829dd74)
3.8.0 (2024-05-27)
- lsp: add new
diagnostic highlight (7a9b5de)
3.7.2 (2024-05-22)
- base: display eob characters as
3.7.1 (2024-05-08)
3.7.0 (2024-04-10)
- plugins: add
support (df9251f)
3.6.1 (2024-04-01)
- astrojupiter: fix typo in color import (2934045)
3.6.0 (2024-03-30)
- lib: initial release of color library (#118) (c179cc3)
- term: add highlights to terminal (#120) (f3b455d)
3.5.0 (2024-03-27)
- base: add colors to spelling undercurls (5755ea7)
3.4.1 (2024-02-29)
- lsp: fix incorrect link (7c195fa)
3.4.0 (2024-02-19)
- palette: add back old
(#112) (ade0b60) - palette: align
(#109) (dffc812) - palette: rename
(#114) (bb84325) - todo-comments: add highlight support (#115) (1a16dac)
- treesitter: change variable.memeber to link to property (#108) (b42a494)
- remove manual
specifications (8064465) - treesitter: fix spelling error on coment.warning (7bc3bc6)
- treesitter: fix spelling error on comment.warning (#113) (7bc3bc6)
3.3.1 (2024-01-21)
3.3.0 (2024-01-16)
- add type safety and lua language server integration (#104) (3f2b6de)
- plugins: add
support (0addc7d)
- Harpoon highlights are merged upstream (6ba0560)
3.2.0 (2023-12-04)
3.1.0 (2023-11-25)
3.0.2 (2023-10-12)
- base: make default
less bright and easier to see icons (#92) (045e424) - make default
less bright and easier to see icons (045e424)
3.0.1 (2023-10-11)
- astrodark: remove unnecessary color (c16348e)
- astrolight: revert accidental astrolight color changes (16d8b6f)
3.0.0 (2023-10-11)
- remove popup as it is to difficult to manage
- add mini.start support (6490250)
- add transparency to notify (cd6dc12)
- astrodark: update to color palette (8861f59)
- base: add transparency option to cursorline (a2d4203)
- base: change pmenusel to use the menu_selection property (00c0fb6)
- base: change wildmenu background to use accent (1f3df14)
- base: disable any blend on pmenuthumb (e86aa42)
- base: disable blend on title background if title_invert (0e1833b)
- base: make machparen stand out more, closes: #77 (7aee6a6)
- base: make substitute more bold and noticeable (8538403)
- base: move cursor to ui.text property (a55bfc5)
- base: rework logic for float highlight family (ceb3836)
- cmp: move match highlights to text_match property (0da2954)
- lazy: move to NormalFloat (dcb64ab)
- mason: move to NormalFloat (0ccec22)
- movee Pmenu to float (4d32cd2)
- notify: rework logic and highlights (6c013fc)
- spotlight: add support for spotlight (5ab2612)
- spotlight: update spotlight to work with transparency (d8da4ef)
- telescope: initial restructure to support prompt background (3411a62)
- astrolight: added missing prompt palette (729ae9a)
- remove popup as it is to difficult to manage (dd49c67)
- spotlight: add syntax text (10d45e7)
- wezterm: update wezterm astrodark palette (3f4a86f)
2.4.0 (2023-09-28)
- indent-blankline: add support for indent-blankline v3 (51ef620)
- fix typos and also add spell checking (717cbcc)
- README: fix typos (#85) (829b24a)
- README: fix typos in README (829b24a)
2.3.0 (2023-08-01)
- plugins: support alias for nvim-window-picker (4a40257)
- util: fix set_highlights table merge (#74) (7adf477)
2.2.0 (2023-07-17)
- add better separation of float and popup windows. (1038b4b)
- add distinct highlights for popups and floats (f90b51d)
- add initial simple_syntax_colors option (#66) (5421df0)
- astrodark: added wezterm theme (#64) (a182b19)
- astrodark: change border and main accent color (a631244)
- astrolight: add better terminal colors black and white (041c6b7)
- astromars: add better terminal colors black and white (9bce5cc)
- base: add italic, bold highlights make title bold (2d3ed4f)
- lazy: initial lazy support (1fab3f2)
- mason: initial mason support (9f1e321)
- nvim-treesitter: change colors to be less random (067d786)
- telescope: optimize colors (849f225)
- treesitter: change markdown title colors to be more ordered (a4d3022)
- astrodark: syntax and ui color re-balance (#67) (166d653)
- lsp: un-comment type.property highlight (5cea057)
- lsp: un-commented type.property highlight (#68) (5cea057)
- util: simplify set_highlights and fix settings being cleared (#63) (d9ac783)
2.1.1 (2023-07-11)
2.1.0 (2023-07-11)
- astromars: complete astromars remake (bdf165b)
- aerial: move all text to ui.text & add ui.accent (3ca6be8)
- astrodark: re-balance syntax colors, make ui.text brighter (b85a49d)
2.0.1 (2023-07-10)
- fix when calling
:colorscheme astrotheme
2.0.0 (2023-07-10)
- renamed all secondary colors to have a prefix of alt_xxxx
- palettes: astrolight revision 2
- add dev feature live color reloading (f71d3e1)
- add nvim-window-picker support (26447ae)
- astrodark: add accents and complete rework of all colors (4b760b1)
- astrodark: add more color palettes and more (018f4b7)
- astrodark: initial palette refresh; update to new naming scheme (23a6e2e)
- astrodark: refactor main UI background colors (f2ef6d2)
- astrolight: initial palette refresh; update to new naming scheme (42b07ff)
- astrolight: update palettes to use new properties (ea19b90)
- astromars: initial palette refresh; update to new naming scheme (faccafe)
- astromars: large palette change and value balancing (873c6a0)
- base: add palette for status, change tabline to crust (7905486)
- base: change diff to have more readable colors (1fb9920)
- base: change search to have more readable colors (af4935b)
- change subtext0 & subtext1 to better names; more palette properties (2643ccf)
- cmp: change deprecated item to be red with strike through (07c9590)
- config: add style table with properties that can be changed (e7eb895)
- config: make inactive default; add neo-tree style option (dbf2d9b)
- large update to new naming scheme; complete color rework (791dad8)
- neo-tree: add opts for background configurations (55e9308)
- neo-tree: make tabs feel more integrated (30ec241)
- palettes: add astromars (d2106bb)
- plugins: add flash.nvim support (ab46df6)
- plugins: add rainbow-delimiters.nvim (f13c2e5)
- respect
when set tolight
(567f886) - swapped subtext0 and subtext1 around (b74b5f4)
- telescope: add opts for background configurations (cce4469)
- tree-sitter: add markdown titles (7b93f1b)
- treesitter: add better separation to builtin and alt methods/var (27ee450)
- util: add function to reload modules (6b74256)
- util: change terminal_color to follow new name scheme (3d2aa78)
- utils: add opts to be accessed from hl group callbacks (64640a8)
- which-key: add more hl groups and opts (cf3ff3a)
- astrolight: add properties and blocked out colors so it can load (9f299ee)
- astromars: add properties and blocked out colors so it can load (003fb46)
- base: dim
(f8f358d) - config: add missing check for italic comments (3a8f753)
- inactive window colors work as expected (72055d1)
- indent-blankline: correct file name so that it loads (39220a8)
- neo-tree: fix neo-tree indentation marker (0da2b88)
- palettes: astrolight revision 2 (cd57e69)
- renamed all secondary colors to have a prefix of alt_xxxx (2e3034a)
1.7.0 (2023-06-20)
- lsp: add LspInlayHint highlight (8bb8e20)
1.6.1 (2023-05-23)
1.6.0 (2023-05-12)
- base: add cursor colors and missing cursor groups (efd89b8)
- lightspeed: add missing hl groups; change some hl to links (60f93ef)
- noice: add initial support for noice (8a368f0)
1.5.0 (2023-04-13)
1.4.0 (2023-04-11)
1.3.0 (2023-04-11)
- ci: stable tag name is fixed and will always exist so force push to it on releases (33e8b06)
1.2.1 (2023-04-07)
- hl: add missing diff highlight groups (0e81659)