(This file may be out of date. If you have any questions, please open the issue.)
This is the list of Frequently asked questions for ACG Player X. It is intended to serve as a self-service utility document. This is to aid new users or already existing users of ACG Player X. This document may be updated from time to time to suit any new changes to the software as new developments or changes will be implemented.
- What is ACG Player X?
ACG Player X is a basic music player application for playing media(music) files on your mobile device.
- What are the features of ACG Player X?
ACG Player X is designed with all the basic features of a music player. Aside from that, it has some other cool features like;
- Playlist.
- Car mode
- Data overview
- UI customizations.
- How do I create, and add songs to a playlist?
To create a playlist and add songs to it on ACG Player X;
- To create and a song to a playlist; click on the 3 dots beside the song you wish to add to a playlist.
- Select the 'Add Playlist' option.
- Click on create a new list(if there are no existing playlists)
- Input your desired playlist name
- Click on sure
If you wish to add more than one song at a time to a playlist;
- Highlight the tracks you wish to add to a playlist.
- To highlight the desired tracks, tap and hold a track to activate the multiple selector function.
- After highlighting the desired tracks, you can either repeat the process already outlined earlier. Or, you can click the plus (+) button on the top right of the app to add the songs to a playlist
- Can I rename a playlist?
Yes, you can rename a playlist at any time.
- Access the app's playlist page.
- Click the 3 dots on the playlist you wish to change its name.
- Select the rename option
- Input the new name and confirm the change.
- Can I delete unwanted playlists?
Yes, you can delete an unwanted playlist. To delete a playlist;
- Perform the same action as though you want to rename a playlist
- Instead of clicking rename, click on delete.
- Can I import and export playlists on ACG Player X?
No, you cannot import playlists on ACG Player X. However, you can export playlists as .m3u file.
- Can I sort tracks on ACG Player X?
No, you can sort tracks on ACG Player X at the moment. This feature would be made available shortly.
- Where can I find the ACG Player X's equalizer?
ACG Player X doesn't have its own equalizer. However, You can access your device's equalizer from the app and tweak it to your desire.
- Where is the sleep timer feature on ACG Player X?
The sleep timer isn't a feature on ACG Player X yet.
- What is 'Car mode'?
When you tap on the car mode option, the app goes into landscape mode. In this mode, the navigation buttons become bigger and more accessible. You'd necessarily not need to hold the phone to use the music controls. This mode works best when you have a phone holder on your car's dashboard.
- What does the 'bolt' icon at the top-right of the app do?
When you tap on the 'bolt' icon, the app plays a randomly selected song.
- What kind of file types are supported by ACG Player X?
ACG Player X uses the native media player that comes with your Android phone, so as long as a file type is supported by your phone, it's supported by ACG Player X.
- Do I have to manually scan new tracks into the music player?
No, ACG Player X automatically scans the library for new tracks.
- Does ACG Player X contain ads?
No, the app doesn't contain any ads or unnecessary pop-ups
- Does the developer have access to, and collects any personal information when I use the software?
Yes, the developer has access to some of your personal information when the software is utilized. However, this information is not disclosed to anyone. Read the developer's [privacy policy](https://github.com/AugustToko/ACG Player X/blob/master/Privacy%20policy.md)
- Do I have to pay for any feature on ACG Player X?
No, all the features and tools on ACG Player X are available for free.
- What device operating system can use ACG Player X?
ACG Player X is an Android software meaning it is only available to users using any device running on Android OS. Android 5.0+
- Where can I download ACG Player X?
The latest release of ACG Player X can be downloaded from here. To view the latest releases and all releases of ACG Player X, click [here](https://github.com/AugustToko/ACG Player X/releases)
- The app crashed. What can I do?
If the app crashes, or you experience any error while using the app; open an [issue](https://github.com/AugustToko/ACG Player X/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=bug_report.md&title=) and log in a report. Make it as detailed as possible to enable the project owner to understand the error and provide a fix. You can include logcats when applicable.
- Can I contribute to ACG Player X project?
Yes, please!
Feel free to share your ideas(feature requests), submit a bug or pull request for anything you feel should be added.
This project is opened to contributions of any kind. You can also fork the project and further develop it on your own; as long as you work within the confines of the license. Pull requests of your contributions will be merged if they fulfil some certain requirements. Read the [contributor's guidelines](https://github.com/AugustToko/ACG Player X/blob/master/contributing.md) to get started.
- I have some questions not contained in this FAQs document, how can I contact the developer?
If there are other questions you think should be added to this FAQs document, feel free to open an issue or add the question(s) to this document and make a pull request.
For further inquiries, you can contact the developer via by opening an issue [here](https://github.com/AugustToko/ACG Player X/issues/new/choose)