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Azgaar edited this page Jun 16, 2020 · 15 revisions

Battle Simulator, added to the Generator in version 1.4, allows to simulate battles between two or more regiments. It works based on units power parameter that can be set in the Military units editor.

To start a battle select a regiment, click on the Attack foreign regiment button and then click on another regiment to attack it. You cannot attack regiments of the same state as selected regiment or regiments without any forces. It does not matter where attacked regiment is located and whether it's reachable or not - attacker regiment will be moved straight to the selected one.

Battle process

Battle simulation is iterative. It means that it is processed step by step, with each step being controlled automatically with an ability of a manual change. To progress to the next iteration click on ▶️ button. To apply the current result and end the battle click on ✅, to abandon and cancel the results - click on ❎ button. To add a regiment click on 🙍‍♂️➕, select a regiment and side to be added. There is no restriction for state - you can add regiment of the same state both to attackers and defenders side. You can also define battle name using 🅰️ button.

Once battle is initiated, system automatically selects Battle type. Battle type defines battle phases, which is their turn control the battle process. There are 6 battle types supported, each having its own specific and logic. Both battle type and specific phase can be changed manually at any time. For each iteration strength of both sides are getting calculated. Strength depends on available units quantity and their power, modified by phase adjuster. See the next section for the details.

One more parameter that is auto-define on battle start is morale. Initial morale is based on difference in strength - weaker army gets low morale. Supply line length also affects initial morale: the bigger distance to regiments base is, the bigger penalty to morale is applied. Please note that supply line length affects only initial morale, it has no effect for armies strength.

To add a random factor into battles, there is a 6-sided die getting rolled for each side. You can re-roll the dice or set the values manually. Dice work as a multiplier for army strength, ⚅ (die 6) means full power, while ⚀ (die 1) - half-power.

For each iteration combined strength of both armies is considered to calculate casualties. Casualties are displayed as red line with negative numbers, survivors - green line with positive value. While there is a significant random factor affecting casualties, the generic pattern is defined by strength ratio and battle phase. It means that displayed power actually shows which army excels at the current iteration and what would be ratio of casualties.

If one of the armies has no survivors left, you cannot proceed with iterations. Now you can either apply battle results or cancel them. Please note that you can apply results at any iteration, you don't need to wait while one army is completely destroyed. If results are applied, regiments' note (legend) is getting updated with a short info about the battle and also a battlefield marker is getting added.

Battle types

🗡️ Field battle

A standard type of combat. It starts with 🎯 skirmish phase, where ranged and machinery units prevail. Skirmish usually lasts for a few iterations depending on how many ranged units are in both armies. Then ⚔️ melee battle begins - melee and armored units excel at this phase. Once morale of one army drops, it is entering a 🏳️ retreat phase, where strength of all units is drastically decreased. Another side immediately starts to 🐎 pursue the enemy, getting a good advantage for mounted units.

Melee Ranged Mounted Machinery Naval Armored Aviation Magical
🎯 Skirmish 0.2 2.4 0.1 3 1 0.2 1.8 1.8
⚔️ Melee 2 1.2 1.5 0.5 0.2 2 0.8 0.8
🐎 Pursue 1 1 4 0.05 1 1 1.5 0.6
🏳️ Retreat 0.1 0.01 0.5 0.01 0.2 0.1 0.8 0.05

🌊 Naval battle

To be continued...

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