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Installing and configuring LARS

There are two ways that you can install LARS:

  • Using the self-extracting jar installer from the Liberty Repository
  • By building and then unzipping

Whichever installation method you use, you will also need to configure LARS.

Using the self-extracting jar installer from the Liberty Repository

Visit this page and click Download to download larsServerPackage.jar. Once the download is complete, run larsServerPackage.jar. For example, on the command line, run the following:

java -jar larsServerPackage.jar

You will be prompted for the installation directory of an existing Liberty runtime. If that Liberty runtime does not contain any of LARS's prerequiste features then you can install them using installUtility:

bin/installUtility install cdi-1.0 servlet-3.0 mongodb-2.0 jaxrs-1.1

By building and then unzipping

If you have built LARS yourself then you can find in the build/distributions directory. Unzip into the wlp directory of an existing Liberty runtime.

Note that your Liberty runtime must contain LARS's pre-requising features, which you can install using installUtility as above.

Configuring LARS

LARS is a Java EE application running on top of Liberty and can be configured like any other Liberty application. When LARS is installed, it creates a new Liberty server called larsServer. To configure LARS, edit the file wlp/usr/servers/larsServer/server.xml. For a basic LARS server, you will need to configure the following:

User registry

In order to secure LARS (and it is not recommended to run LARS without security), you need a user registry. The default server.xml that is created when LARS is installed contains a <basicRegistry>, commented out, that can be uncommented and used as a starting point. For more information on configuring a user registry for Liberty, see Configuring a user registry for the Liberty profile.

HTTP endpoint

The <httpEndpoint> element determines upon which ports the LARS server will listen. You can changed these ports to suit your requirements. In the default configuration, the LARS server only listens for connections from localhost (ie connections from the same host that LARS is running on). You can also add a host= attribute to cause LARS to listen for requests from other hosts. For more information on configuring Liberty's HTTP endpoint properties, see Liberty profile: Configuration elements in the server.xml file.

User to role mappings

The default server.xml configuration contains a commented-out <application-bnd> element. You can uncomment this and then customize it to your requirements. For more information on configuring authorization for applications on Liberty, see Configuring authorization for applications on the Liberty profile.

MongoDB configuration

If your MongoDB instance uses authentication or if other parameters, such as the MongoDB port, are non-default then you may need to customize the <mongo> and <mongoDB> elements in server.xml. For more information on configuring Liberty's MongoDB feature, see [Creating Liberty applications that use MongoDB] (