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Releases: Azure/aks-engine
Releases · Azure/aks-engine
v0.41.2 - 2019-09-20
Bug Fixes 🐞
- cleanup apt artifacts before running apt (#2006)
Please report any issues here:
v0.40.1 - 2019-09-20
Bug Fixes 🐞
- cleanup apt artifacts before running apt (#2006)
Please report any issues here:
v0.41.1 - 2019-09-20
Bug Fixes 🐞
- check the nodes of all agentpool during upgrade (#1893)
Maintenance 🔧
- rev VHD images to 2019.09.19 (#1998)
Please report any issues here:
v0.41.0 - 2019-09-18
Bug Fixes 🐞
- correct scale message after scale operations (#1977)
- delete hyperkube images before starting kubelet (#1816)
- not overwrite service principal profile for hosted master (#1935)
- update the location of the VHD footprint file on VMs (#1944)
- add hostname to CSE command so it shows in ARM deployment errors (#1921)
- Remove the blind mkdir when writing outputs (#1048) (#1889)
- add #EOF for dhcpv6 service (#1909)
- Update rbac settings for cluster autoscaler (#1582)
- add deprovision step to packer script (#1865)
- set streaming-connection-idle-timeout as 4h (#1870)
- improve container monitoring add-on (#1686)
- more aks guarding against agentLbID template var (#1874)
- guard AKS scenarios against aks-engine SLB template definitions (#1872)
- fix customVMTags functionality and add more unit tests (#1867)
- ensure master role assignment happens after VM deployment (#1797)
- add Standard_F8 to accelerated networking whitelist (#1858)
- retain custom nsg rules during upgrade (#1792)
- Cannot set boolean property from command line (#1848)
- restore working calico networkPolicy vlabs conversion logic (#1855)
Code Refactoring 💎
- configure kube-proxy 1.16 with a ConfigMap (#1862)
Continuous Integration 💜
- Running e2e tests as part of windows VHD build (#1877)
- enable rg substring match in azure cleanup script (#1832)
- add VHD rg cleanup script (#1837)
- Clarify defaults for enablePodSecurityPolicy (#1961)
Documentation 📘
- add 1.16 api model example (#1963)
- supported versions for disconnected Azure Stacks using VHD 2019.08.09 & 2019.08.21 (#1907)
- fix invalid link (#1876)
Features 🌈
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.0 (#1972)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.13.11 (#1975)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.4 (#1974)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.14.7 (#1973)
- upgrade metrics server to v0.3.4 (#1109)
- add new Norway regions (#1939)
- enable deployment telemetry for generate command on Azure Stack (#1847)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.0-rc.1 (#1938)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.0-beta.2 (#1906)
- add build and deploy windows zip file support on Azure Stack (#1888)
- add new Azure Switzerland regions (#1904)
- add germanynorth and germanywestcentral regions (#1897)
- add new Azure VM SKUs (#1896)
- update default Kubernetes version to 1.13 (#1850)
- Windows image references (#1718)
- Allow customization of coredns (#1541) (#1841)
Maintenance 🔧
- update ip-masq-agent to v2.5.0 (#1908)
- rev VHD images to 2019.09.16 (#1962)
- install metrics-server v0.3.4 via VHD (#1959)
- rev vhd to 2019.09.13 (#1955)
- fix closure capture for UPGRADE_VERSIONS (#1953)
- inject all params into env vars for the build (#1942)
- add upgrade and scale parallel jobs (#1941)
- rev VHD image references to 2019.09.10 (#1940)
- rev etcd to v3.3.15 (#1931)
- inject log analytics workspace key into test env config (#1934)
- Update Windows to version 17763.678.1908092216 (#1933)
- bump keyvault-flexvol to v0.0.13 (#1924)
- add job exclusion regex to jenkinsfile (#1922)
- make the pki key size settable. (#1891)
- add windows, monitoring and base test configs (#1899)
- remove oms extension docs since they are obsolete (#1900)
- disable tiller addon by default (#1884)
- update CoreDNS to 1.6.2 (#1880)
- create parallel Jenkins pipeline for e2e tests (#1875)
- add apache2-utils as an apt dependency (#1822)
- remove make target w/ non-existent file reference (#1861)
- Targeting August updates for Windows VHD (#1846)
- rev VHD image references to 2019.08.21 (#1849)
- tolerate lowercase LB SKU vals (#1838)
- bump keyvault-flexvol to v0.0.12 (#1831)
- update az go sdk to v32.5 and autorest v13 (#1793)
Testing 💚
- run gpu tests in westus2 (#1965)
- fix "run multiple commands in succession" implementation (#1956)
- pod WaitOnSucceeded against distinct pod (#1950)
- s/southcentralus/uksouth (#1949)
- more resilience when k get deployment (#1948)
- az storage file download-batch --destination must exist (#1947)
- crash docker and validate against common node count (#1946)
- E2E: goroutine and err response cleanup (#1925)
- printing wrong err (#1881)
- retry pod get (#1879)
- remove obsolete e2e test scripts (#1768)
- improve E2E node readiness tests (#1859)
- check DNS before scp’ing (#1857)
- e2e accommodations for low-pri vmss configurations (#1854)
- improve dashboard e2e tests (#1853)
- allow 20 retries for ssh-dependent tests (#1852)
- add retries to host OS DNS E2E tests (#1843)
- wait for pod readiness in port forward test (#1845)
- only check for static n node count if not using low pri VMSS (#1844)
- retry all ssh-dependent E2E tests (#1825)
Please report any issues here:
v0.40.0 - 2019-08-23
Bug Fixes 🐞
- restore working calico networkPolicy vlabs conversion logic (#1855)
- add Standard_F8 to accelerated networking whitelist (#1858)
- ensure master role assignment happens after VM deployment (#1797)
- fix customVMTags functionality and add more unit tests (#1867)
- guard AKS scenarios against aks-engine SLB template definitions (#1872#1874)
- skip creating slb for hostedmaster (#1835)
- networkplugin conversion only if networkpolicy is empty (#1823)
- use azcopy-preview in VHD pipeline (#1821)
- metrics server cluster role (#1714)
- kube-proxy addon not critical, doesn't reconcile (#1814)
- set kubelet config for containerd in templates (#1785)
- race condition which causes concurrent map writes during tests (#1791)
- label scheduled-maintenance manifests for addon-manager (#1755)
- Remove public access from vhd storage container (#1802)
- address all cloud-init file waits (#1719)
- Change win-cni to win-bridge binaries and config (#643)
- document registry container image pull in VHD release notes (#1699)
- fix error message not displayed when binary not found (#1679)
Code Refactoring 💎
Code Style 🎶
- read without -r will mangle backslashes (#1790)
Continuous Integration 💜
Documentation 📘
- gofish updates are automated now for AKS Engine releases (#1818)
- fix the feature table (#1796)
- Add devigned as owner (#1784)
- increase master node count in Azure Stack template (#1767)
- dual-stack: Add prerequisites (#1692)
Features 🌈
- add support for Kubernetes 1.16.0-beta.1 (#1819)
- update cloud provider rate limit for vmas. (#1808)
- update Azure CNI and NetworkPolicy to v1.0.25 (#1774)
- update etcd default to v3.3.13 (#1772)
- Update to Docker EE 18.09.7 by default for Windows nodes (#1750)
- Update calico to v3.8.0 (#1636)
- autofill client Id and client secret for generate command (#1766)
- enable configurable cloudprovider ratelimits for write (#1783)
- enable AKS VHD image in Fairfax (#1770)
- enable smart cloudprovider rate limiting (#1693)
- Adding ephemeral disk support (#1651)
Maintenance 🔧
- rev VHD image references to 2019.08.21 (#1849)
- tolerate lowercase LB SKU vals (#1838)
- update go toolchain to 1.12.9 (#1789) (#1826)
- Change Windows default to Windows Server 2019 LTSC, July patch (#1722)
- use numeric address to avoid DNS reverse lookup (#1769)
- configure docker ExecStartPost config in file (#1727)
- use ACR URI to validate outbound connectivity (#1698)
- use k8s test infra archive for nssm.exe (#1697)
Testing 💚
- Added unit test for NormalizeMasterResourcesForScaling function (#1788)
- improve kubectl port-forward tests (#1775)
- make crashing pods test opt-in (debug only) (#1709)
- use /22 for agent pool subnet (#1701)
Please report any issues here:
v0.39.2 - 2019-08-19
Bug Fixes 🐞
- re-add Promo SKUs to Azure constants (#1752)
Features 🌈
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.3 (#1805)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.14.6 (#1804)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.13.10 (#1803)
Maintenance 🔧
Please report any issues here:
v0.38.8 - 2019-08-19
Bug Fixes 🐞
- re-add Promo SKUs to Azure constants (#1752)
Features 🌈
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.3 (#1805)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.14.6 (#1804)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.13.10 (#1803)
Maintenance 🔧
- update go toolchain to 1.12.8 (#1789)
- update Azure CNI and NetworkPolicy to v1.0.25 (#1774)
- update Azure CNI to v1.0.24 (#1668)
Please report any issues here:
v0.39.1 - 2019-08-10
Bug Fixes 🐞
- "dpkg configure -a" interactive config update issue
Features 🌈
- add support for Kubernetes 1.13.9, 1.14.5, 1.15.2 on Azure Stack (#1740)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.14.5 (#1731)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.13.9 (#1732)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.2 (#1730)
Maintenance 🔧
Please report any issues here:
v0.38.7 - 2019-08-10
Bug Fixes 🐞
- "dpkg configure -a" interactive config update issue
Maintenance 🔧
- rev VHD images to 2019.08.09387
- update kube-addon-manager to v9.0.2 and v8.9.1 (#1746)
Please report any issues here:
v0.38.6 - 2019-08-07
Features 🌈
- add support for Kubernetes 1.13.9, 1.14.5, 1.15.2 on Azure Stack (#1740)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.14.5 (#1731)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.13.9 (#1732)
- add support for Kubernetes 1.15.2 (#1730)