diff --git a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/ActivityLog_Alerts_Table.md b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/ActivityLog_Alerts_Table.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad089f4d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/ActivityLog_Alerts_Table.md
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+title: Activity Log alerts table
+geekdocHidden: true
+| Resource Type | Alert Name | Alert Type | Override Tag name | Tag value type | Example |
+| ------------- | ---------- | ---------- | ----------------- | -------------- | ------- |
+| Key vault | ActivityKeyVaultDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Azure Key Vault Managed HSM | ActivityManagedHSMDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Firewall | ActivityAzureFirewallDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Route table | ActivityUDRUpdate | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| VPN Gateway | ActivityVPNGatewayDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Log Analytics workspace | ActivityLAWorkspaceDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Log Analytics workspace | ActivityLAWorkspaceRegenKey | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Subscription | ResourceHealthUnhealthyAlert | Resource health | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Subscription | ServiceHealthHealth | Service health | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Subscription | ServiceHealthIncident | Service health | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Subscription | ServiceHealthMaintenance | Service health | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Subscription | ServiceSecurityIncident | Service health | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Storage account | ActivitySADelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Application Insights | ActivityAppInsightsDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
diff --git a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Log_Search_Alert_Table.md b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Log_Search_Alerts_Table.md
similarity index 66%
rename from docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Log_Search_Alert_Table.md
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--- a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Log_Search_Alert_Table.md
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-title: Log-search alert table
+title: Log-search alerts table
geekdocHidden: true
-| Resource Type | Alert Name | Alert Type | Override Tag name |
-| ------------- | ---------- | ---------- | ----------------- |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighDataDiskReadLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadLatencyMs-Data-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMLowDataDiskSpaceAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-FreeSpacePercentage-Data-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighDataDiskWriteLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteLatencyMs-Data-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMDisconnectedAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-Disconnected-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHeartBeatAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-Heartbeat-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighNetworkInAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadBytesPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighNetworkOutAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteBytesPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighOSDiskReadLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadLatencyMs-OS-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMLowOSDiskSpaceAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-FreeSpacePercentage-OS-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighOSDiskWriteLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteLatencyMs-OS-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighCPUAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-UtilizationPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMLowMemoryAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-AvailableMemoryPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighDataDiskReadLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadLatencyMs-Data-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMLowDataDiskSpaceAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-FreeSpacePercentage-Data-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighDataDiskWriteLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteLatencyMs-Data-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHeartBeatAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-Heartbeat-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighNetworkInAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadBytesPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighNetworkOutAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteBytesPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighOSDiskReadLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadLatencyMs-OS-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMLowOSDiskSpaceAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-FreeSpacePercentage-OS-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighOSDiskWriteLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteLatencyMs-OS-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighCPUAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-UtilizationPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMLowMemoryAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-AvailableMemoryPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Log Analytics workspace | *```resourceName```*-DailyCapLimitReachedAlert | _Log search_ | ***Not available as threshold will always be ```0```*** |
-| Application Insights | *```resourceName```*-ApplicationInsightsThrottlingLimitReachedAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-Throttling-threshold-override\_*** |
+| Resource Type | Alert Name | Alert Type | Override Tag name | Tag value type | Example |
+| ------------- | ---------- | ---------- | ----------------- | -------------- | ------- |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighDataDiskReadLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadLatencyMs-Data-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 35 |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMLowDataDiskSpaceAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-FreeSpacePercentage-Data-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 8 |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighDataDiskWriteLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteLatencyMs-Data-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 35 |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMDisconnectedAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-Disconnected-threshold-Override\_*** | [Timespan](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/kusto/query/scalar-data-types/timespan?view=microsoft-fabric) | 5m, 10d, 2h |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHeartBeatAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-Heartbeat-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 5 |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighNetworkInAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadBytesPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 20000000 |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighNetworkOutAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteBytesPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 20000000 |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighOSDiskReadLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadLatencyMs-OS-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 35 |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMLowOSDiskSpaceAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-FreeSpacePercentage-OS-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 8 |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighOSDiskWriteLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteLatencyMs-OS-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 35 |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMHighCPUAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-UtilizationPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 90 |
+| Machine - Azure Arc | *```subscription().displayName```*-HybridVMLowMemoryAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-AvailableMemoryPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 8 |
+| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighDataDiskReadLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadLatencyMs-Data-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 35 |
+| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMLowDataDiskSpaceAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-FreeSpacePercentage-Data-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 8 |
+| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighDataDiskWriteLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteLatencyMs-Data-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 35 |
+| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHeartBeatAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-Heartbeat-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 5 |
+| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighNetworkInAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadBytesPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 20000000 |
+| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighNetworkOutAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteBytesPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 20000000 |
+| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighOSDiskReadLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-ReadLatencyMs-OS-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 35 |
+| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMLowOSDiskSpaceAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-FreeSpacePercentage-OS-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 8 |
+| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighOSDiskWriteLatencyAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-WriteLatencyMs-OS-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 35 |
+| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMHighCPUAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-UtilizationPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 90 |
+| Virtual machine | *```subscription().displayName```*-VMLowMemoryAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-AvailableMemoryPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 8 |
+| Log Analytics workspace | *```resourceName```*-DailyCapLimitReachedAlert | _Log search_ | ***Not available as threshold will always be 0*** | ***Not applicable***| ***N/A*** |
+| Application Insights | *```resourceName```*-ApplicationInsightsThrottlingLimitReachedAlert | _Log search_ | ***\_amba-Throttling-threshold-override\_*** | Number | 64000 |
diff --git a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Metrics_Alert_Table.md b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Metrics_Alerts_Table.md
similarity index 51%
rename from docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Metrics_Alert_Table.md
rename to docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Metrics_Alerts_Table.md
index 2bed79291..113d88196 100644
--- a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Metrics_Alert_Table.md
+++ b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Metrics_Alerts_Table.md
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-title: Metrics alert table
+title: Metrics alerts table
geekdocHidden: true
-| Resource Type | Alert Name | Alert Type | Override Tag name |
-| ------------- | ---------- | ---------- | ----------------- |
-| Virtual machine | *```resourceName```*-AvailableMemoryAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-AvailableMemoryBytes-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Automation Account | *```resourceName```*-TotalJob | Metrics | ***\_amba-TotalJob-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Front Door and CDN as | *```resourceName```*-OriginHealthPercentage | Metrics | ***\_amba-OriginHealthPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Front Door and CDN as | *```resourceName```*-OriginLatencyAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Front Door and CDN as | *```resourceName```*-Percentage4XXAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Front Door and CDN as | *```resourceName```*-Percentage5XXAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Key vault | ActivityKeyVaultDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Key vault | *```resourceName```*-Availability | Metrics | ***\_amba-Availability-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Key vault | *```resourceName```*-CapacityAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-SaturationShoebox-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Key vault | *```resourceName```*-LatencyAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ServiceApiLatency-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Key vault | *```resourceName```*-RequestsAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Azure Key Vault Managed HSM | ActivityManagedHSMDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Azure Key Vault Managed HSM | *```resourceName```*-Availability | Metrics | ***\_amba-Availability-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Azure Key Vault Managed HSM | *```resourceName```*-LatencyAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ServiceApiLatency-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agApplicationGatewayTotalTime | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agBackendLastByteResponseTime | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agCapacityUnits | Metrics | ***\_amba-CapacityUnits-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agComputeUnits | Metrics | ***\_amba-ComputeUnits-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agCpuUtilization | Metrics | ***\_amba-CpuUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agFailedRequests | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agResponseStatus | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agUnhealthyHostCount | Metrics | ***\_amba-UnhealthyHostCount-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Firewall | ActivityAzureFirewallDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Firewall | *```resourceName```*-FirewallHealth | Metrics | ***\_amba-FirewallHealth-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Firewall | *```resourceName```*-SNATPortUtilization | Metrics | ***\_amba-SNATPortUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute circuit | *```resourceName```*-ArpAvailability | Metrics | ***\_amba-ArpAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute circuit | *```resourceName```*-BgpAvailability | Metrics | ***\_amba-BgpAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute circuit | *```resourceName```*-QosDropBitsInPerSecond | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| ExpressRoute circuit | *```resourceName```*-QosDropBitsOutPerSecond | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| ExpressRoute gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayERBitsInAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ERGatewayConnectionBitsInPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayERBitsOutAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ERGatewayConnectionBitsOutPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayERCPUAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ExpressRouteGatewayCpuUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERBitsInAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-PortBitsInPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERBitsOutAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-PortBitsOutPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERLineProtocolAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-LineProtocol-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERRxLightLevelHighAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-RxLightLevel-High-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERRxLightLevelLowAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-RxLightLevel-Low-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERTxLightLevelHighAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-TxLightLevel-High-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERTxLightLevelLowAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-TxLightLevel-Low-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Front Door | *```resourceName```*-BackendHealthPercentage | Metrics | ***\_amba-BackendHealthPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Front Door | *```resourceName```*-BackendRequestLatencyAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Load balancer | *```resourceName```*-ALBDataPathAvailability | Metrics | ***\_amba-VipAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Load balancer | *```resourceName```*-ALBGlobalBackendAvailability | Metrics | ***\_amba-GlobalBackendAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Load balancer | *```resourceName```*-ALBHealthProbeStatus | Metrics | ***\_amba-DipAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Load balancer | *```resourceName```*-ALBUsedSNATPorts | Metrics | ***\_amba-UsedSNATPorts-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Network security group | ActivityNSGDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Private DNS zone | *```resourceName```*-CapacityUtilizationAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-VirtualNetworkLinkCapacityUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Private DNS zone | *```resourceName```*-QueryVolumeAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-QueryVolume-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Private DNS zone | *```resourceName```*-RecordSet_Capacity_Utilization | Metrics | ***\_amba-RecordSetCapacityUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Private DNS zone | *```resourceName```*-RequestsAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-VirtualNetworkWithRegistrationCapacityUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Public IP address | *```resourceName```*-BytesInDDOSAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-bytesinddos-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Public IP address | *```resourceName```*-DDOS_Attack | Metrics | ***\_amba-ifunderddosattack-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Public IP address | *```resourceName```*-PacketsInDDosAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-PacketsInDDoS-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Public IP address | *```resourceName```*-VIPAvailabityAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-VipAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Route table | ActivityUDRUpdate | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Traffic Manager as | *```resourceName```*-EndpointHealthAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-EndpointHealth-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelBandwidthAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-TunnelAverageBandwidth-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-TunnelEgressBytes-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressPacketDropCountAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatchAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayERBitsAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ExpressRouteGatewayBitsPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayERCPUAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ExpressRouteGatewayCpuUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-TunnelIngressBytes-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressPacketDropCountAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatchAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Virtual network | *```resourceName```*-DDOSAttackAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ifunderddosattack-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| VPN Gateway | ActivityVPNGatewayDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayBandwidthAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-tunnelaveragebandwidth-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-BGPPeerStatusAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-bgppeerstatus-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-tunnelegressbytes-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressPacketDropCountAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatchAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-tunnelingressbytes-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressPacketDropCount | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatchAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| Log Analytics workspace | ActivityLAWorkspaceDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Log Analytics workspace | ActivityLAWorkspaceRegenKey | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Subscription | ResourceHealthUnhealthyAlert | Resource health | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Subscription | ServiceHealthHealth | Service health | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Subscription | ServiceHealthIncident | Service health | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Subscription | ServiceHealthMaintenance | Service health | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Subscription | ServiceSecurityIncident | Service health | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Storage account | ActivitySADelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
-| Storage account | *```resourceName```*-AvailabilityAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-Availability-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| App Service plan | *```resourceName```*-CpuPercentage | Metrics | ***\_amba-CpuPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| App Service plan | *```resourceName```*-DiskQueueLengthAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| App Service plan | *```resourceName```*-HttpQueueLengthAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** |
-| App Service plan | *```resourceName```*-MemoryPercentage | Metrics | ***\_amba-MemoryPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** |
-| Application Insights | ActivityAppInsightsDelete | Activity Log | ***Not available since Activity Log based alerts do not have thresholds*** |
+| Resource Type | Alert Name | Alert Type | Override Tag name | Tag value type | Example |
+| ------------- | ---------- | ---------- | ----------------- | -------------- | ------- |
+| Automation Account | *```resourceName```*-TotalJob | Metrics | ***\_amba-TotalJob-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 10 |
+| Front Door CDN profiles | *```resourceName```*-OriginHealthPercentage | Metrics | ***\_amba-OriginHealthPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 35 |
+| Front Door CDN profiles | *```resourceName```*-OriginLatencyAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable***| ***N/A*** |
+| Front Door CDN profiles | *```resourceName```*-Percentage4XXAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Front Door CDN profiles | *```resourceName```*-Percentage5XXAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Key vault | *```resourceName```*-Availability | Metrics | ***\_amba-Availability-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 80 |
+| Key vault | *```resourceName```*-CapacityAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-SaturationShoebox-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 90 |
+| Key vault | *```resourceName```*-LatencyAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ServiceApiLatency-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 900 |
+| Key vault | *```resourceName```*-RequestsAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Azure Key Vault Managed HSM | *```resourceName```*-Availability | Metrics | ***\_amba-Availability-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 80 |
+| Azure Key Vault Managed HSM | *```resourceName```*-LatencyAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ServiceApiLatency-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 900 |
+| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agApplicationGatewayTotalTime | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agBackendLastByteResponseTime | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agCapacityUnits | Metrics | ***\_amba-CapacityUnits-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 90 |
+| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agComputeUnits | Metrics | ***\_amba-ComputeUnits-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 90 |
+| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agCpuUtilization | Metrics | ***\_amba-CpuUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 75 |
+| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agFailedRequests | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agResponseStatus | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Application gateway | *```resourceName```*-agUnhealthyHostCount | Metrics | ***\_amba-UnhealthyHostCount-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 25 |
+| Firewall | *```resourceName```*-FirewallHealth | Metrics | ***\_amba-FirewallHealth-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 75 |
+| Firewall | *```resourceName```*-SNATPortUtilization | Metrics | ***\_amba-SNATPortUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 90 |
+| ExpressRoute circuit | *```resourceName```*-ArpAvailability | Metrics | ***\_amba-ArpAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 85 |
+| ExpressRoute circuit | *```resourceName```*-BgpAvailability | Metrics | ***\_amba-BgpAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 85 |
+| ExpressRoute circuit | *```resourceName```*-QosDropBitsInPerSecond | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| ExpressRoute circuit | *```resourceName```*-QosDropBitsOutPerSecond | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| ExpressRoute gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayERBitsInAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ERGatewayConnectionBitsInPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 10 |
+| ExpressRoute gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayERBitsOutAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ERGatewayConnectionBitsOutPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 10 |
+| ExpressRoute gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayERCPUAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ExpressRouteGatewayCpuUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 85 |
+| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERBitsInAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-PortBitsInPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 10 |
+| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERBitsOutAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-PortBitsOutPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 10 |
+| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERLineProtocolAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-LineProtocol-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 0.5 |
+| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERRxLightLevelHighAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-RxLightLevel-High-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 4 |
+| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERRxLightLevelLowAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-RxLightLevel-Low-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 4 |
+| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERTxLightLevelHighAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-TxLightLevel-High-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 4 |
+| ExpressRoute port | *```resourceName```*-DirectERTxLightLevelLowAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-TxLightLevel-Low-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 4 |
+| Front Door | *```resourceName```*-BackendHealthPercentage | Metrics | ***\_amba-BackendHealthPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 85 |
+| Front Door | *```resourceName```*-BackendRequestLatencyAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Load balancer | *```resourceName```*-ALBDataPathAvailability | Metrics | ***\_amba-VipAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 85 |
+| Load balancer | *```resourceName```*-ALBGlobalBackendAvailability | Metrics | ***\_amba-GlobalBackendAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 85 |
+| Load balancer | *```resourceName```*-ALBHealthProbeStatus | Metrics | ***\_amba-DipAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 85 |
+| Load balancer | *```resourceName```*-ALBUsedSNATPorts | Metrics | ***\_amba-UsedSNATPorts-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 800 |
+| Private DNS zone | *```resourceName```*-CapacityUtilizationAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-VirtualNetworkLinkCapacityUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 75 |
+| Private DNS zone | *```resourceName```*-QueryVolumeAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-QueryVolume-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 400 |
+| Private DNS zone | *```resourceName```*-RecordSet_Capacity_Utilization | Metrics | ***\_amba-RecordSetCapacityUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 75 |
+| Private DNS zone | *```resourceName```*-RequestsAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-VirtualNetworkWithRegistrationCapacityUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 75 |
+| Public IP address | *```resourceName```*-BytesInDDOSAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-bytesinddos-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 7500000 |
+| Public IP address | *```resourceName```*-DDOS_Attack | Metrics | ***\_amba-ifunderddosattack-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 5 |
+| Public IP address | *```resourceName```*-PacketsInDDosAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-PacketsInDDoS-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 35000 |
+| Public IP address | *```resourceName```*-VIPAvailabityAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-VipAvailability-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 80 |
+| Traffic Manager | *```resourceName```*-EndpointHealthAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-EndpointHealth-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 0.7 |
+| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelBandwidthAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-TunnelAverageBandwidth-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 2 |
+| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-TunnelEgressBytes-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 2 |
+| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressPacketDropCountAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatchAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayERBitsAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ExpressRouteGatewayBitsPerSecond-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 2 |
+| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayERCPUAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ExpressRouteGatewayCpuUtilization-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 75 |
+| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-TunnelIngressBytes-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 2 |
+| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressPacketDropCountAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Virtual network gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatchAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable***| ***N/A*** |
+| Virtual network | *```resourceName```*-DDOSAttackAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-ifunderddosattack-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 1 |
+| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-GatewayBandwidthAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-tunnelaveragebandwidth-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 2 |
+| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-BGPPeerStatusAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-bgppeerstatus-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 2 |
+| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-tunnelegressbytes-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 2 |
+| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressPacketDropCountAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatchAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-tunnelingressbytes-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 2 |
+| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressPacketDropCount | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| VPN Gateway | *```resourceName```*-TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatchAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| Storage account | *```resourceName```*-AvailabilityAlert | Metrics | ***\_amba-Availability-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 90 |
+| App Service plan | *```resourceName```*-CpuPercentage | Metrics | ***\_amba-CpuPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 75 |
+| App Service plan | *```resourceName```*-DiskQueueLengthAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| App Service plan | *```resourceName```*-HttpQueueLengthAlert | Metrics | ***Not available since it uses dynamic thresholds*** | ***Not applicable*** | ***N/A*** |
+| App Service plan | *```resourceName```*-MemoryPercentage | Metrics | ***\_amba-MemoryPercentage-threshold-Override\_*** | Number | 75 |
diff --git a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Temporarily-disabling-notifications.md b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Temporarily-disabling-notifications.md
index 3656b4189..be32f8d0c 100644
--- a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Temporarily-disabling-notifications.md
+++ b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Temporarily-disabling-notifications.md
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ To configure the APR, follow these steps:
2. Click on the ARP named ***apr-AMBA-subscription display name-002*** with rule type **Suppression**
- 
+ 
3. Click on ***Edit***
@@ -42,11 +42,13 @@ To configure the APR, follow these steps:

{{< hint type=Important >}}
- Each filter can include up to ***5*** values. If you need to specify more than **5** resources, add additional filter lines.
+ Each filter can include up to ***5*** values. If you need to specify more than **5** resources, you will need to create a new Alert Processing Rule to suppress notifications, as each filter type can only be used once within the same Alert Processing Rule.
{{< /hint >}}
5. Click on ***Review + save*** and then ***Save***
{{< hint type=Note >}}
- It is possible to apply other types of filter. For a complete list of allowed scopes and filters, refer to the official [Scope and filters for alert processing rules](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/alerts/alerts-processing-rules?tabs=portal#scope-and-filters-for-alert-processing-rules) documentation.
+ It is possible to apply other types of filter. For example, you could add the *Alert Rule name* as a filter to only suppress the *ResourceHealthUnhealthyAlert* for specific resources during maintenance instead of all resource-related alerts.
+ For a complete list of allowed scopes and filters, refer to the official [Scope and filters for alert processing rules](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/alerts/alerts-processing-rules?tabs=portal#scope-and-filters-for-alert-processing-rules) documentation.
{{< /hint >}}
diff --git a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Threshold-Override.md b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Threshold-Override.md
index 71258ae23..93d635a78 100644
--- a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Threshold-Override.md
+++ b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/Threshold-Override.md
@@ -40,16 +40,26 @@ In scenarios where the same metric is used multiple times for the same resource,
-The following table provides a mapping between alert names and the corresponding tag values that need to be created:
+The following tables provide a mapping between alert names and the corresponding tag name that need to be created. They contain information about the value type (number, string) and examples of the format:
+{{< hint type=Warning >}}
+The sample values in the tables ***are not meant*** to serve as recommendations for the override value!
+{{< /hint >}}
### Log-search alerts table
-{{% include "Log_Search_Alert_Table.md" %}}
+{{% include "Log_Search_Alerts_Table.md" %}}
### Metric alerts table
-{{% include "Metrics_Alert_Table.md" %}}
+{{% include "Metrics_Alerts_Table.md" %}}
+### Activity Log alerts table
+{{% include "ActivityLog_Alerts_Table.md" %}}
diff --git a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/deploy/Deploy-only-Service-Health-Alerts.md b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/deploy/Deploy-only-Service-Health-Alerts.md
index 73b8f267d..951d4a801 100644
--- a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/deploy/Deploy-only-Service-Health-Alerts.md
+++ b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/deploy/Deploy-only-Service-Health-Alerts.md
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ The following changes apply to all scenarios, whether you are aligned or unalign
{{< /hint >}}
- Change the value of _```enterpriseScaleCompanyPrefix```_ to the management group where you wish to deploy the policies and the initiatives. This is usually the so called "pseudo root management group", for example, in [ALZ terminology](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/ready/landing-zone/design-area/resource-org-management-groups), this would be the so called "Intermediate Root Management Group" (directly beneath the "Tenant Root Group").
- - Change the value of _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentity```_ to **Yes** if you have an existing user assigned managed identity with the ***Monitoring Reader*** role assigned at the pseudo root management group level or leave it to **No** if you would like to create a new one with the proper rights as part of the deployment process.
+ - Change the value of _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentity```_ to **Yes** if you have an existing user assigned managed identity with the _**Monitoring Reader**_ role assigned at the pseudo root management group level or leave it to **No** if you would like to create a new one with the proper rights as part of the deployment process.
- Change the value of _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentityResourceId```_. If you set the _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentity```_ parameter to **Yes**, insert the resource ID of your user assigned managed identity. If you left it with the default value of **No**, leave the value blank.
- Change the value of _```userAssignedManagedIdentityName```_ to a name of your preference. This parameter is used only if the _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentity```_ has been set to **No**.
- Change the value of _```managementSubscriptionId```_. If you set the _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentity```_ parameter to **No**, enter the subscriptionId of the management subscription, otherwise leave the default value.
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ The following changes apply to all scenarios, whether you are aligned or unalign
{{< /hint >}}
-- If you would like to disable initiative assignments, you can change the value on one or more of the following parameters; _```enableAMBAConnectivity```_, _```enableAMBAIdentity```_, _```enableAMBALandingZone```_, _```enableAMBAManagement```_, _```enableAMBAServiceHealth```_ to _**"No"**_.
+To disable initiative assignments, set the value of any of the following parameters to **"No"**: _```enableAMBAConnectivity```_, _```enableAMBAIdentity```_, _```enableAMBAManagement```_, _```enableAMBAServiceHealth```_, _```enableAMBANotificationAssets```_, _```enableAMBAHybridVM```_, _```enableAMBAKeyManagement```_, _```enableAMBALoadBalancing```_, _```enableAMBANetworkChanges```_, _```enableAMBARecoveryServices```_, _```enableAMBAStorage```_, _```enableAMBAVM```_, or _```enableAMBAWeb```_.
#### If you are aligned to ALZ
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ For ease of deployment and maintenance we have kept the same variables. For exam
- Change the value of _```LandingZoneManagementGroup```_ to the pseudo root management group ID, also called the "Intermediate Root Management Group".
{{< hint type=note >}}
-For ease of deployment and maintenance we have kept the same variables. Configure the variables _```enterpriseScaleCompanyPrefix```_, _```identityManagementGroup```_, _```managementManagementGroup```_, _```connectivityManagementGroup```_ and _```LZManagementGroup```_ with the pseudo root management group ID.
+For ease of deployment and maintenance we have kept the same variables. Configure the variables _```enterpriseScaleCompanyPrefix```_, _```platformManagementGroup```_, _```identityManagementGroup```_, _```managementManagementGroup```_, _```connectivityManagementGroup```_ and _```LZManagementGroup```_ with the pseudo root management group ID.
{{< /hint >}}
### 2. Example Parameter file
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ The parameter file shown below has been truncated for brevity, compared to the s
"value": "Yes"
"enableAMBANotificationAssets": {
- "value": "Yes"
+ "value": "No"
"enableAMBAHybridVM": {
"value": "No"
diff --git a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/deploy/parameterConfiguration.md b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/deploy/parameterConfiguration.md
index 44a90b408..e228d1272 100644
--- a/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/deploy/parameterConfiguration.md
+++ b/docs/content/patterns/alz/HowTo/deploy/parameterConfiguration.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ The following instructions apply universally, regardless of your alignment with
{{< /hint >}}
- Set the value of _```enterpriseScaleCompanyPrefix```_ to the management group where you intend to deploy the policies and initiatives. Typically, this is the "pseudo root management group." In [ALZ terminology](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cloud-adoption-framework/ready/landing-zone/design-area/resource-org-management-groups), this refers to the "Intermediate Root Management Group" located directly beneath the "Tenant Root Group."
- - Set the _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentity```_ parameter to **Yes** if you have an existing user-assigned managed identity with the ***Monitoring Reader*** role assigned at the pseudo root management group level. Otherwise, leave it set to **No** to create a new managed identity with the appropriate permissions during the deployment process.
+ - Set the _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentity```_ parameter to **Yes** if you have an existing user-assigned managed identity with the _**Monitoring Reader**_ role assigned at the pseudo root management group level. Otherwise, leave it set to **No** to create a new managed identity with the appropriate permissions during the deployment process.
- Update the _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentityResourceId```_ parameter. If _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentity```_ is set to **Yes**, provide the resource ID of your user-assigned managed identity. If it is set to **No**, leave this parameter blank.
- Set the _```userAssignedManagedIdentityName```_ parameter to a preferred name. This parameter is only used if _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentity```_ is set to **No**.
- Update the _```managementSubscriptionId```_ parameter. If _```bringYourownUserAssignedManagedIdentity```_ is set to **No**, provide the subscription ID of the management subscription. Otherwise, leave it blank.
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ The following instructions apply universally, regardless of your alignment with
{{< /hint >}}
- To disable initiative assignments, set the value of any of the following parameters to **"No"**: _```enableAMBAConnectivity```_, _```enableAMBAIdentity```_, _```enableAMBALandingZone```_, _```enableAMBAManagement```_, or _```enableAMBAServiceHealth```_.
+ To disable initiative assignments, set the value of any of the following parameters to **"No"**: _```enableAMBAConnectivity```_, _```enableAMBAIdentity```_, _```enableAMBAManagement```_, _```enableAMBAServiceHealth```_, _```enableAMBANotificationAssets```_, _```enableAMBAHybridVM```_, _```enableAMBAKeyManagement```_, _```enableAMBALoadBalancing```_, _```enableAMBANetworkChanges```_, _```enableAMBARecoveryServices```_, _```enableAMBAStorage```_, _```enableAMBAVM```_, or _```enableAMBAWeb```_.
### If you are aligned to ALZ
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ For streamlined deployment and maintenance, we have retained the same variable n
- Set the value of _```LandingZoneManagementGroup```_ to the pseudo root management group ID, also known as the "Intermediate Root Management Group".
{{< hint type=note >}}
-For streamlined deployment and maintenance, we have retained the same variable names. Configure the variables _```enterpriseScaleCompanyPrefix```_, _```identityManagementGroup```_, _```managementManagementGroup```_, _```connectivityManagementGroup```_, and _```LZManagementGroup```_ with the pseudo root management group ID.
+For streamlined deployment and maintenance, we have retained the same variable names. Configure the variables _```enterpriseScaleCompanyPrefix```_, _```platformManagementGroup```_, _```identityManagementGroup```_, _```managementManagementGroup```_, _```connectivityManagementGroup```_, and _```LZManagementGroup```_ with the pseudo root management group ID.
{{< /hint >}}
## 2. Sample Parameter File
diff --git a/docs/layouts/shortcodes/alzMetricAlerts.html b/docs/layouts/shortcodes/alzMetricAlerts.html
index 5f3e66710..3c5f339d9 100644
--- a/docs/layouts/shortcodes/alzMetricAlerts.html
+++ b/docs/layouts/shortcodes/alzMetricAlerts.html
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- Alert Name |
+ Alert Policy Name |
Component |
Metric |
Aggregation |
diff --git a/docs/layouts/shortcodes/alzVMInsightsLogAlerts.html b/docs/layouts/shortcodes/alzVMInsightsLogAlerts.html
index f423a93f8..41326de4a 100644
--- a/docs/layouts/shortcodes/alzVMInsightsLogAlerts.html
+++ b/docs/layouts/shortcodes/alzVMInsightsLogAlerts.html
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- Alert Name |
+ Alert Policy Name |
Component |
Aggregation |
Operator |
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
{{ range $category, $types := $.Site.Data }}
- {{ if ne $category "Compute" }}
+ {{ if and (ne $category "Compute") (ne $category "HybridCompute") }}
{{ continue }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $type, $rules := $types }}
- {{ if ne $type "virtualMachines" }}
+ {{ if and (ne $type "virtualMachines") (ne $type "machines") }}
{{ continue }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $rules.alerts }}