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Releases: Azure/azure-storage-node

Storage Client Library 2.0.0

25 Jan 05:51
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2017.01 Version 2.0.0


  • Updated storage service version to 2016-05-31. Fore more information, please see -
  • Fixed the issue that BatchOperation doesn't support socket reuse for some node versions.
  • Fixed the issue that BatchOperation request pool size is too big when the socket reuse is supported.
  • Added empty headers to string-to-sign.
  • For response has body and no content-type header, try to parse the body using xml format.
  • Fixed the issue that retry filter will continuously retry for client error like ETIMEDOUT.
  • Added support for client side timeout. In order to set the timeout per API, please use options.clientRequestTimeoutInMs. To set the default value for all requests made via a particular service, please use {blob|queue|table|file}Service.defaultClientRequestTimeoutInMs.


  • Added support for large block blob.
  • Added publicAccessLevel to ContainerResult for the APIs listContainersSegmented and listContainersSegmentedWithPrefix.
  • When specifiying access condition If-None-Match: * for reading, it will always fail.
  • Returned content MD5 for range gets Blobs.
  • Fixed the issue that useTransactionalMD5 didn't take effect for downloading a big blob.


  • createMessage callback has been changed from errorOrResponse to errorOrResult<QueueMessageResult> which contains messageId, popReceipt, timeNextVisible, insertionTime and expirationTime. It can be passed to updateMessage and deleteMessage APIs.


  • Returned content MD5 for range gets Files.
  • Fixed the issue that useTransactionalMD5 didn't take effect for downloading a big file.
  • Added support for listing files and directories with prefix, refer to FileService.listFilesAndDirectoriesSegmentedWithPrefix.


  • Fixed the issue that response in incorrect for table batch operation when the error response item is not the first item in the responses.

Storage Client Library 1.4.0

30 Nov 10:58
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2016.11 Version 1.4.0


  • Added ENOTFOUND for secondary endpoint and ECONNREFUSED to RetryPolicyFilter.
  • Added support for text/html error response body.


  • Fixed the issue that the ChunkAllocator maxCount is aligned with parallelOperationThreadCount.
  • Changed /S of SpeedSummary to /s.
  • Fixed the issue that BlobService.createBlockBlobFromText will hang when passed null or undefined text argument.
  • Fixed the issue that BlobService.createBlockBlobFromText will always set content-type to text/plain.


  • Allowed QueueService.peekMessages against secondary endpoint.


  • Fixed the issue that the ChunkAllocator maxCount is aligned with parallelOperationThreadCount.
  • Changed /S of SpeedSummary to /s.

Storage Client Library 1.3.2

28 Oct 07:11
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2016.10 Version 1.3.2


  • Prevent a blockId from being generated with a decimal point.

Storage Client Library 1.3.1

21 Sep 07:20
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2016.09 Version 1.3.1


  • Improved the type script support.

Storage Client Library 1.3.0

29 Aug 09:08
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2016.08 Version 1.3.0


  • Fixed the issue that retry filter will fail against storage emulator.
  • Fixed a hang issue of StorageServiceClient with retry policy filter set when retrying sending the request, the stream is not readable anymore.
  • Updated the default value of CorsRule.ExposedHeaders, CorsRule.AllowedHeaders to empty and CorsRule.MaxAgeInSeconds to 0 for setServiceProperties APIs of all services.
  • Fixed the issue that service SAS doesn't work if specifying the AccessPolicy.Protocols.



  • Updated the QueueMessageResult.dequeueCount from string to number.
  • Added the API QueueService.getUrl for getting the queue url.


  • Added the API TableService.getUrl for getting the table url.

Storage Client Library 1.2.0

01 Aug 02:31
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2016.07 Version 1.2.0


  • Fixed the issue that metadata name will be converted to lower-case after retrieving back from the server. Note that this fix is only applicable for Node 0.12 or higher version.
  • Added support for EndpointSuffix for all service constructors.
  • Updated storage service version to 2015-12-11. Fore more information, please see -
  • Updated the request package to version 2.74.0 to address the security vulnerability -


  • Fixed the issue that the service error message will be written to the destination stream if getting error when downloading the blob to a stream/file.
  • Added serverEncryped property to 'BlobResult' class which indicates if the blob data and application metadata are completely encrypted using the specified algorithm on the server.


  • Fixed the issue that the service error message will be written to the destination stream if getting error when downloading the file to a stream/file.


  • The atom feed payload format is not supported anymore for table service APIs.

Storage Client Library 1.1.0

28 Jun 04:49
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2016.06 Version 1.1.0


  • Fixed the issue that using SAS doesn't work against storage emulator.
  • Fixed the issue that the service SAS signature is incorrect when protocol parameter is specified.
  • Fixed the issue that the timeout query string should be in seconds instead of milliseconds.


  • Added parameter snapshotId to BlobService.getUrl function to support getting url of a specified snapshot.
  • Fixed the issue that the getUrl doesn't work against storage emulator.
  • Fixed the race issue that the _rangeList may be deleted before using it in the BlockRangeStream._getTypeList function.
  • Fixed the issue that downloading block blob with size bigger than 32MB will fail when using anonymous credential.
  • Added CREATE to BlobUtilities.SharedAccessPermissions.


  • Supported string type value for entity PartionKey and RowKey.
  • Supported implicit Edm type value for entity properties. The supported implicit Edm types including Int32, Double, Bool, DateTime and String.


  • Fixed the issue that the getUrl doesn't work against storage emulator.
  • Added CREATE to FileUtilities.SharedAccessPermissions.

Storage Client Library 1.0.1

24 May 09:19
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2016.05 Version 1.0.1

•Fixed the issue that StorageServiceClient._normalizeError will throw exception on Node below v4 because string.startsWith is not available on Node below v4.

Storage Client Library 1.0.0

24 May 08:03
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2016.05 Version 1.0.0


  • The blob property of BlobResult has been renamed to name to keep consistent with other services API and the listBlob API.
  • Decoded the block name of LockListResult from base64 string to utf-8 string.


  • The encodeMessage flag of QueueService has been replaced by messageEncoder which support TextBase64QueueMessageEncoder, BinaryBase64QueueMessageEncoder, TextXmlQueueMessageEncoder and custom implementation of QueueMessageEncoder.


  • Fixed the issue that loses the data type for Edm.Double value like: 1.0.
  • Fixed the issue that loses the data precision for Edm.Int64 value when it is outisde of the range (2^53 - 1) to -(2^53 - 1).

Storage Client Library 0.10.0

28 Mar 09:30
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2016.03 Version 0.10.0


  • The signedIdentifiers parameter and result properties have been changed from array to hash map to avoid non unique signed identifier id.


  • Added 'COPY' to the BlobUtilities.BlobListingDetails to include copy information in the results.
  • Added 'bytesCopied' and 'totalBytes' to the blob result.
  • Added the blob result to the callback of BlobService.commitBlocks.
  • Moved the properties in the properties object of BlobResult and ContainerResult when listing blobs or containers to the result object.
  • Renamed the property names returned from listing blobs or containers to camelCase.
  • The contentType, contentEncoding, contentLanguage, contentDisposition, 'contentMD5' and cacheControl parameters and return values about the blob's content settings are grouped into a contentSettings sub property.
  • The contentMD5 parameter to verify the integrity of the data during the transport is changed to transactionalContentMD5
  • The copy* return values are grouped into a copy sub property.
  • The lease* return values are grouped into a lease sub property.
  • The options.accessConditions parameter is changed to AccessConditions type.


  • Renamed QueueResult.approximatemessagecount to camelCase and change its type to 'number.
  • Renamed the property names of QueueMessageResult to camelCase.
  • Renamed the parameter options.messagettl of the createMessage API to options.messageTimeToLive.
  • Updated the callback of the createMessage API from errorOrResult to errorOrResponse.
  • Removed peekOnly option from the options parameter of the getMessages API. To peek messages, use peekMessages instead.
  • Added getMessage and peekMessage API.


  • Moved the properties in the properties object of FileResult and ShareResult when listing files or shares to the result object.
  • Renamed the property names returned from listing files or shares to camelCase.
  • Renamed the property names returned from getting share stats to camelCase.
  • The contentType, contentEncoding, contentLanguage, contentDisposition, 'contentMD5' and cacheControl parameters and return values about the blob's content settings are grouped into a contentSettings sub property.
  • The contentMD5 parameter to verify the integrity of the data during the transport is changed to transactionalContentMD5
  • The copy* return values are grouped into a copy sub property.
  • Fixed the issue that SAS tokens created from table names with upper-case letters do not work.
  • The options.accessConditions parameter is changed to AccessConditions type.


  • Fixed the issue that getTableAcl returns empty array with signedIdentifier property.
  • Renamed the function updateEntity to replaceEntity.
  • Renamed TableUtilities.entityGenerator.Entity to EntityProperty.