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Lab: Jenkins CI/CD

This workshop will guide you through building Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines with Jenkins. The pipeline will utilize Azure Container Registry to build the images and Helm for application updating.



The general workflow/result will be as follows:

  • Push code to source control (Github)
  • Trigger a continuous integration (CI) build pipeline when project code is updated via Git
  • Package app code into a container image (Docker Image) created and stored with Azure Container Registry
  • Trigger a continuous deployment (CD) release pipeline upon a successful build
  • Deploy container image to AKS upon successful a release (via Helm chart)
  • Rinse and repeat upon each code update via Git
  • Profit

Jenkins AKS

Setup Github Repo

In order to trigger this pipeline you will need your own Github account and forked copy of this repo. Log into Github in the browser and get started.

  1. Broswe to and click "Fork" in the top right.

    Jenkins GitHub Fork

  2. Modify the Jenkinsfile pipeline Within Github Fork (Needs to be done from Github)

    The pipeline file references your Azure Container Registry in a variable. Edit the labs/cicd-automation/jenkins/Jenkinsfile file and modify line 4 of the code:

    def ACRNAME = 'youracrname'

    Jenkins Modify ACR

  3. Your newly forked repo will have the default ACR URL hardcoded in the Helm chart for the service-tracker-ui app (which was manually updated locally in step 4 of the 'Lab: Helm Setup and Deploy Application' lab). This needs to be updated on line 10 of ./charts/service-tracker-ui/values.yaml in your fork of the repo.

    acrServer: "<update this with your acr name>"
  4. Grab your clone URL from Github which will look something like:

    Jenkins GitHub Clone

  5. Clone your repo in Azure Cloud Shell.

    Note: If you have cloned the repo in earlier labs, the directory name will conflict. You can either delete the old one or just rename it before this step.

    git clone<your-github-account>/kubernetes-hackfest.git
    cd kubernetes-hackfest/labs/cicd-automation/jenkins

Deploy Jenkins Helm Chart

  1. Validate helm. Helm was configured in the lab 3.

    helm version
    version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.0.0", GitCommit:"e29ce2a54e96cd02ccfce88bee4f58bb6e2a28b6", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.13.4"}
  2. Deploy Jenkins

    kubectl create namespace jenkins
    helm repo add jenkinsci
    helm repo update
    helm install jenkins -n jenkins -f jenkins-values.yaml jenkinsci/jenkins

    This will take a couple of minutes to fully deploy

  3. Get credentials and IP to Login To Jenkins

    printf $(kubectl get secret --namespace jenkins jenkins -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 --decode);echo
    export SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace jenkins jenkins --template "{{ range (index .status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{ . }}{{ end }}")
    echo http://$SERVICE_IP:8080/login

    Login with the password from previous step and the username: admin

    Note: The Jenkins pod can take a couple minutes to start. Ensure it is Running prior to attempting to login. You can run the following to watch the pod creation: watch kubectl get pods

Configure Azure Integration In Jenkins

  1. Browse to Jenkins Default Admin Screen

  2. Click on Credentials

  3. Select System under Credentials

  4. On the right side click the Global Credentials drop down and select Add Credentials

  5. Enter the following: Example Below

    • Kind = Azure Service Principal
    • Scope = Global
    • Subscription ID = use Subscription ID from cluster creation
    • Client ID = use Client/App ID from cluster creation
    • Client Secret = use Client Secret from cluster creation
    • Tenant ID = use Tenant ID from cluster creation
    • Azure Environment = Azure
    • Id = azurecli
    • Description = Azure CLI Credentials
  6. Click Verify Service Principal

  7. Click Save

    Jenkins Azure Credentials

Verify Updated ACRNAME in Jenkinsfile

  1. Within Azure Cloud Shell edit Jenkinsfile with the following command code Jenkinsfile

  2. If not updated, replace the following variable with the Azure Container Registry created previously

    • def ACRNAME = '<container_registry_name>'

Create Jenkins Multibranch Pipeline

  1. Open Jenkins Main Admin Interface

  2. Click New Item

  3. Enter "aks-hackfest" for Item Name

  4. Select Multibrach Pipeline and then click Ok

  5. Under Branch Sources Click Add -> Single repository & branch

  6. Name the repo and branch 'Master' and then in 'Replository URL' enter your forked git repo

    Jenkins Branch Resource

  7. Leave the 'Branch Specifier' as '*/master'

  8. In Build Configuration -> Script Path -> use the following path


    Jenkins Branch Config

  9. Scroll to bottom of page and click Save

Run Jenkins Multibranch Deployment

  1. Go back to Jenkins main page

  2. Select the newly created pipeline

  3. Select Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now

This will scan your git repo and run the Jenkinsfile build steps. It will clone the repository, build the docker image, and then deploy the app to your AKS Cluster.

View Build Console Logs

  1. Select the master under branches

    Jenkins Master

  2. Select build #1 under Build History

    Jenkins Build History

  3. Select Console Output

    Jenkins Console Log

  4. Check streaming console output for any errors

Verify Deployed Application

  1. Confirm pods are running

    kubectl get pods -n hackfest
  2. Get service IP of deployed app

    kubectl get service/service-tracker-ui -n hackfest
  3. Open browser and test application EXTERNAL-IP:8080

Troubleshooting / Debugging

Docs / References

Next Lab: Networking